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Everything posted by HerbGirl

  1. I'm glad I read this post. Would you like to know the outcome? he he he. I will post it after my recommendations, which are: Snake Oil, Samhainophobia '06, Lust, Sin, and like so many people have said: anything with Pumpkin! Without further ado, here is the list! Snake Oil (wins...) with 29 votes Sin 13 votes Jack and Samhain tied with 9 votes Vixen, Bordello, Loviatar three way with 7 votes Scherezade, Dragon's Heart, Chimera, Jailbait, Snow White, Bloodlust, Sugar Skull: 6 Perversion, Spellbound, Hunger, Ferris Wolf, Blood Amber, Moon Rose, Hell's Belle, Mme. Moriarity, Dorian: 5 Antique Lace, Saturnalia, Lampades, Sed no Satiata, Love Me, Snake Charmer, "O": 4 Hollywood Babylon, Water of Notre Dame, Tombstone, Vice, Blood Rose, Sugar Cookie, Red Lantern, Cockaigne, Wolf Moon, Phantom Queen, Highwayman, Euphrosyne, Luperci, Eat Me, Gomorrah, Xiuhtecuhtli, Gluttony: 3 Formula 54, Jester, de Sade, Sybaris, Embalming Fluid, Siren, Red Queen, Hamadryad, hellfire, Lust, Rose Red, Kabuki, Anne Bonny, Dublin, Fae, Bakeneko, Obatala, Shattered, Glowing Vulva, Hellhound on my Trail, Ultraviolet, Chuparosa, Depraved, Ravenous, Tezcatlipoca, Black Rose, Whip, Wicked, Blood Kiss, Delphi, The Pit and the Pendulum, Midnight Mass, The Hanging Gardens, Black Forest, Blood Countess, Mircalla, Belladonna, Black Dahlia, Smut, All Saints, Severin: 2 Honorable mention: (with one vote each): Hearth, Yggdrasil, Lilith, Venom, Mabon, Wolf's Heart, Queen of Spades, Nemesis, Le Serpent Qui Danse, Rapture, Desire, Athens, Jezebel, Queen of Diamonds, Has no hanna, Danube, Szepassony, Sundew, Shub Niggurath, Swank, Zorya, Death on a Pale Horse, Strangler Fig, Shoggoth, Black Phoenix, Shango, Eos, Sloth, Tempest, Mr. Nancy, Knave of Hearts, Midnight, Schwartzer Mond, Jacob's Ladder, Death of Autumn, Tamamo-no-mae, Milk Moon, Itaso..., The Caterpillar, Titania, Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo, Aizen-Myoo, Black Lace, Creature Feature, Sacrifice, Velvet Unicorn, Great Sword of War, Love's Philosophy, Western Diamondback, Hymn to Proserpine, Event Horizon, French Love, Dia de los Muertos, Sheol, Khajuraho, Brisingamen, The Lion, Bastet, Salome, Antikythera Mechanism, Cerberus, Wolf's Bane, Djinn, Sacred Whore of Babylon, Nosferatu, Dragon's Bone, St. Germain, Nyx, Port-au-Prince, Horn of Plenty, Medea, Red Moon, Erato, Wrath, Ouija, Devil's Night, Gnome, Lenore, Wanda, Arabian Nights, Cairo, Dragon Musk, Queen Mab, Regan, Velvet, Al Azif, The Bow and Crown of Conquest, Pannychis, Berenice, Silk Road, Voodoo, Dragon's Blood, Baobhan Sith, Verdandi, Black Temple Burlesque Troop, Sophia, Faiza. Whew! I may have left one or two out (forgive me)...and this took surprisingly little time...I just really wanted to do it. I started reading this thread and writing down oils mentioned as I am not familiar with some of them yet...and would like to be. Great thread!
  2. Vanilla, Bottle # 479. When I sniff the bottle, it smells like Vanilla and Amber, perfectly balanced. On me? Has anyone ever baked Amber cookies? That what this would smell like...nice, very nice. Sweet, but not too sweet. Throws and lasts as well. Good stuff.
  3. HerbGirl

    All Souls

    Let me start off by saying how much I love this oil: I LOVE THIS OIL. I used to love incense. I mean really love it. I think I got to the point where I was collecting it... There's an Incense From India incense that is purple, and I can't for the life of me remember the name...but it was one of my favorites. When I sniffed this (2007) oil, I smelled sweet (almost berry, but not quite) incense. When I put it on, I said, "Purple incense! This is my Purple incense!" Truly, this is one of the best smells. It really takes me back to the last time I enjoyed that incense (November 2004), and good memories are far too precious to forget. I will remember every time I wear this. Thank you Beth and Co. ETA: I just found a pack of the incense! It's called Purple Haze by Incense From India (The Incense Sampler). Amazing how similar they are!
  4. HerbGirl


    It's nice to see so many people here that love Autumn. October is my favorite month: our season is so short these days... I was very excited to get my hands on a bottle of this from 2007, and I do love how it smells on me. I was ranting and raving around the house and my boyfriend finally stopped me and said, "OK. Give me your wrist." He said, "It smells like CK One, with smoke...and leaves...and something else..." and I had to laugh. Lots of perfume oils do crazy things on me, and this one is definitely a keeper...MUCH better than CK One. So...after wearing October 2010 I have to edit: no more CK One-ness...only sappy, cool, rustling leave-ness...amazing. With a bit of dirt.