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BPAL Madness!

Stella Luna

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About Stella Luna

  • Rank
    diabolical decanter
  • Birthday 07/01/1957


  • BPAL of the Day
    Blood Moon Full Lunar Eclipse
  • Favorite Scents
    Pool of Tears, Dust of snow, Panther Moon, Flowering Chrysanthemums, Stardust,Urd, Maiden, Whip

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  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    photography, gardening-both flowers and vegetables, reading (fiction, fantasy, mysteries), Raising Poodles both Standard and toy. Ceramics, pottery, collecting and framing art. COOKING! Traveling :)
  • Mood


  • Country
    United States


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign

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  1. Put your mp3 player/online music/itunes/etc on random and list the next 10 songs here: 1. Amsterdam - Imagine Dragons 2. Bernadette- Four Tops 3. Blind Mary - Gnarls Barkley 4. At Last - Etta James 5. I'm Still in Love With You - Al Green 6. Silver Blue & Gold - Bad Company 7. The Ocean - Led Zepplin 8. Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer 9. La Belle Dame Sans Regrets - Sting 10. Locked out of Heaven - Bruno Mars What is your favourite object, that you own, ignoring sentimental reasons for attachment? So I guess something you find beautiful, or fun, or incredibly useful. My camera How big is too big...for something to hang on your walls? If I'm painting you a pretty picture, are there maximum dimensions that you have/prefer? I love oversized pictures, prints, paintings etc... Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Barnes&Noble, Bed,Bath&Beyond, iTunes Is there anything from Australia you would like? eg: snacks (yes, you can ask for Tim Tams!), books, magazines, memorabilia? I don't kow of anything in particular but I woul LOVE something from Australia, That is on my top 3 places to visit in my lifetime Do you have any problems with swearing or particularly off-color humor? HELL NO!!! What style is your sense of humour? I love to laugh. Eddie Izzard (my favorite), Hal Sparks, Robin Williams, Steve Martin, Kevin Hart Opinions on table top games, from cards and board games, to dice and rpgs. What do you like? What don't you like? Favorites? Any classics you like? Do you collect any? We love to play UNO, Mexican Train (a dominoes game), cards What would you like from the most recent BPAL update? What are you planning on buying for yourself and what would you like to try? I am buying, Hungry Ghost Moon, Octopus Calocyclas, and I would like to try Aurelia Is there a literary character you identify with? Even if it's not spot-on, just someone you found yourself having that "I identify with this" feeling? Not really What are the three books you most want to read right now, and which you don't already have? Oh my, I have so many books on my reading table that haven't been read yet I have no idea what else I want right now. Would you like something from Empire Edibles? (http://www.etsy.com/...s?ref=top_trail) No thank You Is there anything small you try to collect from everywhere you visit? Rocks or seashells or refridgerator magnets Witchee, I know that SW isn't about what you get... but could you name one thing you would be heartbroken not to get and one thing you would be a-ok if it didn't make it in your box? (i.e. do you REALLY want perfume oil of some sort, or would you be totally heartbroken if there was no Lush in your box, etc A reveal note Do you like tarot cards, pendulums and rune stones etc? If so, what type? I would love to have both Tarot cards and Rune Stones but have no clue as how or where to start. If you would like to help me that would be great! What fandoms do you belong to? none What cheers you up? my wonderful husband my 3 crazy grown ass kids who still live with us, 26, 22, & 20, taking pictures, bpal, e-cards, flowers, the BEACH!!!! Who or where would you most want to haunt? Who would you least want to be haunted by? ? What question do you hate to answer? ? What is the best compliment you have/could receive? That I am a good person and a great photographer Would you like anything from an European country? Any particular food or goodies, magazines, books, whatever would be available to your witch in his/her country. Anything they send would be loved Do you like bags? If so, what type (rucksack, clutch, shopping bag) colour and would you like/need a new one? No Thanks What's your favourite comfort food(snack or candy etc) and/or drink? Candy; Lifesaver gummies, Jolly Rancher gummies, Any kind of Jerky, but only if it does not have celery of any kind in it. Seltzer water, and a dirty Vodka Martini! Would you be interested in someone writing out for you a favourite recipe, or finding or devising one which they think you'd like? If so, please provide your favourite ingredients, info on how you like to cook/store and use food, and any intolerances - unless all of these are in your questionnaire, or you don't like the idea. (I'm not saying I'd definitely do this, unless someone is keen, and it wouldn't be the only gift). I guess for other witches this might include something like a knitting pattern - not my thing but would you like that? Or indeed would you like a picture created for you (if so what kind) or a story written? (sorry if this feels a bit Spanish Inquisition!) If you knew you were going to live comfortably for say 800 years, what profession, calling or project might you pursue with some of your extra years, which you imagine you may not do in the life that you have? Be a world traveler and collect gemstones Is there any thing - an object, a donation on your behalf, some research done for you, whatever - that your witch could do about this that you would like? And if you can't think of a present, would you rather she/he (I!) didn't either and confined themselves to things you are already involved in? What colors/style is your kitchen decor? And do you entertain in your home? No real theme or colors in my Kitchen except all black appliances. I don't do alot of entertaining. Are your ears pierced? Yes Do you like stuffies/stuffed animals/art doll type thingies? If so, any particular type you'd love to get? No Thank You Switch Witch is, of course, all about you.....but if your Witch was so inclined, are there wee little ones in your home that will get jealous and are just too young to understand why you won't share the love, who maybe need a touch of Witchee love all their own, to distract them while you hide all your lovelies?!? Thank God