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Everything posted by HerbGirl

  1. HerbGirl

    Butter Rum Cookie

    Yummy butter rum cookies. Spot on!
  2. HerbGirl

    Opiate Southern Gardens of Orchids

    Dark floral...started off really soapy and sharp but has mellowed into a beautiful wafting scent. Perfumey in a good way.
  3. HerbGirl

    The Garden in Winter

    This is beautiful! Lillies and a bit of rose under just a touch of snow... eta: this is the "snow" perfume I've been looking for. Reminds me of Before the snowy window minus tuberose (which I also love). Win.
  4. HerbGirl

    Gingerbread Snake

    LOVE. I can't add anything new. Snake Oil + Gingerbread...perfectly spiced with no gross yeast. Love this.
  5. HerbGirl

    L’Essence de L’Engouement

    I'm wearing this to bed tonight and wanted to look up notes and realized that I haven't reviewed it yet! This was goood when it was first released but now? Omg. So good! Everything has melded together beautifully and I need more... Perfumey strawberry milkshake. Om nom nom
  6. HerbGirl

    Gingerbread Satyr

    Wet: Cinnamon heavy Gingerbread YUM Dry: cinnamon gingerbread MUSK not red musk but a truly musky musk lol. Fortunately its just a hint of musk but it still somehow overpowers tbe cinnamon and gingerbread that I loved in the beginning. I will definitely use my decant.
  7. HerbGirl

    Disco Snowballs

    On me, this is a gorgeous snowy grapefruit. Yum. Doesn't last long but its beautiful while it does.
  8. HerbGirl

    Mother Shub's Unmentionable Peppermint Creams

    So...I love this. Starts with a super blast of peppermint zing up your sinuses and there's cream underneath. I'm sad because I got the decant specifically because my guy loves creamy mint and he says something about the cream part smells off...hmmm. I'm not smelling anything weird...I will have to wear it when he's not around, lol.
  9. HerbGirl

    Almond Blossom

    Very nice! The Lab's brilliant snow scent with a touch of almond. I like this quite a bit.
  10. HerbGirl

    Scrappy Damsel

    White musk, amber, sandalwood, a touch of cedar and a hint of saffron. Man, this is creamy, musky, woody and very nice. I'm so excited to not smell honey...that was the only note of doom here and I don't smell it so yay! Lots of sandalwood...this must be the type I love...grounded. Nothing high pitch here. My only complaint is that I don't smell neroli or orange blossom at all and I was looking forward to them. Overall this is gorgeous and I may need a bottle.
  11. HerbGirl

    Snow White

    Snow White '13 is indeed beautiful. This is the nicest version yet...sweet not too flowery almondish musky gorgeousness. I am a huge fan of Snow White though...
  12. HerbGirl


    I'm not sure if I've already posted here but I feel similarly to rawgirl75 about '13 except I enjoy it for what it is...which doesn't smell like one of the Smut family...its not sweet at all and somewhat flat whereas the other years I've tried smell full, rich musky and have some sort of various fruity vibe. My favorite is '12...I think I detect cherry in with the gorgeous sweet musks but thankfully no booze to speak of. I hope '13 isn't the start of a new direction for Smut and that '14 will be more similar to '12. :-) I love teh Smut! ETA: I need to add: when I layer Smut of any year over any lotion I think will smell good with it, it smells really off. When I wear Smut on unlotioned skin it smells gorgeous...including '13. Note to self, no lotion with Smut! :-)
  13. HerbGirl

    Peacock Queen Bath Oil

    Silky, luxurious...yes. Now I get what all the Peacock Queen fans rave about. :-) Lush. True full red rose. I still prefer my Rose Red but not by much...lovely!
  14. HerbGirl

    Rags to Royalty Bath Oil

    Hey hey, OctoberGwen...I had the same experience with this except I got some Patchouli at the very beginning...then the honey stomped all over it. Boo hiss. :-(
  15. HerbGirl

    Pink Snowballs Bath Oil

    My experience is very similar to Leopard403... This is very nice and I'm really glad to have a bottle! There is more snow here than my nose remembers from the perfume. :-) and I don't get snowy from Snow White either. Love either way. :-)
  16. HerbGirl

    Chocolate Espresso Gingerbread Bath Oil

    Great googly moogly... This is perfect (if you like this type of perfection!) and I am so excited to have this! I put a tiny drop on my wrist and smooshed it in and I am so in love with this (and will layer it with Snake Oil and Snow White and many others)...it is so chewy and gooey and yummy-very true to its name. Chocolate, Espresso (just a touch of bitterness) and Gingerbread. LOVE. ETA This is already aging well. :-) I may need more bottles... ETA 2 This is aging so well! The gingerbread is more prominent now and it is smooooth!
  17. HerbGirl

    Eldritch Dark

    Delicious. Black leather at first with red and black musk underneath (I can detect both!) and a hint of rose. Dry, the leather softens and the musks take over but the sweet rose also becomes more prominent. Long story short? This is glorious. If you enjoyed the bath oil make sure to pick this up. Also, I have never encountered such a full bottle...I almost spilled some when I opened it! Also I don't like honey on my skin at all (turns rancid) and I don't detect any here! YAY!
  18. HerbGirl

    A World Where There Are Octobers

    I completely agree with all of these words. WORD. And...yum.
  19. HerbGirl

    Ezekiel's Phoenix

    Pomegranate, Frankincense and after it dries a bit- saffron, but just a hint. I was hoping for PLUM! But this is very pretty.
  20. HerbGirl

    Herodotus' Phoenix

    Yessss...gorgeous chewy myrrh! I love this! I'm not a huge fan of Frankincense but its really a perfect accent to the myrrh...this is deep, sweet, resiny perfection!!!
  21. HerbGirl

    Hesiod's Phoenix

    This is utterly beautiful. I agree with the comparison to IBT hair gloss but this is smoother, more luscious...are we sure there's no patchouli here?! Beautiful. I don't get the Tricksy comp though, Tricksy was bitter and icky honey to me :-(
  22. HerbGirl

    Eldrich Dark Bath Oil

    I decided to use a bit of my decant in anticipation of the perfume oil... I love this so much. Beautiful combination of the musks, leather and sugary rose. I mix a few drops of the oil with a handful of vanilla body butter and the scent clings to my sweaters and lasts and lasts. snuggly, sexy and delicious.
  23. HerbGirl

    Und wir Dachten der Toten

    This is nice but reminds me too much of a NA perfume oil I already own (purnima base...) its pretty and sugary sweet vanilla with a hint of patchouli.
  24. HerbGirl

    Capax Infiniti

    I looove this! Lavender-vanilla ice cream with a bit of musky powder...this will be perfect for cold January days or sleep! Love. ETA the honey component ended up ruining this for me :-( i really just need to avoid honey.
  25. HerbGirl

    La Lugubre Gondola

    This is a verrry nice amber but that's all I'm getting from it. I guess that's all I need! :-) very nice dark amber. ETA: Actually...now, after letting the decant settle, there is way more going on than just amber. Nice amber infused wood with a bite that softens within minutes. This is quite lovely and I will cherish my decant! ETA 2: and I had to buy a bottle last minute because it continues to mellow and resonate with me as it ages...wow. Definitely started out as a really nice amber and is aging into way more.