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Everything posted by Rhowan

  1. I agree with Graveyard Dirt and Zombie for just plain dirt. Also,give Nocnista a try! Nocnista:lightless fir wood, nighttime air, wet forest mosses and upturned earth. I thought it smelled very wet, damp foresty dirt
  2. Rhowan


    I got this as a frimp this week. I would have never chosen it for myself because rose hates me and usually turns into powder or grandma smell or sometimes playdough... In the bottle: Pomegranate more than rose Wet: The pomegranate is still very much dominating luckily! Dry Down: it took exactly 2 minutes for this to become a really stinky old lady rose.... Conclusion: I think if you can wear rose, this would be a very lovely scent but for me... well, this goes to the swap pile.
  3. Rhowan


    In the bottle: Yum! A mixture of wonderful scents- sugary vanilla, florals, and a hint of woodiness Wet: first swiped on my skin, I can barely smell anything -maybe a hint of vanilla Dry down: As this dries down, it becomes more fragrant and strong. I can smell the florals in this but it isn't powerfully floral - which turns me off. I think the sandalwood and clove even the playing field. The vanilla really makes a great base to this. Conclusion: This is a very warm, sweet floral without being too overly powerful. I will keep the imp but personally can't see me using a 5 ml.
  4. Rhowan


    I had a really hard time catching any real smell from this. My skin just soaked it up. What very little I can smell is a very clean, lemon and tea. Very nice! but not strong enough. I would probably use a half of imp just for one application. If this was stronger, I would be buying a bottle of it!
  5. Rhowan


    In the bottle: I smell Spring! Green and very bright floral Wet: oh! Yum! This is very lovely! I am getting just fresh fresh fresh floral. Dry Down: Was there sweet pea in Pink Pheonix? This smells just a tad like Pink Pheonix but not candy-like. Very fresh sweet pea...I can't pick out the sage though. After about 5 minutes this gets a strange slight plastic scent. It's barely there but it is there. Conclusion: I will keep the imp of this and probably use it on my pillow to relax me since it will most likely stay true on fabric. Unfortunately, I won't be able to wear this because of the plastic scent. Which is a big bummer because this is beautiful
  6. Rhowan


    Rose notes don't work on me but that doesn't keep me from trying them out in hopes one day they will - let's see how this does... In the bottle: Fresh sweet pears with a hint of floral Wet: Pear! I can smell florals, especially the lilly - very nice Dry down: This morphed and the pear slowly went away and the other notes became stronger and then ARGG! this went powdery/grandma smell on me! Conclusion: I thought this was beautiful while wet and in some way, I can see that this would be a wonderful scent but unforutnately I cannot give a true review on this because of it turning powder...
  7. Rhowan


    I love the smell of Roses but any type of rose note goes powder/playdough on me. In the bottle: Yum! Lemon, fresh apples and just cut roses. Wet: exactly like in the bottle - I am blown over by how fresh every thing smells Dry down: here comes the rose dry down yuk. Oh! how sad I am. Goes to powder in about 3 minutes on me. Conclusion - if you can wear roses, this is definitely a must try for you. If this could have stayed true on my skin, this would have been a 10ML purchase for me. Maybe Beth could make this with Lilac or Geranium instead of roses.
  8. Rhowan


    *-* LUGHNASADH *-* Love and thanks to a very sweet and generous Magpiedee who frimped this to me. I have been searching for the *PERFECT* earthy scent that embodied Autumn. While Harvest Moon came close to what I was looking for, it just missed the mark. Then I smelled Lughnasadh! This is my perfect scent- I just wish I had a bottle to make this my signature. I think Lughnasadh embodies the perfection, talent, and magic of Beth and what she can do. This is just absolutely the #1 oil to own. This is the first harvest personified. I smell warm apples, fresh pennyroyal, chrysanthemum, spices, grain, and dried leaves - not the end of September leaves, but the dry, parched leaves of the end of August. Wow! Just....Wow!
  9. Rhowan

    Holiday Moon

    *~* HOLIDAY MOON *~* Rocking my world from the second I smelled it! In the bottle:First wiff - tea! Yummy strong green tea with a hint of ZING! Wet:The green tea is definitely there but the ZING! is there right in front with the green tea it smells kind of lemony but not really. Dry Down:This is beautiful! I am finally putting my finger on the citrusy part - someone mentioned a bamboo stalk freshly cut and that is a perfect description. This is a fresh, green almost citrusy scent. It makes me want to dance and be happy! OK throw, ok wear but I definitely want to reapply - but I think that is more for myself than anyone next to me. It is definitley one of those "nose glued to wrist" scents! I will be looking for an extra bottle of this off the forums. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!
  10. Rhowan