all my wee ones are grown! Do you read literature/culture blogs or websites of any kind? I'm thinking about anything that would help a putative witch to get a sense of what your current tastes in books, movies, games, genres, approaches to culture and literature and so forth are No How do you feel about traditional picnics (namely the intimate table for two variety)? Old-fashioned basket or something more utilitarian (cooler/insulated bag)? I like picnics and i am of the cooler variety If you were put in a room with 100 random other people the same age and sex as you, from your country, in what way do you think you would be different from the average? I have probably lived more places than the average woman my age and I know have probably had more and very unusual jobs than most women my age. Haus of Gloi did a Reverie update! Do any of them interest you? (Or anything else up currently?) Nope Witchee, do you cook? Do you do all the cooking? Is it a chore or a pleasure? Cooking and yes I do all the cooking here! Which reading level do you prefer to read in YA or Adult? Or even both? Adult
  2. Hello Potential Witch! If you could have one rare bpal which one would you choose? Moon Rose (Feel free not to answer, I know it's not a standard one!) Are you kinky? Why yes I believe I am a tad bit kinked Do you enjoy scented candles? Certain sizes that you like? What kind of scents or brands? I love candles, clean scents not foody scents please. Bath & Body works are great but I am willing to try any maker. Thoughts about South Africa? Have you been here, would you like to go? Would you like to receive anything South African? I love to travel and South Afica is actually on my dream list. I cannot even think what I would like from there but pretty much anything would I am sure be very cool! Do you like Sockdreams? If so, what styles would you prefer? (You can also link your wishlist.) I am not really into Sock dreams Do you need hair accessories? If so, what kind or color? LOL I have short fine platinum blonde hair, not even bobby pins stay in my hair What is your favorite shade of blue? ooooh probably cobalt or deep ocean blue Do you have any kitchen gadgets (a SodaStream, a Kuerig/Tassimo) that you want mix things for? nope If you were to start learning something new (intellectual or craft or hobby), what would it be? Oy I have way too much on my plate as it is! What about candy? Do you have a sweet tooth? I have a severe addiction to LifeSaver Gummies and Jolly Rancher Gummies Do you have an e-reader? What kind? Would you like to get ebooks? I have a Nook and I travel alot for work so nook gift cards are always welcome. If your witch is an extremely crafty sort, and she were to send all kinds of homemade foody goodies and handmade crafty stuff - what are items you would NOT LOVE to receive. Please dont hedge on this one...some of us are serious crafters and will be making most of what we send! I have severe food allergies and I have celiacs as well so no home made food items please. As for other hand crafted things I am all over receiving somthing someone put time and effort into for me no matter what it is!!! Witchee dear, do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? No I have a 20 yr. old son who is an extreme gamer and no matter how hard i try I just cannot get the hang of it! Do you have something you do, without fail, as a personal daily habit/ritual? (Examples: pen-and-paper journal keeping, tea/coffee drinking, morning yoga, nightly bedtime reading. I'm kind of thinking on things that would be dear to you and might need small supplies or could use certain extras. ) I make lists of all sorts of things before bed so medium to small note books and pens are always welcome. Do you wear nailpolish? What colors do you tend to go for? What are your favorite brands? Are you open to trying indie brands? Yes, I really love OPI and ESSIE but I am open to any new things. I tend towars the blue-reds not yellow/orange/coral reds and Deep pinks and purples Name three BPAL scents you hav tried, but are dying to get more of. Jacob's Ladder, The Perilous Parlor, Mama Ji Do you still write real letters on nice stationary to people you like/love? No, I have become very lazy and prefer to type. Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? Never tried it because of all my allergies. Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? Yes!!! everything!!!! Do you like sample sized things? Think lipgloss, mascara, bodylotion, scrubs, mini candles, and so forth. Oh my goodness if you were to look in the third drawer on the left side of my bathroom sink you would make this face so, yeah probably. Have you tried Fortune Cookie Soap? What products or scents would you like? Again I am afraid to try because of my allergies, sorry Do you use solid soaps at all? If so, what kind do or don't you like? Dove all the way baby!!! Have you ever tried Cocoa Pink? If you are curious about it, what looks interesting to you? No thank you Dr Who? A looong time ago but not now. How much do you like lipbalm? Flavored or unflavored? What are your favorite brands and flavors? Only Chapstick brand but only the blue wrapper. Do you like and wear lipgloss? If yes, what colours? Clinique's Superbalm, my fave is "Currant" but I like Lilac too. For those of you whose wishlists contain only BPALs, are there any other perfume companies you like or would like to try out? Conjure Oils, and Noctune Alchemy Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. And if you had them and dislike them, can you name a few *other* tea companies you're into? Never hd them but i do like tea. my favorite tea is Earl Grey with Lavander What about coffee? Would you like to get coffee send to you? Whole bean or ground? What are some varieties and/or flavors you enjoy I LOVE COFFEE!!! Strong Dark Rich coffe, ground please. Starbucks Komodo Dragon, Seattle's Best # 4 or 5 and French Market Coffee and Chicory Who is your favourite female of all time? Historical, literary, ANYTHING, and why? I really don't have one, I thought about this and just could not come up with any one favorite. If you were a Disney princess you would be?: Arial, mostly because the ocean any ocean is my natural valium, I could sit on the beach (and have) for hours and being in the water is the best feeling in the whole world!!! Would you like a seashell from Florida? YES!!! What craft project do you currently have on your docket or that you want to start? And that craft goodies would be welcome? I am way into my photography at the moment so any unusual or interesting frames are always welcome.
  3. Stella Luna

