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Posts posted by AliBabble

  1. on darkness is a really rich, luxurious dreamy scent...it's got a headiness from the poppy, and combined with the lavendar it creates a woozy, druggy feeling...like sleepy moon, it feels a bit hypnotic. it does feel dark purple, and a bit sour at times from the geranium and rosewood, but i like this bitter edge. a little drop is enough, as this is powerful on me - the black amber and incense creates a wafting cloud that threatens to become cologne-y, but somehow stays under control. this is becoming a big favorite of mine.

  2. in the bottle it smells like as cross between a lighter version of wulric the wolfman, mixed w/ gingerbread poppet. wet, it smells like gingerbread poppet. drying, it gets lighter and sharper - an herbally gingerbread poppet, without the cake. in short - ginger, with a touch of the brown sugar. i do like it, and find it warm and comforting.

  3. damn, this is good. silky, shiny, slightly metallic - polished...these are words that spring to mind...really a golden liquid-y feeling...it's well blended. really, the coconut and amber are what i detect most, if i had to pinpoint - though the whole oil seems to create something original and defined on its own terms...there's something flower-y or nectar-like - maybe the tobacco-flower? it certainly doesn't smell like the usual tobacco note, there's nothing "manly" going on here - it's very feminine and sophisticated. it's a "clean" smell, but very rich, deep, and "glossy". it's also fairly stong. beautiful!

  4. this oil is surprising....it smells cool in the bottle - i mean temperature-wise, cool. like, refreshing. yet it's rich. a strange combination- it's not that rosy, and it's not that caramel-y, which is a relief, as both of those can be overpowering. i'm actually getting a fair amount of the pink pepper, and it's lovely. the balsam of peru is there, giving this scent smoothness. ditto for the benzoin, just barely there, but binding things together. the berries are there, but faint, and the cognac, a little hard for me to pick up. this scent is well-blended. i think i was picturing something a little darker and deeper somehow, when in fact it's more sweet and playful...i do like it, but not sure how much...it's pretty, but a tad soapy and "fresh" on my skin. may not be me. lovely label, though.

  5. i hope it's ok to review the resurrected, if i've already reviewed the original....


    i lost my original bottle of snake charmer recently, when my bag was stolen. i don't know what possessed me to carry the bottle with me, i had never travelled with it before. but i think i was reassured by the fact that the resurrected was around...anyway - i'm sad to say, i don't like this version as much. i hope that aging makes it smell like my lovely old aged version, we'll see. the new version is very much like snake oil, which i never liked. it is rougher around the edges - less soft, sweet and sensual than original SC...my nose is searching for coconut, but finding none, and the lovely powdery amber i used to get doesn't seem to be as present. in short, it seems less complex. i realize that aging it may help out a lot, but i seem to remember liking the old one right off the bat. i also preferred the old label, as this one is shiny, not matte, and has a big "resurrected" across it, and a different font. i guess i'm a picky old coot.

  6. red rose has a lot of clove which i'm happy about, although the clove fades after a bit. also getting a fair amount of an incense-like smell which i'm attributing to the indian musk - for no other reason than that i associate incense with "indian". but it could also be the tobacco. it definitely feels like a rose incense to me, similar to black rose - but not as dark, and with more complexity. it has a very deep red, rich feeling, without being heavy. the fir comes out more as it dries down - i think this is giving me the incense impression too...it feels woodsy and outdoorsy...like a foresty rose...not getting much amber or tonka somehow...anyway, i like this - it's a spicy, clove-y rose, warm and exotic. unusual. i guess the tobacco does make it a touch "masculine" (there's a bit of an "old spice" deoderant smell...) but it's not overbearing.

  7. soft, musky, kinda fruity somehow...a fruity coconut...just a hint of vanilla and rose, the tea is light.....it's pretty subtle actually. the rose comes out more as it dries, and the other notes fade. i like this - it's quite pleasant and wearable, but also a little light. feminine and unobtrusive. the orris comes out more as it dries, adding some definition to the softness. not getting much benzoin or frankincense. this would be good for work, and strikes me as a daytime scent, that blends into my skin well. it's rather snuggly and cozy. it somehow reminds me of a much tamer, toned-down version of antique lace.

  8. this starts off as a dry, incense-y rose with a metallic resin-y element. it is not overly sweet or powerful. it blends nicely with my skin the longer it wears - softening, and revealing the slight chocolatiness of the cocoa flowers. it's got a slight floral sharpness from the blossoms, but very slight - it's mellowed by the beeswax. i'm not getting a ton of sandalwood, or tobacco. this scent is subtle - not too light, or too dark. it's well-rounded, it doesn't tickle my nose the way some incense-y blends do. i'd recommend this to people who want something that blends with their skin, and is not overly dramatic. but it still has an air of mystery and soft beauty to it, and the uplifting quality of incense smoke/flowers. it smells quiet and serene. thumbs up.

