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About iriedanym

  • Rank
    a little too imp-ulsive
  • Birthday 05/11/1976


  • Location
    Lawrence, Kansas
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
    Love's Philosophy
  • Favorite Scents
    Red Moon, foody scents (Bliss, Miskatonic University for example), lavender, Dana O Shee. Pretty much anything that isn't ambergris, civet, or reeking of patchouli.

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  • Interests
    Creative writing (I have my first degree in this), reading, drawing, playing video games, art history (I have my second degree in this), roleplaying, anime, manga (especially Fruit Basket and Oh My Goddess), Japanese language, MMORPGS, playing with my cats, animal care, being a Toyologist.
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  1. iriedanym

    Chaos Theory VII: Oriental

    I bought my bottle off of BPAL Sales Madness on Facebook. It's bottle #15. in the bottle is smells like soft amber. On the skin it's faint, with amber and a hint of spiciness. Thankfully the spiciness isn't something that makes my skin itch! After a hour and drydown this scent gets ramped up on my skin into a lovely amber and spiciness. I am so glad I bought this bottle because it's exactly the type of notes that I adore.
  2. iriedanym

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7

    I've got a rather full bottle of #579. In the bottle it smells like an almost lighter version of Khajurho. On the skin-still smells like vanilla and some wildflower, or maybe even dandelion sap. On the drydown- hmm, can't really tell the vanilla is there other than a slight cream and flower scent. I was hoping for a foody scent, but this one isn't bad. And at least it doesn't smell like burnt plastic.
  3. iriedanym

    Milk Chocolate and Matcha Green Tea Ganache Truffle

    In the vial, this was an odd mix. I could definitely smell the chocolate, very Bliss like. Underneath it though was the green tea note. I wasn't sure if I was going to like this or not. So, I opted to put some on my skin and also in a scent locket. Woah! The chocolate and green tea blended into this creamy, yummy goodness with a citrus like note. In the scent locket, the green tea gets amped up, but not in a cloying way. It's a very Spring like scent to me and extremely yummy.
  4. iriedanym

    Pink Snowballs

    I just got my bottle in today (November 12th). In the bottle, the rose is the most prominent note. It's like roses still on the bush, fresh and lovely. On the skin wet- it smells mostly of roses still, with a little bit of creaminess to it. Dry on the skin- Wow. This morphed into a gorgeous scent. It's a little like Snow White and Rose Red mixed. So far it's got good staying power and the throw isn't overpowering. My cat approves of this scent. If you were sad that Rose Red was not available this year, and you like Snow White, I recommend this scent. I'm thinking of investing in a second bottle.
  5. iriedanym

    Detestable Putrescence

    I got my bottle of Detestable Putrescence in the mail yesterday and I was eager to try it out. In the bottle- smells like French vanilla ice cream, and it's living up to the scent description Wet on the skin- At first I panicked. It was turning a weird buttery, almost plastic like smell on my skin. I adore vanilla scents, and I really wanted this to work. Drydown (after 15-20 minutes)- It's an odd cross between a vanilla candle and Jelly Belly Buttered Popcorn. It's leaning more towards the vanilla candle area. Verdict- It's all right. I don't really want to smell like a candle shop or a jelly bean. I figure I'll keep it in my box and let it age a little and see if that makes it stay more melty vanilla ice cream.
  6. iriedanym


    Stand and deliver! Vetiver with gardenia, blood red rose, night-blooming jasmine, a dash of cinnamon and a faint hint of leather. I got a frimp of Highwayman from the Lab today. First smell: Dear gods, what the hell is that smell? The vetiver is overpowering, and I couldn't smell the other notes at all. My nose was crinkling. I ended up getting some of the oil on my index finger, and then on the top of my cat's head because she has decided that she loved all BPAL. Once it started to dry down, I could smell the rose and leather. It's not the same smell as Whip (which I do like). This is definitely a masculine scent, very roguish. Verdict: It's starting to give me a headache. I'm going to hand the imp off to someone who might love it more than I ever will.
  7. iriedanym