    Switch witch help 2012

    Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting? No I joined a decant circle, thanks. What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent? I know everyone probably says this but I would love to have one drop of Yvaine  Hey Witchee! I want to send you a delivery. It could be cupcakes from a local bakery, it could be a singing hugging bear-a-gram, it could be a bouquet of flowers. But it will be something that you need to be there to receive. a) Are you OK with "special deliveries"? *waggles eyebrows* Absolutely Is the address in your questionnaire the best place to reach you for said deliveries? Yes c) If the delivery requires a phone number (as say, some florists do) would you be OK with that information being tracked down by your Witch or asked of you anonymously? (970) 216-8642  What are some things you are OK with receiving gently used or homemade, and some things you absolutely do not want if they are gently used or homemade? Books, shawls, cd’s, coasters, cool or retro serving dishes (glass or ceramic), wine glasses or martini glasses are all great. I would not like shoes or clothes as I have a hard time finding things I really like to begin with, I actually HATE clothes shopping for myself  and I have small feet that are very particular in regards to what fits them. I live near a Mast General Store. It has lots of vintage-y toys, southern foods (jams, jellies, spices) and vintage candy. Is there anything I can get for you? No thank you. Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions? I love to decorate for fall and especially Halloween, I love unusual decorations and I lean towards the more spooky classy rather than the kitschy. Ninjas or Pirates? Aye Matey, I be taking all your Pirate booty! I have an extra room spray and 2 extra bath oils (one Cephalopod, one Exhibit Hall Fatigue) from Dragon*Con - would anybody like a decant? No thank you. Since it's been mentioned several times, and I've also offered to nacho witch some, would you you like to receive wild rice and or maple syrup? I promise to include recipe ideas with the wild rice. I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE wild rice and I don’t think I have ever had real maple syrup in my life which is crazy I know, 0.O I have 5 bushels of tomatoes sitting in the kitchen right now that are supposed to turn into red sauce tomorrow, so would anyone like a basic red sauce (spaghetti sauce) to make its way to them? As long as there is no celery in it YES! How would you feel about a taste of (insert witch location here) box? I am not sure I understand this question. Last year, my wonderful witch Alethia adopted a bat for me from batworld.org, a bat rescue and sanctuary. Bat's World Would you be interested in having a bat adopted in your name? Bat’s are cool but no thank you. Witchee, would you like it if I made you a "mix tape" of songs that I think you might like? And if so, would you prefer mp3 or CD format? YES! CD please. I am a great lover of music except for screamo or rap >;< I know it is totally the wrong season (for most of us), but do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you like to grow? EVERTHING! Flowers to all the veggies. I'm about to be near a Lush store next week, is there anything you might like from there? No thank you. Songs that you keep meaning to buy but never get round to it? Oh geez that’s a hard one, I am pretty cool with anything except what I stated above. Movies that you love but forgot to put in your questionnaire? I don’t think so Any favorite Bath & Body Works scents/products? No thanks Haus of Gloi is offering custom perfumes - would you like one? What would your ideal blend be? I am afraid I am not familiar with their products so probably not. Are there any if MeiLin's books (e-book or print) you'd be interested in? I am not familiar with her work but am game for something new Witchee, will you be gone from your normal mailing address at any point during the round? NOPE! Are you a Disney fan or does even thinking about Disney make your head hurt? If you're into Disney, would you like something from the Happiest Place on Earth? My most favorite Disney Princess is The Little Mermaid but my most favorite Villain is Maleficent, so yes whatever you choose would be awesome! Dear witchee, would you, could you use an electric candle warmer? I’m talking something like this. No thank you all my kids are grown and I love real flames Do you lust after some new socks/tights? socks are always appreciated, I have small feet size 6 Would you be interested in BPTP CANDY? Again I am not sure what this means  Custom-made pottery? Yea or nay? Coffee mugs, rustic or more elegant? A set of bowls? Soap dish? Bird feeder? Something altogether different? And lastly, good colors for glazes? Handmade pottery or ceramics are very true to my heart as I used to do A LOT!!! Unique is great , rustic elegant it does not matter, I love glazes that are VERY, VERY different, mix your own colors I will say all purples, grey, black, white and cobalt or true red (blue base) are my favorite. Mistakes; bring em on baby!!! Do you have a forum buddy? Someone who knows you and/or your tastes well enough to answer questions on your behalf? Yes the lovely Alethia and the Outstanding Stellans and of course Miss Glambie. If you are on Livejournal, would you appreciate LJ stuff like paid time, custom userheads, stuff like that? If you are NOT on LJ but are on other sites that have similar paid-for services (Flickr, for example?) would you, and what are those sites/etc? No thank you A question, witchees: if you are into tarot, what is your favorite card? I would love to learn Tarot, so teach me! And another question: would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones? YES< YES< YES I had a very good friend who did runes for me and I would love my own set. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above? coffee; the stronger the better, TEA; Earl gray with lavender, hot chocolate dark, cider, yes! Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above? Life Savers gummies Whooo Hooo!!! Or those fruit chews shaped like the fruit. Pretty much all the softies including black licorice. Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.) I am in love with Revolution tea they have the best flow through infuser bags I have ever used. Do you do Goodreads or LibraryThing or a site like that? If so, can I see your to-read list, please? I have a nook tablet but as far as a list I am pretty picky, I change my mind from day to day. Zombies; Yay or Nay? Nope If you have cats, do they like catnip toys? If you have doggies, would they like a super-reinforced canvas toy with a squeaker in it? Ha ha, 1 toy poodle 10 lbs. 1 standard poodle 80 lbs. and 3 cats! We are an animal loving home and yes they love ALL THE THINGS! If you have kids, what are they into? Two still at home a girl 21 yrs. old and a boy 19 yrs. old. So unless it’s nail polish or muscle mags probably not but thanks. How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like? Yes but PLESASE polyester as I am allergic to wool  Looking at the warehouse, I notice that our lovely Greenwoodtree is able to do chart readings and/or forecasts at a very reasonable rate. Is this something you would want? Oh Yes VERY cool! I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there? A Japanese print , it would not matter what it was of, I really love that style of art work. Candy corn? No WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!! movies, comedians, black humor, your partner, a comic strip? what? I always take time in my day to see things a little different so all those things and many more make smile and laugh my ass off. You are meeting up with someone on a casual lunch/early afternoon thing. This person is someone you want to impress/look good for (for whatever reason, not necessarily romantic, and not necessarily for business either). What would you look like, given the contents of your wardrobe/etc? My cork wedgies with the black leather straps across the toes(toes painted a very vibrant pinky purple) my lilac colored shorts and my Calvin Kline tank top that is black, silver, grey and purple and of course some awesome jewelry!!!  ( rings, earrings, bracelet, watch, necklace, ankle bracelet,) ooh and my Fendi black prescription sunglasses and some Clinique Buttershine 414 Fresh Watermelon lipstick. And a very big smile!!! You are to be let loose in a clothing store of your choice, to pick a full outfit, down to the shoes, the accessories, etc. and things would be altered to fit you if needed. What store would that be, and what would you look like? Well it would depend on the season and what I would be wearing the outfit for, casual or business or evening. You open a box from the post office to reveal the 3 things you want most right now. What are they? (caveats: size doesn't matter, but they have to be tangible/buyable). A pre-paid 1 week stay at a cottage (on the beach) on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and 2 round trip tickets for me and my wonderful husband of 30 years to get there. This would be my most coveted wish as Donald works away from home for 4 to 7 weeks at a time and is only home for 2 weeks  Now back to reality lol, a really nice tea kettle, a unique big bowl or something artsy for my dining room table and a new purse preferably purple ,over the shoulder, roomy but not HUGE, and lots of pockets with silver toned metal accents. Do you like s'mores and s'mores-flavored things? Not really What's the neatest freebie you've gotten? It can be cool or thoughtful or just totally unexpected, and not limited to BPALdom. A beautiful shawl/scarf from my best friend of 41 years Would you enjoy receiving cute but useful items like colorful kitchen utensils/gadgets, or bento supplies? (boxes, chopsticks, accessories, etc?) What about things like spice mixes (homemade, or Penzey's for example) I really want a lemon reamer and I love Penzeys, so yes! Do you like cute, seasonal or fluffy PJ bottoms? Like they sell at Target, Old Navy (they have had cute Halloween ones!) If so, what size do you wear? I have 2 pair of Old Navy wide elastic black pj type pants that I adore and wear all the time but they are old and would love some more What kind of chocolate do you like? Nuts, no nuts, white,dark, etc? Dark but I have a VERY Serious nut allergy so unless there is NO warnings on the label probably no food stuff for me  I live near a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Penzeys! What does your little heart desire from any or all of these places? Please see above Are home made foods acceptable or does the idea of eating strange mailed food disturb you? Allergic to all nuts, avocado, celery ( fresh, pickled, celery salt and seeds) mangos and anything with any type nut oil in it. I also have Celiacs. I know, It Sucks!!! I just gave you $20 and sent you into a "has everything" store ala Walmart and told you that you have to come out having spent it all, and none of it on anything you need. What would you buy? Be as specific as possible! Beef Jerky(Jack Links or Oberto , Original or Peppered) a jar of Maille Dijon mustard, and MilkyWay Simply Caramel Bar the only candy bar without a nut warning!!!! What kind of cuisines do you like? (I mentioned this in my ?aire but curious what my witch may like)And, what are your favorite restaurants? Sushi seafood, and all the meat, game included, my favorite is Elk. I'm from Canada - is there anything specifically a witchee might like that is only available here? I wouldn’t even know. what are your "fandoms" and would you like a t-shirt from TeeFury if an appropriate one came up? No fandoms and I like T-shirts to wear to bed size XL Do you have an eReader and if so which one? I have an awesome Nook Tablet that I LOVE Do you like candles, or tart burners, or something? If so, what's your favorite scent to burn? Candles, ocean, linen, lavender, cotton basically clean scents Marzipan? No Would you be interested in washable/reusable muslin “paper” towels (basically muslin squares hemmed around the edge)? Maybe in some sort of box to put on your kitchen or bathroom counter? No Do you drink alcohol and if so, would you be OK with your witch sending you homemade infused vodka? OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you get me (or a fellow Aussie, if there are any playing this round) as a witch or witch's minion, would you like to try some Australian specialties, such as TimTams (delicious chocolately cookies), Caramello Koalas (koala shaped chocolates filled with gloopy caramel), Australian native spices or anything like that? No thank you Some of your favorite artists? Classic and modern? Georgia O’Keefe, Prints of any of Rodin’s work, any prints of the photographer; Barnbaum and pretty much all abstract work except for Picasso If you could have an image or certain subject painted for you on any type of "canvas" (on a box, on paper, on a canvas, and so on) - could you point your witch to some of these images? THE MOON Is there a GC scent that's been on your list for ages but keeps falling off the bottom of your order because of the LEs? Whip, or Dorian I've been getting into indie nail polish brands recently. What's your favorite indie brand of nail polish? Or what's your favorite mainstream brand of nail polish? Or are you not big on polish? Not so important to me Stuffed things: yea or nay? Nay New Question: mix-in-a-jar? How to you feel about cookie or cake or soup mixes that come in jars and you just add, like, an egg or water or what have you? No thank you Would you be interested in beer, wine, or other specialty beverages from your Witch's area? Oh YES!!!! Are there any crafts/skills you've wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to? And if so, would you be interested in supplies and tutorials? No thanks Who here would be happy to get a lil' sumthin sumthin from Adagio Teas? I love black tea or Earl Grey with lavender Do you Ravelry? And if so, what's your handle over there? Would you be interested in gift patterns from your queue? ??? I live near this very cool Retro store (retrodrygoods.com) (you can order online too) - are there things from it that would make you squee if your witch sent them? No thanks Who likes Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses? Only if it did not have a nut allergy warning What does your kitchen look like? Colors/style? No real theme Witchee, what are your favorite quotes? He who hesitates is lost, If at first you don’t succeed try again, Life is not a rehearsal Put your iPod/MP3 player/what-have-you on random and list the first 10 songs it plays! Mad Caddies, Maroon 5, Bette Midler, Led Zepplin, Sting, Billie Holiday, 38 Special, Bad Company, Santana, and (old) Sheryl Crow What's one random thing you really like and one random thing you really dislike? I really like refrigerator magnets and dislike flavored Chapstick Are there any herbs that you haven't been able to lay hands on that I could send you? There's an herbal shop I really like here in NYC called Flower Power (flowerpower.net) that has quite a wide selection. Really good bay leaves or tarragon, oh or herbs de provance If there are no "witchy" shops near you, is there anything I can pick up for you from Enchantments? No thanks Do you like coffee? If so, what kinds? Flavored, fancy, basic? Beans or ground? I love coffee and the darker and richer the better, Ground, I have a flat bottomed metal basket. No flavors please Would a Starbucks gift card make you happy or do you prefer your local place? STARBUCKS!!! Who here is going to be picking up JK Rowling's new book on Thursday? Not me Honeycrisp "Apple Crips" (Dried honeycrisp apples, nothing added.) DO YOU WANT SOME WITCHEE????? OH YES!!!
  4. Stella Luna

