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Posts posted by Rhowan

  1. In the vial and on my skin - mmm.... this reminds me of an hot steamed almond milk. I drink that to soothe me - this is soothing!


    Dry down: This is beautiful. Sweet milk and honey with a drop of almond - gorgeous!


    Conclusion: I really like this one because the almond wasn't overpowering on me. I just gave this perfume the note that took it fromwhat might have been a dull milk and honey to a great scent. Good throw, okay wear. Might have to try a bottle.

  2. Ack! Another Rose! Maybe this time it will work....


    In the imp and wet on my skin - wow! sharp juniper with an herbally feel to it.


    I am just going to cut to the chase here instead of going thru my usual dry down, conclusion. I find this really icky. There is a sharp tangy almost palatable note in Rome that is just really offensive. Unfortunately, this has really good throw and wear. Can't wash this thing off quick enough!

  3. In the vial and wet on my skin, I am getting fig with a hint of almond. Very beautiful - I love fig!


    As this dries down, I start to get a hint of a dry brown scent in the background - like dry almond shells, or coconut husk. It doesn't last long, however, because the cococnut and sandalwood come forward. The sandalwood gives it a perfume-y feel.


    Complete dry down - Lush, green, perfume. Absolutely beautiful. Okay throw, and wear. I think you might have to reapply a couple of times a day. I will keep the imp though, and I may want a bottle

  4. Dove's Heart - oh me oh my.... I put this on and automatically amped rose with a bit oflavender and jasmine. No vanilla here for me unfortunately. After a few minutes the rosiness fades and I get lanvender and jasmine - and then! It goes all soapy, powdery on me :P

  5. In the bottle sleepy moon smelled to me like a fresh spring garden of florals but wet on my skin all I get it the Ylang-ylang and an instant headache. This does not bode well...


    About 5 mintutes in, the ylang ylang is still hanging in there full force but at least I am getting a hint of other notes now. I can catch some of the soft sandalwoodl, a bit of bamboo pulp and a whiff of lavender. Still the headache with a bit of nausea.


    15 minutes - Headache and nausea amping, ylan-ylang still the primary note, but the sandalwood and lavender are pretty prominent too.


    My conclusion - this is headache and nausea inducing -not sleep inducing but then again anything with an overpowering ylang ylang note usually does that to me.

    Sleepy Moon has a great throw and lasts a long time! (unforutnately for me) so if these notes work for you, you will love it!

  6. I had tested this once then swapped it, when I was new to oils and couldn't pick out the notes, therefore I missed 1/2 the joy. Luckily, thanks to the lab!, I have another chance at it.


    In the vial and wet on my skin- no wonder I have been hearing that this is a good Christmas scent. This smells like a forest but different that a pine tree smell.


    As this dries, it's scent becomes a bit more complex but is so very good! The imagery I get from this is walking through a misty woodland forest (not just pine trees, but a mixture of trees) with fresh white wild roses dripping water off their petals. Like I said, I don't get overpowering pine tree but Fir trees with maybe a hint of eucalyptus? I think the Alder mellows out what ever Pine-y scent there is and the white rose just sweetens the whole thing up.


    I am so glad I got a second chance at this. It truly is a beautiful scent and would be a great alternative to an LE at Christmas time. This is definitely going on my big bottles wish list.

  7. Okay, so anyone who has read my reviews know that rose and I have a hate/hate relationship but never look a gift horse in the mouth - and this was a frimp from the lab so....


    I have to say that this turned out to be not half bad! Maybe it was the combination of roses, maybe it was the cinnamon that kept it from being overpowering rose? Who knows but this didn't dry down to smell like most rose scents I love to hate.


    What this did dry down to be was a very exotic, warm rosey scent. I think if any of you reading this who want to wear rose and haven't been able to, you should definitely try this. As for me, it's still rose and rose isn't for me.



    edited for spelling

  8. In the imp and wet on my skin - wet leather! Yum! Dark and sweet leather.


    As this dries down, the black musk darkens it even more and the vetiver kicks in giving this a woody undertone.


    Completely dried down Iago reminds me of dark, smoky woods with a hint of leather. This is very sinuous as the scent description puts it. very DARK and Sinuous! Lovely for both a man or a woman.

  9. In the imp and fresh on my skin, I can barely smell this at first. I can catch a wiff of the neroli and that is it. So, I sit back and wait....


