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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by OctoberGwen

  1. This is a lovely blend, and if it weren't for the blueberries - which are, indeed, disturbing - it would be a top ten fave for me, especially for hot weather. I just really dislike smelling of blueberries or other sweet berry. It almost makes me nauseous, which is weird because I do like them for eating.


    I'm really disappointed, because all the other notes are so made of win. :cry2:

  2. I like this very much: it's crisp and tart with only a slight sweetness, and a hint of musk to ground it. I definitely get cranberry and bergamot, and I think I detect the coconut if I concentrate.


    It lasts longer on me than many of the light-feeling fruity scents, and I imagine it will be a refreshing thing to wear on sweltering summer days.

  3. Sigh. I love ravens, and I love Poe's The Raven, but alas...I do not love this one.


    It smells very bitter on me, which may be the "dark" musk; black musk turns to yuck on my skin so perhaps this one is similar or the same. Normally violets and neroli are good but here they are combining with the musk and my chemistry to make something really unpleasant.


    I really need to wash this off. :sick:

  4. This is beautiful!


    I get a lot of fresh, damp earth - for once, Spanish Moss seems to be behaving on me and is lending just that bit of dampness, rather than becoming nauseatingly wet and strong. I also get whiffs of the rose geranium, which of course smells very different from roses. (I hated Zombi, it really creeped me out.) Overall it's gentle, somewhat fresh, and slightly aquatic but not in the usual way because of the earthiness.


    This smells like an Irish graveyard in the rain.




    ETA: Still not something I am comfortable wearing, but I put it in my oil burner and it kicks ass. It's putting me in the mood to reread Dracula!

  5. Dammit, this is my first BPAL blend with blackberry and I'm clearly one of those people whose chemistry does not like it at all. This starts out smelling of sour BO/urine and doesn't change much after drydown except that a bit of a plasticky note creeps in.


    ARG! I adore red sandalwood and orange blossom, and I was so excited at the prospect of amber mint. :cry2:


    I bet this is uniquely beautiful on those who can do blackberry. Jealous.

  6. To me, this smelled like smooth and creamy milk chocolate with coconut and a sweet 'other' that may have been the combination of macadamia and marshmallow. I didn't detect the mushroom at all, unless it simply prevented it from being too sweet.


    It faded very quickly on my skin, however. I'll have to stick with Bliss and Boomslang to get my chocolatey/cocoa scent fix.

  7. I feel so cut off - as if there's something wrong with me, when everyone else's orders seem to be getting through, and they won't even answer me.


    For goodness sake! I'm glad you've had some rational responses and are feeling a bit more calm.


    The Lab is very reliable, don't worry. Were your three emails all sent on the same day? And needless to say, you've double checked the address? I'm sure you will get either a response or a CnS soon.

  8. This was a surprise like for me, too. With The Balcony, Beth has once again managed to turn me around on a note I normally loathe: vetiver. In most blends, it is so strong that I can only think, "Men's cologne. Ack." Turns out that bourbon vetiver is rather smooth and gorgeous. Combine this with the red patchouli (also quite smooth) and the honey, and this scent has got itself quite a WOW factor. It is very unique, with hella throw & longevity.


    It's still not quite my thing, so I won't be keeping the imp because I know I won't wear this and I'd rather share. I am certain, though, that The Balcony will make a fabulous signature scent for the right person. I predict a very loyal following for this one.

  9. Old fashioned; a secret smell, something precious hidden in a treasure box in a drawer. There's an almost bitter note on top with warm amber and musk underneath and in the middle, the rose. Rather unique among rose blends, I think.


    I like it, and it suits the poem. I won't be keeping my imp, though, because it fades fairly quickly on me.

  10. HOLY CRAP, I have had a revelation. I can't wear anything with sugar in it!


    I fully expected to be ordering a bottle of this, as I love me some musks. However, this turned into horrible funk and then completely vanished on me.