    I got this lovely little imp with my Yule order of El Dia De Reyes. In reality, I hate fruitcake, since I associate it with annoying relatives. The scent in the imp however is to die for. Ripe, lush cherries and smooth cake batter come together and blend like they were made for one another. I smell something like almond, and while my body tends to hate almond scents, Fruitcake has a subtle amount. I really hope the Lab sees fit to release this as a Yule blend.
  8. iriedanym

    The Sportive Sun

    I had forgot that I still had a half imp of this, and so it has been sitting in an imp box for several months now. On first sniff, I smell the amber and the cedar. I was a little hesitant to try this, since my body tends to hate almond scents. Wet on the skin, the cedar and amber are most prevalent. On drydown, my body has decided to ramp up the fragipani and heliotrope, so now it smells like an incense. The cedar and amber are still there, but they've morphed from top notes to bottom notes. I'm still not sure what to think about Sportive Sun. It's nice, but I don't think I would wear it a whole lot.
  9. iriedanym

    Shanghai Tunnel

    I received Shanghai Tunnel in a recent swap, and was a little leery to try it because the first smell I got was of salt and dirt. The dirt smell reminded me a little of Penny Dreadful, which was a hit or miss with me. I gathered up my courage and dabbed some oil on. Within a few minutes the dirt smell faded and it became a combination of wood and flowers. There is still a slight salty smell, but it's not overpowering. It's a lovely scent, and thankfully not too masculine.
  10. iriedanym

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    Received as a frimp from the Lab. On first sniff, I was perplexed. It smelled like Palmolive dishwashing liquid to me. I cleared my nose and tried again. Nope, still smelling like dishwashing liquid. I looked up the notes, and found out why. Violet has a tendency to remind me of soap (as it did with Numb). I'm sure this is a lovely scent, but it's just not me.
  11. iriedanym

    The Perilous Parlor

    I agree with requieminblack's review regarding Perilous Parlor. It is a must have for those that like foody/fruity scents. In the bottle, my first thought was "banana? No, wait a minute, that's...it's PEAR!" Insert a lot of squeeing, because I had forgotten it had pear, and I love that smell. It really is like a ripe bowl of freshly cut pears, with the softness of vanilla bean. On the skin, the pear is still evident, but it is softened by the vanilla. It is rather soft, not cloying, and I honestly think this would be a nice unisex scent (assuming your guy doesn't scream at the very idea of wearing perfume oils).
  12. iriedanym

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    Complexity thy name be Enraged Groundhog Musk. While the previous Enraged animal incarnations smelled musky/woody (Orangutan) and soft/cottony (Bunny), Groundhog is in a class all its own. My nose was tickled by the smell of dark chocolate mixed with cherries and spice (the cardamom). There is a bit of the caramel in the background, but it is outweighed by the cocoa smell. In some sense, it reminds me a little of Red Lantern 2006 with the foody/spicy smell. Very strong. I have a feeling this will be one of those scents I dab a little in my scent locket unless I want to keep risking skin irritation (cassia, cinnamon, and yes, sometimes cardamom do that to me)
  13. iriedanym

    Thirteen (13): October 2006

    I am now going to kick myself for not buying a bottle. I have loved every version of 13 so far, but I was skeptical on the October 06 version. I mean, lavender and chocolate? In the imp roller bottle, I can smell the lavender with a hint of chocolate. Hmm, not bad so far. On application, it is lavender and chocolate at first and it smells pleasant. On drydown, the other notes come out. Interestingly enough, it smells a little like the saffron found in Monsterbait: Underpants to me. I have to hand it to the Labbies yet again for taking a combo of unlikely notes and creating a mouth drooling scent.
  14. iriedanym

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    Wow. I got this as an imp, since I didn't have the funds to buy a bottle when it was released. The first notes I could pick out were the sandlewood and grapefruit. The grapefruit adds that extra tang. The aloe and musk mix wonderfully for a clean scent that I associate with Dirty. There is also a woody scent that has been in this year's branch of Lunacies, as well as the sharpness of ginger. I'm liking it so far.
  15. iriedanym

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    To me, it smells like red wine, but on second sniff, it does have a medicine smell to it as well. Not certain about this one, but I think my brother will be begging me for the scent.