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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by HerbGirl

  1. HerbGirl

    Autumn Fancies

    I love this wet and dry but somewhere in the middle...there's something that smells like vetiver (one of the "grasses" no doubt) and I don't like vetiver. Wet, it smells like the love child of Haunted and Hay Moon...I layered both of those, just to be certain. I love it! Dry, it reminds me of a heavier Summers Last Will and Testament on a bed of amber. Really, very pretty. Even though this is so similar to the oils I referenced, I think I need a bottle because they are favorites and I think this will age well. :-)
  2. HerbGirl


    I'm so sad. Honey is just one of those notes that, no matter what else is there that I love, it dominates and turns to funk. Yup. Dammit. Also, I don't get a nice Patchouli from this at all (I smell a sharp Black sort of Patchouli under the honey madness)...maybe it's the other notes that are not playing nicely on my skin. Oh well, I had to try the perfume oil version (the bath oil was underwhelming too, unfortunately) and now that I have tried it (and washed it off after 20 minutes) it will hopefully go to a loving home. Alas, Tricksy, you and me were not meant to be. This doesn't remind me of Banshee Beat (which I love) or any other Patchouli masterpiece...it's a shame. I'm glad everyone else seems to love it! ETA: I'm sure anyone who knows me at all knows that I am one of the Patchouli lovers here...I have well over 70 different blends (mostly not BPAL) with Patchouli as the feature which is why I'm so disappointed about this...I really wanted it to be good...I guess BPAL Patchoulis are hit or miss with me, and this is a miss. Its not just the honey.
  3. HerbGirl

    Butterflies, Flowers and Jewels Attending

    White Patchouli (which I love) with some florals that don't overwhelm my nose. This is really pretty...STRONG, but very pretty!
  4. HerbGirl

    Scent for Halloween?

    I can't wear any vintage of Samhain, but I wore Ondurdis tonight...fabulous. I slathered Bloodbath bath oil on my arms this morning...:-)
  5. HerbGirl

    Black Rose Candle

    BLACK ROSE CANDLE Exquisitely melancholy. The background scent to an ancient exequies. Heavy, dark and floral: a blend of roses, with a touch of amber and musk. I had wanted one of these candles for so long, and mine arrived the other day! So...I love Roses, and I really enjoy wearing *certain* rose scents (I'm very picky - I love Rose Red but didn't enjoy Peacock Queen, etc...) but I knew this would be fabulous - and I was right. Perfect DARK Rose with just a hint of something...but I can't pick out what that something is. If you are a Rose lover and a candle lover, don't miss this. I know its GC, but that means nothing anymore! Delicious, dark, velvety Rose...think one of those gorgeous dark purple roses that they call "Black". LOVE. ETA: this would make a gorgeous bath oil!!!
  6. HerbGirl

    Hope and Fear Set Free

    Sharp Frankincense...really sharp. :-( I'm glad I got to try it though! :-)
  7. HerbGirl

    Bloodbath Bath Oil

    Just sniffed this in the bottle - I smell super sweet rose/patchouli! Can't wait to smell what this does on my skin! YUM. ETA: wore ONE DROP of this to bed last night. I need 3 more bottles. Does this come in gallon size? Sweet juicy sparkly rose and patchouli and red musk. Sparkly. This is hot. I will be using this exclusively as a moisturizer or perfume because I couldn't let it go down a drain. Can this go GC? I had to come back and sing the praises of Bloodbath, yet again. Its Sept 2014 and im gathering all of the Autumny scented items and used Bloodbath as an in shower moisturizer today...and i cannot stop sniffing and oohing and ahhhing. I am very glad i still have 3.5 of my 5 bottles left because i do not want to run out. This has replaced Snow White products as my favorite BPTP item. My 2nd fave is a tie between Marshmallow Pumpkin and Chocolate Espresso Gingerbread bath oils. I understand that this cant be brought back as a bath oil, but can we PLEASE have a perfume oil version??! Ok...i think im obsessed. ;-)
  8. HerbGirl

    Sudsy She-Wolf Bath Oil

    OK...so I just opened the bottle and put a tiny bit on my arm...wowza - coffee/chocolate!!! YUM. On my skin the Pine comes through a bit and this is divine. I bet this will layer beautifully with the perfume and hair gloss!!!
  9. HerbGirl


    Brown musk, carnation, clove (THAT DOESN'T GO RANCID ON ME!!!!! YAY FINALLY!!!) and Pine...this is fabulous and I cannot wait to give this Furball a proper wear!!!
  10. HerbGirl


    Just got this today and have had it on for about 3 hours...still going strong! At first, Musk for sure, with tobacco and something higher pitched than I expected...hmmm. This was also quite thick feeling - probably the patch/myrrh/cacao After an hour, I forgot what I was wearing and kept wondering where the gorgeous smell was coming from LOL - me + Callidora After 3 hours, this is just a gorgeous skin scent but with throw! I don't know if that makes sense, oh well. The Patchouli is definitely the Red variety (yum - smooth and rooty, nothing sharp here!), the myrrh is the gorgeous grounding note I recognize from my 8 year old bottle of Lust, blood musk must be a relative to red musk but not red musk...and the cacao is just sitting on top of the blend smiling. No tobacco in sight now (thank goodness!) and I know this one will age like a champ. Smooth, sexy, grounding and comfy. I'd wear this curled up on the couch or out to a club...magnifico! ETA - dry down reminds me of Virginia but I prefer this!
  11. HerbGirl