    Weird. No Smut for me, alas.

  11. I had an AHA! moment this morning: I cannot wear anything with sugar in it.


    Body, Remember smelled like my lovely coconut for about three minutes, then it turned into absolute FUNK on my skin. Like, completely disgusting.


    No, no, and no.

  12. OMG, this is fascinating.


    Musty/weird dry grass smell initially, which then becomes something incredible as it warms to my skin. The hint of ginger is subtle and lovely, as is the raw honey (and honey is so, so iffy on me.)


    It's sort of smoky, again it's a hint, not a blast. Nothing in this says "vetiver" to my nose. Slightly smoky, slightly gingery. I've never smelled anything like this. Definitely bottle worthy.


    This is absolutely unique and another giant WIN for the Lupers this year. :wub2:


    ETA: I have to add that Entangled has aged really, really well. The ginger is much more apparent now and blends really beautifully with the smoky grass note. Wet, there's almost a lemony zing to the scent. I really love this and am so glad I have a bottle. This is so unique, I have nothing else like it in my collection.

  13. This smells of my mother's herb gardens in summer. It is not sharp green, it's more of a light gold with flecks of green. It has great depth; I have to think that Beth's Hungary water recipe is of the more complex variety because I also get the citrus underneath, which makes me think 'lemon' (or lemon verbena.)


    I agree with the Catherine vibe, but Doom has more complexity and depth, and better staying power.


    A beautiful scent for spring or summer, or for evoking the warm months in the dark depths of winter. I will be buying a bottle. The scent memories this evokes for me are incredibly poignant and intense.



    ETA: I should add that Doom of Beauty seems to be aging well for a floral/herbal; I detect no negative changes or decrease in complexity so far. It is also extremely long-lasting - another huge plus for me.

  14. This was rather pretty when first applied, smelling of fresh strawberries (which I really don't want to smell like, but is a nice enough fragrance in and of itself.) I could also detect the orange blossom, which I love, and perhaps a bit of creamy vanilla. Pleasant.


    However, after 15 or 20 minutes it developed a nauseatingly sweet note that I just cannot abide. I had to scrub it off.


    If you like sugary sweet scents and strawberries, this will be a winner for you!

  15. Oh, geez. I really don't want to buy any more bottles, but this is so freaking beautiful.


    I don't know how to describe it, it's so gorgeously blended. I get fig and pink grapefruit for sure, and then the deepest white musk I've ever smelled. It's feminine and fresh with just the right amount of light musky undertone. I smell awesome. :wub2:


    Great throw. Good staying power. My wallet just ran and hid.



    ETA 4/10/12


    Still loving this blend a lot but I would have to update staying power to "fair." I bought a half bottle off a fellow forumite and I think I'm also going to get a bottle from the Lab before the Shungas come down, because this is definitely worth slathering/reapplying. It smells simply gorgeous on me. The depth of the fig, the light zingy grapefruit, some subtle white florals and the lovely musk blend into a feminine, refreshing little cloud that is both sexy and uplifting. A great everyday scent for spring and summer.



    ETA 5/30/13


    Sumai no Sechie has remained one of my Top Five BPALs. This is my 'Go To' scent on the lighter side and I absolutely adore it for those occasions when I'm not in the mood for one of my heavier blends. I love that it's light without being aquatic or soapy, and it's a very complex and lovely fragrance.


    All the bottles belong to me!

  16. I am loving the grapefruit in this blend! Invidia is very fresh and pretty, with fabulous throw. I will be using it all summer long, I can tell already. I'm sure my hot weather perfume oils will layer really well with it. So glad I found half a big bottle on the forum.

  17. I looked forward to this one quite a lot, but when I finally got my hands on some I was disappointed.


    Something in here doesn't work for me; it may be the linen note or possibly the cognac; whatever it is, it's sharp and unpleasant on my skin and I don't care for it at all.


    I'll stick with my beloved Red Lace...the Black just isn't for me.
