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Posts posted by ziggystardust13

  1. Voodoo is my perfect scent (totally in love). UNTIL the dry down. Once it has been sitting on my skin for a while, some strange, off putting scent appears. I don't know what the culprit is. Perhaps vetiver? Or maybe a combo of notes. But I need to find more scents like voodoo that wont go rancid on me. This could have been my holy grail :(....

  2. Unfortunately, Morocco reminded me of shaving cream - the barbisol one I think. Whatever my dad always used!

    I couldn't get past that. I really wanted it to be this sexy, desert sort of scent. Not so much.

  3. Thank you lab for this frimp!


    Thanatos is beautiful. Great for resin lovers! And don't fear the rose - it compliments the scent well and doesn't take over. I kept sniffing my wrist because I have smelled this before, but was having a hard time putting my finger on it. Oh yeah! It smells just like Fred Soll's benzoin resin incense!

  4. Can it be? A Jasmine that works on me?! I like the smell of Jasmine, always have. But this is the first bpal with jasmine that has worked on me. 


    Best way to describe this is a heady floral. It has a perfumey quality to it, like many scents with jasmine or opium seem too. But I'm digging it! This just might be the scent that turns me on to florals :)

  5. Wow - I was frimped Isle of Demons. Not something I ever would have thought of trying, unless out of pure curiosity. Yet it has easily become a new favorite! It's hard to describe for me. Actually pretty soft - despite the name. It has an incensy vibe for sure, which I love! I might get a hint of floral, but its not the perfumey type that goes soapy. As it dries, it turns perfectly sweet. This one got a compliment from the hubby too. Its a keeper and big bottle worthy!



  6. Bewitched! I find it so uplifting everytime I wear it, and I don't find it to be heavy at all :)

    Herbal yet sweet

    I always make sure I wear LOTS of STRONG, SWEET, PATCHOULI, and MUSK all the time, especially when I'm in enclosed spaces!!! :vamp: I highly recommend Snake Oil. And by LOTS I mean: turn the bottle on my wrist 3-5 times and rub from my head to the backs of my knees. Seriously. Even people in elevators drool. I can hear people through doors or at the end of corridors asking what smells so good in the building all the time.

    Love it!



    So my all time favorite perfume oil is called Devil Sex. It has been renamed now to vamp venom and was sold on vampfangs.com for a while. I can find it at all now, nor any base note information. :( it's just dissipated. It's stuff is unbelievably intoxicating. I do know it has mandarin, orange blossom, cinnamon and plum. There's more to it though. Possibly some deep white florals and other spices, but its not "spicy".

    Is anyone else here familiar with it and knows of a good replacement? Kat Von D's perfume sinner is similar, ill take copies of that too :P


    I have tried belle epoche, which is too one noted on my skin and is almost jammy sweet on me. Help! :D

    Sinner is one of my favorite scents ever. (and wow the notes are spot on with the vamp venom you described! bet it smelled incredible.) I never found a bpal quite like it, but I did find that if you layer Snake Oil lightly with Chimera - something magical happens! And they are very much in that same intoxicating scent family. Maybe if you can acquire a few imps to test first? I really don't think you'll be disappointed though!


    I haven't smelled it myself, but based on your description I'd suggest layering Oya and Vixen. Couldn't hurt :think:


    oooh! I have never had the pleasure of testing Oya - but from the looks of it, that sounds divine!

  8. So my all time favorite perfume oil is called Devil Sex. It has been renamed now to vamp venom and was sold on vampfangs.com for a while. I can find it at all now, nor any base note information. :( it's just dissipated. It's stuff is unbelievably intoxicating. I do know it has mandarin, orange blossom, cinnamon and plum. There's more to it though. Possibly some deep white florals and other spices, but its not "spicy".

