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Posts posted by PrettyPenny

  1. Cold scents and pine usually smell pretty fantastic on me, so I was excited to try this one.


    It smelled great in the imp. Piney with just a hint of flowers and sweet coolness. Unfortunately, when I put it on my skin, all I get is mint toothpaste. Sometimes, you have to wait a few minutes for the scent to calm down when it's on. Nope, an hour later and it's still nothing but pure toothpaste. Too bad. I only wish the gorgeous smell in the imp would continue on my skin.

  2. Gorgeous! Gorgeous! GORGEOUS!!


    I've been wanting to try this scent ever since it came out, and lucky for me the lab included it as a frimp in my latest order. This oil is almost pure vanilla with just a hint of amber and something floral in the background. I cannot stop sniffing my wrist. Beautiful.

  3. From the moment I first got a whiff of this in the bottle, it has been my absolute favorite BPAL scent. It's a very sexy yet ladylike amber scent, and it has this really rich perfumey fragrance to it as well. I can't quite place what it is that makes this so unique, but I love love love it.

  4. So far, every dragon's blood blend I have tried turns to cinnamon and cough syrup the moment I put it on, but I recieved an imp of this and decided to give it a try anyway. I'm so glad I did because this is now one of my absolute favorites.


    At first it smells overwhelmingly of sweet cherries, but after about 5-10 minutes the vanilla starts to come out. It smells like cherry milk at first, but the vanilla really softens the cherry scent as it dries. Just lovely. Sweet cherries dipped in vanilla. I would definitely recommend this scent to anyone that's apprehensive about trying dragon's blood.

  5. The scent of sexual obsession, slavery to sensual pleasure, and the undercurrent of innocence defiled utterly. Amber and honey with a touch of vanilla.

    In the imp, this smelled a lot like Honey Moon to me. However, once I put it on it became a bit softer, and I could smell the amber starting to come out. As it dried, the amber continued to gain strength while the honey sweetened. Very nice scent overall.

  6. This is really really sweet on me. Strong vanilla and sugar. I put the tiniest dab on the inside of my wrist, and I asked my boyfriend to smell it. He said it was like walking past a bakery or sweet pastry shop. I like it, but you really don't have to use much in order to get the full effect.

  7. Yep! Wet dirt and dried roses with a slight perfumy background. When I first put it on, it made me a little naseous, but as it dried I began to really like it. Zombi is definitely not something I could wear everyday, but it's difinitely worth trying every once in a while.

  8. When I first opened the bottle, this just reached out and slapped me in the face with its sweetness, and I was sore afraid. However, once I got up the nerve to try it, it mellowed into a pure vanilla scent with just a hint of sweetness. I like it, but I'm not sure I want to sit through the bright pinkness of the wet stage in order to enjoy the drydrown.

  9. In the imp, this is strong, peppery, yet sweet. I really don't like the smell of this one, but I put a little on anyway. Wow, this is one strong scent. I have no clue what's in this, but to me it smells like pure pepper, and it seems to only get stronger once it's on my skin. Definitely swapping this one.

  10. I'm not a huge fan of straight floral scents, so I wasn't expecting to like this when I first opened the imp. It smelled very soapy and strongly floral. However, after about ten minutes on my skin it softened into a light sweet floral that's actually pretty wearable.


    It's faded down a lot since I first applied it, but it reminds me of spring, which is nice right now in the middle of winter.

  11. In the imp: I'm getting mostly super sweet strawberries. I was kind of hoping for more of a sparkly champagne, but I try it on anyways.


    On: Oh wow, the strawberry is sort of taking a backseat, and the champagne note is helping to cut down on the sweetness. This is wonderful, fruity and light. Yummy!

  12. On me, this is like smelling a pumpkin pie in the middle of the woods on a perfect fall day. It's mellow and spicy at the same time, and at the tail end of a sniff I can just barely catch the scent of fall leaves in the background.


    It's absolutely lovely, though I'm not usually a spice person. I'm not sure how often I would wear this, but it would be nice on occasion.

  13. In the imp: This oil is really reminiscent of something, but I can't put my finger on what it is, maybe licorice crossed with...I don't know. It's not unpleasent, but it's also not something I would want to wear that often.


    Wet: I know what this reminds me of now! A spice candle that I sniffed once. Again, not unpleasent. It's very strong. I just put a small dab inside by elbow, and it's as if I slathered it on. The scent is all around me. Quite a throw.


    Drydown: Lilith is starting to mellow into wine with spice. It's a quiet darkness, calmly sinister.


    Final Verdict: I can't say I dislike it, but I think it may take a certain type of personality to pull this off. I can see this on someone confident and sexy, but It doesn't really seem to fit in with my t-shirt and jeans. :P

  14. Wow, this is strong! I put just a dab on the back of my hand, and I can smell it like it's right under my nose. I love all the notes, but this oil smells exactly like my grandmother's perfume only stronger. I love my grandmother dearly, but Siren is just a little too reminiscent of an older woman for me.

  15. This was a little to spice and cinnamon for me, and that didn't really work on my skin. I was expecting it to be a lot more butter and sugar. Upon drydown ti started to get this burnt smell. Definitely not for me.
