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Everything posted by HerbGirl

  1. HerbGirl

    Puppet Kitty

    One of the hardest parts of being a father is when your child loses something important to them. Puppet Kitty is the most treasured of all of Lilith’s plushies, and earlier this year Puppet Kitty went missing. The panic of losing her consumed Lilith, and we all searched and searched for PK. It broke my heart when we finally stopped looking and had to just hope that she would show up sometime soon. I cried when I found Puppet Kitty, and my heart melted when I saw look on Lilith’s face when I handed it Puppet Kitty back to her. Every night, Lilith sprays lavender mist onto Puppet Kitty before going to sleep. This is the scent of that kitty: old, well-loved cotton, wool blankets, and gentle lavender skin-warmed by a sleeping child. Cotton and sweet lavender and I think I smell vanilla or a touch of coconut? This is snuggly and beautiful and the label is super cute! Beautiful.
  2. Fantastic. The leaves are the ones from October - musky and dry yet colorful? Hard for me to put into words but definitely not green. The Red Musk sparkles like the one used in Bloodbath. So beautiful! Neroli gives this blend just a touch of a bitter (in the best possible way) and sweet floral lift. The drydown is similar to wearing October over Bloodbath minus the patchouli and rose...spectacular and I might just have to get another bottle.
  3. HerbGirl

    The Serpentine Atmosphere Spray

    Lavender Dorian perfection. I'm so glad this exists! Snuggly and dreamy!
  4. HerbGirl

    No DNA Test Required

    I just had to chime in and say how amazing this is. I adore it and am so glad to have a bottle. I'm not familiar with Slime Queen but it must be awesome. This perfume is a must have if you love Snake Oil.
  5. HerbGirl

    Joyful Romp

    JOYFUL ROMP Plum blossoms and white sandalwood with indigo, tuberose, plum musk, and a drop of vetiver. I have been looking forward to testing this and it arrived today! Disclaimer: i don't like vetiver. I *almost* didn't get a decant because of it but i love plum so very much that i crossed my fingers that it would behave. If there's a way that vetiver could improve a blend, i would say it does here. I can smell it, but the way it supports the plum is exquisite...just lends a smooth bitter/reedy quality to the blend. It smells like the plum musk is infused with vetiver, if that makes sense. After 10 minutes, the tuberose comes through and the vetiver remains and the plum takes a backseat to the tuberose. Dry? Well, to be honest, i am still sniffing my hand in disbelief that i love it so much and it has vetiver and i can smell it and it isn't killing the blend! This is stunning, almost breathtaking but comfortable...and i need a bottle. The drydown of this reminds me so much of the Evening on the Veranda atmo spray...they don't really smell that similar, but the vibe is the same to me...i love this!!!
  6. HerbGirl

    Blood Popsicle

    New release: smells like spicy craft store pomegranate??? There's a touch of the 'dragon's blood' floral here, too. This is not what I expected. I like it and am glad I got the chance to try it. I like this more and more the longer I have it on...very nice!
  7. HerbGirl

    Drag is for Everyone

    Soapy skin musk. No Frankincense. Touch of aquatic? Oh well! Glad I got to try it.
  8. HerbGirl

    Fate's Jester

    Holy moly this is like Lemon Scented Sticky Bat and Silky Bat had a love child and I am in love! Beautiful!
  9. HerbGirl


    I guess I'm the odd person out because I get no frankincense from this whatsoever. It must be my skin chemistry. The rose is super duper strong and that's all I get. I have a really sensitive nose and work with essential oils often so I'm familiar with several types of frankincense, I just don't smell any in this blend.
  10. HerbGirl

    One Perfect Day

    I was hoping the honeyed aspect wouldn't be strong, alas it ruins the other beautiful notes for me. Time for me to stop trying anything with even the mere mention of honey.
  11. HerbGirl

    The Silk Strings of the Shamisen

    I am not a fan of clove on my skin, but I barely smell any here. How different we all are! This is all about the wisteria and green tea on me and it is really nice. The frankincense never shows up. Very pretty blend and I will enjoy my decant.
  12. HerbGirl

    Venus Genetrix

    VENUS GENETRIX Venus the Progenitor Black amber and jasmine tea with 7-year aged vanilla bourbon absolute. Beautiful. I smell the same jasmine tea note from The Mysterious Warning, and a similar vanilla to the one from Signior Dildo...i don't get much amber yet but would assume it will become more prominent with aging. No throw but a beautiful skin scent. I am glad i bought a bottle, it is lovely. ETA: i put this on early this morning and it has changed a bit...the amber reminds me of the amber from Hesiod's Phoenix but not sweet at all. The jasmine tea gives the amber a slightly bitter/astringent sweetness. No vanilla this morning. I cannot wait to smell this when it is settled in at the end of Spring...very nice blend. Funny, i don't get the licorice from BPAL's black tea note so i am thinking this is more of a Darjeeling? Quite nice. :-)
  13. HerbGirl

