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Everything posted by Numanoid

  1. Numanoid

    The Soldier

    Got frimped a decant of this...been wanting to try it, since I like leather and the only scent that I liked out of some leather ones I have tried has been Western Diamondback, which I LOOVE! In decant: Creamy musk. Kind of afraid of musk since we sometimes don't get along. There is a bit of vanilla there. On skin: OH MY!! This warms up to such a wonderful vanilla/creamy leather! I don't get "pie" out of this, but something sweet keeps it balanced. But it is in no way foody to me. Dry down: This just gets amazing!! Had to buy a bottle from a seller. In my opinion, if you are a fan of Western Diamondback, you will love this! It is like a deeper, richer version of that. Heavenly!!
  2. Numanoid

    Enable my habit: What would you recommend?

    Lots of great suggestions.... The Gorobble for marshmallow!! To me, the BEST marshmallow scent!! It's an LE so might be hard to find, but there ya go!
  3. Numanoid

    Frankincense Clove Hair Gloss

    Got a bottle of this with about an ounce left in it.... been wanting to try this. In bottle: Heavy to me....rich frankincense and clove. In damp hair: WHOA....don't know what other people are saying that this is light, but on me...heavy heavy clove! I get a hint of incense, but the clove is almost cloying. I usually like my hair glosses heavy so the scent will last on me, but this one would have been better on the lighter side! Too much for me right now. Yowza!
  4. Numanoid

    Revenant Rhythm Hair Gloss

    Oh WOW!! Ok....so, this review comes from someone who loathes the smell of patchouli! BUT I got a bottle of this HG because I know that Beth and crew have a way of making it not smell so.....dirty. In the bottle: A very yummy smoky vanilla! I do get the teeniest hint of something herbal, but it isn't "green" if that makes sense! In damp hair: OH MY! THIS is AMAZING!! I get the slightest bit of the hemp (and it is very tame and lovely) and that vanilla.....so amazing. It does have a smokiness to me....not like smoke from a fire, but toasted. DO not hesitate to get this while you can! HUGE win indeed!! Off to order another!
  5. Numanoid

    Scents and colors

    The first thing that pops into my mind is the Trading Post's Yule scent. Blue Snowballs - "Blueberry slush with a hint of lime and blackberry juice." Very fruity and BLUE!
  6. Numanoid

    Halloween: Montreal

    Well, since I totally fell in love with Halloween Las Vegas, I thought, I have to try this! In bottle: I get the smoke scent...and that hint of something sweet, but it isn't a candy sweet to me. Odd, I know. On skin: UGH....this does not play well with me. I get something sharp and medicinal!! Must be the "frosty air" or "leaves" notes, but this goes sharp and sour on me fast! Dry down: Still the same as above....was so hoping this was going to be smoky, sweet and pumpkin-y, but hey....they all can't be winners. Off it goes!
  7. Numanoid

    Juniper Mint Hair Gloss

    This is a lovely hair gloss. It is nice and light, but on me, it isn't too light where you can't smell it anymore after a couple minutes after applying. In decant: I can really smell both the fresh mint and the sharp juniper. I think this is a great combination since they both seem to balance each other out. In damp hair: Stays true....I get the whiff of both notes. I agree that this is light and clean but not smelling like laundry soap or fabric softener clean. Just fresh. This has a medium strength on me.....very nice. I tend to like my hg's strong, but this is just right. Especially for spring/summer when you might not want to wear something heavy.
  8. Numanoid


    Oh so sad! I so wanted to hope this would work for me. Every note is amazing except honey, so I was hoping the honey would take a back seat! In bottle: Yep....gooey, syrupy honey! Oh no! On skin: Gooey, syrupy honey!! Dru down: Nothing but HONEY!! I get no other notes! So sad. Off to the swap/sale pile!!
  9. Numanoid

    Coconut, Vanilla Bean and Tiare Hair Gloss

    So.... This is so NOT for me! I think we can all agree that a scent can powerfully bring back memories....good, bad, happy, sad. This one instantly brought back a not too good memory!! Sad, because the notes all sound good, and I think this would have been nice except for the fact that it brought back a memory of when I was younger, I would baby-sit for a lady that lived in a run down trailer park. She had 2 wonderful boys, but she never had food in the house and she would leave at 6pm to go out and not come back until 4am, ON a SCHOOL night for me! Anyway, she had some cheap perfume and it smelled JUST like THIS hair gloss!! I never want to use the term "cheap" with anything that has to do with BPAL/BPTP scents, but for some reason, this is that lady's scent. Dollar store floral! It had a fizzy quality when I was applying it, but that went away fast and I got icky floral. Sorry......off to swaps/sales it goes!
  10. Numanoid

