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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by holborne

  1. I just realized we're GenX compatriots! Yay -- honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm the oldest one here (I'm actually a little older than you.)

  2. I kind of love John Saxon.

  3. I kind of miss Julio and Marisol.

  4. I know I say this a lot, but read this if you're thinking about law school; the author speaks truth (h/t @WBrain70): http://t.co/zRoVbaEe

  5. I know: it's my fault for watching this shit in the first place.

  6. I loved this book SO MUCH as a kid (& as an adult, too) RT @nprbooks: I Am The Cheese: A Nightmarish Nail-Biter http://t.co/q7PRYfod

  7. I mean, seriously, @salon, you aren't required to allow comments from people like benignczar. Is there a reason you don't moderate comments?

  8. I really don't care what it takes; I'm going to fly on this plane: http://t.co/R1YLkuNO

  9. I really need a Firefox add-on that prevents me from reading comments on any website. Christ, is the internet ever filled with jackasses.

  10. i suppose it would be ridiculous for me to ask why "African Booty Scratcher" is trending.

  11. I think @RonHogan wants to sulk over the incident with the second dark chocolate and sea salt Kind Bar, but he's being an adult about it.

  12. I think I'd have to go with either MCMXIV or an Arundel Tomb. And Aubade, but that's such a boring favorite. What are yours?

  13. I think I've created a kale monster. HALP!

  14. I think the entire nation owes @RalphGilles a sincere "thank you" for his tweet to the vile @realdonaldtrump. So I'll start: Thank you!

  15. I thought of bananas' amusing qualities because I sometimes forget that writing on a banana with a ballpoint pen is oddly satisfying.

  16. I wish I could say I was shocked at the PSU riots, but I have to admit, I'm not. Still: disgraceful. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  17. I wonder how Joe Dallesandro explains the cover of Sticky Fingers to his grandchildren? #fb

  18. I wonder if there will ever be a time when my cats get tired of whomping the bejeebers out of each other.

  19. I would bet $100 that upon investigation, that hypothesis would be proven correct.

  20. I would have thought that Hannibal would be kind of uncomfortable wearing black leather gloves in the Los Angeles heat all the time.

  21. I would pay good money to see Samuel Beckett's "The Odd Couple." #fb

  22. I'd rather see that than steampunk.

  23. I'd say I'm about 20 years below the average age of this audience. Doesn't bode well for the opera.