    Blackcurrant Sufganiyot

    This is delicious but it is more like blackberry than blackcurrant. I was expecting the gorgeous blackcurrant note from Knave of Hearts and this isn't that. I've been wishing for a great blackberry perfume oil though so this is great. So, glorious blackberry jam doughnut!
  14. A barren grove, silent. Dry, crumbling oak leaves dance through the skeletal, grasping arms of ancient trees. Yes. If you loved the candle (like I do!), you will not be disappointed! This is a bit greener? than the candle somehow and is a perfect cold weather scent. The green is sort of cologney but not in a bad way. Cold forest in winter but no evergreen. Love. I am so glad to have this!
  15. HerbGirl

    Cozy scents

    Autumn Overlooked My Knitting is probably the coziest BPAL scent I have ever smelled. COZY.
  16. HerbGirl

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    Fallen sounds similar...maybe give that a try?
  17. HerbGirl

    Recommendations For These Very Particular Notes

    I will second Scherezade and Fenris Wolf as favorites. Sin is amazing. Maybe consider Anteros, The Coiled Serpent, Haunted, Fake News and Aureus? Good luck! :-)
  18. HerbGirl

    Ozone, Ozone, Ozone!

    Some folks claim to get ozone from Little Sister is Watching You (with cherry blossom) but I don't really notice it. I think The Phoenix in Summer from '10 had ozone in it? I might be wrong. Good Luck! :-)
  19. HerbGirl

    Fleurette’s Purple Snails

    White sandalwood, orris root, wood violet, sugared violet blossom, and violet leaf. Well hello orris root and sugared violet! Woohoo! The white sandalwood is incense-like (to me) next to the violet (sweet) and orris root (creamy)...there is a bit of bitter green from the violet leaf and it all combines to smell exactly as I had hoped from reading the notes and dreaming about a violet/iris perfume that I can actually wear! Just, yes.
  20. HerbGirl

    Mors Syphilitica

    ^^ Yup. Exactly what happened to me. I was so much looking forward to Red Sandalwood and Saffron (two of my very favorite notes and, together?!) and they must have been suffocated by the oudh. Crappers.
  21. HerbGirl

    Nevertheless, She Persisted

    I really wanted to love this but I get no Iris and the oudh is definitely fecal, to me. I bought a decant and a bottle so I guess the bottle will find a better home. I will hold on to the decant in hopes that oudh settles down...
  22. HerbGirl

    Pleasures of the Imagination IV

    This is the jasmine I was hoping for. It is beautiful, white and intoxicating without going to funk as many jasmine scents tend to do on my skin. The leather seems to be of the white variety and the white musk is adding just a hint of the lift that white musk tends to do on me (which I love). Huh. I didn't really notice the white tea blossom. I'm sure it is there...maybe on the next wear. :-) I love this.
  23. HerbGirl

    Delightful Visitor Among the Haystacks

    If I didn't know the name of this, I would have sworn it was Smut '10. Seriously. How is that possible? I don't smell any carnation, incense or chrysanthemums (and yes, I am very familiar with them) so??? I love it but it is nothing like what I was expecting and I'm confused. I checked it against Smut '17 and the viscosity is very different so I know it isn't a mislabled bottle. Oh well! I will put it next to my beloved Smut '10 and am happy to have it, even though it smells nothing like the notes listed. Sorry for the strange review! ETA: I received a decant of this today and yup, I definitely have a mislabeled bottle and will contact the Lab. After testing it alongside Delight in Disorder I figured out they are the same...easy to get the names confused, I guess. The decant smells exactly how I imagined and lines up with the notes. Gorgeous fresh mum with a touch of incense and full, fresh carnation. Gorgeous.
  24. HerbGirl

    The Instructional Manual

    Cherry blossoms falling into folds of red musk, bourbon vanilla, and strawberry cream. I'm going to sound like a broken record but the Lupers this year are so expertly and perfectly blended and the Instructional Manual is no different. The first things I smell are strawberry and red musk. All 4 components of this perfume are equal though...I can smell all of them but no one stands out to me. I think lovers of Hollywood Babylon, Mania and Smut will be really happy with this one...I know I am. It verges on being a tad foody but never gets there. I feel like this is the same strawberry from Strawberry Sufganiyot. A very beautiful blend, and the cherry blossom doesn't fight with the strawberry. If you think you might love this, you're probably right. Eta: The cherry blossoms seem to come forward more in the dry down...this one morphs! :-)
  25. HerbGirl

    Incense Chaos Theory Hair Gloss

    Mmmm decant of LXIX smells like frankincense heavy incense. It doesn't smell so great in the bottle but it just needs to be freeee and then it is amazing. Holy crap. Eta: I think I smell sandalwood, too. Gorgeous hg scent!!! Oh. If anyone doesn't like their decant of LXIV I will help them out :-)