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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by GypsyRoseRed

  1. Mmmm.. Perversion soap is absolutely dreamy. It's a good translation of the BPAL scent which is one of my favorites, and the soap doesn't disappoint. The only thing that could improve it for me would be more moisturising properties because I have dry skin and this does leave my skin feeling a little tight afterward. Maybe some Perversion lotion would help with that? :P

  2. "Many things -- such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly -- are done worst when we try hardest to do them."
    Water, Saponified Organic Palm Kernal Oil, Coconut Oil, Soy Oil, Fair Trade Organic Shea Oil, Sodium Lactate, Jojoba Oil, Castor Oil, Ground Lavender Flowers, Lavender officinalis, Vanilla planifolia, and TKO.

    Of all of the soaps, this was the one I was really dying to try because TKO is one of my staples. I hate to say it, but while the TKO soap is lovely, it's not what I was hoping for. I get less vanilla and a lot more lavender out of the soap than I do from the oil, and while it's still nice, being brutally honest, I'd rather buy more oil and add drops to unscented body wash.

    For those who love lavender, this may be more of a winner, but not for me. There are other BPTP soaps that I rank way above the TKO version which really surprises me. Oh, well.

  3. Pruno smells a lot like Orange Slice to me, but it develops a dry, dusty note on my skin that is distinctly 'yuck'. I knew it would do this as soon as I sniffed it in the bottle. Oh, well. I'll send it on to a happier home!

  4. This is actually a wearable rose.. as in, a rose scent that I could wear if roses were actually my thing. Maybe it's because most rose blends hate me, but I've decided that they're so not me. Still, this one is slightly sweet and ever so vaguely fruity somehow.. I find myself wanting to own this, even though I'll never wear it because it's so pretty.

  5. This is such a dead ringer for soft leather, and it's truly lovely in that sense. I'm just not sure it's something I want to smell like, because my skin amps it and I kinda smell like 'new car interior'. :P Smells good, but not sex-ay, which is what I was hoping for.

  6. Pretty, sexy and definitely worth the hype. I'm so glad I finally managed to get my hands on a half-imp of this, because it's a must-try for BPAL lovers. It's got glamour written all over it, with some sort of cognac note, dark fruit and yet it doesn't get too dark. Maybe I'm insane, but I also get wafts of hairspray and tobacco. It smells better than it sounds, I promise!

  7. I got some Pele on my kitty, Clare, and she smelled wonderful! I am considering putting some on her brush, too! My dog, Riley, hates Possets Hearts and Flowers--he darts away from me and looks sincerely perturbed when I have it on, lol, but the bpal scents seem to pass inspection.


    My dog's name is Riley too! :P My GF puts Anne Bonney on her and it smelles great. She doesn't seem to mind it either. Sometimes I dab Bakeneko on her, even though it's a Kitty inspired smelllie. It's all good, esp. since Riley's best friend is her cat Freddie Mercury :D


    It still kills me that your cat is named Freddie Mercury. :D

  8. I think it's past time to stop harping on snakegetters. She saw her work being stolen (and yes, it was stolen), got upset (understandably), and made a mistake (just as the lab did). She has since apologized for her public airing and has cleared matters up with the lab themselves. The lab made a mistake, snakegetters made a mistake, they both fessed up, apologized, and life moves on. Continuing with negative statements against either one is pointless.


    Okay - the Lab did NOT make a mistake, except in the way that they paid and trusted someone who wasn't trustworthy. They paid to license images from a third party. The third party obviously had no rights to the images. This is currently in the process of being worked out (which I obviously made reference to in my post) as I understand it, but I am completely entitled to express my opinion, which is that I really still do not understand why the issues was addressed the manner that it was in the first place. My primary point is that I really do not feel personally that the Snake Pit bottles NEED the snakes on the labels, and if it's going to cost BPAL to license more images, I'm one customer who's saying she doesn't feel it's neccessary. The Snake Pit bottles are lovely enough as it is, courtesy of the fabulous lettering.. They match the Snake Oil and Carnaval Noir labels without the snake images.

  9. I'm sort of hesitant to post about this at all since the matter is being resolved and all, but I'd like to say for what it's worth that while I love the current Snake Pit labels, I wouldn't care at all if the snake images were removed. I'd rather that happen than the Lab have to pay to license more images to get species-correct ones (if the current ones are indeed incorrect).


