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About AngelinDecline

  • Rank
    evil enabler
  • Birthday 10/16/1977


  • Location
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    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
    Layered MB: Underbed, Apple IV
  • Favorite Scents
    (Dried Strawberries, Red Musk, Bourbon Vanilla)****, Bitches Love Unicorns****, Midnight Kiss**, Crypt King**, Liquid Gold is in the Air**, MB: Bloody Mary***, Candy Phoenix, Screeching Parrot***, 413 U.S. 15/Miller vs. California***, Yew Trees, Deep in Earth***, Jailbait***, Blue Snowballs***, Pink Snowballs***, MB: Closet*, Irrelevant and Surreal Crawdad Dream, Yemaya***, Hexennacht 08, White Chocolate & Strawberries,Twisted Oak Tree 2008 Blue label***, Snake's Kiss***, Snake Oil***, Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat,(Black Cherry, Neroli, & Grapefruit)***, Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo*, scents i LOVE: apple, fig, fruity/foody/candy,/citrus/woodsy/earthy Scents i don't like or am allergic to: black licorice, coffee, mint, baby powder, molasses, fennel, Anise seed, Star Anise,

Profile Information

  • Interests
    would love more of Aeris Massage oil! would love to try imps or bottles of Crypt Queen, Berry Moon, Pluto, Punkie Night, would always love bottles from those above listed as NE (Never Enough)


  • Astrological Info
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  1. AngelinDecline

    Love Me

    For me i don't get any floral or spice or cinnamon. It is sickly sweet like apricot or quince ends up on me. Maybe a slight floral background. This is not for me.
  2. AngelinDecline

    Plum Blossom Twig Hair Gloss

    When i first tried this i mostly got floral i am guessing the plum blossom. I tried this several times but still just florals I almost put this on ebay but i decided to retest it one last time and finally i got the creamy lemon amber note and it is yummy. So i have decided to keep. I get more of the other notes, wild plum, wildflower honey as well not familiar with labdanum but in the end the creamy lemon amber changed my mind on this one. Guess it just needed more time to settle. Glad i didn't get rid of this one.
  3. AngelinDecline

    Lollipop Smut

    This is a sweet yet sour Orange Lollipop. I don't get any bubblegum from this nor does it remind me of Jailbait which is a fav of mine. Which to me is more bubblegum/Red Hots. This is orange maybe blood orange lollipops. It is a bit sharp/sour orange note could be some neroli in it might be what is giving it that sharp note to it. Medium throw lasts longer on me when the citrus note is more dominant but it can get syrupy sweet towards the end. Think it is the lollipop note on me. Still i do love this!
  4. AngelinDecline

    The Clown Princess of Crime

    This is really nice. But might be a bit if a morpher on me. I get the lime candy and the bubblegum lollipop notes, not sure i am familiar enough with plums to pick that note out. I have worn this several times and this time i am picking out a slight close to the skin menthol note could be eucalyptus. Medium throw lasts awhile too but like Lollipop Smut towards the end it can become a bit syrupy sweet on me sometimes.
  5. AngelinDecline

    High-Pitched Shriek

    This is lovely. It reminds me of Breakfast, or Something but better with the lemon peel and marshmallow. Gives it more depth complexity than BOS. I get more of the lemon peel than than the rest as i tend to amp anything lemon. But i do get the creaminess/cereal that i got from the BOS. And the white musk adds a nice touch. I don't get a lot of the strawberry i think is more blended in with the creamy cereal scent. This lasts longer on me than BOS likely cause of the lemon peel and marshmallow. Over all for me this is a big hit!
  6. AngelinDecline


    So it is interesting with the reviews. Some smell chocolate and others vanilla and wax. I have both an imp of Sprinklecake and a bottle. Neither smell like the other at all! Imp - In the imp: very vanilla yellowish cake, some frosting and definitely sprinkles on this cake and wax? wet: same but more wax and citrus!? Bottle - In the bottle - cacao and a hint of cake mostly cacao Wet: chocolate cake but then it takes a horrible turn and starts smelling like rubbing alcohol. Oh no, that's tragic. And giving me a bit of a headache. Gonna wash it off and maybe try again another time. Might just be my current skin chemistry isn't working with this. But this one might have to go.
  7. AngelinDecline


    I got this imp from the lab from a recent purchase. In the imp - definitely smell the almonds. I worried almond can overwhelm too many other notes in a blend and I usually stay away from it. Wet - I get the cherry smell from the almonds but thankfully not overwhelmingly so. This is better than I was expecting! Though some is a little perplexing as my experience is a little different than others. I smell the almond but it is tamed by the vanilla. Giving it a nice creamy quality. I don't know enough of what heliotrope smells like to identify it and not really picking up any cinnamon. Maybe a very light spice to it. Which I am guessing is coming more from the frankincense than the cinnamon. Picking up on the heliotrope but it is barely there a slight floral scent. What is unusual is that when i sniff close to my wrist I get a slight blast of coolness. Kinda like if you opened your freezer and stuck your head in that blast of cold air that hits your face as you open the door. I wonder what is doing that? It makes me think of being outside at night to watch a lunar eclipse the sky is crystal clear but there is a slight chill to the air and a light fog on the ground. It is quiet out and it feels like the world is sleeping except for you. Mysterious and strangely comforting.
  8. AngelinDecline

    Bitches Love Unicorns

    In the bottle: Rainbow Sugar a kaleidoscope of fruity sugar! Wet: same Dry: same, I know everyone says this reminds them of Skittles but for me it reminds me of a room full of those rainbow pinwheel lollipops. I can at different times pick out each of the rainbow.The way it fills a room and you just want to keep sniffing. The ultimate fruity candy scent! Great Throw Long lasting Definitely one of my all time and forever favs. I so glad I got a bottle and am working on a BU!!!!
  9. AngelinDecline

    Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat

    A very simple review: Lemonheads that's what it smells like. Sugary - Lemony Goodness. Great throw, long wear. (my skin amps citrus). So I am happy with the bottle I got.
  10. AngelinDecline

    Anathema Device

    On me this is almost all peach and apricot. Maybe what might be the amber, not getting much sandalwood. I'm getting nothing of the black currant or bourbon vanilla. Both of which tends to work well with me but here it is non existent. I'm very surprised by this. However I adore this scent! Its a light uplifting scent with just a touch of apricot which I find can be a bit sickly sweet and doesn't usually work for me but not with this. But there is definitely peach and apricot in this or this scent is playing some major tricks on me. Doesn't have great throw maybe medium-ish but it is quite a lovely scent.
  11. AngelinDecline

    Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary

    This was a mis-purchase. In the bottle: Cherry and Patchouli with the patchouli being the more dominant scent. On my skin: nothing but patchouli it is intense. A bit spicy and woodsy. Unfortunately not one I like much. Patchouli is not one of my favorite scents. And it lingers. It just too much for me so I try to wash it off: but it clings like an unwanted lover. I'm just not that into you. Go away patchouli, go away. This one goes to my sale/swap pile.
  12. AngelinDecline

    Windward Passage

    This is my first review. I don't get linens, soapy, or Irish Spring from this. I get salty, tangy ocean with strong winds, and wood. Like I'm on the deck of a wooden ship in open seas and choppy water stirred by a windy over cast day. Sometimes a stop on a nearby beach. A day for adventure! This is quite lovely. It does fade after an hr or so. Definitely want more of this. I'm surprised as I didn't think I would love an aquatic, guess I need to give more a try! I wish I knew where the wood scent was coming from.