    Swap Help!

    Hello my Fox! I'll be gathering my answers to the questions here for easy stalking How do you feel about superheros? Are you a Marvel or DC fan? Do you have a favorite hero? Superman and Batman 4evah! Would my bunny like anything in particular from Lush? I do have access to an actual Lush store, and also wouldn't mind ordering retro items online. No thank you would you like a Paintbox from Paintbox Soapworks? If so, which scents? No thank you Do you have kids (or kid-like pets) who your fox may want to take into account, either in terms of a little extra goody or simple safety? Sure! I have 3 kitty babies and 2 poodle babies. Holiday DVDs? A Christmas Story! Tim Tams. Yay or nay? No thank you. My lovely fluffy Snow Bunny, would you like a bodyscrub made by me? If so, what scent(s) would you like, if you had to think along the lines of essential oils? And would you prefer sugar or salt? A dryer scrub or one that's more oily/moist? Yes! That sounds wonderful. Definitely sugar and moist with clean white flower scents. Ooo, or a salt moisty scrub with ocean like scents! But, and I know I’ve said it before, I do have a very severe nut allergy, so please no nut oils. Dear snow bunny, do you like candles? if yes, then what kind? scented (what scents), unscented, what colors, do you like them plain/painted on the outside/with decorations attached to the surface/sculpted? I loooove candles! My favorite brand is Yankee Candle, but homemade candles would be very much appreciated. Clean scents; like linen, cotton, ocean, white flowers, and lavender. For the colors: white and every shade of purple and blue you can imagine. Anything else I would love for my fox to decide! Also what do you think of little soaps? I know most people don't use soaps nowadays but I love the chocolate/vanilla/cocoa/butter/sugar combo scents that I see at beauty stores. No thank you. Socks! Slippers! Do you love them or not really wear them? If you love them, do you also love Sock Dreams? Socks for me. I just recently checked out Sock Dreams! Very cool. I would love a pair of those fuzzy socks with the aloe in them? I saw a pair at Ulta and my feet just about sprang out of their shoes! I have mostly stone tile in my house, so socks are a must in the cold months. Would you wear something like this if your Fox were to knit you one? If so, what color? http://www.ravelry.c...gap-tastic-cowl No thanks. Plain old scarves for me! Talk to me of coffee. Whole bean? Ground? Flavored, not flavored? Decaf, whole caff? Favorite roasters? Drip, french press, keurig? BRING ON THE TEA? I love coffee!!! Ground, not flavored, loooots of caffeine. I love Starbucks, Goldcoast, or anything dark and strong. But my favorite is French Market Coffee and Chicory. Yay for tea! I prefer black and strong. (No flavors, please.) Who else here loves or would like to try Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics? If so, what would you like? I tend to keep my makeup on the light side. So no makeup for me. Have you tried anything from Cocoa Pink and if so, what products and scents do you like or would like to try? I only have eyes for bpal. Anybody into nail polish? Any color or formula preferences? I love OPI! Any color you send me would be great!! If you found a $50 bill on the ground and were to place a Lab order, what would be in it? (And shipping is free through the magical BPAL unicorn!) A bottle of Pool of Tears, if I could get anything in Needlework I would jump for joy, and a cool t-shirt. Now, my dear bunnies, a question for you! Is there any particular holiday DVD that you don't have that you would like to own? Now, a question of my own: I know some people are squicked out at the idea of eating things that other people make, or the thought of deep fried cookies sends them into cardiac arrest. If you were my fox, would you like to receive some homemade goodies, or would you prefer that your goodies came from the store? I Would love homemade goodies as long as they contain no nuts or nut oils,or mango or celery/celery seed or avocado- sheesh Miss Allergic of the century. If my Fox loved to bake or do home made edibles and he/she didn't cross contaminate with the above mentioned items I would be sooo very happy to receive yummies Would any Bunny like to receive Holiday serving bowls, trays, platters etc...? Winter/Christmas or Thanksgiving/Fall themed? I love serving bowls/trays/plates with Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years themes! Any and all!! hey swap partner...could you use a new mug? Oh my gosh we have soooo many mugs but I am always up for a new and unusual one so, Yes! Is there any sort of regional food/drink/treat you miss or have always wanted to try? Unfortunately I have severe food allergies so no treats for me However if my Fox were to send something edible no worries as there are lots of people here who can eat anything! Penzey's - Yes I love to cook and am always looking for good spices, bay leaves, chili, lavendar, clove, good cinnamon and all salt. knitted goods - Yes to scarves,anything home made is always welcome. My most favorite color is anything in the purple family or wine colors1 If I had $20 to spend at Wallgreens I would buy some Old Wisconsin Turkey Sticks, some citrus Jelly Bellys and a book. I love Walgreens!!
  5. Stella Luna


