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Posts posted by hemogoblin

  1. Thanks so much to everyone for the great insights and recs. I just ordered a few and will probably try to swap for some more soon. This is all great stuff that hadn't occurred to me before.


    This is all so fascinating. A lot of people I've told about BPAL have remarked that it's very strange and not so logical to buy perfume online. And of course it's not. What makes the whole thing work is the creative descriptions for each scent and even more so the burgeoning, creative and incredibly helpful community that's grown up around it.


    You guys are neat!


    I'm looking forward to smelling my way to the perfect (few) scent(s).


    Have a great weekend and thanks again!

  2. I hadn't realized that search function existed! Thanks for pointing it out.


    After doing the research, I ordered Sea of Glass as well as Ultraviolet and Neo-Tokyo.


    Happy Friday!


    So you'd probably like 'Ozone/Marine/Fresh'' scents... you can look for those in the search engine by that scent family listing.


    You might like 'Embalming Fluid'. Or how about 'Sea of Glass'.


    Or 'Danube' which isn't floral AT ALL for me, but mostly fresh and watery.




  3. Hi there,


    I've tried maybe 15 different BPAL scents, and so far everything smells like candy on me. I've avoided ones reviewed as being particularly sweet and tried to stick to things described as fresh and clean, but still most scents on me could give you cavities. :P Lightning is the only thing so far that doesn't rot my teeth.


    Anyone have similar problems? I'd love some recs.


    My tastes trend away from floral and food scents, more toward rain/ocean/water and earthy mossy flavors.


    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
