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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Yay for random power failures at work!

  2. Yay for redoing one's computer!

  3. Yay for tea in the wonderful new tea-making set my dearest and bestest friend Ashley gave me! Nah nah nah nah nah-you should ALLLLL be jealous! :D (J/k, j/k, lol)

  4. Yay, back to normal dress code at work tomorrow!! :D

  5. Yay, flat tire! Thank Sprint for Roadside Rescue, lol.

  6. Yay, Google+! Anyone want an invite?

  7. yay, interview/testing at AT&T tomorrow at 10AM!! ::cheer::

  8. Yay, writer's block. D:

  9. Yay! Mine won (and on my first time to actually vote, too)! :)

  10. Yay! Part 2 of the Bones Marathon with my mother-type parental unit!! :D

  11. Yay! Storms, rain, power flashes! BRING. IT. ON!!!!!

  12. Yay! The weekend starts now! :D

  13. Yes, I support the death penalty. Now please stop acting like I'm some ignorant, uneducated monster. Thanks, that is all. XD

  14. You gotta go after the things you wantWhile you're still in your prime.There's a fine, fine line between love-And a waste of time.

  15. You know a show is good when the characters are in mortal peril and it causes your heart to pound in terror. Oh Bones, why did you do this to us? *sob*

  16. You know what would be fun? We should have an online ghost story telling session each week/weekend leading up to Christmas. Ghost stories used to be a huge part of Christmastime, but it has fallen out of favor.Anyone else like the idea? :D

  17. You know you're a big ol' boy when even the scooters at Walmart don't move with you on them. XD

  18. You know you're nervous about starting your novel when you come up with off-the-wall loads of laundry that suddenly HAVE to be done first. XD

  19. You know you've been playing too much Portal, when you start hearing your own thoughts in that sing-song tone that GLadOS uses. I suppose however, there are worse things to hear.

  20. You know, I have a friend (you know who you are!), that every time we go out someplace, always manages to compliment a random stranger on something-everything from a ring or necklace, to their clothes, to their hair. I haven't ever told my friend this, but I think that this habit of theirs is amazing and inspiring, and I totally wish I wasn't such a wuss and could actually do it myself! T_TSo, to this friend-good job! I bet you have no idea how many lives you've touched (even if just in t...

  21. You know, I think Casey Anthony was guilty, BUT, I'm very glad she was found not guilty. The prosecution didn't have a strong enough case-the best they had was circumstantial evidence. Obviously, that wasn't enough for the jury to say she was guilty beyond "a reasonable doubt". And THAT is the beauty of our justice system. Better a guilty woman go free, than an innocent person be put to death.
