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Posts posted by OctoberGwen

  1. On me, Shub-Niggurath is not "gingerbread" at all, it is fresh cut ginger root - sharp and strong. There is nothing about this that says baked goods to my nose. After a bit, the ginger backs off a bit and I smell something lemony/lime, creamy-resiny, and herbal on top of the ginger. What a wonderful blend. It is definitely reminiscent of Voodoo, it has a similar lime cola vibe except it's sweeter and there's no smoky tang from the vetiver.


    This is delicious, but not overly foody. Fresh, enticing, and unique. It makes me want to snuggle in with my arm and just...smell it. :lol:

  2. This is one of those scents that smells so familiar, somehow, it immediately makes me think "home." It's the strangest thing. Doom Of Beauty is like that for me, also, though in that case I know the origin: my mother's herb gardens. With Mrs. Grose, I wonder if it's deja-vu or some memory of my grandmother's house or...I just don't know.


    I smell something that says "rosehips" to me, and definitely black tea, and a dusty, delicious spiciness. It's like the memory of more refined times that you get faint wafts of as you tour a historic mansion. It's cozy, with an edge. I can't describe it properly, but I think I need a bottle simply for the pure evocative quality of the scent for me.

  3. This is a gorgeous blend. For once on me, the leather is soft, not sharp and overwhelming; and the honey and vanilla do not become so sweet they nauseate me. There is no trace of plastic. It is not flowery at all. Just a smooooooooth, perfect blend. Interestingly, twice in a row my right wrist smelled more strongly of the leather, and my left had a distinct rootbeer quality from the sarsparilla (another note I generally do not care for, incidentally.)


    I was a bit sad that this is so nice, actually. My beautiful NYCC fairy (you know who you are) went to a boatload of trouble to obtain two other exclusive scents for me - I was convinced that Badgers wouldn't work. Ironically, I ended up swapping those two away and then really liking Badgers when I got a half decant.


    I thought I'd need to hunt down a bottle of this, but I think I'm fine with my decant after all. As lovely as this is, I still don't really want to smell like leather. I'll enjoy my little imp, for sure!

  4. so basically you are telling me to try alllllll the smells? then keep them all and try them again later? sounds fine to me but my bank account will not agree!


    Nope. I am telling you to keep trying things that sound good to you. Some will work, some won't...even after you think you've figured out what your notes of doom are.


    And btw...the Swaps forum is your friend. ;)

  5. It can take a while to figure out what works and what doesn't, so don't get discouraged quite yet. Also, bear in mind that things often smell different on your skin at different times of the month, depending on your hormone levels and so forth, so always try a particular scent a few times before you give up on it. (There's also aged vs fresh vs different batches to consider.)


    Some components might work on you when paired with certain other components, and vice versa. It seems like every time I decide I can't wear anything with such-and-so in it, along comes a blend with that note that smells great on me!


    Half the fun is the experimentation. ;)

  6. I have not been sleeping well lately, probably because my two young sons are still in the habit of crawling into bed with us in the middle of the night. We have a King, but adding two more people and a large dog that sleeps sideways across your feet makes for a very crowded sleep space. Most mornings I wake up feeling like I haven't even slept: tired, achy, cranky, gritty eyes.


    I've used Nocturne as recommended for the past several nights, and I have to say that I have awakened feeling pretty damn good. I don't notice that it helps me fall asleep any faster (which isn't generally a problem anyway, but I have TKO for those occasions.) However, I definitely feel that I am sleeping better.


    Once applied, I mostly get rose. This stuff could smell like gasoline, though, and I'd still use it. It works. I've experienced no grogginess the next day, either.




    Nocturne has become a workhorse TAL for me: I use it pretty much every night. Part of my nightly ritual is anointing myself with it and I sleep like the dead. Every night. And when I wake up, I feel rested. No grogginess.


    It's wonderful.


    And here's the real kicker: last week my husband, who is the most non-magical person I know, was complaining of not sleeping well, so I anointed him with Nocturne. The next morning he said that he slept "like a rock." The next night I asked if he wanted it again, and he said yes, please. He left on a trip, came back yesterday, and last night asked for the Nocturne! So yes, people: you don't have to be a believer for it to work.


    And it works like a motherfucker. ;)

  7. On me, this is exactly like Red Lace without the redness, i.e. the raspberry, pomegranate, and red musk. (Somebody said the same thing after previewing it at a Con - was it Mellifluous? If so, he was dead right.) Since Red is my favorite of the Laces I've tried before now (I think I only have Antique and Absinthe left to go), Autumn is a total win for me.


    It is smoky, sexy, and sort of wistful and dignified all at once. I absolutely love the Lab's tobacco note, and here it lends its distinctive bite quite beautifully to the smokiness of the incense and musk and the sweet, slight booziness of the cognac. I didn't care for Black Lace because it seemed too perfumey; Autumn Lace has a distinctive Victorian air about it, but I wouldn't call it perfumey. And the sugar in "sugar spun lace" doesn't pose any problem for me at all, thankfully - sugar almost always turns awful on me.


