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Posts posted by PumpkinGuts

  1. Not many GC scents have grabbed me, but sweet Odin's ravens, this one is delicious. Straight out of the imp I knew I would love it. I envision it as a violet-infused coconut pudding sprinkled with toasted hazelnuts. Warm and smooth like a silk blanket.


    Needless to say, I'll be snagging a bottle alongside my Weenie purchases this fall.

  2. Coconut and patchouli apparently equal crack on my skin, and I'm not even a patch fan. Neither note overwhelms the other, amazingly.

    I agree with the dirty macaroon description further up in the thread (sans cocoa), and I feel like goblin teatime would consist of them.

    This very well may be my first patchouli-dominant bottle purchase! :boogie:

  3. "So juicy sweeeet", as Gollum would say.


    Luckily, the violet trumps the jasmine on my skin. There are definitely sweet and spicy plums here (I can't identify any other fruits),

    and a subtle whiff of incense. I view this as a sister scent to the discontinued Blood Countess. It's pretty, but more floral than I'm

    comfortable wearing. Needs moar incense.

  4. Pink marshmallows with a short-lived greenness from the dandelion and sap. I would have liked the dandelion to be more pronounced.
    A cousin to Velvet Unicorn, but lighter and fresher. It also goes a little plasticky on my skin (VU doesn't). But hey, it lives up to its name! ;)

  5. I decided to try Snow White this year because it's been raved about for so long. Let me tell ya,

    I wasn't expecting to love this one, but I do. It smells nothing like the description, no florals

    or snow to be found. Excellent, those don't usually agree with me. What I do smell is delicious,

    creamy softness. I remember reading the description of Mr. Croup, which lists "crushed porcelain"

    as a note. This is what I imagined that to smell like -- crushed porcelain, with vanilla buttercream



    I understand the comparison to Snowcake, too. There is something marzipanny about it, without it

    being almondy. It just has that same sort of creaminess. LOVE.

  6. The Governess is perhaps the nicest violet BPAL I've smelt!

    Violet and green tea is an unexpected combination that actually works quite well. The violet is sweet, similar to a violet-

    flavored gelato I once tried. With the creamy vanilla, it strikes me as more gourmand than floral. Since it smells so much

    like a perfume I already own, Arcana's Tess, I can't justify a bottle purchase. This would be great to slather during the springtime,

    particularly around Easter.

  7. I expected there to be catnip or some sort of mint, but my nose isn't detecting any. On me, it smells sweet,

    musky (black musk? ETA: no, it's red musk), and woody with some sort of herb I'm unfamiliar with. It goes

    straight to powder. I expect it shares notes with Snake Oil and Black Temple Burlesque Troupe, which do the same.

    My cat sniffed my wrist, then licked it. She has never licked me before. Interesting...

  8. This is something I would rather eat than wear as a perfume, even as a foodie-lover.
    I do smell bread pudding, but it's buried by loads of cinnamon and maple, particularly the former. I only ever
    notice a faint booziness when the spice calms down a bit. It stays a predominantly cinnamon scent to the end.

  9. Oh, this is the perfect vanilla mint! I always feared the Lick It series would be way too strong and mentholated, but took the

    chance this year based on its new name. And soft peppermint it is! Lickably delicious, and doesn't overpower the sugared vanilla.

    I do believe I need a bottle...

  10. This is too dark for me. *cough*

    Heavily peppered chocolate, tobacco, dark musk, and something lemony. The chocolate doesn't stick around very long, and I'm not enough a fan of

    tobacco to enjoy it without any kind of balancing sweetness. It goes the road of baby powdery BO on the drydown, as I also experienced with Snake Oil.

    Relieved I didn't spring for a bottle on LJ before its re-release!

  11. So, so good. First I smell a true banana, nothing like the banana runts or taffy that I usually get.

    The banana is short-lived and dries down to a predominantly incensey perfume, with a little of the candle wax. The lily is present, but tame.

    It's a tropical, sexy incense! I'll wear the hell outta this in the summertime.
