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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Sigh...customer service agents aren't God. When will people realize this?

  2. Sigh...I hate sleeplessness. > : (

  3. Sigh...the tacos and burritos have been savored, the cake has been munched, the pop drained, the ice cream is just a few melty drops, and the presents have been opened. 'Twas a great belated birthday indeed!And there's RAIN. Blessed rain and thunderstorms!!

  4. Since I've seen this going around, let's all learn the real facts: http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/houston.asp

  5. Sitting at work, getting paid to sit and chat with others here-gotta love tornado warnings!


  7. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. x____x

  8. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep. zzzZZZzzz

  9. Sleep 'til 9 AM, eat breakfast at 11, head to work at 1, leave at midnight, relax on the computer until 1AM, enjoy the peace and quiet of nighttime (with rain sometimes!) until 2AM, rinse and repeat ad nauseam.This is the life! ;D

  10. Sleep? Who needs sleep? Not me-at least, not after having the sirens go off! x___x


  12. So I have the barest of bare-bones outline for my NaNoWriMo story. It's tough, not being able to actually flesh it out until November, but maybe that'll give me the motivation to actually finish it. xDAlso, I just obtained my Adagio holiday tea sampler and holy crap-the chestnut tea smells amazing!

  13. So much for the blizzard, I guess!

  14. So Obama's saying that the Justice Dept is going to launch a new task force to investigate gas prices. What I want to know is: with what money? I mean, we're still working on paying off the deficit! And, the government almost shut down not that long ago. Can we really afford ANOTHER government project? Don't get me wrong, I like cheap gas as much as the next guy, but I like living in a not-bankrupt country more!

  15. So the little bro will be leaving for camp tomorrow. What's that you say? Peace and quiet for a few days? Yesplease!

  16. So yeah, Facebook chat just died on me. Lovely. >.

  17. So, after an awesome Christmas (with lots of goodies for my apartment! ^.^), and getting my butt whooped at Mario Party (by Mom, no less! :o), I'm currently sitting in the living room being used as a pillow by John.All in all, not a bad day. :)

  18. So, are people ACTUALLY worried about all this crap coming from North Korea? Why? We can easily take care of them should any sort of attack actually occur...

  19. So, for my fellow artsy/creative friends, here's a question I've been pondering:Do you find that you are more creative when well rested, or when tired/wired on caffeine? I ask because I did a couple of (IMHO) really good sketches earlier in the week. Those same days I was running on what felt like no sleep, and about 8 gallons of tea. However, the last day or so I've actually been sleeping fairly well, and I've noticed that I can't get any of my current sketches to turn out right. Does...

  20. So, for those that believe we never really landed on the moon, the comic XKCD has an excellent rebuttal: "If NASA was really willing to fake great accomplishments, don't you think they'd have a second one by now?"

  21. So, for those who like to complain about their cell phone bills, I present a story from my shift tonight:One of my teammates got a call from a customer. Said customer asked her to review the bill and said it was "a liiiittle high." My teammate said, and I quote, "Sure, I'd be happy to go over it with you. Let me see how much it-HOLY CRAP!"Poor dude got a $29,000 dollar bill. Not twenty-nine dollars, mind you. Twenty-nine THOUSAND dollars.A computer glitch had caused them to be char...

  22. So, has anyone heard from James Iler?

  23. So, how is everyone spending the day after "Judgement Day?" I think we need to have an Apocalypse Afterparty! XD And another in December of next year!