    Autumn Lace really embodies the imagery behind it, and I can see it getting heavy rotation in both Fall and Winter, and any time the weather turns rainy and chill. I will wear it when I'm snuggled up on my couch with a good novel, when the mist is creeping along the ground outside. I know that it will only get deeper and richer with age, too.


    I adore this, but I have no plans to break my loose "no backups" rule because I really hope that when this gets restocked, everyone who wants it will have a shot at it.


    I will treasure my bottle, for sure! A million thanks to meaganola for group ordering so quickly. :wub2:



    ETA: Oh, geez, and the label is fantastic, too.

  8. The first few minutes of this are heavenly: pure, bracing peppermint with a gorgeous underlying creamy sweetness from the vanilla. YUM! I want to, well, lick it - and I inadvertantly did somehow get some on my lip, which actually wasn't fun at all.


    Anyway, after several minutes of bliss my skin does what it often is wont to do with vanilla (and in this case, the sugar is also probably contributing): it turns to plastic. The mint recedes drastically, so eventually I'm left with just a faint whiff of bandaids. :(


    It was so good at the beginning, though.

  9. shrahlend actually described this scent perfectly upthread. This blend was so astringent at first, it almost made my eyes sting...but I couldn't stop putting my nose to my wrist. There was almost a soft leather-like quality to what I was smelling, too. After several minutes, the anise really comes out and blends wonderfully with the patchouli and whatever is lifting things up here (the neroli or mandarin, maybe?).


    This is a surprise hit for me, unlike anything else that I normally wear. Beautiful, interesting, unique...and super wearable.


    I am actually considering a bottle, though my budget probably won't allow it. I will definitely use my imp, though, and probably hoard the last drops. I really like this a lot, despite the fact that it probably qualifies as "masculine", or certainly unisex. Not my usual thing at all, but that's the beauty of BPAL.

  10. I bought this as a whim off ebay because I love the Lupercalia scents...and I am so happy I did.


    When first applied this makes me think of Fruit Loops: I get a sweet berry smell, but it isn't cloying or plasticky sweet, nor too much fruitiness: it's perfect. I can't pick out any singular notes, really; the rose and benzoin (and I suppose my dreaded nemesis, caramel) are just blending beautifully with the red berry to create a scent cloud of feminine allure. I get no booziness per se. It is just gorgeous.


    The kicker here, and what makes this scent utterly unique, is the pink pepper. It adds the perfect bite to all the above-mentioned sweetness. I can't stop smelling my wrist.


    I will treasure this half bottle, and probably wear it when I want to feel especially womanly. This is a gauzy-dress-and-heels, extremely killer underthings, romantic sort of perfume. Love it!

  11. What an interesting scent vetiver is! Very smoky, green and brown. Deep. I think of places hidden in the earth and covered with ornamental grasses when I smell this.


    I will enjoy having my decant, but do not need a bottle.



    ETA: I put this on again today, and I have to say...I have found a whole new appreciation for vetiver thank to Beth. This now smells delightful to me: very smoky upon application, as in actual brushfire, then it settles into a mellow, earthy scent with a touch of smoky grass. I just freaking love it, and am sad that I didn't continue with my campaign to get all the single notes in bottle form.

  12. I definitely agree with the fresh, tropical, Atomic Luau Lounge vibe. I love this when it's first applied: I get the mint and ginger for sure, with a hint of coconut and zestiness from the lime rind. I don't detect the green tea per se, but I'm sure it's adding a freshness to this scent that is quite nice.


    Over time, an odd chemical-like note creeps into this on my skin. I'm not sure where that's coming from. After a bit it fades and the scent becomes "island paradise" again.


    Pretty and fresh, but my beloved Sumai No Sechie fulfills this niche in my perfume box, I think.

  13. The first time I put this on I got a lot of the rich woods and coffee along with the spiced pumpkin, which was very nice - I really liked the way these notes worked together.


    The second time I applied, it was almost all craft store spices and pumpkin, with the emphasis on the spices.


    I have it on again now, and it's still super spicy. I think I will enjoy this decant a lot in the oil burner, but it's not something I will wear. I wish the woods, coffee, and patchouli had been able to tame the spicy pumpkin, because that first application was really nice.

  14. This starts out with the Lab's signature spiced pumpkin smell covered by vanilla. Rather pleasant, even if it smells like something I'd rather eat than wear. However, on my skin the triple vanilla whammy amps quickly into nauseatingly oversweet territory. :sick:


    Not for me.

  15. Who doesn't want a monster in their pants? Sexy sugar-smeared saffron sandalwood over lickable vanilla cream with a splash of butter rum.

    I've been wanting to try Underpants since I first became a BPALista, but since all the other Monsterbaits seemed to have a plasticky undertone (sometimes OVERtone) on my skin, I figured it was no big deal whether I ever tried it out or not. I'm also very picky about sweet scents: sugar is awful on my skin, and things that are overly gourmand or sickly-sweet actually make me sort of nauseous when I wear them.

    Still, I was delighted to find a surprise sniffie included in a recent swap with the lovely Glambie - especially since there was just enough to test!