    As Mantis dries down, the different notes start to appear, almost one by one...neroli, crushed herbs and resins - but still so faint, I can barely catch them.


    It takes about 15 minutes for Mantis to really make itself known on my skin. It is a beautiful golden color. Warm, golden, resinous, with a hint of neroli - the crushed herbs are completely lost on me.


    It takes about a half hour for the entire scent to be smellable to me. I don't know if it is my skin or me. I had written a review of this before the system went down and it was lost- I had put it in my undecided pile because this was wonderful but I couldn't decide to stay with the imp or go for the bottle. The first time, I was able to smell it a lot better. I think this is going to go back to the pile again for yet another retry. Who knows? They say third time's a charm!

  10. In the imp and wet on my skin the first thing I think of when I smell this is picking and eating Granny Smith apples at my aunt orchard. This is very bright green to me!


    As Roadhouse dries down the apple morphs into the dandelion and the whole scent starts to warm up from the bright crisp green to warm greens of summer - dandelions, hops, and green resinous hemp.


    It is about 15mins. later that I start to get a bit of booze - but just a breath and the tobacco never does show up for me. In conclusion, I think this is a great summer warm green scent and this is going on my bottles list!

  11. In the vial and wet on my skin - wow! Good Morning! Neroli, herbals that are both bright and warm.

    As Ra dries down, the herbals start to wane, the neroli is still bright and I would venture to say there is a hint of patchouli in the mix.

    Ra completely dries down to a warm, bright orange with a hint of herbals and a breath of patchouli. I love this! It is very "good morning, bright sunshine , happy day" and just brings a joy to the morning.

    I am definitely buying all four stations of the sun!

  12. I am so glad I got a bottle of this! I bought it more for the novelty and also because I wanted to have a forum only scent of my very own. I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be THAT great but boy was I wrong!!! This is sooo wonderful.


    In the bottle and wet on my skin~ mmm... musk, a nice dark heavier musk not overpowering in the least and very smooth for such a dark musky scent.


    As this begins to dry down, the orange peel starts to emerge along with the "greens" of the plant extracts, giving it a spice! Soon after, I start to get my first hints of amber warming the whole thing up - this is good!


    At about 15 minutes out, I almost loose the scent as it becomes almost a spicy 2nd skin - ARGG! I start thinking well, this is it! but then after another few minutes the spicy, warm musky scent emerges again - *whew*


    I am about 4 hrs out now and Enraged Orangutan Musk is still going strong! This has great wear and awesome throw - not an overpowering throw but enough for my husband to walk in from work and lean in to give me a kiss, and stop to comment on how good I smell. The scent is almost perfume-y. Dark, warm spicy musk. Lovely, just lovely.

    This is definitely worthy of a 2nd bottle....

  13. In the bottle and wet on my skin Kathmandu is very woodsy! OMGosh, I love the sandalwood and cedar together! I am also getting a warm spice almost incense smell too that is lovely but there is an undertone of something sour that I can't quite place my finger on....


    Dried down the woods have faded to the background - almost completely gone and an almost sharp, sour juniper type scent is taking it's place and not in a good way. There is also a hint of a mint in there someplace.


    After about 30 minutes, this has almost faded completely. Even if it hadn't, Kathmandu would not be a keeper in my book at all. If it stayed true to it's just wet smell - gorgeous! But completely dried down and before it faded that sour juniper/mint smell over powered it completely.

  14. In the bottle and wet on my skin this is not what I was expecting at all. I was expecting a warm sultry delicate scent. What I am getting is a really alcohol/floral smell that burns the back of my throat.


    Dried down this just gets worse. I don't know if it it the tobacco leaf or what but the dry down reminds me of Stardust - it is overpowering tobacco and hairspray.


    Conclusion: I had to wash this off after about 20 minutes - my nose and throat were burning, I had a really bad taste in my mouth and it was making me very nauseous! When I washed it off, I smelled like I had taken a really cheap hairspray and just sprayed the hec out of my wrist! The throw was INCREDIBLE! Even though this was a drop on my wrist you could smell it half way across the room. And even after washing it off, my throat is still burning and I have a terrible taste in my mouth. Not good.

  15. In the imp this is delicious! I am getting the rosewood, sandalwood adn lemon peel right off the bat - wonderful.


    When first applied to my skin, I am still getting the original notes but the other note join in to make this almost the twin of Bewitched but without the berry - must be the sage.