    Dorian Hair Gloss

    Hmm....this is an odd one for me, in a good way! In decant: Get the slightly sweet vanilla tea. Very simple and nice! In damp hair: Huh? It has very light throw on me, but it seems I get something different every time I catch a whiff of it. It will smell simple and sweet one second and then the other, it gets a bit....I don't want to say manly, but I can so get a unisex vibe from it. Might be the musk. It goes back and forth on me. Kind of fun! Very lovely and light. Not sure if it is for me....haven't decided!
  11. Numanoid

    Morocco Hair Gloss

    So, just to say, most of the BPAL GC scents don't seem to work on me, with the exception of Snake Oil and Poisoned Apple. However, seems the hair glosses of the same GC scents seem to be amazing! In decant: Yummy spices...does remind me of what a small bazaar in a far off land would smell like. In damp hair: Not a lot of throw, medium I would say. I get the spices and after a few, I get the slightest whiff of the floral....not a lot, which is good since I can't do florals. After a few, it stays true and lightens up a bit.....gets softer and less throw. This is a lovely scent for hair!!
  12. Numanoid

    Trick or Treat

    2009 version.... Whoa....sticky sweet is right. Sniffing in the bottle, I get pure sugar, coma inducing, sweetness. Like melted down candy corn with some extra sugar thrown in for good measure. On Skin: Stays the same. This is too much for me, and I am a foody lover. This might be good to layer it with something to tame it a bit, but WHOA NELLY! Alone, it is too sweet and cloying for me!
  13. Numanoid

    Chaos Theory Hair Gloss

    Decant labeled XI Oh my.....OH MY!! Sniffing in the bottle, I get a whiff of gorgeous chocolate, caramel, smoky, and a hint of cinnamon. On Damp Hair : I LOVE this!! It stays the same as what I sniffed. It has a light throw, but I am getting the chocolate with a drop of caramel and a hint of that lovely cinnamon. It is a soft cinnamon as well. ANYONE out there that has her decanted siblings, please let me adopt!!
  14. Numanoid

    Elf Hair Gloss

    I was skeptical in trying this, since ambers, any florals, woodsy notes tend to not like me, but I thought, what the heck. Add me to the "why didn't I get a full bottle of this" bandwagon!!! In Decant: I get a sweet pine scent. That got me nervous at first because anything pine can turn to cat pee on me. In damp hair: Oh MY!! So wonderful!! Just as others had described, it is a soft, sweet, yet wood scent....not as in a chunk of wood you throw in the fireplace, but as in being in a sunlit woody area. This is so perfect for spring!! It has a low throw and the scent doesn't last long (on me at least) but this is perfect!! Anyone like me that has a fear of the notes listed above, no worries! I am sure it is just how it is blended, but I don't get amber or florals! I might need to hunt down a bottle of this!!
  15. Numanoid

    Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple

    Ok...So I know I had this scent a long time ago and realized I didn't make a review! but that was back in the day when I (and my nose) were new to BPAL and I recently got this back. WHY did I ever give it up in the first place?? In Bottle: fresh tart apples!! Yummy! I have a bottle of Sugar Slathered Candy Apple, and to me, this is a sharper, sweeter version. On Skin: YUM! I am a foody lover, so this is right up my alley. I get apples and lots of sugar. Halloween in a bottle. As it warms up, I get the teeniest bit of the bourbon. Any booze note can go real good or real bad for me, and this is a good one. I don't get any cinnamon in this at all. Drydown: This is so yummy.....this is like the more edgier sister of SSCA. I love this! It has a medium throw on me. Turns into a candy corn scent with that apple in the background. Amazing!!
  16. Numanoid

    Embalming Fluid Bonbon

    In imp: Yep....I also get a fudgy type chocolate note out of this. On Skin: Chocolate note does fade pretty fast, but like stated above, there is a citrus type scent coming out with a tiny hint of the chocolate. Dry down: Chocolate note fades a bit more and there is that sharp and a bit tangy citrus. Medium throw to me. Nice, but wish there was more chocolate to it!
  17. Numanoid

    Haunted Bonbon

    Pretty much what was said above!! Got a little tester of this from a decant circle order (thank you!!!) In vial: rich dark chocolate! I get a little bit of the amber....no musk yet. On Skin: The amber and musk come out a little more....with the mix of the dk choco....it is very good! Dry down: Stays the same as when applied. I get a little more of the musk now, but this isn't overpowering! Very nice!
  18. Numanoid