    Sniffing from the tiny amber vial she gave me, I got a pleasant enough vanilla smell. Okay. *shrug*

    I put it on, smugly waiting for the anticipated Nasty Plastic to develop so I could say, "The hell with you, Underpants."

    Sniff. Oh, my. Sniff. OH MY.

    Vanilla, yes, but a daaaaaaaark, rich, syrupy vanilla that manages to stay just this side of too sweet. The saffron and sandalwood are not identifiable to me as separate notes, but they have to be doing something here to make Underpants greater than the sum of its parts. YUM-ola. I can't stop huffing my wrists. A couple hours later I get just a faint whiff of "wow, your skin smells delicious." Oh, that's my skin.

    So, yeah. Underpants smells fabulous. Fortunately, vanilla isn't a note that makes my eyes roll back in my head, so I will leave the quest for Underpants to those who really do consider it their Holy Grail vanilla scent.

    My wallet thanks me.

  16. This was the NYCC exclusive that I really wanted to work (Jenny was my childhood nickname), and the one that I most feared wouldn't.


    Sadly for me, the latter is the case. Damn you, peach! :@&*$!:


    I was hoping that the woods and soft flowers would dominate here, but I'm getting a lot of peach and I really, really can't stomach that scent on my skin. Fresh, ripe & juicy piece of fruit in my hand? Smells great. Peach perfume on my wrist? Barf-worthy. I had a similar nauseated reaction to Josie.


    I'm sure this is gorgeous on some. Not me, though.



  17. For some reason, the combination of the overly-sweet French vanilla and the jasmine and/or gardenia does not work on my skin at all.


    I get no lemon verbena, either, which may have saved this for me if it had made itself known.


    I'll bet this is gorgeous on the right person, though. :cry2:

  18. Between this and Third Charm alone, Weenies have been a total win for me this year. :joy:

    I am thrilled that my two bottle purchases from this epic update have worked out so well.


    Witch Dance has that wonderful "Autumn leaves on the ground" scent that Beth does so beautifully, only here is it made even more wearable by the touch of red musk. There's a hint of incense when I first apply, but I'm not getting a lot of smokiness yet. I have a feeling this will deepen and be more evident with age, though.


    A gorgeous, evocative Fall scent - possibly my 'go to' for when Samhain or Samhainophobia is simply too much to have on.



    ETA: Giving this a few days to settle in has turned it into a perfect blend of incense/smokiness and Fall leaves with a touch of red musk to sweeten it up. I may need another bottle...I think Witch Dance has turned into my ideal Autumnal perfume.


    EATA: Samhain has a component that is just this side of too heavy for me; also, at times it turns into something pretty funky on my skin. Samhainophobia doesn't have it, but it sometimes feels like it comes on too strong, also. It's somewhat unisex, too.


    Witch Dance, OTOH, captures the Autumn leaves scent while remaining completely wearable for me by the addition of sweet incense, just a touch of bonfire smoke, and red musk. It is absolutely perfect, my ideal everyday Autumn scent. :yum:


    I need several backups, I think.

  19. An oil of joyful lust and whirlwind passion: Damask rose, red vegetal musk, bourbon vanilla absolute, bitter almond, and organic peppermint. This oil thrums with desire and, simply put – this was made for fucking.

    This oil was assembled and charged under a dual Venus-Mars ritual, and was continuously re-consecrated twice weekly, during the hours of Venus and Mars, over the course of seven lunations.

    This is an anointing oil -- it can be used in a ritual capacity to consecrate talismans and amulets, candles, and figures. It can be used in the bedroom to arouse feelings of lust, and also be used as a personal fragrance for the same purpose.

    Love Oil 7 is my Go To TAL for enhanced sexytimes. It has never failed to put me in the mood and in fact has a sort of zero-to-sixty effect on me. It is amazing.

    This is secondary, of course, but I have to say that it also smells fantastic. My husband loves it, too.

  20. Bay rum, bourbon vanilla, galangal, hyssop, High John the Conqueror root, tobacco, life everlasting, and brimstone.


    Thank you, joyfulgirl, for the tester!

    This smells gorgeous on me. I'm often somewhat 'meh' on bourbon vanilla, but here it is perfect. It lends a rich sweetness to the smoky, spicy base; the rum is really well behaved, I get just a whiff. It's really well blended.

    I love this. :wub2:

  21. Whew - I am so happy that I decided to hold off on the unsniffed bottle and get an imp first! I guess this is where my BPAL experience is starting to pay off a little, for though I love the poem and the concept, the scent just doesn't work on me. I would have been regretful of a bottle purchase.


    I get a lot of grape, some greenery, and quite a lot of mossiness from this one. Evocative for sure, but it really isn't my type of scent.

  22. Note: this is the 2012 version.


    Ugh, these Haunted House scents really fit the bill! There is something about Lurid Library that's slightly repulsive, despite the sweetness on its surface. I don't get 'old book' smell so much as 'nasty b.o. covered with cologne' odor, lingering with old newpapers and covered by sweetish incense.


    This is one library I would not spend time in.


