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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by vanilla323

  1. This was my favorite of the Pumpkin Patch series.


    In the bottle: sweet pumpkin


    On the skin: sweet pumpkin mixed with sugared tea


    Drydown: The pumpkin fades away really fast which all the pumpkin patch scents did on me. But what is left over is a sweet sugared tea scent. I really think Dorian benefits from this hit of pumpkin. It didn't have heavy throw but stayed close to the skin for a good while.


    This scent was sweet and simple but very delicious :wub2:

  2. In the bottle: with the cap still on I can smell the nutty pecans! This must be strong!!


    Bottle sniff: Heavy pecans and VERY nutty :yum:


    Wet: no pumpkin at all but it's all NUTS! Pecan and others! It's very salty too. And there's that strong buttery note too that is in a lot of cookie type scents by BPAL. This has amazing throw and a little goes a long way!


    Drydown: It's still smells super nutty and pecan like. Salty still too. I never get any pumpkin really. It's all about the salty pecans.


    Great throw and lasted pretty long maybe 3-4 hours.

  3. In the bottle: pumpkin


    Wet: that petigran note comes oyt which is kind of seedy or hay like. But it's mixed with sweet pumpkin and grapfruit. Maybe it's the blood orange too but it is very sweet! Not candy sweet but perfume sweet mixed with a little hay.


    Drydown: the pumpkin turns a little cinnamon like and the sweetness is calming down as well. This has very low throw and short staying power. It's a nice scent but I wanted much more candyfloss!

  4. Got this as a frimp from a forum member. This scent is very similar to Spellbound which I also tested recently. It also has some heady notes that give me a little bit of a headache. Not sure what is doing that but it is.


    The scent isn't that bad though. It is a sexy, smoky, boozy, dark, but musky type scent. It smells like a dirty dark bar or club might smell like. I don't know it's kinda hard to desribe for me. It's not my typical foodie scent but wanted to try out some GC scents since I usually ignore them. But sadly the two I tried are not working on me. This had good throw but only lasted about an hour.

  5. This is all roses and red musk. It's very heady and kinda gives me a headache at first. On the drydown though it's more powdery and musky. This isn't really working on me. I got this as a frimp from a forum sale.

  6. In the bottle: Very light gingerbread


    Wet: This is definitely a dainty gingerbread house


    Drydown: This is a lovely gingerbread scent. But it's not in your face gingerbread this is much lighter. I do smell the icing too which is sweet but very light as well. This scent is a very pretty Christmas scent. While it sounds like a strong foodie scent it's not. It's elegant and and has low throw. I could see a lady in a beautiful red dress wearing this on Christmas Eve to a fancy party. But for someone to smell it they need to be very close to her. It was nice but not foodie enough for me.

  7. Ths was the softest lightest mint scent ever! It was much lighter then Mother Shub's Unmentionable Peppermint Creams (with none of the marzipan). It was like sweet watered now mint. Like peppermint tea. But still not very minty at all. It's amazing what the lab has captured here it's hard to describe. I don't think of Snow White though that's sweeter to me. It is sooooo light that I can barely smell it 15 minutes later sadly. It is lovely though. More of an emotion then a scent. Definitely a sleepy time scent.

  8. Capax Infiniti...cool name, pretty label


    In the bottle: don't smell much maybe a hint of vanilla and honey


    Wet: Now the lavender and vanilla are coming out, and I really love this vanilla ice cream note it's a favorite


    Drydown: On the drydown which was fast I still smell the vanilla ice cream and and lavender its very pretty but I think the skin musk is taking away from it a little. This scent is very soft and light. When I sniff again and think about it I do smell the tiniest bit of Dorian in there...it's a light sweet tea scent.


    This is very sweet and pretty but very light and doesn't have much throw. It would be lovely on a little girl, and perfect to wear to bed I definitely can see that.

  9. ... because the holidays can be really, really frustrating. Blueberry slush with a hint of lime and blackberry juice.




