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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Proclamation of the Day: The customer is NOT always right-despite what they think!

  2. Protip for AT&T Smartphone users: Did you know you can download a free app from AT&T called "Mark the Spot?" It will allow your phone to mark its exact location if it encounters a service problem, then forward the information to AT&T for analysis and troubleshooting. Please consider downloading the application and helping AT&T improve our network!

  3. Protip: If a diet pill/shake/whatever has a disclaimer including a phrase like "...when combined with daily exercise," it ain't the pill that's making you lose weight.

  4. Protip: If you're going to run a phone scam on a person who is a child of the internet age, don't leave your phone number visible.

  5. Proverbs 31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her.

  6. Pumpkin spice pudding FTW!

  7. QUESTION AND BACKSTORY!!!!Argh. Costume crafting conundrum. x_x I'm planning on going as Charlie Brown...or at least the ghost costume he wore in the Great Pumpkin. I have a white sheet, and my plan was to cut out a couple of actual eye holes and then color a bunch of "fake eye holes" using a black Sharpie (to simulate the look of the costume in the cartoon). HOWEVER, much like Charlie, I....also had some trouble with the scissors. My eye holes were cut a little off, and now the sheet do...

  8. Quote from Chief of Police who, along with his men, was ordered to remove peaceful protesters from the WI State Capitol: "Mr. Walker, let me tell you who WE work for. We aren't here to do YOUR bidding. We work for (gestures to protesters) THESE people. And let me tell you something Mr. Walker. This is NOT your house. This is all of our house!"

  9. Rain! Lovely rain! And hot tea....mmmm, I love this kind of day.

  10. Really gotta start checking the weather before I leave!

  11. Recipe for a Steven:1 part crick in neck2 parts developing headache1 part sensory processing overload1 dash of noise sensitivity1 pinch irritation at annoying people1 large dollop of sleepinessStir well, cook on simmering heat for 8 hours, and serve

  12. Recording and watching the inauguration!

  13. Remember remember to vote in November,'gainst Republican weasels and lies -I can't think of a reasonThat voters this season shouldn't let the GOP die

  14. Reporter: "Mangella, Mangella! Who designed that dress?"Fran Fine (in a fake Italian accent): "Oh, eh, it's-a a new Italian-a designer...Ragu!"Paparazzi: "Oooooh, Ragu!!!" *furious note-and-photo taking*

  15. Requesting prayers for my mom's friend and their family. It was her step-grandson who was killed in that horrible accident on I-240 today. May God comfort them in this tragic loss.

  16. Rereading "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman.Yay! :D

  17. Rewatched the Doctor Who episodes "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon" and stumbled upon some Fridge Horror. The main enemy in those eps is the Silence-a race of aliens that you can only remember WHILE YOU ARE LOOKING AT THEM. Look away, and you won't even remember that the Silence exist. They are eventually defeated by programming the entire human race to kill them on sight. Now, think about this: What do the humans do with the bodies of the Silence? Ever been walking and...

  18. Rise up church with broken wings,Fill this place with songs againOf our God who reigns on highBy His grace again we'll fly!

  19. Romans 13:1-7 CEB1 Every person should place themselves under the authority of the government. There isn’t any authority unless it comes from God, and the authorities that are there have been put in place by God. So anyone who opposes the authority is standing against what God has established. People who take this kind of stand will get punished. The authorities don’t frighten people who are doing the right thing. Rather, they frighten people who are doing wrong. Would you rathe...

  20. Roses are redViolets are blue.I can't wait To run over you.;)

  21. S-s-s-so c-c-c-coo-ooo-olddd. *shivers*

  22. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me.

    1. Skygal


      Are you okay, protoomega? =\

  23. Scent of the day: Devil's Night 2014."Devil's Eve, Devil's Night, Gate Night, Trick Night, Mischief Night; whatever your name for it might be, the chaos is still the same. Contrary to popular belief, this festival of pandemonium isn't unique to Detroit. Falling on October 30th, it is an evening of mayhem and destruction. On the gentler side, it may be celebrated by practical jokes, an egging, Ding-Dong-Ditch, or enthusiastic TP'ing of your most hated neighbor's trees, and on the more violen...

  24. Scent of the Day: MoroccoIt's soft enough for wearing at work, but still warm and comforting. Like when you pull your favorite fluffy blanket out of the dryer and it's delightfully warm and snuggly.
