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Everything posted by cynthia1960

  1. cynthia1960

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    CT3 DCCXLIII (743) First sniff out of the bottle: A light soapy smell, not offensive. Left wrist: Pleasant light fragrance with minimal throw Right wrist: Still light with a little sharper tone Note: This is the beginning of my Shark Week, so things may very well be off with my chemistry. I'll also want to try this in the scent locket and see how it behaves there.
  2. cynthia1960

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    CCCXXVIII (328) My ability to discern notes (not well honed at the best of times) has evaporated in the heat that has been baking the Silicon Valley . I could hardly smell it when I sniffed the bottle but I got a hint of light and grassy with a bit of sweetness. I'm getting two different smells when I compare the inner surface of my forearm with the wrist points, the forearm has more of the scent in the bottle and the wrist points are a warmer floral. I will be interested to see how it behaves in my scent locket. It's nice and light, and I think I'll hang on to it because it will be perfect for the rest of the summer. I've got one more CT3 on its way and I'm also in a decant circle, so I'll be wondering what other fun Beth has in store for us. I'm glad I got to play in this round of the CTs.
  3. cynthia1960

    Beaver Moon 2005

    I'm getting the tang of vinegar along with the frosting in the bottle. Once I put it on, the spices come out to play, and I lose the frosting sweetness. This isn't a bad thing on me.
  4. cynthia1960


    I got a bottle from Belladonnastrap on the alchemylab lj ( hello if she has the same name here!). Having read the reviews, I decided to go very easy on the application. I got a blast of violets out of the bottle. On first application, it's a very old-fashioned floral, but has dried down to a pleasant soapy smell. It's sort of comforting and certainly fairly discreet. After about thirty minutes, my tiny application has almost gone away. I'm going to try more on before I go to bed tonight; this may end up being a nighttime scent for me.
  5. cynthia1960


    I've gotten two imps as freebies from the Lab. There is a sharp note when I sniff it in the bottle that put me off the first time I opened the imp. Once I put it on, that sharpness mercifully goes away. There's a sweet undertone that doesn't get cloying. Some folks upthread have used this as a nighttime scent; that might be worth a try for me. I'll probably hang on to one of the imps, but it's not big-bottle worthy for me.
  6. cynthia1960

    Blood Moon 2005

    BLOOD MOON ... The feral scent of the heat of the chase, deep woods, undulating musks, brushed by forest herbs, crushed grains, and touched by blood-dimmed lunar oils. Ran out to my car at lunchtime with the preciousss and here are my first impressions: Lovely bottle and oh, my goddess, the color! The Q-tip was a lovely shade of red. My initial impression was lots of spiciness, but it's been about an hour since I put it on and it's dried down to a nice warm scent with just a hint of spice. Will I keep it? Yes, it's one of those scents that stays close to the body. Can't wait to find out what the boy thinks of this, he's been quite appreciative of the Lab's efforts to date.
  7. cynthia1960


    Origin: I got a frimp with my 9/13 order; I had ordered a 5 ml back on 10/22 but was happy to have an imp to test the sleep properties. Imp: Slightly soapy lavender. Drying: It felt comforting when I crawled into bed; my cat seemed to approve because she spent a little more time snuggling under the covers than usual. I wondered if there was some weird collateral cat-attracting effect . Dry: Couldn't describe it because I was out like a light I woke up 6.5 hours later pretty refreshed and can't really smell any residual traces. I'm going to test it some more this week, and if I continue to get restful sleep, I'll probably get a 10 ml.