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BPAL Madness!

January Garnet

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About January Garnet

  • Rank
    evil enabler
  • Birthday 01/24/1986


  • Location
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    United States

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  • Interests
    Movies, music, books.


  • Favorite Scents
    Dorian,Jareth, Morocco


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  1. January Garnet

    All Souls

    Definitely a soft incense with a slight foodie edge to it, and a hint of green? Probably part of the incense, which smells more like an unlit stick than a burning one (hence the softness). I'm liking it
  2. January Garnet

    The Snow Globe

    Cold leaded glass, bone chip snow, and glycerin. Snow Globe gives me the impression of of an icy winter landscape at midnight. We are inside the snow globe, not outside peering in. I don't usually like mint, but this is amazing. There is also some sort of soft flower in it that I can't quite place. For those who are worried, have no fear, there is not a hint of plastic smell to be found. I originally was going to pass on this one, but after reading some will call reviews, I decided to go for it. This might be the sleeper hit of this round of Coraline scents.
  3. January Garnet

    Snake Oil

    In the Imp: The exact same amazing vanilla from Dorian and some spices I'm interested in getting a better whiff of. Wet: Whoa! Instant love. If it stays like this, I'll be happy. Crystaline sugared vanilla and spices. Dry. Well, the delicious sugared vanilla has calmed down and has blended evenly with the spices. There is definitely patchouli in this, which I love. My only problem is that this is very strong on me. I put on a normal amount and I could smell it everywhere. Thank goodness I was testing it at home, because I might have triggered someone's allergies. I just need to be very careful with this one.
  4. January Garnet


    In the Imp: Very strong, almost dirt caked floral. Wet: Very strong floral, mostly frangipani. Dry: Oh my gosh, it smells like a Renuzit air freshener! Must be my skin chemistry. I guess this will just have to be a frimp for someone else.
  5. January Garnet

    How to make a paypal order.

    I included the transaction number
  6. January Garnet

    How to make a paypal order.

    Is your address different to the one that's in PayPal? If not, you'll be OK... PayPal payments include your shipping info for the seller so it will be on there for the Lab. Check the email that you got from PayPal (the payment sent confirmation you receive) and it should show your shipping info on that. But if you've emailed the Lab as well, then you've covered yourself just in case - although the correct email for general customer service stuff is answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com Thanks for the reply. My confirmation email did not have my address and I have two addresses in paypal, but the address listed as "Home" is the one I wanted, so It should be okay.
  7. January Garnet

    How to make a paypal order.

    I was an idiot and did not put my address i n the comments field on paypal with my order. I emailed my address to paypal@blackphoenixalchemylab.com. Could someone please tell me if I did the right thing? Thanks.
  8. January Garnet

    Scent for Halloween?

    I'm wearing Cathedral today.
  9. January Garnet

    Blood Rose

    In the imp: Alcohol soaked red roses. Not the best smell in the world. Wet: Wine and roses mixing beautifully. Dry: Its mostly red roses for a little while,but then the wine peeks back out and mixes in evenly with the rose. I was hoping for more of the rose smell, but I like this one too. Its interesting. I'm going to try The Rose for my true rose scent.
  10. January Garnet

    Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat

    In the Imp: Melon! Lots and lots of melon. This nearly scared me of because it seemed too one note, and I'm not that fond of melon scents. Wet: Melon, champagne grape, and something sharp. Probably the mint and the green tea. Dry: Mostly fizzy champagne grapes, green tea, and a background of honeydew melon. I've been wanting to try melon soda, and this just makes me want some even more! I liked this one far more than I was expecting to. Its becoming an everyday scent. I was worried that it would be too melon-y or too herbal, but its just about perfect.
  11. January Garnet

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Misk U is the usual recommendation for English majors/book lovers, but somehow it doesn't feel right for you. I'm going to recommend two that combine "books" with "classic rock" instead: The Book from the ParaNorman collection, which is old books and leather, and Trevor Bruttenholm from the Hellboy collection, which is old books, bay rum, and incense. I'd also recommend two tea scents, Embalming Fluid, which reminds me of what Sherlock would smell like while on the job (aka while not "between jobs," unbathed, and intoxicated) and Dorian, which combines your love of tea, your love of books, and your love of British things. Thank you! I love Dorian, but I'll have to try some of those others.
  12. January Garnet

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    I wouldn't mind a recommendation. I am almost 27, petite (4 ft 9 in), have curly chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. For the most part I am fairly shy, but I have a quirky personality. I am an English major. There are so many books I want to read, but I have no time. My favorite movies are Dead Poets Society and The Producers (1968). I love classic rock, especially The Beatles, Queen, and Pink Floyd. My current favorite TV shows are Doctor Who, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, and Sailor Moon (in Japanese, not the dubbed version). Also, I like to make things (resin jewelry, solid perfume, I'm currently knitting a scarf). I am fascinated by both funny and unusual things. I am a fan of Adagio teas, Cara McGee's signature blends in particular. Thanks in advance!
  13. January Garnet


    This has got to be one of my favorites. The smell of bread and butter is so authentic, and you can practically smell individual grains of sugar. The weak tea and cream lend a very nice edge as well.
  14. January Garnet

    Port Royal

    Port Royal does it's name justice. This fragrance smells like a high seas adventure! I can smell woods, spice, and sea air. The rum is there, but to me it isn't very prevelant. This is one of my favorite BPALs, and may be one of my first bottle purchases
  15. January Garnet

    The Hamptons

    In the Imp: Cranberry and citrus. Nice! Wet: Merry cranberry to all, and to all a good cranberry. Its almost a cranberry sauce, which makes this scent good for the Holidays. Dry; The citrus comes back out, making this smell even more like my Mom's cranberry sauce. I like this one! Not sure I'd get a big bottle, but this is great for the Christmas season.