    I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? I’m not even looking at other online perfumers as BPAL is almost more than I can keep up with! What’s your favorite kind of pizza? Artichoke, feta, black olive, mushroom, and bacon with an alfredo sauce. Yum! Who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Whoever is cool (temperature wise) and comfortable! Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? Lobster and blue crabs, LOL! What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel, like this? No thank you Is there anything you like or would like to try from Bath & Body Works? No thank you. Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? Plugging a movie in my DVD player helps with my chronic insomnia and laying down with a glass of wine really relaxes. Princess Bride? Yay or nay? Yes! The movie though, I’ve never read the book. Meanwhile, I am asking all of you (and especially my witchee) what would you think of this (with a matching scarf) ? No thank you Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Not really, my allergies are too intense for me to trust most food I don’t make myself. What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches? Rapunzel What is something people are always surprised to learn about you? That I have 4 grown ass children and four (not so grown ass) grandchildren! If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? Question: Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside? Not creeped out by Muppets, etc. Clowns and spiders, however, need not apply. Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon? My local sushi restaurant, Zen Garden! JONES SODA CO has LE soda packs for The Guild, Buffy, D&D, So Cute, etc. Would you be interested in these, Witchee? No thank you. I don’t drink soda. It's Banned Books Week! Are there any books on the list you'd be interested in checking out? Not necessarily banned books, but I’m dying to get my hands on a copy of River God by Wilbur Smith. What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? What? If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? Dark chocolate, lemon peel, salt, pepper, and orange peel. Say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you? Poseidon for sure Umph! I have just been enlightened to THESE. Are these flavors relevant to your interests? No thank you Do you drink wine? Yes, I love it! Only red (cab, shiraz, and malbec), though. No white. julep maven monthly boxes: No thanks. I have a question- What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours? Over the shoulder, black leather (or purple!) I have a not-so-secret love for The Broship of the Rings. Are there any prints from her store you'd like? No thanks. Question. What kind of bear is best? Polar bears! New Question: Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series??? I’m too new to even know what those are I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? No thank you Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update? (She'll be updating the preview with more items so maybe check back Friday morning/afternoon to see if there is anything else you'd like. The update is Friday night.) I can only handle BPAL at the moment. Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal? Dirt and pumpkins aren’t my thing, scent wise.
  6. Stella Luna

    September 20 Ketchup!