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I just tried Fae today and loved it - but I got the wierdest taste in my mouth the minute it hit my skin - still can't get the taste out and that was over an hour ago!
  11. Rhowan


    *~* FAE *~* In the bottle: Lucious peaches! Wet: Sweet, light peaches and oranges Dry down: The musk comes out a bit to temper out the peach so it's not something someone passing you would think "peaches?" Conclusion:A nice clean fruity floral without being overly fruity -This is a very happy, joyful scent to me. Sadly, I got a really weird taste in my mouth as soon as this hit my skin so I won't be wearing it again...
  12. Rhowan


    + LOVIATAR + In the bottle: English Leather colongne... Wet: YUM! Hot leather is right!! Very Sexy Dry down: This just gets sexier by the minute! I still get the leather but the amber is what is coming out for me. After about 10 minutes or so, I am getting almost a leathery/ woodsy type smell with just a hint of sweetness... Conclusion: This is very sexy! I am really liking this but as good as it is, I think it will be even better on my DH! Great Throw! Good wear!
  13. Rhowan


    *~* KOSTNICE *~* In the bottle: Yum smells woody with a hint of floral - more geranium than lily. Wet: More frankincense now with a hint of woods and a slight breath of floral Dry down: Soft, warm, lily. This is very spring to me! Conclusion: Kostnice goes once again to show the magic in Beth's oils and how I should never discount certain blends because of notes that usually don't work for me. I saw the words lily and rose in the scent description and knew this wouldn't work for me - WORNG! This is the first lily I have been able to wear. It is soft, warm and feminine and I will definitely make this a keeper! ETA: good throw and good wear time...
  14. Rhowan

    Wings of Azrael

    ~ WINGS of AZRAEL ~ In the bottle: Woodsy violet with a hint of minty cajeput Wet: Juniper, cageput with a hint of violet Dry down: The juniper and mintiness is still very much in my face- can't catch any myrhh or cypress - just a hint of violet and lilly of the valley Conclusion: This just isn't doing it for me. Too minty-juniper and not enough myrhh or floral. I would reccomend this to anyone who likes Ultraviolet though - they might enjoy this. Into the swap pile....
  15. Rhowan


    * NUIT * In the bottle: greens and jasmine Wet: Moss, Jasmine, and a hint of rose - uh!oh! Rose! Rose usually ends up smelling like playdough or powder on me... Dry down: airy, soft florals - jasmine, a very clean white rose, and mossy greens with just a breath of incense - not the heavy headshop type incense but the light incense of Beth's Cairo. Conclusion: This is the first rose EVER that I have been able to wear without it morphing into yuk on me. In my mind, this is a very white and green scent. It is airy, light and very feminine. Besides being the first rose scent I have ever been able to really wear, this is my first very floral scent that doesn't give me a headache. The longer I wear this, the cleaner it smells! Purrrfect! Oh! Throw is average and wear is less than average for me - a bit over 2 hrs.
  16. Rhowan

    Mad Hatter

    - MAD HATTER - In the bottle: Sweet fresh mint with a hint of lavendar Wet: OMG! I love this! If you were to pick fresh mint and lavendar and rolled them between your palms - that is exactly what this smells like! Dry Down: This has sweetened up a bit more but is still true to its wetness - fresh minty lavendar. No citron or muskiness, but I am assuming it is the musk that is adding the sweetness. Throw is better than average but not overpowering. Wear is average for me - about 3-4 hrs. Conclusion: Mad Hatter smells so fresh! Usually, scents with mint smell artifical to me - like mint oil you might use to cook with or something the dentist uses - NOT this! This takes me back to being a kid. My neighbor was a well known master gardener and along our fence line she always grew lavender and mint. I could pick all that I wanted. I would roll them in my hands and breath in the smell, or chew on the mint, or make tea out of both of them together. I am telling you this smells fresh! I am definitely getting a 5 or 10 ml of this!!!
  17. Rhowan