    In the bottle: lime and ozone...uh oh


    Wet: Some blackberry comes out but the ozone and lime are clashing above it and I don't really like how they smell together. Actually I think what it is is that I don't like ozone. It is strong on my skin and I swear it makes scents smell so weird on me. It's not minty at just ozoney. lol.


    Drydown: The ozone note never goes away which is sad. So the blackberry and lime are just buried underneath all the ozone snowballs I guess. If you like ozone notes go for it.


    The throw wasn't that strong and the staying power was about an hour or so.

  10. In the bottle: nothing


    Wet: I smell sweet light oatmeal and some pear


    Drydown: I thought this would get stronger on drydown but it didn't. It stayed super light and barely there. But what I can smell when I sniff pretty hard is sweet yummy oatmeal with pears on top. And there is a sense of sunshine too. Not sure how to describe it but it's there. Sadly this was sooo light on the skin but if these notes were stronger and pronounced this would be a love for me. Had no throw and didn't last long. Bummer.

  11. This scent started off all pumpkin spice. The classic BPAL pumpkin spcie scent that is more cinnamon and sweetness then actual pumpkin. But the pumpkin is there too. I actually didn't get much Snake Oil at all. It had low throw and short staying power. It was delicious though just not the snake oil with a touch of pumpkin pie which is what I wanted. This was all pumpkin pie spice and not much else. I would've hung onto it for aging but I wasn't as impressed as I was by Gingerbread Snake so I let this one go.

  12. Nope...Jasmine is not for me. Not at all. I get the bad soapy, dare I say cat pee scent. I wanted to try this because the reviews sounded lovely, but sadly my skin does not agree with this. It did have a tea note in there that was nice but the rest gave me a headache. Darn. :(


    It had good throw and staying power though.

  13. I love Banshee Beat and Silkybat so I'm always curious about patchoulis but they do not always work. I love that foody rich pathouli that almost reminds of chocolate.


    This is the middle of the road patchouli though not to dirty and not to light. It's just right as Goldilocks would say. But it's not foodie or rich at all. Just very simple. Not saying that is a bad thing but it didn't blow my mind. I know it's a single note and maybe that's why it seems so simple to me. I must need my patchouli mixed with lovely foodie notes. Or something to sweeten it up. Glad I got to try this one though it helped enlighten my patchouli knowledge.

  14. In the bottle: musky rose


    Wet: I smell tobacco, musk, and rose. It's not sugared at all for me. It's rough and leathery but weirdly not that strong. I had to sniff my skin to get those notes.


    Drydown: Mainly musky rose. I wanted more sugary goodness but it's not that. This is a sexy scent don't get me wrong. Would be good on the hubby maybe but not for me at all. I was hoping it would be strong too. With lotsa throw and staying power but oddly it didn't have that.


    I love the label though, super cool.

  15. In the bottle: Butterscotch! Yum!! :yum:


    Wet: The butterscotch is loud and delicious! I love the butterscotch note BPAL uses it's a favorite of mine and I have tried a lot of scents with it.


    Dry: Sadly the dry down is where this scent gets less love and more like for me. As it dries down (which does take a while like and hour or so) that dirt note comes out. I hoped it would be earthy but actually it is like dirt and I don't think I like it. I don't get any anise either. The dirt note starts to come forward and the butterscotch fades away. And then I'm left with dirt. I will say though the initial butterscotch hit is amazing and I wish it stuck around. But I have plenty of other wonderful butterscotch scents so no need to hoard this one.


    I do love the labels on the Coraline scents! They are soooo adorable! And this one is awesome! :)

  16. This scent was very simple on my skin. In the bottle I smelled a light amber scent which was kinda powdery. On my skin wet it had a little bit of patchouli come out with the amber. It was really light though. I could barely smell it. I did a pretty heavy test too. When it dried down I smelled just powdery amber and light patchouli. This was a fail all around I guess. It had little to no throw and barely any staying power. :(

