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Posts posted by Rhowan

  1. I have been looking for the PERFECT woody scent for both me and my DH. Odin is it! It is woody without being a certain wood you can name. It is also green and herbally.


    Odin reminds me of walking through a rainforest type place in Oregon where everything is dark, dark, green and you can't even see the sky through it. The trees in it that have fallen by themselves give off this fresh woody, green scent - Odin reminds me of that place plus spicy herbs. I love this scent!!!


    Great throw but only so-so wear. It faded pretty quick on me. I don't know about a 5ml on this yet because of the fade factor but I will give it another try.

  2. In the imp and wet on my skin: OMG! Spicy, spicy, plum- did I say spicy? The spice is like cardamon, maybe a hint of clove! Very nice!!


    On the dry down: The plum seems to be fading and the carnation begins to come forward but still the prominent note is spice!


    Completely dried down: The notes have finally blended together to make one beautiful scent. This is spicy plum and carnation (can't get the chrysanthemum) all resting on a beautiful warm musk


    Conclusion: This is definitely a 5ml. Great throw, pretty good wear. Great compliments when I wear it. Definitely a thumbs up.

  3. Ozymandias goes on like a hot, dry desert air with perfume blowing with it. I smells a lot like a high end man's cologne. I think there is just a bare hint of vetiver in it - a very rich vetiver that is done right - not stinky. I detect a bit of a powdery note too.


    I cannot name the notes or give this the proper review but Ozymandias is very dry, a bit powdery, and more that a bit of a man's cologne smell to me. It is masculine.


    Great throw, long wear. This will be a bottle for my son! He loves it!

  4. In the vial and wet on my skin, I get a very vague scent of fig and patchouli with a ity bitty end note of mango.


    As Tweedledum starts dries down, the scent is fading quickly! I am getting more of the mango but it and the fig are being over powered by the patchouli.


    and then.... it disappears? Dang it!! It seems I have had more than my share of scents that just disappear on me lately. What fun is that? I will give it another half hour and see then...


    It took about 20 minutes and then I could smell it again. At complete dry down, Tweedledum is mango on a base of sweet fig and patchouli (no tea to be found!). It is a very light fragrance - unlike it's twin Tweedle Dee that is loud, Tweedledum in shy and cautious. This isn't a winner for me - I can't smell it very well. This goes into the swaps!




  5. from wet on my skin to completely dried down - this doesn't morph one bit. It is a very light, sweet orange (not a sour citrus at all!) white tea with just a hint of Kumquat. No black pepper. Just a perfect balance - like a see saw! Kumquat on one side, sweet orange blossom on the other and the white tea in the middle. total perfect balance


    Very long last! Great throw! This is perfect in all ways -Definitely a 5ml!

  6. King of Hearts kind of made me nauseated just smelling it out of the imp. It smelled like Red Queen gone very toxic. I got the very sweet smelling part of Red Queen and then this very nauseating scent that I can't place my finger on.

    It took me a while to finally try it on my skin but when I did, it smelled even worse but I kept it on knowing that Beth's oils do morph. It disappeared in two minutes and an hour later hadn't reappered. A very odd scent.


    I am very sad that it smelled nothing like the other reviews. I wanted it to be lovely and all those different scents! Alas... it was not to be for me.


    Don't give up on it because of my review because just before it disappeared, it morphed inot something very cool and masculine that had a lot of potential and then *POOF* it was gone. I might have to give this another go around just to be fairly sure....

  7. I recieved this as a frimp from the lab and I was so excited. I have been really wondering about the "electric mints" I am not a minty person but was excited to try this!


    In the vial and wet on my skin my nose is innundated with mint, mint mint - yep 3 electric mints! They are not terrible like I thought they would be - they are very sweet and I am reminded of picking mint from the neighbors garden and making mint tea. Beautiful and Bright!


    As Cathode dries down, the mints become a bit toned down by the ambergris. I have yet to smell the mosses but I am sure they are around.


    Completely dried down adn Cathode is bright green. The mosses have become entangled with the mints almost like mint growing in a damp mossy forest, with the ambergris the supporting note.


