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Everything posted by ayelienne

  1. ayelienne


    A little story about Puck: Puck and I didn't get along at all when I first tried it a while back, so I set it aside. Then one day, the Husband donated himself to me in order to test Satyr (the brave, silly man). When Satyr got a little too woah, I thought maybe we could layer some Puck to tone it down a little bit. The end result was much less "um honey, i think this sort of smells like ass" than solo Satyr; the fruitiness of the grapes really made for a much more well-rounded scent. Husband ended up liking the grape-laced earthiness of Puck and it smells much, much better on him than it ever smelled on me. The bottle has moved into "keeper status" and is now settled into its new home in my husband's stash.
  2. ayelienne

    The search for "Clean" scents - general discussion

    Maybe Shadow?
  3. ayelienne

    'red' scents

    To me, Blood Kiss seems very reddish brown...
  4. ayelienne

    I need more Cherry!

    I found that article; they say the Clove single note (no longer available) is the one that smells just like the cigarettes.
  5. ayelienne


    Samhain 2005 always feels a wonderful shade of purple to me.
  6. ayelienne

    Holiday Moon

    Well, I've tried it twice, and I've come to the conclusion that this just isn't for me. I do like it in the mid/late afternoon when I've applied it in the morning, but in the end, I just don't see myself wearing it. I'm sure it's lovely on the right person.
  7. ayelienne

    Discussion of all things Amber

    How did those work out for you??
  8. ayelienne

    Mata Hari

    I'm saddened to report that when I finally succombed to Mata Hari's seductive siren call from my imp box, she made my eyes itch so badly that I thought perhaps she was trying to kill me with jasmine. I shan't wear her anymore and have threatened to ship her to France. Traitor!
  9. ayelienne


    Carnivale revisited from the Carnivale Noir series is very carnation-y on me.
  10. ayelienne


    We tried this one out on the husband and it started off dark and incensy and woo! sexy. Then it started to smell a bit like incense and sweaty, hairy nether regions...then it went to poo - we waited for a while to see if it would fade (because the other smells were great), but the civet was a bit over the top. I ended up giving him a bit of Puck to layer over the top, which made the overall scent much nicer on him. While he might use a drop of the imp again, I don't see a bottle of Satyr in his future. I feel about Satyr the same way I feel about uni (sea urchin) sushi; they're a bit too manly for me to try. Good for the husband, not so much for me. I supect it would be fantastic for ritual work.
  11. ayelienne

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    I sent an imp of Golden Priapus to my dad and he really liked it, but he's scared to buy it, in case anyone asks him what he's wearing, so now he's been coming up with another name for it -- this morning he said he was thinking about calling it "Golden Phoenix" ETA: Luperci is great on my husband, it's his current favorite.
  12. ayelienne

    Ave Maria Gratia Plena

    This is a very lovely white floral scent on me, very high-end "traditional perfume" -- unfortunately, traditional is not my thing. That said, if you were already wearing white musky florals pre-BPAL , then Ave Maria Gratia Plena is definitely worth checking out. I can't picture this on a guy at all, but I'm getting very little woods out of mine. ETA: I have to mention that while I'm not that thrilled with it, my husband likes it a lot.
  13. ayelienne

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    My darling native speaker husband has confirmed you are correct, darklorelei
  14. ayelienne

    Thirteen (13)

    yes, i say yes to 13! triskadekaphiliacs rejoice! I'm completely enamoured with 13 -- it smells chocolate-y primarily, with little flashes of other scents popping out from time to time- oranges, maybe something nutty, something quasi-floral -- not sure, but it's definitely one of those "omg, must.stop.smelling.my.wrists." blends. I was worried about this one a bit when it arrived straight from the lab, it seemed a little sharp, but the couple weeks of sitting in the dark seems to have done it a world of good. I'll be slathering this one, for sure.
  15. ayelienne


    If I could have stripped the powder smell that my skin amped up, I would have loved it. Sadly, it was not to be. And now I have a headache. Off to swaps.
  16. ayelienne

    Discussion of all things Amber

    I heartily second the Bastet recommendation. I'm wearing it right now, actually.
  17. ayelienne