    And snakegetters, while I admire your work with snakes and welcome you to the forum, I have to say if I'm being honest that your initial post about this on LJ made me kinda angry and uncomfortable - simple because of how you chose to handle it. As a friend of Beth and Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, I really still don't understand why you made the decision to handle the matter as you did. Since it was obviously pretty clear that it *was* your picture of your snake that was used (and he is beautiful, btw) it should have been a simple enough matter to send a letter to the Lab's mailing address listed on their website and handle the matter through professional/legal channels instead of stirring the pot and casting aspersions on a public forum. *shrug* Just my two cents worth and I'm only saying so because I got to this whole topic pretty late in the debate.

  10. I have to agree with edenssixthday - Juju packs a powerful punch as a Voodoo oil. I've been going through a tough time, and the first time I smelled this, I felt this wonderful sense of relief. Like a ball of summery heat in my chest that just burned the bad stuff away. My anxiety, worry and anger was gone for a couple of hours at least. For me, it's only worked as UNcrossing, but then I've never tried to work with it as a crossing blend.


    Scentwise, I get something dark and resinous, with a hint of something fairly peppery. The overall effect is sweet and warm. :P

  11. Okay. I've heard the comparisons to Monsterbait: Closet and I can see why (the purple fruitiness!) but really, The Crumpet Rebellion is very different to me. It's soooo much better. I couldn't wear Closet because I smelled obnoxiously fruity - like I'd rolled in a giant puddle of dark purple jelly. Crumpet is just... delicious *dies*. There was NO butter in it for me at all, but I did get something foody under the layer of fruit that made it a very delicate and accomplished gourmand scent. It's so gorgeous.. One of those wrist to nose blends. When it's well into the drydown, my body chemistry gave it a slight incense-y twist.. Mmm.. blackcurrant incense.. For me, Crumpet is lovely and I really enjoyed it through all of it's stages. :P


    ETA: You know what it reminds me of? A SCONE. Heaps of blackcurrant jam on a fat, fluffy scone topped with a dollop of clotted cream. :D

  12. If there is pine in this, I'd be shocked because pine smells and I have never been friends. They all go straight to hell on me, but Shanghai Tunnels does no such thing. It's very much a morpher - wet, in the bottle, it does have a dark, damp puddle-y smell but it's still very appealing. :P On the drydown, it evaporates into a warm, smooth and mild outdoorsy scent (which is a pleasant surprise since those always go bitter on me where this rounds out and blossoms). Very nice, but too masculine for me I'm afraid.

  13. This is sort of like jasmine, but I really don't think it is. I've smelled something similar before in plant/flower form but I can't for the life of me pin it down. But yes, it manages to be light, bright and floral without being either watery or in your face flowers. The drydown is really very pretty and light, but still very distinctive and easily detectable. This one's a winner, which surprises me since I didn't fall in love with it in the bottle.

  14. This is such an interesting, hard to pin down scent that smells very sophisticated, and manages to be clean, creamy and spicy all at once. I can't pick out a single note, but it seems like there's some kind of musk in it. Right? Whatever it is, it's really very lovely.

  15. For me, the rose really takes a back seat in this blend, or at least it's not the shrill, demanding rose that usually ruins most perfumes for me. The honey, plum and benzion balance it nicely until it's very smokey, seductive and intriguing. It's got a lot of depth to it, and when I put this on my wrist, I feel like I should be wearing a long evening dress with a gardenia in my hair. Very girly and sophisticated, and definitely a keeper.

  16. This is such a pretty springtime floral and so unlike anything I'd usually go for. It's ultra feminine, but the florals here are the olfactory equivalents of bright colors.. no pretty pastels in this bunch. I was surprised that it had such light throw and wear length.. In spite of how bonny it is, this isn't a blend for me.

  17. Being a Taurean, I was so excited that there was going to be a Taurus 2007! I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Thank goodness for Minotaur, because Taurus turns to faintly floral dust on me. Nasty old potpourri. *blech*

  18. Gorgeous. This is such an olfactory snapshot for me, one that takes me right back to the summer days of my childhood.. probably right up to when I was 9 or 10. Our house then had a lawn that led up to a big common grass area, where the grass was bright green and lush. I'd often sit out there and make daisy chains, make little fairy nests out of mown grass or blow out the dandelion clocks when I was lucky enough to find one unplucked. That place/time had such a particular smell, and this is it. Bottled. One good sniff of it fills up my heart with peace and calm. Makes me smile. I'll really treasure the bottle I have, whether or not I wear it.

  19. I *love* this scent. In fact, it was love at first sniff which happens so rarely for me. In the bottle it's lilac and leather straight up, but on the drydown, the white musk comes out and rounds the blend out a little, makes it creamier and richer. It's so simple, yet very sexy. I could easily see myself wearing this to go out, but then again, I only have the one bottle of it. :P This could be one of those scents I just have to hoard.