    Conclusion? Cathode is a beautiful cooling scent. Perfect for hot summer days when you want to be in the shade or just cooled down. This is going on my 5ml list!

  8. I have just finished reviewing Phanasm which I find a bit similar in notes to this.

    Where Phantasm is bright bright lemony yellow almost pure lemon juice, Embalming fluid is more sedate.


    On me, I feel that Embalming Fluid is less lemony and more green tea. Pretty much all green tea and musk. Then, after a few minutes of wearing Embalming Fluid, it just up and almost disappears.


    While I think that Embalming Fluid is nice, it isn't my thing. I think I will keep to Phantasm as it is the NEON version of Embalming Fluid to me.

  9. Phatasm, Oh! how I love thee! Phantasm went on bright and citrusy with a hint of cooling green , green tea. The jasmine does a great job of keeping this from turning into Lemon Pledge on me - which is what happens with most Lemon verbenas.


    Truly uplifting on a hot summers day! Good throw and great wear! This is a 10ml for sure!!!

  10. In the vial and wet on my skin the first note that strikes me is a very rich, warm amber. I can detect a faint bit of spruce? maybe also.


    Drying down, it is still the amber and the juniper? spruce? something kind of woodsy like that, and a faint hint of sweet berry.


    Completely dried down and I am loosing the scent already - it is very light on my skin and fading every minute. What is left though is beautiful. Seductive, rich warm amber with a hint of sweet, sweet, junitper berries (at least that is what I have settled on )


    Florence is a very beautiful warm rich oil. It is so rich it makes me want to bath in it while sipping a glass of wine and listening to classicly music. Warm and Evocotive. If it would have lasted longer on my skin this would have def initely been a 10ml.!

  11. In the vial and wet on my skin, I get a hint of unsual fruitiness with amber. I mean unusual because the fruits are exotic, maybe something I haven't even tasted or smelled before. All with an undertone of amber.


    As HTP starts to dry down both the amber and fruitiness increase in strength. Amber, golden beautiful amber. Maybe pomegranate, golden figs, and a touch of dark fruit of which I can't name - This doesn't smell "fruity" like you would think.


    Completely dried down and I am totally in love! This reminds me of a deep golden color (the amber) that darkens slowly and finally goes to black.


    My conclusion? I didn't want to try this at first because of the fruits but to me it isn't fruity in a normal fruity way. Hymn to Proserpine brings to mind an exotic land of spices, dark fruits and amber. It is a darker, very sultry oil almost perfume. Great throw and long wear! My husband loves this on me! This is definitely a bottle!

  12. In the vial and wet on my skin, Ochosi is smelling very herbally, woody with a lot of shea


    Drying down, Ochosi begins to smell alot like Herbal Essence shampoo - that's not really a bad thing but I was hoping to smell a bit more woodsy.


    Completely dried down and I am smelling the sprucewood a bit more but it is still totally overpowered by the shea.


    Conclusion? I had higher hopes for this. I like wood notes but Ochosi disappointed me in that respect. It smells completely like shea with just a tiny hint of bitter herbs. This was on my list for a 5ml but I am so glad I got the imp first!

  13. A glorious parasite! Once the seeds of the Strangler Fig find root in the bark of a tree, snakelike roots erupt and reach graspingly at the sky. The Strangler Fig then sprouts numerous epiphytic vines that strangles and surrounds its unwilling host, and finally snuffs the life from it. Rooty, woody, with deep green tones.

    Strangler Fig is absolutely gorgeous!! It is woodsy and very green and just fabulous! I got a hint of cedar wood when I first applied but it blended with the dark green note and now it smells just woody. No certain wood note to define.

    Strangler Fig is thick and syrupy but not as thick as Mandrake. It has a good throw and great wear too. I will be wearing this year around! Just beautiful dark woody green.

  14. In the vial and wet on my skin the first note that hits me is a bitter, B.O. smelling note -could that be the bamboo?


    As it dries down, I am smelling somthing very citrussy. Maybe something is wrong with me nose- this doesn't smell like dragon's blood in the least!


