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Posts posted by ziggystardust13

  1. I was so excited to try Josie. The scent description is lovely and I am a huge fan of Magnolia and all the beautiful scents of the South. Unfortunately, my skin does not bring forth the heady magnolia I was hoping for. I've only tried two scents that have turned synthetic or "plasticky" on me. Snow White and this one. I guess peach is now headed to my list of notes to avoid. I think that this is a matter of skin chemistry, and Josie could be so lovely on someone else. I have just tried this fresh out of the mailbox, so I will definitely give it another try to see if things change.


    So curious, which of all the bpal scents scream Osmanthus the most? Of all the ones I have tried, I cant even detect its there. I have Blacker Than the Raven Wings at Midnight and The Trappings of the Tea House on the way to try. I just want a Single Note so badly!

    Hi Ziggystardust! Looks like we are both continuing on the quest! I have not yet found the osmanthus of my dreams (but remember, both you and I have our noses in the real thing, so we are pretty hard to please.) I do like the osmanthus in Blacker Than Raven Wings at Midnight. It is the only floral in that blend and so can be identified. Actually, I love this perfume overall. But still...not enough of the magic O!


    I did see the two Luper blends with osmanthus (including the one you mentioned, Trappings of a Tea House). I am waiting for reviews before I take the plunge.


    Have you tried Bell Vinu? I do like this immensely, although the peach can overshow the osmanthus.


    Yes, a single note would be to die for!!!


    ETA My best osmanthus is in Pouring the Strains of Sacred Song, Anniversary Phoenix 2014.


    Thanks for your input! I think it is hard to capture the scent of the (magic O!) haha. I wonder why the search feature on bpal's site doesn't pull up all the scents with certain notes. Seems a lot get left out. I am adding those to my wishlist! And I need to still acquire Bell Vinu for sure.

  3. So curious, which of all the bpal scents scream Osmanthus the most? Of all the ones I have tried, I cant even detect its there. I have Blacker Than the Raven Wings at Midnight and The Trappings of the Tea House on the way to try. I just want a Single Note so badly!

  4. Thanks for that! I'll look into it.


    And I totally dig Lavender. My second wedding (yes, this is lucky no. 3) I carried a bunch of lavender. Instead of rice, they threw lavender heads. Made the whole backyard smell like lavender for three months!


    I am really REALLY into Tea Olive. I just discovered it down in Charleston whilst getting my Tour Guide license. I knew it would do fantastic things for a scent, but it wasn't till here that I found it in use.



    Hi! Just wanted to let you know (if you didn't know already) that Tea Olive = Osmanthus. You may come across many more bpals searching that note. I didn't know that because in Louisiana we always refer to it as "sweet olive" and I've also learned its other name is "tea olive". It's pretty much my favorite scent in the universe!

  5. First off, this label rocks.

    Lady Death is awesome in the wet stage. I can already tell this is perfumey (In a good way). The vanilla, white musk, and grey amber seem as though they are seamlessly swirling around together. The jasmine is present but very well behaved! It actually compliments this blend without doing what jasmine usually does... Taking over! My favorite note is the wormwood! It lends something unique to this scent and really draws me in. I wish the wormwood lingered longer, but it seems to get lighter the more it dries. There is something about this that reminds me slightly of more kick ass version of 'vanilla fields'. I'm surprised this blend doesn't get more love. Somehow it manages to be feminine and classic yet edgy. Has a similar feel to Liz.


    eta: Even though I love this scent, I have found that this one is a little headache inducing for me. Too bad.

  6. I just placed an order for a bottle. I love Masquerade!


    This smells very similar to Karma to my nose. I've always loved a patchouli/orange combo. The carnation spices things up. The ambergris keeps things seamless and smooth. Masquerade is pretty and bright yet earthy and sexy. I'm digging this and it's totally a "me" scent!

  7. Respectfully snipped. Since you like Black Vanilla & Cardamom HG, have you considered Antikythera Mechanism? The notes are "Teakwood, oak, black vanilla, and tobacco.". It was also an LE hair gloss as a lunacy poll winner, in addition to being a GC perfume.


    And since you love Banshee Beat, have you considered using Revenant Rhythm bath oil and/or hair gloss as a body perfume/body spray? I love Banshee Beat as well and have it, and I really find the Trading Post's RR products to be just perfect. Because there are always slight differences in the way the scent turns out on my skin between the products, in some ways I find the RR bath oil to edge a bit more towards the vanilla side, but not too much.


    Thanks for the recs! I need to retest Antikythera Mechanism. I remember it being a little on the masculine side and I ended up swapping it. I did try Gypsy Moth though and I def get that Cardamom/vanilla combo like in the hair gloss. Loving it!


    And Revenant Rhythym is sooo good. A generous forum member sent me some to try and I am hooked. I also recently tried Goblin and thought it was Banshee at first! The dry down is different with the coconut but the benzoin gives it a sweetness. Very similar.