    The longer this sits on my skin the more I start amping the lilly and the jasmine. The musk is coming through very nicely but the lily is really starting to overpower everything


    Conclusion? Not a keeper - that's for sure. In the end it turned out to be too "perfumey" It is definitely the overpowering lily that is affecting the overall make up. If this would have kept the woody,lemony, sage smell from the beginning - well, I would have to order a life time supply. I guess it is a good thing this didn't work.

  16. In the imp and wet on my skin, I can smell dark chocolate and florals.


    As this begins to dry down, the choclolate fades away and the Lotus really is ovewheming everything - all I am getting is Lotus :P It's funny because when I saw rose and honey, I figured this would be powdery and grandma -y. Nope - lotus!


    At complete dry down, I get really disappointed. The lotus fades and for just about 30 seconds I can smell a beautiful dark scent. Not overpowering lotus like I was getting but a musky dark spicy floral that promises to be absolutely one of my favorites and then.... it just disappears! It' just gone! Um... guess this isn't going on my favorites...

  17. In the imp and wet on my skin I am getting overpowering floral - especially jasmine My skin really amps the jasmine so I am not too suprised.


    As this dries down I am still getting a ton of jasmine but other scents are starting to emerge - the black orchid and the rose.


    Complete dry down: This has turned into a very light floral on me. I believe it is from the sandalwood and the chinese musk. Usually, my skin amps sandalwood - that's a good thing because I love it!- but this time the sandalwood is just a supporting base. The jasmine has receded quite a bit, there is just a hint of orchid, osmanthus but no rose. I have a theory that the rose is helping with the base like the sandalwood and musk.


    Conclusion? I am amazed! Queen Mab breaks all of my rules. My skin hates rose and rose hates me - but not here! My skin amps sandalwood and jasmine - but not here! This is the first "floral" scent that I have actually enjoyed. Great throw but not overpowering and okay wear - this is going on my 5ml. list!

  18. I have been looking so forward to try this one! In the imp I can smell lucious cherried and vanilla - maybe a hint of the clove and sweetnesss of honey (Yay! yet another honey note that agrees with me!)


    As Blood Kiss dries down, the vanilla, honey, and cherry that made this so innocent when first wet begins to fade. The musk, red wine, and clove emerge to make this a very dark, rich scent - very sensual! In the back ground is the vetiver giving it just a tad of woodsiness.


    I have to elaborate on the vetiver - if you have had problems with vetiver that has been kind of stinky or overpowering in the past (Like I have) the vetiver in blood kiss is nothing like that- it's what I think vetiver should always smell like - woody, but not overpoweringly so. This vetiver is just beautiful!


    At complete dry down, everything blends so well that there is not one note that you could really single out. Blood Kiss is a very dark red/brown scent to me - sweet red wine, an undercurrent of poppy? in a dark paneled room where a midnight kiss of the vampire is delivered!


    In conclusion, Blood kiss dries down to give you the image of it's name sake. For me it has an okay throw (about a 5 out of 10) and not a very good wear - it lasted for about an hour on me. Blood Kiss is lovely but with the okay throw and wear, it doesn't really deem a purchase of a 5ml....

  19. I don't know why, really, that I ordered this? My skin usually over amps juniper and honey is usually turned into powder so I am totally confused what it was that made me order this BUT I am sooo happy that I did!


    In the bottle and just wet on my skin, this does smell like a "dirty patchouli" It's very woodsy and earthy. It's not so earthy that you get upturned earth though. This is what I thought Nochnista would smell like.


    As this dries down I am totally suprised! The hint of juniper doesn't amp, the honey doesn't turn into powder, and the dirty, heaviness of the patchouli lightens up. I start to get hints of a spiciness to it about 3 minutes in. The longer this is on the more sweet and green this gets.


    In conclusion, when completely dry, not one note overpowers the others and everything blends together magnificently. Great throw! Long wear (5hrs and counting!) Luperci is very clean smelling - not soapy but clean, sweet and very green! Even the color of the label fits the smell of Luperci! This is going to be my favorite oil for spring! Perfection.

  20. I love anything vanilla and warm so I don't know how I have managed to avoid O all of this time! I guess it's because this whole time I have been a member of the forum and wearing BPAL, I have been thinking O had rose in it - and I try to avoid rose.


    Last week, I was updating my spreadsheet and came across the scent description of O and decided to read it - What the hec?! No roses?! Amber, Honey Vanilla? somebody SMACK ME! Needless to say, I put a 5ml. order, without smelling this. My good friend Venusflytrap, gifted me an imp of O so I could take it for a whirl while I waited..... Thank you VenusFT!!!


