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Everything posted by KatharinaNordh
Woot! This smells like toothpaste and roses and gave everyone a headache - however, at 02:15 the man, who was my intention and target, called and then much sex happened. Amazing that he still had my number after 4 months, so maybe it wasn't entirely down to the oil, but still!
Seconding Tanunki No Hikifune - it was too Much melon for me though.
A toodle oodle of pink cotton candy noses, vanilla spun sugar fur, scattered kernels of popcorn, and a touch of polished golden wood. I once got to try Midway thanks to a lovely forumite (the same one, in fact, who provided me with this for my birthday ) and I didn't like it (!!!) Soon as I put this on, I went "Oh, I Know this smell" - this is what I had hoped Midway would be - I really like it and will consider getting more. That said, I realise slightly that SWEET isn't really for me (Sticky Pillowcase aside - but that doesn't actually Smell sweet on me) and so I am unsure if I will spend the money - I'll see how I feel when the imp is empty. Edit: Ehm...hours in and something has gone Soapy?! Why? Edit again, some days later: I will be getting a bottle. Have found myself reaching for this the first thing I do when I get home for several nights now. It deserves a purchase. I even get the pinkness now - it's soft, gray-pink and reminds me of my cuddle-blanket from when I was a kid. Why did I even have to think twice about this one, again? Oh yeah, the soapy note. Will slather tonight and decide fully. Edit Again: I have my bottle now - this is still a pastelly gray-pink and very comforting and soft but perky and alert anyways - a Bit too close to the skin for me, but lovely. It is actually close as a runner-up when I decide what to wear for my upcoming metal-cruise with potential meeting of former (now Terribly estranged) sex-partner (!!!) Edit further: There is something slightly dust'y or lint'y about this - that's what makes it so comfy Yeah. This one is Good!
I Liked it on application and when wet (it's the first time that happens with Any pumpkin blend for me) but then it just gets too citrusy, which I amp like crazy, and I had to wipe it off quite quickly cause the smell kept getting in my mouth, if that makes any sense. Too bad. It should have stayed as it was when wet. Then it would have been Win.
I thought I would love this one, because so many mention likenesses to Sticky Pillowcase (which is Delicious on me) and Pink Phoenix (which is my fancy-events scent, it's so good) But... Yes, I can see how it reminds of both, and if this was a drink, I'd blend it with (lots) of water and Love it - but it's not a drink, and it is not something me, my home or anything not for internal use should smell of :/ It does remind me of Sticky Pillowcase, but the Pillow has Lint (and probably salt) to make it more wearable - this one stays in the upper bright notes all the time. Sticky Pillowcase is actually not Sweet at all on me. This is. Way too sweet. Oh well, I'm still glad I tried it, cause it does smell delicious - like raspberry candy or raspberry cordial - I get raspberry, not currant or pear, and yeah, it's just a bit too bright and sweet on me
I'm SO disappointed now. This smells so beautiful and fantastic that I...oh, I wanted it to work on me - and it does. That's not it - it smells incredible. But the headache! First, I tested it with a few others (13 and Candy Phoenix) and something gave me a monstrous headache, so I went out, had some air, had a shower, changed clothes - headache passed and I felt good - put som on again and Bam! No, not for me, no matter how lovely it smells
" like artisan made raspberry cremes (quote adapted) ...and INCENSE!" This sums it up for me - and it is Delicious! ETA that ok, I realise my review doesn't bring anything extra - sorry about that - but given how different one oil can smell on different people, it may be helpful for someone to know that the happy description above wasn't just a one-off ...Now to go stalk the Sales and Swaps forums hoping that someone dislikes theirs - I knew there was a bad side to falling in love with this
I can't decide if I am sad or just indifferent about this - I always wanted to test Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death - but now I won't, cause, well, I wouldn't be able to stock up unless I got rich. But that also means that there's less for me to spend money on and I can stick to my current favourites until a "must-have" shows up, rather than a "might like"
Sweet scents, sugar notes & things that smell like candy
KatharinaNordh replied to voila's topic in Recommendations
Well. I am battling myself here, because both I am about to suggest are LE and everytime I have money I try to seek them out and collect all that exist - but, well, if you find them and love them, it's only fair - I can't buy all bottles in the world anyways So, without further ado: Pink Phoenix Sticky Pillowcase Both are Pure candy sugary deliciousness. Sticky Pillowcase is even SEXY - because it has a sort of smmmmmooth, salty tinge to it - people have described it as a "tooth rotter" though - it works miraculously on me. Pink Phoenix is my "glamorous smell" - the one I turn to when I have work related dinners and similar - I have to be careful not to overdose though, then it turns suger-strong and rather intrusive. It's like candy-fruit. -
Keeping in mind that all tastes are different and that chemistry seems to change things as well, I would actually suggest Yorick - it lists NO wood-notes, yet I get something like fresh sawdust-things (unsure of the english word) and earth. Maybe not what you're after, but I found I quite like it, so I can always mention it. Otherwise, Yggdrasil is nice and special mention for Lear, which smelled incredibly woody on me during ONE week of the month, but is almost Fruity otherwise. As I tend to note, my reactions to scents arent usually the same as others, so I'm unsure how far I can be trusted here :/
I love Bpal honey, but I also amp it and the end result is that this just doesn't smell Different enough from anything else for me to need it - glad I just got a decant at this point. It's a nice enough scent, but just lacks something to make it special for me.