    I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! For instance, I'm a little squicked by used clothing, but I don't mind any other used goods (i.e. books, glassware, games, DVDs, whatever.) I don’t mind used scarves, not heavy, more silk like or soft cotton, and I love thrifting for glassware, teacups, jewelry, old prints, stuff like that. Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? I don’t know what that is. Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? I love the Happiest place on Earth! What are your favorite types of Halloween candy? I have to be very careful of what I eat because I have Celiacs and a very, very severe nut allergy(to ALL nuts) But I LOVE Jelly Belly pear and citrus jelly beans. Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. The pink Dove bar soap is what I use exclusively. I have never tried their shower gel or bath liquid soap but I am always willing to try new things. How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? If there is absolutely no nut allergy warning on the chocolate I love mint and caramel and salt and pepper. Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? Not into beads. Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! If no nut warning: YES!!! September 10th What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? Musicians- Sting and Paul McCartney are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? Never heard of them. If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? I have a standard poodle, a toy poodle, 2 Siamese cats, and 1 black tortie cat. They would love to be thought of, and no dietary restrictions for any of them. What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? BPTP Oceans of Love, Millions of Kisses bath oil, Touched Twice, Yvaine (I love lavender!) Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? Georgia O’Keefe (her flowers not the skulls) or Bruce Barnbaum (his cathedrals or silt canyon pics) If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? My skin tone is light with a lot of red and my hair is light blonde. I like mascara, eyeliner, and shadows but I am not a huge make-up girl. I do love Clinique’s butter shine lipsticks and I like pinks and mauves. Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? YES to all three no nut flavors though. Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) I LOVE music so either mp3 or cd Are you going away for any part of this round? No Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? YES If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? That would be so cool. Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? Walking and swimming Any witchee's with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift? I don’t knit Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? I have limited desk space ☹ Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? Probably anyone you could name! September 9th Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? No thank you - Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Gryffindor - If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? QVC, Amazon, Regal Movie theatres, i tunes Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? no If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! No thank you If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! Sting, Mardi Gras, The Pacific ocean, Cape Hatteras, a dragon, rainbows, snow, the beach ,a unicorn When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? I think about being on a beach in the fall and I like to have a nice glass of red wine; cabernet or malbec What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? Not big into comics Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? I sing but I would love to be able to play the drums or piano Does anyone garden? YES And if you do, what do you grow? Roses, Irises, vegetables. If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? A starter kit would be fun! Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? Yes! Elegant and kitschy/fun! I love Halloween decorations! Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? The moon. Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?: Yes, libraries. September 8th From the Weenie Update, what are you most wanting to try? Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? Not really. Only for my toes. Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? “He who hesitates is lost.” Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, throw) It would smell like the ocean or lavender and be purple. I prefer jar candles. Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I love crocheted/knitted potholders, but no scarves/gloves/hats/etc. I’m way too warm blooded for them! Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? No thank you. My nut and gluten allergies are so severe that all of my food has to be cooked by me or I get twitchy o.O What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? No Social Media? No Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? No Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? Mac and a PC What is your favorite animal? Cats! I love them! What are you going to be for Halloween? A mom, LOL! If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) I prefer wall art, and I love abstract art. How do you feel about nick-knacks? I love them, but hate to dust them. What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? For birthdays, we do special dinners; Sitting with my husband on Christmas Eve after we’ve wrapped gifts, drinking champagne and looking at our tree; for Thanksgiving, we have an identical menu that originated in the early 1990s. No one in my family will let me change it! Do you like going to the movies? Yes! What are your favorite restaurants? Sushi! And a local restaurant called 626 On Rood here that does modern eclectic cuisine. Do you play any video games? No Do you like any anime? No Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? No e reader for me. How much do you like jewelry? Like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? Over the moon running naked down the street excited. I LOOOOOOVE jewelry! How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Very, very, very much so! I prefer cooking rather than baking, so actual meals and not desserts please Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I can always use more storage! Muppets: yea or nay? Yes! Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? The Far Side Favorite Mythological Creature? Unicorns or mermaids! Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers No thank you Expanding on the hair question - does anyone like those flower clips for the hair that are big right now?? No hair things for me, please! Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? Not particularly. This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? I love all types of stones (polished or not) and rocks! Love em! Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? No e-books for me, as I have no e-reader. If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? No thank you My children are all grown. Anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? Not really. What do you really NOT want? No food items please. My allergies are too serious for me to eat things that I don’t make myself. Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? No blog for me. Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? YES! Do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? (note - I dont follow the recipe exactly...mine have more choc/pb yumminess) No food please How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. I live in a more rural area, so there are no Groupon deals near me. How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? I don’t know what that is. Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? I love Star Wars! Do you like beef jerky, I know some may be vegetarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerky abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. I love jerky, but please no food. Doctor Who? Yay or nay? (please don't make me cry by saying nay) I’ve never seen Doctor Who *runs and hides* Anyone love Buffy/Angel? Never seen it! Witchee: How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? Gummies are good, as long as they’ve got no allergy warnings on the ingredient list. Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smiley pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? I love all things Halloween from cartoon to extremely creepy! I prefer my fairytales Disney with a dash of dark Team Sherlock or team Watson? Sherlock! Team Marvel or DC? DC! Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? I have pierced ears only and love earrings of all kinds! Whoopie pies? No food please Who here likes to receive cosmetic, skin care, perfume samples (of the sephora sort-not just BPAL), makeup brushes etc etc. No thank you. Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? I’m eyeing Sting tickets for this fall! Does anyone like postcards? Yes! Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? Old Disney movies certainly! I have a question! What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples! Anything by Georgia O’Keefe! Van Gogh is good too. If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be? A sunflower Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup. No thank you. Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? No thank you. Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get. From the Trading post, I’d buy t-shirts! Are there any characters that you love or identify with? Samantha from Bewitched. Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea I love all teas! Paradise Tea’s Hibiscus blend most of all! Name your 3 favorite scents for candles Lavender, beach smells, clean linen/cotton. A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? Yes! I love to hand throw pottery and paint ceramics. I also dabble in photography. So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? Yes! But I’d rather meet for lunch or coffee (away from my home because I have crazy barking animals, lol!) Cthulhu: yay or nay? Never read it. Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? Go back to school. Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. The pink Dove bar! Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! Did I write this question in my sleep?! OH YES!!!!! I would love that!
  7. Stella Luna