  9. this is both lighter and sweeter than i expected...not so absinthe-y in the bottle, it reminds me slightly of litha - alcoholic, but more like a good beer. on my skin, the sugared quality blooms immediately, and i like this much better...i'm also getting a lot of the lilacs, which is great. this is a beautiful, delicate refined scent...old fashioned, evocative...definitely gives the woozy slightly psychedelic feeling of absinthe. it needs to be on the skin to really develop. i love this.

  10. despite the lovely-sounding ingredients, this went to generic men's cologne on me. i don't know if it was the pine or the tobacco or what...it smelld quite nice in the bottle, but on my skin it's straight up cologne, and it's strong and it lasts and lasts. not me at all. oh well...

  11. ok, i love this. it's very unusual - almost grassy at first in its herbal qualities, there are things here i'm pretty sure i've never smelled...in tone, there's something akin to the dandelion smell in saggitarius, and the greenness of passionate shepherd, but it really smells nothing like those...there's a freshness here that's dry and bright - it is unisex, but not cologne-y...as it dries the frankincense comes out a lot more, it's a little dry and sharp...very unusual. the scent feels rather ancient, cleansing and magical.

  12. first sniff out of the bottle gives me a good impression - it's not too sweet, and kinda sophisticated and subtle - the main thing i get upon application, is the orris. i get a bit of vanilla, and really not much patchouli...the scent strikes me as sort of refined and restrained - nothing really hits you over the head, and it is not at all overwhelming - a touch of champaca and kush...it is almost metallic in feeling, with something slightly candyish. hard to decribe actually, but i really like it..it reminds me of lucretia, from the salon.

  13. the imp i got of this is my absolute favorite thing, from my last order. happily enough, there is something in this which, at first, reminds me of the TAL white light, which is an amazing, magical scent for me. 93 engine is very satisfying, because it's not really sweet - it's more zingy and herbal, but very calming. at first it's almost like eucalyptus, then reminds me a bit of turpentine (i love the smell of turperntine). i think it's the balsam (i used to use wella balsam shampoo, and there's a hint of that smell). the scent warms up and gets more resin-y, and saffron-y. this is the best thing i've smelled from the lab in a while. i want a bottle.

  14. i really, really like this one. it's not what i was expecting - it's rather bracing, and a bit fruity - sort of effervescent and uplifting, weirdly enough, it's almost lemony on me! it strikes me as light, fresh, and gender-neutral, like an old-fashioned after shave lotion, not really as strong as a cologne. i can't say i smell much violet, nor do i smell patchouli. the strongest note i get is actually the moss, and it's lovely. i have to say this is a very unusual blend, a very clean scent with a nice richness. it's almost ozone-y, actually.


    eta: trying it again today, and it's not working as well...it has the smell of perm solution/hair dye...what is that?! i get it some time w/ some of the oils, and can never figure out what's causing it...drat.

  15. slippery poppy is somehow too sweet and perfume-y on me - it's certainly a happy scent, that starts out almost sickly sweet, but on my skin a nice planty smell comes out - somehow though, it becomes almost too sharp, a little soapy, and a bit potpourri-ish. i don't exactly dislike it - the planty/fresh flower smell is my favorite aspect of this blend, but it's not wonderful on my skin.

  16. orchid, vanilla, and the lightest touch of incense is what i get here...this smells very light and natural on my skin...not the strongest scent, but one that is feminine and mildly sensual...would be good for many occasions - work, sleep, and everyday use...

  17. tiki queen is really just ok on me, nothing earth-shattering. at first it is fruity and pleasant - fun and almost childlike - like a kid's perfume, it reminds me of toys. the coconut comes out more on me as it wears...but there's something that doesn't quite sit right on my skin; it's a little waxy or something, i dunno. anyway, it's not bad - it's actually pleasant, but not sure it's right for me. maybe in the summer months it'll be nice, though.


    eta: maybe the oil needed to age a little bit, or maybe it's just grown on me, but revisiting this scent, i like it a lot better now...i'm getting more of a lovely orchid smell now, and the hibiscus...really nice - kind of addicting actually

  18. my first thought from sniffing the bottle is that this is like budding moon, which had plum blossom, but it is more fresh and tart.

    i think it's amazing actually, very pretty, feminine and young. perhaps more innocent than what i like to smell like, a little dainty perhaps for me. still, it's s real mood lifter - you definitley get the mental image of cherry blossoms in the spring. this one is perfect for work, and errands around the neighborhood. it fades quickly. i see it as a cheery daytime scent, and i will definitely use it.

