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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. So, I discovered a minor issue today. I have a favorite polo shirt that I wear with my dress pants. It's a dark blue, almost purple shirt that fit quite well. However, after all of the sumo training the last couple of months, it's a bit tighter than it used to be. Skin tight, in fact. In short, I look like a very large blueberry with a head. XD

  2. So, I just watched the first ep of "Bates Motel", and I have a question.If this is a prequel to "Psycho," why does Norman have an iPhone (or other similar smartphone)? O.o

  3. So, I realized the original coloring didn't show up well online. Here's a better version.

  4. So, I was having a major panic attack before and during work today (I've started having them before work, but with the news from AT&T, it was REALLY bad). Said a prayer to get through it. And boy, did God work fast-and in a completely awesome way! Shortly after my prayer, the entire phone system went down for almost an hour....plenty of time for me to calm down! We sure do have an awesome God...and He has a wicked sense of humor, sometimes. XD

  5. So, it seems my subconscious thinks that my boss, Sheila, would be awesome and kick butt at a suped-up Silent Hill 3. Why I'm dreaming about me and my team watching Sheila play SH3 I dunno, but there ya have it. And now, I must try and get more sleep.

  6. So, my email address got hacked. If you receive(d) emails from me containing some strange link, DO NOT OPEN THEM OR CLICK ON THE LINK, IT IS A VIRUS! Just delete the emails right away!

  7. So, out of curiosity, does any actually LIKE the current Facebook chat feature? I don't have a problem with the sidebar, but I HATE not seeing friends who are online. This setup just doesn't even make sense. D:

  8. So, seeing as NaNoWriMo has officially begun (word count of 454 so far, what whaaaaat!), I thought I'd post the synopsis here. Be advised this maaaaaaay be subject to change. xDHere we go. The synopsis for Sigma Omega's first novel, titled "Old Souls.""Meet Wendell “Dell” Johnson, a precocious ten year old growing up with his parents in an Oklahoma suburb. Dell is a quiet, bright boy but these days he has a big problem. Ever since the major storm a couple of weeks ago, his...

  9. So, update:The sumo training track is being put on hold for an indefinite amount of time. I discovered, rather abruptly, that I have a nasty caffeine addiction. I'll be spending a few weeks detoxing from that, and don't feel I can focus on both sumo and detox.Wish me luck, guys!

  10. So, wait. People are getting on Beyonce's back for her performance being sl....uh, "sexual?" Really? You DID see the CK ad, right? Is anyone calling that guy less than pleasant names? So far I haven't seen any. What do you think? Is there a double standard here (and in society in general)?

  11. So, yeah, I just had some lady try to scam me into buying her gas at the gas station after work. She supposedly "ran out of gas" just as she pulled in. 1) Lady, you pulled in on the other side of MY pump-I SAW you turn it off. 2) When a car runs out of gas, it makes a very unique noise, it doesn't just die. 3) I can't afford your gas, even if I wanted to buy it. I may be a Christian, but I'm no idiot.

  12. So, yeah, I'm live on Google+ now. If anyone wants an invite, shoot me a PM with your email address!

  13. So, yeah, lesson learned. When your trainer starts running around the room telling people to "Get off the call ASAP", it means there's some bad crap about to hit the fan. Prayers going out for all those affected by the storm!

  14. So, yeah, MUCH better day today. Two nights in a row with no earthshattering news to wake me up. Plus I got to hang out with a friend that I hadn't seen in AGES and spent a while just catching up. And the sun is shining today! :D

  15. So. I find it interesting that whenever I read through a discussion on sexual assault, there are always those who attempt to derail the conversation by bringing up the argument that there are "false accusers" out there. Yes, there are. No one is denying that. However, just because some people choose to lie about being assaulted, that does not negate the truth that there are significantly larger number of real cases. Cases that need to be tried and the offenders punished.And, as a final...

  16. So. Many. Small. Children.Make it stooooooooop!!! D:

  17. So. Sandusky's getting his oh-so-well-deserved-but-not-nearly-harsh-enough sentence. The judge flat out said he expected Sandusky to die in prison (it's a minimum sentence of thirty years, fyi). Yeah, can't say I feel sorry for him...or the university.

  18. So. General announcement for those that don't know. I got a new phone number. Message me for the new one!

  19. So...it seems I added some people to my phone's blocklist after I went to sleep last night. O.o

  20. Sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium....Batman!

  21. Soft jazz on the "radio,"A single lamp, glowing warm and golden.Cool A/C pumping air scented like soft, white cake and currants.War of the Worlds drawing me in,And a cup of warm, sweet Pumpkin Potion tea.Time can stop now, please.

  22. Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur...

  23. Some days even my favorite BPALs don't help. :(

  24. Somehow this "super-full moon" was not a spectacular as I had expected. Oh well, c'est la vie!
