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Posts posted by strawberry_star

  1. It's the roses again. They hate me, I hate it. The roses completely takes over once again and I can't get anything else out of it. It makes me want to swear off roses entirely, and yet there has been a few fragrances where I haven't detected it at all. Tricksy!

  2. I loathe reviewing scents that most people seem to love. Makes me feel guilty that it didn't work on me. When I tried it on, it smelled very similar to the effect Dana O'Shee and Snow White had on me. All are very popular fragrances and yet take on a medicine-like smell when it comes to my chemistry. This was actually not as bad on me as the other 2 though, and oddly enough it was the carnation that helped and I usually don't like carnations in a perfume. Overall it still didn't work on me at all. I gave it to a friend and she seems to like it. (as does almost everyone else! hehehe)

  3. I got a strong lemony vibe from this one. There was something else though that I can't quite put my finger on that was mixing well with the lemon smell. I wasn't however overly fond of it. I really should have tried it again, because I didn't try all that much before a friend bought it from me. Now I wish I would have kept it and gave it a 2nd chance, because she said it turned powderish on her and she didn't like it.

  4. WOW. I really thought this one would work on me. I must have overlooked the floral bouquet, crossed my fingers and hoped for the best, but no luck. There was a flower or combination of flowers that completely ruined it. Jasmine perhaps? I like blaming it on jasmine, either that or rose usually.

  5. Night blooming flowers? Jasmine? That could be why it didn't work for me. It was pure floral and not lovely florals which I do come across some floral combinations that work on me from time to time. This was not one of them. There was way too many flowers that were not liking me too well.

  6. This one was an absolute nightmare. Admitedly I have never drank a martini and after this I have no desire to. I definitely recognized the juniper and it hates me almost as much as I hate it. I went and took a bath to wash it off and not only did I soak, but I also scrubbed my skin raw and I could still smell it. I went to sleep, woke up and it was still there the next morning. It was haunting me!


    I was in it for the booze, but all I got was juniper.

  7. The description of this sounded so pretty. As for a background, my skin usually really picks up on the berry notes. This one however? I didn't smell berries at all. I got a very green smell from it along with florals that worked horribly with my chemistry. This one failed miserably. It's now enjoying a new home with a friend of mine.

  8. I just smell mint in the imp and I got a little dissappointed. I put a dab on and it was still entirely mint! So I decided to give it another try and put on a good helping of it and YES the booze came out! Usually I don't care for minty fragrances, but I really enjoy this. Because of the booze. I love the booze. All day it came wafting back up and it made me want to give naughty little giggles. Okay that sounded a bit weird.

  9. I actually had taken this off my wishlist because it contains musk, which usually overwhelms my skin and it's all I can smell. That mixed with the patchouli made me certain that it would be way too manly. Well luckily I got it as a freebie and I must apologize to poor Mr. Imp!


    Peach loves my skin, it even withstands musk. The peach mixed with amber reminds me of Tamora except much darker. I've come to really adore it now because it's a wonderful fragrance to wear when I'm in the mood for something a bit stronger than my normal peach smells (Tamora, Fae, Titania).

  10. In the imp I smell ROSE ROSE ROSE juniper ROSE. On me I smell double the amount of rose and juniper underneath. Both of which smell absolutely disgusting on me and even worse they both tend to stick to my skin like glue. I found it really hard to wash off. Definitely one of my least favorites ever.

  11. I know this isn't a perfume and I really didn't try it out while asleep, so I don't know how helpful this review will be. As soon as I opened the imp and smelled eucalyptus mixed with anise, I went running for the hills. Note that I almost always try on every single perfume I get even if it smells horrible, but this most likely would have made me sick to my stomach. I just cannot handle eucalyptus and any sort of licorice smells. I wasn't even brave enough to put it on. :P I feel a bit ashamed now.

  12. Whenever jasmine comes around, that usually means trouble for me. Mix that with tuberose? Even worse. Surprisingly enough it wasn't as bad as many other florals that I have tried. I even considered holding onto it in case I ever really want to smell flowery, but instead I sold the midnight star off to a friend who hopefully will enjoy it more than I.

  13. Gertie and I aren't liking one another too much. Violets usually smell okay on me, so there's another floral or blend of which in this that my chemistry isn't agreeing with. It's all floral, very powdery and much like an old lady. Bleh. I wish I could say more about it, but that's really about it.