I love this! I had a Goblin squirt of it and yesterday was big-cleaning-day. Now, my apartment is Tiiiny and the pipes are old and leaky and it can get quite smelly in here, sadly, in an unspecified-not-good-smell. So, I topped the cleaning off by emptying this darling on the curtains and towels of my bathroom and kitchen - and...wow. I had to go take a shower straight after just to have a good excuse to sit around smelling it. The dirt is so Clean - it really, truly smells of Outdoors and Happiness. Incredible. There's nothing synthetic-smelling about it - it's just nature and wild and beautiful - how an air-freshener Should smell! I will find a way to buy bottles (multiple) of this
Wet: Get it OFF me! I knew chamomile would behave like this one me - I just knew it Slightly more dry: Ergh, someone used a Pine roomscent to cover baby diapers Dry and calmed down: It's...a miracle has happened - the diapers have gone away, the mint is mint, instead of a plastic pine-forest imitation, and the flowery stuff is getting rather pleasant. I would never, ever put myself through the wet-stages again though, this one will be swapped. Funny, I've never had such a violently anti-reaction to any Bpal before. I'm a bit disappointed to be honest.
Was So excited about this one - and now, I'll end up spenind the day figuring out what went wrong. It smells like blood and metal on me, and not even in a pleasant way - wet, it smelld like soap, but that (thankfully) passed very fast. But now, sweaty, dirty, blood and metal - really cool, of course, but maybe more for...well, for not me. Stupid skin chemistry - honey is usually the one thing that makes Everything smell good on me. I'll let this one age a bit though, rather than hurry to get it swapped of. Cause it has potential - lots of it.
Something I would have Loved to wear when I was a teenager; sweet, bubbly, melony and kind of innocent but pleasant. A bit too sweet for me nowadays, so I am not sure I will be keeping it, but I might gift it to a friends daughter rather than sell or swap - and knowing her mother, she'll just laugh until she falls over about the name ETA: on longer drydown, it actually becomes very pretty. Still too "young" for me, but it's not bad in any way.
Agreed on the "Bee-pal" May be cause I am Swe, but that's how I say it
Smut 2012 (decanted and sent by the awesome ReallyZeb) I like the smell of it wet, but as it dries it seems to go into wet powder on my skin and then I got a headache...for some reason it just comes off reminding me of ground-up chalk. I already knew my skin has a severe problem with most musks, so I am not too bothered, but on someone who doesn't have said problem this would proably be amazing. I may consider testing it as a room scent in my oil burner later on though (hoping that it doesn't give me a headache like that...heh) cause I really do like the smell of it before it dries on me
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- Lupercalia 2019
- Lupercalia 2018
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Oh this is delicious! It doesn't - to me - rhyme with its name, but it is a juicy deliciousness with some youth and warmth to it. Very the-color-orange-smelling, but somehow...don't get me wrong, it smells a bit too much like candy for me to consider it a perfume. I do believe fig is going to be among my love-notes though (I already knew I love the smell of mandarin, only not one ME) Yep, delicious, and I wish I could see myself wearing it, cause I LOVE the smell, but it's just not very me :/ Eta: Actually, screw that - it sits and wafts beautifully on my arm and...of course I can find both reasons and times to wear it. Summer-parties, for example I have a BBQ/babyshower coming up - I'll take it for a spin then and see how it wears.
I can't actually pick out any notes - maybe because I am not familiar with sweetpea and the two lilies - and not heliotrope either. I do note that I find no pear and no honeysuckle - this makes me sad. It smells Very nice, that is true - it is beautiful and soft and - far as I can tell - really well blended, with a nice scent picture that melds together like a dance. So what's the problem then? On me - it smells of all this - in soap-format. I do not like soap-smell. Too bad, and I can't swap it either, cause it has leaked - maybe I can seal it up and frimp it to someone who wants to test it, as a "better than nothing" - the scent will still be the same, even if the imp is a bit sticky
Where is my order? What is Click N Ship? How long does this take?
