French punk rock songs, horses and all that they encompass, playing the drums and screaming real loud, dancing around in a way that would be characteristic of a recovered lunatic patient recently released from an asylum, antique medical devices, BAMBI, H.P. Lovecraft, Franz Leiber, causing a ruckus and general disarray, my kitties and rats, going to shows and listening to music, endless adventures with the ol' man, creating culinary disasters in my kitchen, books, Loretta Lynn, taxidermy, blood and gore....anything horror will do nicely, horticulture, victorian era, going on day trips, comic books, endless discussions about nothing in particular over a good cocktail, catching people off guard, swimming in the creek, singing, sewing and candy
Astrological Info
I'm an aries! I don't know what that means! Maybe one of you folks will help me out with this.