    * THALIA * In the bottle: Champagne with fresh sliced pears floating in it Wet: Champange with fresh pears and a hint of plumeria Dry Down: All the notes have blended so perfect together. What I smell is a sweet pear with a nice floral background Conclusion: Thalia is lovely! I was worried about this because my skin usually amps florals to the point that they are headachy and overpowering - with Thalia, everything blends so well together. It is neither too fruity or too floral. It must be the champagne that tempers it. It is a very bright summery scent. Thalia definitely warrants a 5ml purchase! efs
  18. Rhowan


    - FALLEN - In the bottle: Soft florals, warm amber with a hint of violet. Wet: lovely! Soft, warm, woody, violet. Dry down: As this dries, the sandalwood starts to come forward in the blend as the amber and musk recede. They are still there but it is just a hint. The sandalwood is giving the violets a sugary smell - mmm! No vetiver, and just a hint of woods - I don't know what kind of woods though. Conclusion: Once again, this is just lovely. I am a relieved that I don't get any vetiver whatsoever because most of the things that have vetiver in them = stinky skin on me. Not this! This is a warm, sensous, earthy violet (perfect for me - Taurus is my sign) If you usually don't do vetiver, Fallen deserves to be given a chance. The throw is perfect and this lasted on my skin well beyond 4 hours.
  19. Rhowan


    ~LANGUOR~ In the bottle: Wow! Florals and alcohol? Wet: I am getting overpowering Narcissus and Lily, with just a hint of incensey smell in the background. Dry Down: Most everything has faded on me after 20 minutes - which is a good thing. What is left is just a hint of something floral that I can't quite that I can't quite put my finger on. Conclusion: I don't wear florals for the most part and if I do they have to be very light adn on the green side. I would enjoy getting a hint of this on someone as they passed by but it is way to floral for me. The throw for the 1st 3 minutes is HUGE as my hubby and son could smell it across the room - that is only with a light swipe of the wand. Luckily, like I said, it's now been 30 minutes and I can't smell a thing.
  20. Rhowan

    Queen of Diamonds

    * QUEEN OF DIAMONDS * Take this review with a grain of salt if you know orchid and rose works for you -neither note works atfor me at all.... In the bottle: This smells like department store perfume to me. Wet: A bit better - department store perfume but with a hint of citrus. Dry down: I was really hoping the citris would temper the florals better but I am still getting way to much perfumey, headachey floral that is turning slightly powdery on me. Conclusion: This reminds me of a perfume I wore in the late 70's called "Sex Appeal" by Jovan. The orchid gives this the perfume like smell and the rose note turns it into powder. I was hoping I would that the citrus notes would play more of a leading role in this instead of hanging in the backgroung being shy. I am disappointed because it seems that the florals that don't work for me have the best throw and last the longest on my skn.
  21. Rhowan

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    ~~Mi-Go Brain Canister~~ I have a 5ml of this that I bought without trying it first. After some of the previous reviews I am really worried. *deep breath* here goes... In the bottle: floral with an undertone of rotten melon Wet: When I eat cantaloupe, I put pepper on it. This smells like sitting at a table with a huge floral arrangement eating rotten cantaloupe with pepper on it. Dry Down: The rotten peppery cantaloupe has faded and so has the overpowering florals. What is left is a very feminine scent with out being powdery or too overtly floral. I don't smell any of the fruit notes. I think it must be the tea and musks that balance this out. Conclusion: This turned out to have a very happy ending! I was worried clear up thru the dry down! This, for me, is a very feminine, perfumey, dressy scent. Maybe something to wear going out to a nice dinner or something. It isn't something I would have bought a 5ml had I smelled an imp 1st because a little goes a LONG way on me and the throw is huge!
  22. Can I just say that once, I sat down and ate about 10 of those little mini bonbel cheeses and, mm, well, I will spare you the gory details but now I am very picky about my cheeses.... DEVILS PANTIES and I am thinking something along the lines of Brimstone, sulfer and redhots? Kudos to BPAL's customer service: I can't even begin to imagine the amount of email's they get a day.... edated cuz I can't spel
  23. This is a weird one for a man to like, but my hubby LOVES Bewitched on me! I love Azozoth on him ME-OW!
  24. oh, B~ how I would love to just live in a little bit of a corner of your mindand hear what goes thru it! (the naughty part )
  25. I have to agreee that I have always gotten prompt response from the lab - must be where you are sending from?