    Oh thank Goddess. I'm glad I'm not the only one that compares this to Samhain! I can't wear Samhain (I've been trying for years...) and now I can stop trying. Autumn is gorgeous! The leaves + osmanthus are swoonworthy...I love this! I don't even smell rose here.
  12. HerbGirl


    Holy Leather and Cinnamon! YUM-O. This dries down to Balsam and a bit of Leather on my skin. Lovely. Wanted to add that this is very masculine on me...i love it and the waft is incredible but i have to use a vanilla lotion with it to sweeten it up a bit. :-) Aaand i just realized which perfume this reminds me of: Sushi Imperiale by Bois 1920. They are quite similar and have the same vibe!
  13. HerbGirl

    Time's Infliction of Eternity

    I think it's the tea note here that translates as licorice/anise to me. It did the same thing in Jibiki Danuki...yikes. I couldn't even skin test my decant...couldn't get past the licorice vibe.
  14. HerbGirl

    Terrae Massage Oil

    I used this last night to help calm my nerves so I should finally review it! I love all of the massage oils so far (haven't tried ignis yet) and this is no exception. As everyone above has said, the consistancy is perfect for massage (I'm an ex-massage therapist) and nice enough to use sparingly as a moisturizer. I love the scent! Its a bit harsh at first but settles in nicely within 5 minutes. I mostly get Clary Sage, Spikenard, Patchouli (a super sweet rooty Patchouli), in that order. Great stuff.
  15. HerbGirl

    I am Tired of Tears and Laughter

    Aw...sultry, spicy lavender. This is gorgeous! ETA. This dries down to a gorgeous spicy benzoin...no lavender in sniff! I still love this and I bet the lavender will stick around longer with age. :-) ETA: 18 Oct 2013 - verrry masculine...I'm hoping this will FEMME out just a bit with some age as well... ETA: 18 Feb 2014 - oh dear. This has aged into such a beautiful lavender...I'm so glad I have a bottle. No harshness or masculinity in sniff...just beautiful woodsy lavender. Holy crap!
  16. HerbGirl

    Snake Oil in the Pumpkin Patch

    Holy moly. Gorgeous pumpkin spice with Snake Oil lurking underneath...instant love. I would literally buy 5 bottles of this if I had the money. Love. Hey! I wanted to add here (13 Oct) that Im wearing this today and the Snake Oil has won out over the pumpkin spice! This is now glorious Snake Oil with a hint of pumpkin spice. Wow.
  17. HerbGirl

    Harvest Moon 2013

    Bright not crisp Autumn leaves with rose. Perfect. I love this!!!! ETA what a beautiful perfume this is! The throw is gorgeous too. It makes me want to walk through a rose gardn in full bloom...in Autumn! :- P
  18. HerbGirl


    Anise/Licorice for sure...maybe a hint of Lavender in there...yikes - I love Lavender, but Anise/Licorice is a NO NO.
  19. HerbGirl

    East African Black Patchouli

    Just got mine in the mail today...divine. I love the red but this is my patchouli. This must be the patch that's in Goblin and #ows. Love. ETA: I was surprised at how thin this oil is.
  20. HerbGirl

    Happy Baby in a Long Dress

    Yes, this. Exactly!
  21. HerbGirl

    Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies Hair Gloss

    Aw. I wish I could have smelled any musk or ambrette...ALL HONEY. :-( I should have known better (can't wear O) but I had to try...I'm a sucker for ambrette seed. I bet lots of folks will love this
  22. HerbGirl


    Reminds me of a discontinued perfume that I loved in high school: Tribe. Thank goodness, now I can stop trying to find some! This is an aged bottle forum purchase and I can't pick out any notes...its gorgeous. Now THIS is a flawless skin musk!
  23. HerbGirl

    C8H10N4O2 Soap

    Sweet hazelnut coffee with a triple shot of espresso. Yum yum yum. I used my decanted bit very quickly! Hazelnut coffee straight up. Reminds me a bit of the IHXV4 proto...yum. Great lather too!
  24. HerbGirl

    The Lilies and Languors of Virtue

    Um...I'm really confused. I love lilies...love them...love egyptian musk. Something about this oil literally made me ill...I wont go into details but, I had to wash it off very quickly. This is only the 2nd oil I've had to wash off...bluebeard was the other. Sad panda...
  25. HerbGirl

    The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

    The decant that I was gifted in a decant package was the new incarnation and smelled amazing! So...that means the oil wasn't aged... I bought a bottle... Tested it after a week and it smelled like fresh doggie doo...WHY? I will be retesting again soon...fingers crossed! Lol...retested after 2 months...yum o just as hoped. :-) I still can't believe how it smelled on me fresh...shudder ETA - 22 Nov 2013 I cannot wear this. It starts out yummy and then something about my chemistry turns it funky under tbe beautiful cocoa and black musk. :-(