  17. I do like the Soldier it's a fun and foodie scent. Reminds me of my hubby maybe eating pie! The overall scent wet and dry is about the same its a lovely vanilla cream scent with small whiffs of pie and the leather is there. It's a perfect soft leather scent. Not too strong at all. It's just there to add a little touch of masculinity to the overall vanilla sweetness. But that is mainly the only notes I ever get. No musk really for me. Oddly it had low throw but did last a while on my skin with a close sniff. This would be great on a man or woman! ;)

  18. Callidora...I went out on a small limb with this bottle. Gotta do that from time to time with BPALs. But sadly I fell off the limb because it didn't work for me at all. It was mainly a patchouli that wasn't sweet or complex and then musk. Which was also not very complex. I wanted more benzoin and cocoa but sadly they were not around to play. It also had short wear time and low throw. Ended up swapping this shortly after I tested it.

  19. In the bottle: not much maybe a faint bit of sugar


    Wet: This is very sweet! Which is awesome! I mainly get the lollipop vibe and maybe the very faintest hint of mint. It's not minty though but it just gives the sweetness a cool note overall. I do get some other fruitiness but it's definitely candy like. Lemon and maybe strawberry to my nose.


    Drydown: Not much throw on this at all. But when I sniff my skin it's mainly lollipops dipped in sugar. Wish this was stronger overall and I'd be crazy about it. But all the delicious sweetness is just too light.

  20. In the bottle: tea and very light cake


    Wet: this has a very lovely tea note and maybe I smell some of the watery cucumber but it's very light


    Drydown: now I can smell the cake note way in the drydown it's light and barely there though. It is very sweet and pretty. Maybe a nice scent for a little girl. If the cake note was stronger this would be more of a win for me. But it's mainly just a light tea scent.


    It has very little little throw and faded away very quickly.


    It has a cute alien on the label though which was cool. ;)

  21. This scent was a ton of candy in an old pillowcase for sure.


    It starts out like a sugar rush with a little bit of marshmallow in the background. The type of candy is blue lollipops and and fun dip for me. That is all very amazing to me but what throws this scent off for me is the pillowcase. I DO smell cotton/lint and it's kind of of dirty linen or something...maybe not dirty but dusty. That part is not strong at all but it's in the background. The candy notes are really amazing and sweet. Just not a big fan of the lint part. This had low throw and short wear time. A lot of fun though and a perfect scent for Halloween! ;)

  22. This one was all sweet orange and cake on me. Not much else going on. In the bottle and when wet it's all orange but on the drydown some of the cake comes out. It's a light scent. Very sweet and makes your mouth water. But it has pretty low throw and staying power. Really yummy though while it lasted. ;)

  23. I'll admit I wanted this scent simply because Banded Sea Snakes are one of my favorite snakes! They're awesome! :lovestruck:


    The scent is nice but not a total win for me. I do like Snake Oil but I like it more mixed with other things. This is just a little too masculine (maybe the oakmoss) and not foodie. And by foodie I mean the Snake Oil vanilla goodness is not prominent. It is a nice scent and I do like it but it's not love. It is aquatic though so if you love that kind of scent you have to give this a try!


    It had ok throw and not much staying power oddly. And yes I LOVE the label. :wub2:

  24. This is an awesome scent!


    In the bottle it smells like salty chocolate


    On the skin and as it dries down it opens up a little and the seaweed and kelp comes out. It's so realistic and awesome. This only works for me because of the heavy chocolate making it still quite foodie. It definitely makes me think of sitting near the ocean and eating a box of chocolates. It works.


    It has decent throw but the staying pwer was about 2 hours, damn chocolate why must you run away from skin? Adorable label too. :wub2:

  25. I love Beaver Moon scents! :wub2:


    in the bottle: light peach and strawberry


    wet on skin: now some of the cake is coming out but it's not cheesecakey to me, not like the other beaver moons. This is just sugary cake, strawberry, and peach.


    drydown: when it dries down they all blend together creating a soft sweet foodie peach and strawberry cake scent. It had good throw too. I got compliments when I wore this one.


    Not sure why but over time I sold/swapped this one...maybe the staying power went away or I really needed some money. Maybe I'll get it back one day. But i do love all the other Beaver Moon scents more so maybe that was just it.