  19. i don't get so much of the sugar skull comparison, and i do see the ethamides comparison, but for me sugar moon is more to my liking than either of the aforementioned oils. at first i get a fruity sugar, berry-ish, but tempered - not cloying or syrupy or heavy. a woodyness comes out next, and this is my favorite stage - i think i really like woody notes, and haven't explored this part of my scent experience as much as i should. i don't recall all the notes in this...i suppose there is a touch of strawberry, but it is very mild. this is not a hugely musky scent on me, and is instead rather soft and comfortable. is there a touch of violet here? i love it! the wood in this is what really makes it special for me.

  20. wow. this one is right up my alley - i love the smell of clover, and the passionate shepherd has a nice healthy dose of it. it's a very fresh and invigorating scent - clover, grass, a touch of moss and rose - this scent gives me the sense of motion and wind - of running through a field with wild grasses, flowers and weeds overgrown and blowing in the wind. it's almost got a touch of rose red's coldness. this is a very alive, energetic scent - wild and green, with just a breath of florals. it's quite strong too, i think i will go easy with application. something in this reminds me of villainess' pearl diver, maybe the moss? anyway yeah - it is green, strong and fresh, and i will definitely use this one when i need a blast of fresh air.

  21. weirdly enough, i am getting a bit of that wintergreen smell too. huh. i don't get cake and i don't get butter, i do get kind of a creamy...wintergreen. huh. the vanilla is really nice, and i can sense the mintyness getting weaker and the vanilla getting stronger as it dries down. it's almost like a minty buttercream center of a candy. it is a mellow scent, certainly pleasant, but alas, it doesn't have the resemblance to underpants that i'd hoped for. not much saffron to my nose. this smells more exciting in the bottle - somehow on my skin it's a bit uneventful.

  22. We sang till almost night, and drank my good store of wine; and then they parted and I to my chamber, where I did read through L'Ecole des Filles; a lewd book, but what doth me no wrong to read for imagination's sake… and after I had done it, I burned it, that it might not be among my books to my shame.

    Published around 1655, this is considered to be the origin of modern pornography in France. It is a discourse between two young ladies, the elder instructing the younger in the ways of passion.

    This is a libertine's celebration of decadence, debauchery, and sexual freedom: orange blossom, ambergris, orris root, white rose, lemon balm, jonquil, carrot seed, and benzoin.

    i had to get an imp of this, for the concept alone. luckily it smells pretty good! in the imp it is light, refreshing, and almost a candy-like floral. the orange blossom is the most prominent note at first, very delicate, and very innocent. on my skin, this scent really blossoms and i can detect just a hint of the white rose and jonquil. there's something kind of earthy in this too, i want to say the ambergris, but i'm not sure. the benzoin is definitely there, but in keeping with this scent, it is gentle. any lemon balm in this, is quite subdued - no lemon pledge in sight, and in fact i'm amazed at how well-rounded and gentle this scent is. this gets a big thumbs up from me for surprising me in a good way, and for being very wearable - i'm starting to think that benzoin makes everything nice on me.

  23. neptune smells very familiar to me...i eventually identify it as neroli, as others have noted. something else in there strikes me as woody...like driftwood or teakwood. and i agree that citrus or lavendar could be in there as well, but it's so well-blended it's hard to tell. the combination though, gives an impression of juiciness and dryness at the same time, which is unusual. this has a fresh, uplifting quality; at the same time, it strikes me as dreamy and meditative. the longer it wears, there's a touch of sharpness - maybe that is the lavendar? but it settles into a gentle, clean scent on my skin. i'd like to try this while meditating.

  24. mmmm. this smells good. there's some familiarity here...it's cake-y a la "eat me", and it reminds me at first of carrot cake, the same carrot cake feeling i got from pumpkin queen, from the citrus. ...teenage cannibal is like a yummy, citrussy cake, with whipped cream, crystalized ginger, and candied grapefruit peel. it's a light foody scent, with none of the heavy butteriness that comes with some foodies.

    the grapefruit and ginger come out later, adding a tang and a zing that is a little "perkier" than what i usually wear (after all this is a teenage cannibal, not a middle-aged one), but i think this'll be good for me as a work scent, and a summer scent. fun! (awesome label too, of course.)