  8. Our signature oil. A dark, languid scent. Promotes hedonistic tendencies and extreme self-love. You won’t stop kissing mirrors for a month.


    I was so disappointed in this one! Especially because I loved it when I first sniffed it out of the imp and upon applying...

    But all that cherry almond deliciousness completely vanished and I was left with powdery rose. And I like rose, but not this! How sad. With a name like Black Phoenix, this should be amazing!

  9. I am really loving Tombstone! This is one I have tried years ago, and decided to try again recently.


    I had a very negative scent association with this blend in the past which completely ruined things for me. I still get that smell when Tombstone is first applied wet. I have searched through this thread to see if anyone else thought that tombstone (when wet) reminds them of anything... because it smells just like something that I am too ashamed to admit I have done in the past. Anyway!

    That wet stage is very short lived. So I guess now that years have passed and my troubled youth is far far behind me, I can wait this stage out! *holds wrists away and waves them in the air* lol


    Upon drying, the magic starts to happen! Root beer float anyone? I also sometimes just smell the most wonderful vanilla wafting out of a cedar chest.

  10. ziggystardust13: I recommend you give Gypsy Moth a try now that it has some age on it. When I first got it, the vanilla was sort of plasticky, and the other elements didn't seem to mesh. I stuck it in the back of my BPAL box and forgot about it. Now that it's got some age on it, it's soft creamy vanilla with some spice. It's lovely, and at some point I may search for a back-up!

    Thanks! I'm gonna try and hunt down a bottle :)

  11. Thanks for the recs SophieCedar! Unfortunately I've tried many of those and the ones with honey all ruined the scent for me. For some reason, honey translates to funk on my skin. I will definitely look into the others :)


    And super idea, Annemathematics! The scent does sound nice. Wonder if it's got a smoky-ish quality to it? That would be so pretty with the lemon+vanilla. Kind of what I wanted Carnival Diabolique to be!

  12. So I'm looking for (craving really) more vanilla! I'd like to expand my collection a bit. Would appreciate recs!


    My favorite vanillas: Snake Oil, Banshee Beat, and Snake Charmer. Also, I loove my Black Vanilla & Cardamom hairgloss! Wish I could turn it into a perfume oil!


    With that being said.... I've not been able to find any of these LE's I just listed above. Pretty much giving up on those until they decide to finally release Revanent Rhythm. (What's taking so long?!) And fingers crossed that Snake Charmer will make a comeback! Do you guys have any recs for me that are in my vanilla range?


    Some scents that are currently striking my interest... Gypsy Moth (though there seems to be more negative reviews, looks amazing!), Hope & Fear Set Free, and Madagascan Vanilla Rum.


    Vanilla type scents I'm not looking for - Eat Me, Mouse's Long & Sad Tale, TKO. Those are all nice. But a little too nice. ;) Also, honey is usually a deal breaker for me.

    I do like Lyonesse and wear that when I'm feeling all innocent or need a light work scent. Vanilla + Aquatic was surprisingly good to me.

  13. I'm going to attempt to review this unique scent!


    In the bottle and wet on skin: Hello there black patchouli! Very earthy. I happen to love patchouli so this is not a bad thing. However, not much else going on at this stage.


    As it dries: The other notes begin to emerge. I definitely get the dried purple fruits, which lend a little sweetness. There is something else going on here but I'm not sure what. This scent is very unique. Earthy, dark, sleek, even a little dusty as some others have mentioned. It continues to morph on me...


    Dry: This is awesome! I don't have anything like this. I don't get the neroli until the later stages. And I love this finale stage! It now smells like an expensive perfume - a damn sexy one. Like something from Dior or Tom Ford, for example. It has really great lasting power and fades beautifully.


    Final impression: If Insects was a color, it would be darkest purple. This is a gem in my collection! If dark scents are your thing, Insects may be for you!

  14. The scent of frozen Type O negative.


    I am thrilled I had the opportunity to score a bottle of this!

    Blood Popsicle is one complex scent indeed. I don't think I could effectively describe it. Salty, sweet, metallic, slightly fruity, incensey, cool and warm, unisex! I think I can even get a little of the Popsicle stick in there. Strangely wearable though. I think I could get away with wearing this in the office. Maybe? :P

    Verdict: I love it! and bonus...so does my husband. Total win and all around awesome scent experience! Instant top fave. :yum:

  15. The reviews on Alice sounded like a little too almondy and spice to be a dominant floral so I'm a little hesitant!

    I didn't get any spice (one of the reasons she didn't work for me!)

    I thought it was very pretty, but I ended up rehoming it to my daughter who likes the softer type scents. Its worth a try! I guess sometimes its just a matter of skin chemistry. Good luck in your scent quest!


    Edited to add a few more recommendations - Mouses Long and Sad Tale and The Last Unicorn