KatharinaNordh replied to Snow White's topic in BPAL FAQs
I wonder if there is some issues with the ClicknShip-things - I have one delivery coming that I didn't get a ClicknShip for - but the order-verification claims it was shipped 4 days ago - nothing in junkmail either - then again, I'm just happy to know it is on its way \o/ -
And so, the bottle of Eliyetres moved to me instead (Swe to Swe, how suiting) Thanks In my childhood, I'd have raspberry-salt liquorice skull-candies and they were always my favourite - wet on, this smells like those. There is however So much candy in here; that and blueberry-fudge and an ever so slight hint of banana-caramel (I don't think anyone else got this - weird, it Might be the marshamallows mentioned later, mixing With the other smells to create one not truly present. No idea) and soft chewy strawberry and - yes, fluffy, soft marshmallows...well, it is the salty tone that saves this from being too sweet - It stays very close to my skin and I can see it working Really well as a seduction-scent (yeah, I mean that) once you get to a "within personal space"-range of the target. I may be on the lookout for more of this, even. ETA because...wow. Just wow. It is now Later - it's still there, still quite skin-close...and smells like little flowers in Pumkpin Princess. What the heck happened? This is delicious in all stages. SO beautiful. Must hoard. Must have more!
Got a decant of this because the description sounded like all of my dreams come true. Like so: Hazelnuts: One of the best things in the world <3 Acorns: Love. Black cherries: The only thing I love more than cherries is black cherries. Wild winter berries: Like picking them off snowy little bushes "Warm black fur dusted by moonlight": Like cuddling an animal in the forest at midnight - I've done that, it's my childhood \o/ Honey: Honey loves me. Pine needles: Forest of my birth ...so imagine my surprise when it -when wet - smelled exactly like Hellcat. I mean, exactly. Comparing the notes shows that Hellcat has: hazelnut, buttercream, honey mead, rum and sweet almond - and I guess Hazelnut is always hazelnut, Honey mead would possibly resemble honey, at a quite big stretch, the almond can occasionally resemble cherries and the other way around for me with Bpal and the Rum could answer for the berries - so, I death-matched them. Sadly, Blackbear Moon won. By a MILE and more, once drydown kicked in :/ Then again, I would mainly wear this in the winter, and so I figure Hellcat is GC and if I can find something suitably Dark to layer it with (to account for the missing Fur) it could just be better than weeping over a LE that I will never be able to hoard. Skin chemistry is an amazing thing, I might add - I don't see anyone else having the same result, so that just about shows how wonky it can get
When I was little, I was raised a christian - I'm not a christian nowadays, but that's beside the point. But - what I am about to write here might well be heresy, but I am not sure to who. See, when I was little, everything in the bible seemed so...foreign and exotic and they had "harlots" that danced around in veils and stuff - fantastic for my imagination. There was something that always caught my imagination though, for no obvious reason; the three wise men (which aren't actually ever stated to be three - and I believe they were kings really, but meh) I think the quote is like: "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh." I had NO idea what any of this smelled like back then (well, not gold, of course ) but to my mind it smelled like what I must admit Snake Oil smells like - so to me, it was a reunion with my imaginative younger self and the exotic dreams of foreign countries - I ordered a bottle straight up. Snake Oil smells like mysticism and exotic and dancing with veils to me - absolutely magic (and to think I thought I wouldn't like it...heh)
Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?
KatharinaNordh replied to Absinthe's topic in Recommendations
I have never smelled it, but I just thought I'd say that I guess you already thought of this, but just in case; some Ebayers are Forumites and can be chatted with and checked feedback on here, if you are lucky - that is, if you feel like forum-purchases I have nothing actually helpful to add though, but I wish you good luck -
Bit of a double-take on that I haven't reviewed this yet. I got it as an unsniffed bottle and I must say it is beautiful. I don't like the first five minutes at all - but after that, it has this magic ability to smell almost nothing if I put my nose to my skin - but STILL manage to spread like...almost an aura...around me. Prunella is delicious, beautiful and soft - I have put my bottle up for swap though, because while I absolutely adore it, I found that I don't use it as much as it deserves. I wore it as a test while I was playing Skyrim for almost a whole day, and I will miss it - it is truly lovely, plummy, soft and those wildflowers are indeed wild but not in the "loud, raging anarchism" way - rather in the "untamed by humanity and their rules" way. Yes, I will miss Prunella - I may have to get an imp instead of the bottle later on