    Black Vanilla and Cardamom Hair Gloss

    Yeah....not a winner for me, sadly!! Cinnamon and cardamom are usually winners....and of course any kind of vanilla is good, right?? In my damp hair, I don't detect any cinnamon. Maybe a bit of vanilla, but I get overpowered by the oudh. I don't smell tobacco either, which I was nervous about, but sadly, this is a bit too.....manly......for me. Off to the sales pile!
  19. Numanoid

    The White Bees Swarming Hair Gloss

    Thought I would try this because I always wanted the Lab's honey note to work, but in the perfume oils, it all turned to sour powder. So here goes with the HG... In decant: Very sweet honey! Smells so good....instantly think of a warm spring day. Oh damp hair: Oh my!! This is so lovely! It immediately turns to that frosty honey as described. It is soft, yet has a good throw. I used about 4 squirts on my damp hair. Verdict: This WORKS for me!! So glad I got some of this! If honey notes in the oils don't work for you, try this! It is fresh and sweet but not cloying at all.
  20. Numanoid

    Chaos Theory Hair Gloss

    Decant - labeled LXI WOW!!! Smells like a cherry/almond pastry. Maybe a slight hint of some booze note. Can't wait to try! Will update when I use it in my hair tomorrow! Ok....so ON my damp hair.. Yes, cherry and some almond and a pastry/cake-like scent. Surprisingly not so strong once applied. Pretty strong in the bottle and for a few seconds on, but then it really softens to a lovely, pale, and sweet cherry almond scent! I SO love this! To me, this is a perfect spring/summer hg. Not too heavy scent-wise, but enough to get whiffs of the fruit/pastry yummy-ness!
  21. Numanoid

    Thirteen (13)

    Interesting!! I was frottled this!! I had to try to find the review, since there are a ton of different 13's out there. This is the white label, so from reading, it is this original one. Funny how your brain detects scents that you think aren't there until you read what's in it. I would have never guessed any citrus or floral in this when sniffed or even on!! But now that I read and re-sniff, yeah.... I can "see" where there is some citrus and a hint of floral. However... ON!!! Oh my!! Citrus for me is an iffy thing and florals are a NO, but I get neither! Maybe it's because it is 10 years old now, but it is nothing but a yummy tootsie roll on me!!!! I love this, since I am a foody lover....stays on for hours as well!! A winner for me!
  22. Numanoid

    Shub-Niggurath Hair Gloss

    Well, my review won't be as elaborate but here goes!! In bottle: Yep....that sharp, ginger and incense scent that is Shub-Niggurath. On damp hair: I used about 4 squirts and rubbed in. It immediately softened up to a warm, ginger-cookie type scent!! So lovely....after a few, the incense starts to come out, but surprisingly, this is not too heavy, scent wise. Much stronger in the bottle than on. This is a perfect Fall/Winter hair gloss. I am a foody lover and this one isn't too foody for me, but I still really like it. Has a little sexy edge to it as well. Update: Oh no! Been about half an hour, and this faded pretty fast....but what I now smell is a dry dusty something. Was hoping this would work. Smelled great the first few minutes. Oh well....that's what it's all about, right?
  23. Numanoid

    Eat Me Hair Gloss

    Got a decant of this.... The perfume oil didn't work for me, but I have noticed that some of the hair glosses in the same scents tend to work. In bottle... yep, smells like cake and a little bit of tea. In damp hair: Still get a bit of cake but something almost floral? Interesting since there doesn't seem to be any floral notes listed. After a few minutes the currants show up, but all in all, for me, this is just ok. Not a lot of scent. Kind of pale and not a floral fan. But hey, always fun to try!
  24. Numanoid

    Eve's Big Apple Hair Gloss - Red Apple

    Ooh!! Love!! In decant, a blast of a juicy, red apple! On my damp hair, the apple stays sweet and true. I am guessing the honey helps with that. It has a little edge to it, but to me, not as much as the Green Apple one. The scent on this one is softer to me as well. I think this is a perfect spring/summer hair gloss. Just like the green one!! BOTH winners! Update: This ended up having medium throw, but LASTING power! I smell it on my hair a good 24 hours later. LOVE this one!
  25. Numanoid

    Eve's Big Apple Hair Gloss - Green Apple

    This is lovely!! First sniff in my decant.....yep, GREEN apple! Oh smells so good! On my damp hair, it actually softens. I get the apple and a bit of the orchid. It does have a sharpness to it....not sure if that is the bergamot or tiare since I am not sure what those alone smells like, but it is a nice soft throw. Not as sharp as I thought it would be being it is a green apple scent. To me this is a perfect spring/summer scent. Not too heavy, but has a little bite to it.