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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Selling my GalaxyTab on CraigsList....not sure how I feel about this going to meet up with some random stranger business, though. :\ Ebay spoiled me, I think! >_

  2. Seriously, guy? The first time you call me in weeks-nay, months!-and it's not to chat, or catch up, or anything like that. Nooo, you call me wanting to BUM A RIDE OFF ME? DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THAT THIS IS WHY I STOPPED TALKING TO YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!? BECAUSE I WAS TIRED OF ONLY HEARING FROM YOU WHEN YOU NEED A RIDE?!?!?!?!?!?

  3. Seriously? Why do people read 50 Shades? There's so much wrong with this series that I can't-I just-It doesn't-I don't.....RRraaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh!!*rage-quit*

  4. Seriously?!?! People are in this big of an uproar over the tracking program in cellphones? Get over yourselves. Prove to me that the data has been used for harmful purposes!! Otherwise, stop making assumptions that this is somehow being used by "The Man" to take away your freedom. *eyeroll*

  5. Shared from Mom: "John is feeling SO much better this evening. It took most of the day with gradually increasing his pain medicine. He's now able to eat & drink again. They've said we will be here "a few days". But I am so glad we came in, a world of difference from midnight last night!!"

  6. Sharing Mom's status:"John's pain just got out of control, so we are back at the hospital for some IV pain meds. & some IV fluids, since he was having so much trouble eating or drinking. Hopefully, now he can get some relief."She posted that eaaaaaaarly this morning. Prayers would be greatly appreciated! :(

  7. She was a lot like you(Maybe not quite as heavy)Now little Caroline is in here tooOne day they woke me upSo I could live foreverIt's such a shame the samewill never happen to youYou've got yourshort sadlife leftThat's what I'm counting onI'll let you get right to itNow I only want you gone

  8. Side note: does anyone have good suggestions for plants that can be grown on an apartment balcony? I really would like to have something green and growing out there, but I'm rather afraid I'd pick something that needs more room, and then I'd end up killing it! D:

  9. Sigh, I haven't even read "50 Shades of Grey" (nor do I ever plan to), but just reading this recap of it makes me want to shred every copy of it that I can find. >.< The writer of the recap is gloriously snarky, but 50 Shades needs to burn.

  10. Sigh. 'm having one of those homesick days. Ya know, the ones where you just look up and say "Lord, can we come home now?"

  11. Sigh. Anyone ever have one of those Sundays where you just don't want to go to church? :(

  12. Sigh. Can we skip to October? I miss Fall and the Halloween season. :\

  13. Sigh. For some reason, I can't seem to focus at work today. Blah. :(

  14. Sigh. Glad to be home-I almost went "The Ring" on some customers at work. (If anyone could figure out how to crawl through the phone and slaughter people, it'd be me.)

  15. Sigh. Go to bed on time so I'm not zonked out at work tomorrow, or play Sonic Generations until my eyeballs fall out? Decisions, decisions....

  16. Sigh. I kinda hope I'll be able to go to Octopodicon this year...only if I have a friend (or a group of such) with me though. xDD I don't want my first con to be solo!

  17. Sigh. I need to find previously unknown but very rich relative that I can off to get their money. I'd really like to do some traveling....

  18. Sigh. I need to make plans for this Friday-I gotta get out of here and go DO something!! *pokes ashley with a stick*

  19. Sigh. Just read the story about the (former) CFO of Vante, Adam Smith, that got canned because he bullied a Chick-fil-a worker over the whole gay marriage thing. Really? You're free to agree or disagree with CFA's stance as you like, but how does bullying the workers help? They certainly don't decide where the company's money goes, and they can't control what Dan Cathy says. No one wins when people start bullying each other.Kudos to the CFA worker for keeping her cool though-that's rea...

  20. Sigh. Part of me wants to start job hunting in other non-Oklahoma areas (and maybe hunt for schools as well), but another part of me doesn't want to move so far away.I need a Star Trek-style transporter!!! T____T

  21. Sigh. This day started out so well, but thanks to a few situations at work, I'm feeling very stabbity right now. >.

  22. Sigh. Dear brain, why do you decide to randomly be depressed? This does not do us any good! Stop it! Stahp!

  23. Sigh. I really don't have the patience for this today.
