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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by holborne

  1. "The Deer Hunter" packs no less of an emotional wallop the second time around.

  2. Seriously, @andrewrgoldman, would you ask a male subject whether he chose his career over kids, and and thus, that he must dislike kids?

  3. Back from seeing Miike's "Hara-Kiri" @IFCCenter. Very fine film indeed, if pretty intense in spots. Go see it!

  4. OMFG, Takashi Miike has directed a remake of Hara-kiri. It's at the @IFCCenter this weekend. We are so there. #fb

  5. Just when you think the @nytimes can't make you feel even more stabby that it usually does . . . http://t.co/yfuLdTS5

  6. Have you no sense of dignity, Clotilde, at long last? Have you left no sense of dignity? #fb http://t.co/0lj4k01T

  7. Curtis Luciani has the best take I've read yet on the Daniel Tosh "joke." Funny and dead on. http://t.co/CcK2z2iq

  8. That's right followers: I'm a flaming liberal and I'm voting for Obama! A-HAHAHAHAHA!!!

  9. Wow, in one breath, comparing himself to Spencer Tracy and Mozart. Pretty impressive. #RobertBlake

  10. "The Worst Tweets from the First Year of Twitter" http://t.co/udUcnqql (h/t @lmc)

  11. Shocking! "Economists: Romney’s ideas wouldn’t fix short-term crisis, and could make things worse" http://t.co/AF89UFxo

  12. Ok, so now I understand why people like baseball.

  13. Thank you, @apelad, for this fabulous new avatar!

  14. I'm sort of in love with @bpal Cordelia, which probably means they'll discontinue it immediately.

  15. Next thing you know, a dwarf will come through the car riding a pony.

  16. I deserve a Mr. Softee today.

  17. Does anyone out there use 1password? Would you recommend it?

  18. I know I say this a lot, but read this if you're thinking about law school; the author speaks truth (h/t @WBrain70): http://t.co/zRoVbaEe

  19. .@gateau: Just in case you need a reminder of people we will not miss. When Muppets troll: http://t.co/HJw7HxM3

  20. Now on the TiVo: "Goofballs and Tea," from 1958. This is going to be goooood. #TCM

  21. Ok, serious question: How to you respond to someone like this? He can't be reasoned with, so...what do you say? http://t.co/TqJ1J4ha

  22. The AHC ruling has galvanized the Repubs, so let's make sure that it also redoubles the Dems' efforts to defeat Mitt Romney this November.

  23. RT @ivanski: RT @garyhe: Barack Obama looking at CNN on his iPad. http://t.co/UtGZstfx
