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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Someone please tell Congress to go back to bickering amongst themselves and stop trying to play in the real world. Every time they do, they screw it up. >.

  2. Someone remind me why killing this idiot girl is wrong, please! >.

  3. Someone's car radio is getting beaten with a baseball bat tonight. It's far, far too early for that much bass. >___

  4. Sometimes I hate the news. I hate seeing pictures and videos of people in the middle of grieving.There's just...so much pain.

  5. Sometimes, when I'm on the 'net, I wish I could (virtually) stand up and shout "Shut up! What the heck is wrong with you people? Take your stupidity, and paranoia, just leave the computers where they are and go live in a cave somewhere! Give me back my Internet!" >.

  6. Sooo, does anyone have Kanan's number? I've been trying to get ahold of him, but he's never online and I lost his number when I changed phones...

  7. Sooo, is anyone else supremely freaked out by the idea that SOPA might actually pass? Anyone? No? Just me then. D:

  8. Sooo, yeah. Was supposed to have an interview at AT&T next week for a potential job. Just got a call from them: the openings have been (temporarily) placed on hold, so my interview is cancelled. She said they will keep in touch with me, but it will probably be about a month before they find out when they can reschedule.I'm so mad, I'm about to put a hole in the wall.

  9. Soooo, does anyone know any good (free) online games? Specifically of the MMO variety, as opposed to Facebook games, that is.

  10. Soooo...anyone interested in moving? I was thinking maybe Canada, but I'm not so good with the driving on ice and snow and such. How about the UK? Is the weather okay there?I just think it's time to ditch this sinking ship.

  11. Sooooo, anyone have any successful diets and/or (simple) exercise routines? I need to lose a few (seeing as I just popped the buttons on my 66" jeans, and weighed in at over 400 lbs, lol).

  12. Started to watch the latest ep of American Horror Story. Yeah, that stopped after about 4 minutes.Currently barricading the doors and windows.

  13. Steven Boatman took an ax,And gave a bad driver forty whacks.And when he saw what he had done,He gave the others forty-one!

  14. Steven Yandell, this one's for you. After my rather embarrassing day at work, it continued! I went to McDonald's tonight for a late night meal, and it was going pretty well. I was halfway through my second tray of food, when I heard a loud "POW." Turns out it was the button on my jeans...sailing across the restaurant. I finished, but my jeans kept falling down on the way out!

  15. Steven's PSA of the Day: Please everyone, stop sending me invites/requests/gifts for Facebook games. I don't play them anymore, and I'm tired of them showing up in my Notifications. Those who continue to send them to me will be defriended after 3 more violations. Thank you for your attention to this Public Service Announcement.

  16. STFU, Parents may be one of the best sites on the internet! XD

  17. Stiiillllll waiting on the maintenance man to come and check the water heater.

  18. Still minorly freaked. Mom and dad's place was broken into yesterday. Only thing taken was mom's ipad....and our sense of safety.

  19. Stolen from Ashley :D Grab the closest book to you, turn to page 56, post the 5th sentence as your status. Don't mention the title. Copy the rules as part of your status."September 15 began."

  20. Stolen:Girls who say "a lot of guys are after me" should keep in mind that low prices always attract many customers.

  21. Stumbled upon (literally!) this one:"But if it is true that the evidences of virginity were not found in the young woman,Then they shall bring her to the door of her father’s house and the men of her city shall stone her to death, because she has wrought [criminal] folly in Israel by playing the harlot in her father’s house. So you shall put away the evil from among you."Deut. 22:20-21I admit, I find it interesting how SOME (notice, please, that I said SOME, not ALL) Christi...

  22. Sumo is going well. Just popped my 70" jeans. Celebrating with a Grande meal.

  23. Sunday afternoons (after church) are just MADE for naps. G'night! ZZZZzzzzZZZZzzzz.....
