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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Oppa Gangnam style!....Good heavens. That nonsense is contagious. O.o

  2. Ouch. Ocular migraine. x_x

  3. Ouch. So, a mawashi is gonna set me back $100 or so. Thinking maaaaaaybe I should wait 'til I'm closer to my ultimate goal of being around 600lbs before I buy that!

  4. Ouch. Sunbuuuuuuurn. x.x

  5. Our Angels are Different series, #4 (Archangel Uriel, Archangel or Earth), final

  6. Our Angels are Different series, #5 (Azrael, Archangel of Death), final

  7. Our Angels are Different series: #1 (Archangel Michael, the Archangel of Flame), Final.Meh. I like the idea of the series, but I'm not sure about this one.

  8. Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see.TRANSMIT - initiate cephalopod signal - RECEIVE - innate cutle-ink frequency - HANDLE WITH CARE - inhale the Chernobyl syntax - AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN - initiate the eel mucous lexicon - HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED - flip the Ace of Ruin - WITNESS - The FilthIt Creeps through the crawly cracks of 3AM. That weird dimension. There are thoughts that can only hatch in the human skull at 3AM. It is always 3AM somewhere. It is happening right now. A...

  9. Out of the night that covers me,Black as the pit from pole to pole,I thank whatever gods may beFor my unconquerable soul.In the fell clutch of circumstanceI have not winced nor cried aloud.Under the bludgeonings of chanceMy head is bloody, but unbowed.Beyond this place of wrath and tearsLooms but the Horror of the shade,And yet the menace of the yearsFinds and shall find me unafraid.It matters not how strait the gate,How charged with punishments the scroll,I am the master of ...

  10. Over and over it calls to your soulSay it isn't so. Emptiness surrounds youNo one can help, if the angels refuse to come hereWho's there?Cold-faded photos, they lay by your sideSomething in my room. Never mind the reasonVisions are lying and reasons just live to surviveThis timeThe cold. The lightThe fear returningIt's not the iceIt's fear, that's chilling you

  11. Ow, headache. Someone had some STRONG rose perfume at work and it just about killed me. x_x

  12. Ow. I feel like my head is about to explode in a shower of brains and snot.Can we go back to winter please? I'm not a fan of this allergy business.

  13. Oy vey! We've got one person allergic to tomatoes (and a large swath of other things) and one that's avoiding gluten. Anyone got any recipes for tasty noms that do not require tomatoes or gluten? :S

  14. Painting the roses redWe're painting the roses redWe dare not stopOr waste a dropSo let the paint be spreadWe're painting the roses red

  15. Pastor Worly, from North Carolina, was recorded during one of his sermons. In it, he advocated placing gay/not-straight people in what are essentially concentration camps and allowing them to "die off." The specific quote is: "Build a great big large fence, a hundred fifty, hundred miles long... put all the lesbians in there... Do the same thing for the queers and the homosexuals and have that fence electrified so they can't get out...""...And you know what, in a few years, they'll die ...

  16. People are horrid, and should be ground up in sausage and fed to rabid Martians. >.< That is all.

  17. People SERIOUSLY need to get over their homophobia. Seriously.

  18. Personality test day at work. Anyone surprised that I'm a dove with owl tendencies?

  19. Please, if you're on my Facebook friends list, do NOT just skip this post! Listen up: Congress and the entertainment industry are trying RIGHT NOW to censor the internet-you know, that place with the funny videos and more information than your puny human mind can handle? Yeah, they want to be able to shut down sites WITHOUT A TRIAL just because they "might" be committing copyright infringement. If we allow this, where will it stop? This is the same censoring system used in China, Libya, ...

  20. Please, Lord, let me hear back about a job this week. I'd really like to be working. :(

  21. Point of debate/discussion: Say you had a tormentor. Not just in a "wah, they called me a name!" way, but in a true, making you wish you were dead kind of way. If you had the ability to send that person straight to Hell instantly, would you do it? What if it meant you had to go to Hell too, when you die?Discuss

  22. Polls will be closing soon, so here's your heads up: If you didn't vote, you have officially lost all right to complain about our elected officials and the job they do. I don't care who you are, if you surrendered by not voting then your opinion doesn't mean anything.So if your polls are still open, get out and VOTE!

  23. Potato LacrimosaPotato Po UotaDiva Me A Atra Anima EvictaDiu E Me A Atra A Mei A AdiuTristi Anima EvictaTristi Demu NotuDo Mo Nata Anima EvictaDega Mi Atra Ala Te Teme Cha

  24. Prayers going out for the people in Aurora. That's really pretty scary. :(

  25. Prepping for apartment hunting tomorrow! Wish me luck! :o (Though, I think I've found a couple of decent prospects...)