    Completely dried down and now this smells right!! It took awhile and now it is beautiful! The dragon's blood resin is a light base note - not overpowering like you would expect. The sandalwood and tea leaf blend beautifully with the dragon's blood and to top off the whole scent is a very beautiful, smooth sandalwood with the hint of cherry blossom. Absolutely gorgeous!


    Conclusion? After wearing Dragon Moon for an hour or so, the cherry blossom faded and I was left with a strong base of dragon's blood with just a hint of sandalwood and tea. Not really what I was expecting - I was hoping that the cherry would hang in there longer. Good throw but not very long wear. This fades pretty quickly on my skin.

  15. In the vial and wet on my skin - WHOA! Very heavy perfume. It smells just like al older heavy perfume that my mom used to wear or that I wore as a teenager....


    As Unseelie dries down, the notes soften and I am able to pin them down a bit. Aquatic florals and herbs with just a hint of pure grass.


    Completely dried down and now the heavy perfume has all but faded. I am left with a visual of walking in some kind of garden at night. The grass, unusual florals, herbs and dew covered grass all under a full moon with soft summer breezes wafting all the different notes around.



    My conclusion? I think the scent description is perfect - "A misty otherwordly scent" The imagery with Unseelie for me is incredible - It is floral but also a bit bitter from the herbs leading me to think of someone who once walked the night gardens with their love and then by some twist of fate, walks the gardens alone with the bittersweet memories. Just beautiful! Throw is perfect, the wear is fantastic. This is an all around favorite for me. I am wishing for a 5 ml.!

  16. In the vial and wet on my skin, Glitter and all I get is fruity bubble gum! There is a wonderful refreshing end note that I am assuming is the pear.


    As Glitter dries down, the bubble gum scent is quickly lost and I am left with a very light, bright, Glitter-y scent of all notes mingled. For just about 10 seconds, Glitter reminded me of Pink Pheonix in a way - must be the pear note.


    And then!?! It disappears- Completely! The only evidence that it was even on my skin is that my skin was a bit softer in the spot I applied (from the oil )


    15-20 minutes later, after sniffing strongly on my wrist, I get a very, very, very, faint hint of sweet pair and nothing else.


    Conclusion~ Glitter is definitely not for me. I am very happy I got to test it though.

  17. In the bottle and wet on my skin, the first note that hits my nose is the chamomile and ylang ylang. Nice.


    As Despair dries down, the lavender, rosewood and Rose Otto are beginning to come out and mingle With the chamomile - the ylang ylang has faded slightly into the background...


    Completely dried down and Despair has become a complex scent. Shifing from herbally to woody with a hint of citrus as the end note.


    My conclusion? Despair is haunting and beautiful. I wish I could have smelled the sandalwood but it just never really appeared for me. I do get a slight woodsy note but note enough to say "hey that's sandalwood or rosewood, or cypress" Never the less, that doesn't spoil Despair at all -it just makes it all that more intriguing.


    Despair is too light of a scent for me to really want to find a bottle of it but it is beautiful all the same. The throw isn't your typical throw, rather an aura that envelopes you that is haunting and intriguing. The wear for me was about 4 hrs before it faded to skin although my husband could still smell it at 7hrs.

  18. In the vial and wet on my skin, Sundew smells of of bright citrus with a very slight hint of herbals in the back ground.


    Drying down, Sundew actually gets stronger on my skin instead of fading a bit and blending. It is very bright citrus and bright strong greens in perfect balance.


    Completely dried down and the greens have started to blend a bit. I think I can almost detect an ozone note somewhere too.


    My conclusion? Sundew is perfectly bright and sunny- apropoe considering it's name. Citrus, a hint of green and a hint of ozone make for visualizing the perfect bright sunny day. A definite cooling scent for summer. Awesome throw and wear - this stuff doesn't fade. A definite 5ml.!

  19. In the vial and wet on my skin The Unicorn smells of pure Linden blossom with a hint of herbs. The herbs to me are very green not dry and dusty...


    Drying down, I am beginning to lose the scent - My skin is totally absorbing it. What I *can* smell is a bit of citus from the Linden but it has turned into a primarily BO smell. What the hec!?