  14. This is absolutely stunning. The mix of the fruits with the GOOD florals is beautiful. It smells like a very high end perfume, but without the icky alcohol of course. It's stylish and yet modern and fun (also very expensive smelling), just like Tokyo is. I think this perfume captures that perfectly.

  15. So glad the rose didn't put me off, I can't even smell it in this. That is good! Instead I smell spiced fruits. Not overly fruity and it almost smells like a candle shop, but not in a bad way. Mmmm plum. I can definitely smell the plum and berries in this primarily but it's so grounded by the other notes that it makes it complex. Very hard to describe, it's gorgeous.

  16. Absolutely stunning. I'm so glad "musk rose" didn't turn me away from ordering it. Peach always smells divine on me and it was once again the dominant note in this according to my chemistry. It's very reminicent to the beauty of my dear Fae, but less peachy, less sunny and more foggy enchanted orchard.

  17. This is another scent where the name of the fragrance blinded me to the ingredients. Images of Bette Davis in Jezebel flashed through my mind. The scene of her in a red dress when all the ladies were supposed to wear white. There was a voice in the back of my head trying to scream at me "you're not looking at the notes!" so I ordered it and then I realized that I would not like this scent and I was right. The curse of the roses.


    This is the only scent that has thus far turned to pure baby powder on me. I hate baby powder and this was the baby powder from hell, because it wouldn't come off. Even after I showered, I could still smell it! Ugh. Horrid.

  18. When I first put on Maenad, I hate it. It smells strongly of carnations and oh so very floral. But within maybe 10 minutes once it dries, it suddenly turns into very sweet strawberry like magic! It isn't the freshly picked strawberry, but more of a lip gloss strawberry, but I happen to like lip gloss strawberry smell. So I end up with that sweet strawberry smell on top with a hint of spicy floral on the bottom and it turns out to be a lovely combination.

  19. I love boozy scents, so I jumped all over this. It didn't turn out how I was expecting it to at all.


    I can't smell any booze in this. It smells nothing like a cosmopolitan on me and even more it doesn't even smell like pomegranates. Instead it smells like a very sweet orange. Do you remember those powdered sugar candy in the fruit shaped plastic container? I haven't seen it in year, but they might still sell it somewhere. Well this smells exactly like the orange one.


    I love fruity scents, so I do like it, but it just wasn't what I thought it would smell like at all.

  20. Wow that's a lot of booze. Good thing I like boozey scents!


    It smells almost exactly the way Elegba does (without the tobacco) and Hellcat does, but stronger. A very strong butterscotch. I can almost get drunk just by sniffing it. It smells EXACTLY like a Buttery Nipples shot. The only thing putting me off is that these 3 fragrances smell so similar on me and if I had to choose one, I'd choose Elegba over this. I still like it though, of course. It's a booze lovers' dream.

  21. A definite parallel to another favorite of mine - Bordello. This however is much more berry-ish and instead of visions of debauchery, I get visions of refinery. In a nutshell it's berries and wine.


    This is the scent of a Queen on her throne, with lips matching the rubies of her crown. A wine glass filled with red wine clutched in her dainty hand. Very elegant.

  22. Take the best sex you've ever had or would hope to have and put it in a bottle. That's Perversion. Or maybe I'm just perverted. :P Nevertheless, it is perfection. I think it narrowly beats out Bordello as my favorite scent... oh the review? Sorry yes, I was getting to that.


    Well first off, I can't smell the tonka on me at all. I smell leather, booze, and tobacco (pipe of course). There is a sweetness there and maybe a slight spice, but I don't like spices so it can't be too much. I smell DIRTY, but in a very good way. It makes me want to go out and do devious things. It makes my mind wander off into the gutter (more than usual) with no hope of returning. It makes me feel like the sexiest woman alive, the ultimate seductress and I think that's everything I could hope for in a perfume.

  23. A friend of mine threw this in as a freebie to me for Christmas and of course I got giddy. (see username?! :P) It reminds me a lot of another lovely fragrance that I enjoy - Pink Moon. This is waaaaaay more strawberry though and it's not a fake candy strawberry, but an actual freshly picked strawberry scent. I feel good when I wear it, and... CUTE.