    In the bottle and wet on my skin, I am getting a soft, warm amber. This is gorgeous! A beautiful, golden scent - warm and glowing.


    When O dries down? *sigh* :P Wonderful and sensual and just a great big O. My skin warms it up and the vanilla starts to round out and sweeten the scent of warm amber. This is just incredible! No honey turning into powder on me either!It seems to me that my skin is actually warmer where I applied this, almost as if it is throwing off a hot, sensual, call for attention! Wow.


    Conclusion? Run, don't walk! and go out and buy a 10ml. Every woman needs to have O handy. I am so glad I ordered the bottle I did, I only wish it was a 10 instead of a 5.

  21. *~* RED LANTERN *~*


    In the bottle: Caramel! Overpowering, almost headache inducing sweetness. urg.


    Wet: Caramel but not so overpowering as in the bottle. I am getting hints of spice and berries too.. Can't wait for the dry down!


    Drydown: oh beauty of beauties! When this is thoroughly dry, Red Lantern is so complex and Oh - so - lucious! This is warm, sweet, and sensual. The notes blend so well but if I concentrate and inhale deeply, I can pick out all of the notes: warm amber, a hint of fresh coconut (as opposed to sugary flaked coconut), a PERKY shot of currant, a quick whiff of tobacco and opium, and finally just the barest hint of a floral note. All notes are supported by a base of the wonerful caramel.


    Conclusion: I love Red Lantern. It is unusual and I am suprised at how "perfume-y" this smells. Like I said, this is a very warm and sensual blend of notes. The wear on this is pretty much nil on me as after 15 mins. I can't smell is at all - maybe other people will be able to smell it but I don't have anyone around to test that theory out. I think this bottle will go fast as I am afraid I will be reapplying quite frequently.

  22. Oh! So beautiful Budding Moon! First applied, I got plum in a big in a way! I love plum and plum loves me - my skin really amps it - yum!


    In a few minutes, peony peeks it's head out to blend beautifully with the plum!


    After about 5 minutes I start getting a hint of ginger and what seems like

    sandalwood! I think to myself , what the hec?, this doesn't have sandalwood?

    Maybe it is the combinations lotus root and the white musk that give it that sandalwoody feeling.


    I put this on yesterday early evening and it is now 10:25 am the next morning. This smells just like it did after it finished morphing yesterday! Beautiful plum with a lovely white musk - wood background.


    I would have to say, this has the longest staying power of anything I have worn before! After about 29hrs, this still smells as good as when I first applied it and still has a pretty descent throw! It is a beautiful blend and I am so glad I got it!

  23. When I opened my bottle of Smut and took my first wiff, I thought to myself, "is there fruit in here?" It smelled like some kind of red fruit syrup in a boozy blend... interesting.

    I have to pause here to say that I am so glad I read thru the other reviews of this so I don't feel embarassed by what the scent smells to me when first applied....


    Wet, this is not the sweet smell of "just finished making love." Smut is pure unadulterated ... well, smut The scent I get evokes an image of a closed- in hot room the morning after an all nighter - open booze bottles, 1/2 smoked cigarettes, left over cherry flavored personal lubricant and the acrid smell of BO and left over bodily fluids... I felt like a walking sex hangover just wearing this and had a hard time not wanting to wash it off.


    After about 5 minutes, this started morphing, (thank God!) and the "fruity" smell faded along with the acrid BO/dried bodily fluids. In it's place, a sweet, sugary beautiful musk came out and it just kept getting richer, sweeter and better with every minute!


    The complete dry down of Smut is a light, red version of Snake Oil to me.This isn't overpowering in the slightest, but light, sweet and absolutely beautiful! I suggest to wear this at least a half hour or more before you make up your mind about this. It is gorgeous, and I am definitely all for making this a catalogue scent!

  24. Black Opal is gorgeous in the vial. Creamy and very feminine.


    When I applied this, I had a very strange reaction that I have only had a couple of times - I couldn't smell anything really. Just my skin. I reapplied on top of the application - thinking that maybe I didn't get enough on but even after a couple of more applications I can't really smell anything. I get my skin, with maybe a hint of left over lotion or soap from yesterday.


    Complete dry down -Skin and a hint of powder.


    I am really bummed because I have heard so many people rave about this....
