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BPAL Madness!


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About Momijizukamori

  • Rank
    a little too imp-ulsive
  • Birthday 03/12/1988

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  • Pronouns
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Anime and manga, fantasy, sci-fi, costuming, web-design, music, books, Harry Potter


  • Favorite Scents
    Dracul, Hecate, Neo-Tokyo, Sunbird


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  • Country
    United States

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  1. Momijizukamori

    De Sade

    Well, that is most definately leather - no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Inside of a Wilson's Leather store-leather. I do like the smell of leather, but...this isn't complex enough for me, I think. I may experiment with layering, though, because it would smell great with something else.
  2. Momijizukamori


    In the bottle, sweet and somwhat citrusy, with a hint of cool earthiness. On me, overwhelmingly lemon soap - there was a hint of something else when I first put it on, but it disappeared a minute later underneath the soapiness. Not an unpleasant lemon-soap smell, but I had high hopes for this one. Oh well...
  3. Momijizukamori


    I got this as a frimp in an order from Carly, which is great as I don't think I'd have picked this one out on my own (I forget how much I love the smell of almonds ) In the bottle and wet, this smelled entirely like Amaretto, which isn't bad because that stuff smells goood. Dry, the myrrh and a bit of the musk come out and give it a very definite incense-kind of smell. A really, really high-quality incense kind of smell. The almond kind of hangs around underneath and sweetens everything. Just a side note - I put this on both my wrist and neck, as I usually do. It was fine on my wrists, but on my neck it started burning after a minute or two - it went away a few minutes later, but it looks like I may have little pinkish patches on my neck where I put it on. That aside, though I love this - it would be nice if the almond were a little stronger, but it smells wonderful just the way it is, too. Edit: Three and a half hours in, and that almond has come wandering back out again. So much love <3
  4. Momijizukamori

    Blood Amber

    What I'm guessing is the dragon's blood comes out first on me - very strong, and very resin-y spicy-sweet. The amber comes out a bit later, and is nice and warm and spicy, but the dragon's blood is pretty close to overpowering it. A little sweeter than I expected unfortunately, which makes it edge towards headache inducing on me, but I'll give it a go another day and hope that sweetness isn't quite so strong.
  5. Momijizukamori

    Santo Domingo

    On me, this was entirely drying tobacco leaves and what I'm guessing is the rum - the wonderful lovechild of amber and vanilla, anyway. Warm and comfortable, although I got none of the floral at all. This was a friend's, and I may have to get an imp of my own - it hung around a long time, too, and stayed nice and comfortable the whole time.
  6. Momijizukamori


    On me, this almost instantly turned into a vanilla-scented beeswax candle. Which isn't bad, per se, but it did start to grate after a while. There was a hint of something lemony that tried to come out in the begining, but not for long. I was really hoping for more out of this, as it seems to be a big favorite - I may have to try it another time of the month if I can steal my friend's imp again.
  7. Momijizukamori


    On me, it smells like church incense, at least of the variety my father uses - makes me think of big old churches with dark carved wood and big gothic arches. There's a bit of tobacco smell blended in with that, but not really noticebly so. There's also definately an undercurrent of leather, which is nice without being overwhelming. In the bottle, it's more or less the same, but with this odd sort of sweet smell, as well, which luckily goes away after it dries. I definately like this one at lot - it stays on me well, too. First time I tried it, it reached at least eight hours and was still going pretty well. Sadly I think it is more suited to the days when I break out my nice suits and ties, as it is most definately a gentlemanly sort of smell, but eh, means my imp will last longer