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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. The Men: Men-we don't know what we did!We don't know what we did,But somehow we did wrong.So every time we screw up,We just sing this stupid song.We wish we'd understand,Why women think we're dumb.We're trying hard to get it,But for now they think we're scum.The Women: It's not that hard if you try,Speak from your heart never lie.Except when I'm getting fat,Don't ever say that,Or I might just die.Yes is yes, and no is no,But yes means no means yes you know.And even though i...

  2. The more I read about the events at Penn State, the more disgusted I get. And not just with those involved in the abuse....no, let's be honest and call it rape, but even more so with the people who are protesting and SUPPORTING Mr. Paterno. He was fired because, even with knowledge of the abuse, he did NOTHING.What kind of nation are we, that something as unimportant as FOOTBALL is considered more important than children who were raped? What kind of monsters are we that we would rather s...

  3. The one you just called fat, just lost 30 pounds. The one you just called stupid has a learning disability and studies 4 hours every night. The one you just tripped is abused enough at home. There's a lot more to people than meets the eye. Post this as your status if you're against bullying!

  4. The only thing that happens if we live by the idea of "an eye for an eye" is that everybody winds up blind.

  5. The Sandman's coming in his train of carsWith moonbeam windows and with wheels of starsSo hush you little ones and have no fearThe man-in-the-moon he is the engineer

  6. The sky is falling, the sky is falling-and I'm stuck in class!

  7. Then I perceived with horror that I was growing too old for pleasure. Ruthless Time had set its fell claw upon me, and I was seventeen. . . . There is too much wistful memory in such procedure, for the fleeting joy of childhood may never be recaptured. Adulthood is hell.— H. P. Lovecraft, in a letter to the Gallomo (Galpin, Lovecraft, andMoe), 1920

  8. There are few pleasures in life that are as sweet as *yawn* a mid afternoon nap.

  9. There are many types of fear in the world.Nothing quite compared to the panic one feels when, during lunch, one looks down and realizes that part of a time on one's plastic fork is missing...and there's no trace of it on the table or floor.

  10. There are very few things as frustrating as reading a well-written fan fiction, only to reach the end of a chapter and realize that the story hasn't been finished. ARRRRGH. >.

  11. There is nothing quite so good as a burial at sea. It is simple, tidy, and not very incriminating." ~Alfred Hitchcat

  12. There was a gnat.I caught the gnat in my hand.Now I am sitting here confused with the gnat still trapped in my fist, wondering "Well, I caught it. Now what do I do with it?" o.O

  13. There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God’s angel stood among them and God’s glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket...

  14. There's a zombie on the lawn!! D:....make that about 500 zombies. I'm gonna need a bigger gun.(Zombie Apocalypse Status Day '11)

  15. There's an old folk saying: obsessions are like fire and water--good servants, but bad masters. See the point is: do you rule your obsession, or does your obsession rule you?~WILSON WILSON, JR., Home Improvement

  16. There's no need to worry, everyone. We want to bring you a grand Enlightenment.We come in peace. Always.

  17. They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.~Romans 1:19-20

  18. Things that Silent Hill Downpour will make you afraid of (within the first area):1. Turning handles/wheels-especially to put out fires.2. Bottomless drops.3. Water.4. Vacuums of all sorts.5. Mineshafts.6. Molerats.7. Prostitutes.8. The dark.9. Doors that close by themselves.

  19. Thinking I may shut my Facebook page down soon. If you don't already have my email addy or phone number, message me and I'll send them your way (assuming you want to be able to contact me, lol).

  20. Thinking of you where ever you are- We pray for our sorrows to end and hope that our hearts will blend now I will step forward to realize this wish- And who knows starting a new journey may not be so hard or maybe it's already begun- There are many worlds but they share the same sky one sky one destiny

  21. Thinking of You:I thought of you today,When I passed by our old cafe.I thought of long talksOn sunny summer days.I remembered you,When I drove byThe old graveyard late last night.I thought of late autumn nights,Hunting ghosts by pale moonlight.I missed you dearly,When I saw a pot of tea.I remembered all the chats,And all the things that used to be.And though we nowAre far apart,Our friends are alwaysClose at heart.So when you haveA quiet dayStop and turnYour thoughts...

  22. thinks that everyone should be required to pass a combination IQ/Common Sense test to get their driver's licence. XD

  23. thinks that there's no better feeling than knowing who you are, and being happy with it. :) It's much more peaceful than trying to be all things to all people, and living as someone you're not. I don't need to argue what I think with others because, for me, the only thing that matters is what I think and what I believe.

  24. This is a response from Chris Kluwe (of NFL fame) to Maryland delegate Emmett C. Burns, Jr. It is regarding Mr. Burns' attempt to stifle the free speech of an NFL player by means of using his (Mr. Burns') position as a politician. I read the original version of this response (which contained a drastic amount of swearing), but the new one is much funnier! XD First amendment FTW!http://blogs.twincities.com/outofbounds/2012/09/08/out-of-bounds-blog-no-8-inquisitive-kitten-pawing-at-yarn/
