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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by doneyeri

  1. On me this smells EXACTLY like a Hershey bar....to a tee.

    ...which would be great if I liked milk chocolate...but, I'm a dark chocolate girl...and this just isn't bitter enough for me

    ...and as much as I love eating chocolate :D , smelling like it just makes me feel gross and fat :P ...but, that's ok, on to a new home it goes!!

  2. When it starts out on me, Akuma is all sweetness. I can barely tell that it's supposed to be fruit for all the overpowering sugar smell. As it dries however, the fruit starts to come out, but, pout, it's all powdery, like sweet tarts. I'm very disappointed. It doesn't stay for long...fades to a light, light scent that is only disernable with my wrist nearly shoved into my nose.


    All in all, Akuma is nice, but it really wasn't even remotely what I was hoping for. With the blood oranges and raspberry I was hoping for something very darkly fruity and juicy smelling...something that is more of a melted ooze of fruit than imitation fruit powder. *sighs* Ah well...fraid Akuma just isn't that scent for me.

  3. This was actually the first BPAL I had the pleasure of trying. A cast off from a friend it just didn't work on, for me, it worked amazingly well...a surprise for me, as I hadn't thought of myself as a "rose" sort of girl...I'm very quickly learning that was awful stupid of me...because I'm finding myself clinging to anything that has rose in it and hoping for more!


    Immediately after putting it on it is definatly very rose and floral, but a much warmer, sweet scent than I normally associate with rose. ...typically rose on me has an acrid, sour smell that wrinkles my nose...none in two, five and seven though!


    As it dries the scent just gets warmer and spicier...and after a half hour or so, it almost smells like what I imagine a vase of roses next to a steaming cup of chai tea would. I'm in love!


    ...quite obviously I need to reassess my feelings on rose scents!

  4. Good LORD this scent came out "cold" on me at first. Between the smell and my still wet from the shower hair, I literally found myself shivering the first few minutes I was wearing it. It starts out very bitter on me. Reminds me a lot of the spruce beer my fiance has been brewing...too bitter for me.

    Thankfully it soon mellows on me to a much more warm scent. I don't know if it's the ambergris or the black musk or what, but I swear I smell something akin to sandalwood in there. Unfortunatly, after mellowing, the scent very quickly disappears on me. So very sad as, once it gets past the Arctic freezing death stage, this is a very nice scent!

  5. This scent was a suprise in my package of imps, and I was a little anxious about trying it when I saw it was a resin scent after a nasty run in with the Red Queen (the only other resin scent I'd tried), but, I gathered my courage and doused my wrists. I am so glad I did!

    I expected a much different scent than I got. I expected an indoor, sorta stuffy, warm scent, I got an incredibly earthy, woody scent that brought an almost blinding mental image of my mom gardening to mind. It starts as a rich, dark dirt smell, with a little bit of moss in it. Then it starts to dry and mellows and changes a little. This smells EXACTLY like the mulch my mom has used in her flower bed for years.

    Definatly a scent I'll be using during the long, frozen winter months to remind myself of the smell of warm earth.

  6. I'm afraid I'm one of the unfortunate ones who does not agree with the Red Queen. In the bottle I have to agree it smells like Robatussin...I tried it none the less...despite being warned of ill effects on the friend I swiped it from.

    Almost immediately after this goes on my skin it turns to plastic. I smell like Cabbage Patch Dolls left in a hot car in the summer. I smell like melting plastic doll heads. Definatly NOT a scent for me.