    Completely dried down and I am much more happy. After a period of barely smelling anything except something resembling BO, I now am left with a bright, citrusy floral with an herbally end note. Talk about a morphing scent!!!


    Concusion? I really like the way that this ends up but I don't know if I ahve the patience to wait for 20 minutes or so for this to start smelling better. I think that I will pass on the 5ml for now but I will be giving this a couple of more chances.

  20. I had never thought about using Voodoo oils until someone gave me Red Devil - that was awesome and worked well! So, I was excited to try Black Cat out:


    It is a good thing Black Cat is not meant as a perfume oil - it has a beautiful base of herbs and greens with maybe a hint of lemongrass? in it, but the top note? It is pure rose and rose and I do not get along at all.


    Completely dried down and the rose is still the prominent note which doesn't make me happy. It has a huge throw (maybe because I am very sensitive to the rose) and a very long wear (maybe my sensitivity again)I don't know if I could even wear this for the effect it's supposed to give because the rose note is so prominent.

  21. In the vial was earth, incense and herbs. Wet on my skin it is pure floral - Odd since usually in the vial and wet on my skin smell the same.


    As Crossroads dries down the floral is still the prominent note but I am catching a hint here and there of dry earth. No other notes to be seen.


    Completely dried down I am standing at the Crossroads - this is a perfect blend between heaven ie: the florals and earth ( dirt and moses) with just a tiny hint of incense and a bitter end note of something herbal.


    Conclusion? While I find Crossroads intriguing and and perfect balance, my tastes run more toward very earthy oils like Death Cap. If you can't wear a dirt note and want to then Crossroads is it! Very nice! Great throw, long wear too!

  22. In the vial and wet on my skin, Death Cap is pure damp earth - exactly how the dirt smells after a summer rain.


    Drying down, Death Cap begins to take on a bit of a woodsy note on top of the dirt. It's not soft like sandal wood but more of a cedar. Sweet, woody damp earth.


    Completely dried down, Death Cap is absolutely gorgeous! It is still damp, woodsy earth but not so intense as Zombie or Graveyard Dirt. It almost has a perfume like end note to it that I can't quite put my finger on.


    Conclusion? Death Cap is a thicker oil in the same vein as Mandrake, but not as thick. Death Cap is the perfect scent if you want to feel in touch with the earth itself. I love this so much that I could wear it every day. This is definitely a 5ml must have!

  23. Milk Moon is very creamy honey milk on me but the added "lunar oils" gives this a hint of mint to me. First applied, it didn't agree with my nose - minty honey milk? But as it dried down, it started to grown on me.


    Completely dried down Milk Moon is so beautiful, light and innocent. The mintiness has faded, leaving me a gogeous milk note with just a hint of honey! I am in love.

  24. In the vial and wet on my skin, the first impression is a very cool and light It is a bit floral, a bit lemony, but I cannot pick out the different notes as of yet.


    Drying down, I am starting to be able to pick out the vanilla, musk, honey and best of all, the Moroccan spices. The lemony florals are still the top notes to this blend.


    Completely dried down and I am shocked because it has completely reversed itself. The light moroccan spices, and honey sweetened vanilla musk have become the top notes as the lemony florals have become the bottom.


    My conclusion? LaFee Verte is a honey sweetened, brighter version of Morocco and it is absolutely gorgeous! This is a most delightful summer scent! No absithe smell here but then again it is an absithe "theme". Great throw and awesome wear - this would hold up in the summer heat well and also be a chilling winter scent.

  25. Mitzvah is a the most exquisite caramel cream that one could ever find! When first applied, it is almost like you have poured the ingredients of a fine caramel right on your skin.


    I find that Mitzvah doesn't morph at all but completely stays true to it's scent. To me, it reminds me a bit of Red Lantern - but Red Lantern turned into something that smelled fake. No comparison to Sugar Skull either - Sugar Skull was an almost pure maple syrup on me.


    Even after a few hours, Mitzvah smells the exact same to me - the most decadent, rich, carmelized sugar and sweet cream. I am not really a foody person but this is one I could wear all the time. Good throw, long wear. Wonderful!
