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BPAL Madness!


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About panavatar

  • Rank
    lil stinker
  • Birthday 08/26/1985


  • Location
    San Francisco, CA, USA
  • Country
    United States

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  • Interests
    Art and magic (I'd argue they're the same thing, when properly done), films (mostly cult), a small select number of TV shows (most of which have been cancelled), music (mostly performed by people no one's ever heard of), fandom (mostly of the fanfiction and/or slash variety), fashion (mostly of the alt culture variety), craft, dreaming, reading.
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  • Favorite Scents
    My body chemistry is crazy. I almost never know what I'll like until I try it. But generally I don't like incensy, foody, musky, powdery, or soapy scents.


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  1. panavatar

    Chaos Theory VI: Eris' Tilt-a-Whirl

    I got 115 and I love it so much! It's kind of like a really awesome grape candy, except I don't like grape candy usually! It's tart and ripe and tangy. On my skin it becomes a bit like an orange flavored Starburst, only deep and complex and sophisticated. Yay!
  2. panavatar

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v6

    I received bottles 40 and 68. 40: This smells like a mild orange mixed with vanilla and cream, but not sweet. Not tested on skin. 68: Wow, that's...so familiar yet hard to make out...it's like some kind of citrus candy, maybe a sweettart...except, uh, very sharp instead of sweet. Not tested on skin.
  3. panavatar

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v5

    I received 3 bottles of this: 17, 114, and 152. I want to preface this by saying that I have yet to figure out what amber actually smells like. 17: In the bottle, a wee bit potpourri-y with a tart apple undertone. On my skin it does something funky and smells way too perfume-y for me. 114: In the bottle, it's this very complex fruity almost chocolatey or coffee smell, but also kind of like Alice. On my skin the Alice note really blossoms. I'm not sure what that note is but my husband says it's baby powder. It DOES kind of remind me of babies for some reason, but baby powder isn't quite right. Maybe baby shampoo? I think it might be carnations, though. I love this scent! 152: This is some kind of fresh spring florals. Not tested on skin.
  4. panavatar

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7

    I received bottles 43, 78, 84, 116, 150, and 163. 43: In the bottle, this smells a lot like Butter Rum Lifesavers, but with a kind of plasticky undertone. On my skin it turns to the spices in spiced rum. 78: In the bottle, it smells like lemon and vanilla and a kind of warm baking-bread-y smell. On my skin it smells exactly like the taste of a very sugary lemon candy. 84: Hmm...hard to place. In the bottle it's like...a warm herbaly smell? It kind of smells like air conditioner! Not tested on skin. 116: This is super boozy. Kind of like Possets' 1000 Proof Egg Nog but more sour. Not tested on skin. 150: Some kind of floral. Not tested on skin. 163: This one is a real mystery. Kind of marshmallowy. Sweet. Light. I am terrible with notes but those are my best guesses!
  5. panavatar


    Wow, all these comments about dirt make me feel like I must have a rogue bottle of NVL1! To me, it smells like soap and spices and a bit of fruit. Very warm. I feel like it smells distinctly like some familiar scent...but I can't place what that is! It definitely doesn't smell like many other BPALs.
  6. panavatar


    I found AF25 to be a very bright floral, with a strong topnote of honeysuckle. I only sniffed it, so I don't know how it would have morphed on my skin!
  7. panavatar

    Midnight Kiss

    I got a frimp of this! Whee! Unfortunately, it just smells like fake strawberry flavoring to me. Like that syrup-type candy or something. Really sickly sweet. Alas!