    Is anyone else here familiar with it and knows of a good replacement? Kat Von D's perfume sinner is similar, ill take copies of that too :P


    I have tried belle epoche, which is too one noted on my skin and is almost jammy sweet on me. Help! :D

    Sinner is one of my favorite scents ever. (and wow the notes are spot on with the vamp venom you described! bet it smelled incredible.) I never found a bpal quite like it, but I did find that if you layer Snake Oil lightly with Chimera - something magical happens! And they are very much in that same intoxicating scent family. Maybe if you can acquire a few imps to test first? I really don't think you'll be disappointed though!

  9. I just realized what perfume this smells just like after it dries on my skin...


    Versace - Crystal Noir



    I do love it. I wish more of the smoky & incensey phase lingered (when first applied). It softens up a lot and the coconut & fruit peek through. But all of that nummy, dark & smoky incense disappears. Still really love it though! This is one of those scents I can wear to the office :)

  10. Oh this is soooo good! Smells almost exactly like my MAC MV3 perfume which sadly was discontinued. I've been saving what little bit I had left. This starts out very unisex, but turns sweet and more feminine as it sits on my skin for a while. The leather in this is so sexy. This one has made its way into my top 3!

  11. I love Blockbuster. It's such a comforting scent to me and I love to wear it to bed. Its very warm and softens up quickly upon application. There is definitely cinnamon in there. I can't pinpoint any other notes its so well blended. It reminds me of some of the other conjure scents and its definitely one of my favorites. I want a bottle!

  12. Kat Von D Sinner is my favorite perfume ever. I can't imagine how good the other one you mentioned smells! I had many recommendations to try Mme Moriarty. Still doesnt compare to sinner. Sin was another and I do love it, but its pretty heavy on the patchouli. Sinner is so smoky yet sweet and the cinnamon isnt foody, just sexy! Its not real fruity and I dont get a lot of jasmine either. It's just perfection to me!


    Interested in seeing other recommendations to this!

  13. I don't get this at all. I love heady, incensy scents. I was expecting something heady based on the description and some of the reviews. Well there must be something wrong with my imp because I could barely smell ANYTHING! Maybe skin musk or something? An empty pencil box? lol I have no idea. Weirdest and most disappointing bpal so far. My search for the perfect incense blend continues!


    Out of curiosity I may get my hands on another imp because I am still boggled by this one. :blink:

  14. This is so much softer than I thought it would be. That being said, I really love it though.


    Sniffing out of the bottle and wet on skin it smells of Cherry Almond. Very sweet. As it dries, it begins to warm up. I get a slight incensy scent (must be the frankincense) and barely any cinnamon. I do smell some vanilla and though it isn't listed, amber. It gets a little powdery on my skin as it dries, but not baby powder the way snake oil does to me. I might also add that for me, this one is a slatherer because it is on the lighter side! It's extremely comforting to me. I wore it to bed last night and slept like a baby. And I'm wearing it to work today! May need a bottle :)

  15. I so LOVE Witch Dance! I love smoky, incensy blends. That is precisely what this is. Very heady. To me it smells exactly as it is described. Smoke. Incense. Autumn Leaves. Red Musk. No surprises in there and no disappointment! It's so beautiful and well balanced. Reminds me of Autumn, my favorite time of year. It's sexy and comforting to me at the same time. My husband also complimented me on it which is a major plus! Probably one of if not my favorite BPAL I have tried so far. LOVE AT FIRST SNIFF! :wub2:

  16. I really like this one. Out of the imp its spicy and sharp. Wet on skin the amber emerges. Its slightly powdery (which amber always is on my skin anyhow) But not baby powder. It has a slight perfumey quality to it. I asked my husband to sniff my wrist and in his words it was "sophisticated" LOL. Dry on skin it smells of incense. And I LOVE incense. I get the cinnamon but its not foody and it plays nicely. Just adds to the spiciness of it. But every once in a while I get that hint of something sharp. Its not unpleasant. I think it is probably the Cedar. I will use up my imp for sure. Probably won't hunt down a bottle because there are other incense blends I prefer over this one. But I got a message from my husband later in the day that said after he hugged me this morning before I left to work that Pallas Athene was still lingering on him and he really liked it :)