    Wings of Azrael

    Well, here I was thinking "ugh, no violet" after my experiences with Numb and Ultraviolet, both of which were "um NO" on me -- I'm pleased to report that I've found a violet blend that I really like. (and I'm loving myrrh, so that probably helps). I'm loving this one, actually. I really appreciate the balance of floral and non-floral notes - there's something removed about the violet/lily -- it's almost like walking past the flowers, then catching their scent lingering a few minutes later instead of the scent of the flowers being right in front of you. This, combined with the earthiness of the other notes, makes for a surprisingly pleasant and comforting blend. I'm going to keep the imp and decide if I'd wear it enough to justify a bottle. It puts me in a good mood.
  18. Aureus and Sloth would be my two recommendations.
  19. ayelienne

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    I thought the lab issue was going to be about how fast the CnS are going out right now. I wonder if this is due to the super-duper measuring machine they just got?
  20. ayelienne


    This is a very nice clean light floral - it's one of those "skin scents" at least to me, meaning that it's subtle and almost seems to emanate from oneself as opposed to being a layer of 'perfume.' I really like it, however, I've had itchy eyes for the last hour that I've had it on, but I don't know if it's directly related to Szepasszony or not. I'm glad to have tried it and would recommend it to others.
  21. ayelienne


    Stardust is an accurate reflection of late nights and early mornings after too much fun with glamourous friends. The sun's just starting to come up, and you're doing one of the following things: either you've just collapsed on the bed and are thinking to yourself "oh my god...that was SO much fun...." or you're still out crawling around with your rock star friends. Stardust is the scent of you spending the night backstage, in a crowd, in the VIP room, in the green room, wearing sunglasses, laughing, drinking, flirting, making out, running around, crawling in and out of taxis or limos, in hotel room parties, getting your picture taken, avoiding getting your picture taken, mingling with the groupies, talking on the tour bus after the show, hanging out with the band, being in the band. I love it.
  22. ayelienne

    Moon Rose

    Ok, here's the thing. I'm not really a fan of roses. One of my grandmothers loved roses. She loved the scent so much that she almost always had the "rose" aerosol can in the bathroom. And we *always* had to use it. I think she also had rose potpourri, but all I know is that the scent was regularly bowl you over, knock you down aerosol "rose" spray. And the bathroom itself was a sight to behold; this little bathroom decked to the nines: plush carpet, plush toilet seat covers, the sink wall covered in mirrored tiles, little tschotckes, towels embroidered with little snowmen at Christmas - it was over the top! I figure the whole thing traumatized me slightly and that's where my aversion to roses probably comes from. But I keep trying to get over it by giving the BPAL rose blends a chance, which brings us to our latest offering: moon rose. This was a frimp in my last order. Verdict: Not bad. It makes me think of those white fiber-optic roses where the edges would turn different colors -- this would be if it were light blue or light bluish purple.
  23. ayelienne


    I'm not really a fan of roses. Now that that's out of the way, here we go: In the bottle: there's something familiar here, but i can't place it. it's a very sharp, sweet smell. When I first put this on, I get a blast of sharp rose, then a wave of sweet lotus. Then everyone starts to settle down a bit, and a creamy sweet rose-tinted scent begins to emanate. The lotus really holds its own here as it sweetly and gently forces the rose to be a supporting player and not the star. Even with the roses, I wouldn't mind wearing this again at all.
  24. ayelienne


    Alone began spicy for me, heavy on the cardamom and did I catch a little bit of cinnamon and orange maybe? As I continued wearing it, the scent of pencil shavings emerged--Alone started to remind me of back-to-school time It's not a particularly sweet scent and it also seems to emanate a bit of prickliness energy that might encourage people to stay away a little bit (hence the Alone-ness?) At any rate, I enjoyed the imp and have decided to pass it around so others can give it a try. If I stumble on another imp in the future, I won't be disappointed.
  25. ayelienne

    Dana O'Shee

    Dana O'Shee is the smell of the atmosphere in the Land of Milk and Honey. An absolutely lovely, comforting scent that I found myself reapplying all day long, just so I could inhale deeply and then smile. Dana O'Shee is absolutely deserving of the accolades it gets.