    Condiments of the Witchy Sort

    Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? No e-books for me, as I have no e-reader. If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? No thank you My children are all grown. Anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? Not really. What do you really NOT want? No food items please. My allergies are too serious for me to eat things that I don’t make myself. Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? No blog for me. Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? YES! Do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? (note - I dont follow the recipe exactly...mine have more choc/pb yumminess) No food please How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. I live in a more rural area, so there are no Groupon deals near me. How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? I don’t know what that is. Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? I love Star Wars! Do you like beef jerky, I know some may be vegetarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerky abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. I love jerky, but please no food. Doctor Who? Yay or nay? (please don't make me cry by saying nay) I’ve never seen Doctor Who *runs and hides* Anyone love Buffy/Angel? Never seen it! Witchee: How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? Gummies are good, as long as they’ve got no allergy warnings on the ingredient list. Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smiley pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? I love all things Halloween from cartoon to extremely creepy! I prefer my fairytales Disney with a dash of dark Team Sherlock or team Watson? Sherlock! Team Marvel or DC? DC! Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? I have pierced ears only and love earrings of all kinds! Whoopie pies? No food please Who here likes to receive cosmetic, skin care, perfume samples (of the sephora sort-not just BPAL), makeup brushes etc etc. No thank you. Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? I’m eyeing Sting tickets for this fall! Does anyone like postcards? Yes! Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? Old Disney movies certainly!
  8. Stella Luna

    September 8-12 Ketchup!

    I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! For instance, I'm a little squicked by used clothing, but I don't mind any other used goods (i.e. books, glassware, games, DVDs, whatever.) I don’t mind used scarves, not heavy, more silk like or soft cotton, and I love thrifting for glassware, teacups, jewelry, old prints, stuff like that. Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? I don’t know what that is. Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? I love the Happiest place on Earth! What are your favorite types of Halloween candy? I have to be very careful of what I eat because I have Celiacs and a very, very severe nut allergy(to ALL nuts) But I LOVE Jelly Belly pear and citrus jelly beans. Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. The pink Dove bar soap is what I use exclusively. I have never tried their shower gel or bath liquid soap but I am always willing to try new things. How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? If there is absolutely no nut allergy warning on the chocolate I love mint and caramel and salt and pepper. Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? Not into beads. Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! If no nut warning: YES!!! September 10th What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? Musicians- Sting and Paul McCartney are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? Never heard of them. If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? I have a standard poodle, a toy poodle, 2 Siamese cats, and 1 black tortie cat. They would love to be thought of, and no dietary restrictions for any of them. What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? BPTP Oceans of Love, Millions of Kisses bath oil, Touched Twice, Yvaine (I love lavender!) Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? Georgia O’Keefe (her flowers not the skulls) or Bruce Barnbaum (his cathedrals or silt canyon pics) If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? My skin tone is light with a lot of red and my hair is light blonde. I like mascara, eyeliner, and shadows but I am not a huge make-up girl. I do love Clinique’s butter shine lipsticks and I like pinks and mauves. Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? YES to all three no nut flavors though. Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) I LOVE music so either mp3 or cd Are you going away for any part of this round? No Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? YES If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? That would be so cool. Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? Walking and swimming Any witchee's with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift? I don’t knit Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? I have limited desk space ☹ Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? Probably anyone you could name! September 9th Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? No thank you - Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Gryffindor - If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? QVC, Amazon, Regal Movie theatres, i tunes Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? no If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! No thank you If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! Sting, Mardi Gras, The Pacific ocean, Cape Hatteras, a dragon, rainbows, snow, the beach ,a unicorn When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? I think about being on a beach in the fall and I like to have a nice glass of red wine; cabernet or malbec What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? Not big into comics Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? I sing but I would love to be able to play the drums or piano Does anyone garden? YES And if you do, what do you grow? Roses, Irises, vegetables. If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? A starter kit would be fun! Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? Yes! Elegant and kitschy/fun! I love Halloween decorations! Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? The moon. Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?: Yes, libraries. September 8th From the Weenie Update, what are you most wanting to try? Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? Not really. Only for my toes. Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? “He who hesitates is lost.” Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, throw) It would smell like the ocean or lavender and be purple. I prefer jar candles. Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I love crocheted/knitted potholders, but no scarves/gloves/hats/etc. I’m way too warm blooded for them! Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? No thank you. My nut and gluten allergies are so severe that all of my food has to be cooked by me or I get twitchy o.O What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? No Social Media? No Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? No Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? Mac and a PC What is your favorite animal? Cats! I love them! What are you going to be for Halloween? A mom, LOL! If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) I prefer wall art, and I love abstract art. How do you feel about nick-knacks? I love them, but hate to dust them. What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? For birthdays, we do special dinners; Sitting with my husband on Christmas Eve after we’ve wrapped gifts, drinking champagne and looking at our tree; for Thanksgiving, we have an identical menu that originated in the early 1990s. No one in my family will let me change it! Do you like going to the movies? Yes! What are your favorite restaurants? Sushi! And a local restaurant called 626 On Rood here that does modern eclectic cuisine. Do you play any video games? No Do you like any anime? No Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? No e reader for me. How much do you like jewelry? Like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? Over the moon running naked down the street excited. I LOOOOOOVE jewelry! How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Very, very, very much so! I prefer cooking rather than baking, so actual meals and not desserts please Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I can always use more storage! Muppets: yea or nay? Yes! Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? The Far Side Favorite Mythological Creature? Unicorns or mermaids! Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers No thank you Expanding on the hair question - does anyone like those flower clips for the hair that are big right now?? No hair things for me, please! Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? Not particularly. This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? I love all types of stones (polished or not) and rocks! Love em!