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Is there anything small you try to collect from everywhere you visit? Pictures for sure. An article of clothing. If it's a foreign country, I can't get enough stuff, but I do collect money! Witchee, I know that SW isn't about what you get... but could you name one thing you would be heartbroken not to get and one thing you would be a-ok if it didn't make it in your box? (i.e. do you REALLY want perfume oil of some sort, or would you be totally heartbroken if there was no Lush in your box, etc) The only thing I would be sad about is if it wasn't something that my witch put some thought into. If it seems like it was hastily picked or tossed in I would still like it, but it may not mean as much. Do you like tarot cards, pendulums and rune stones etc? If so, what type? I do I do! I love tarot, but I would really love a set of Elder Futhark runes. I don't have a rune set or a tarot deck and have always wanted one of each. What cheers you up? Music, my cats, my boyfriend Dom, getting out of the house to do ANYTHING. Video games. This forum. Who or where would you most want to haunt? Who would you least want to be haunted by? I have no idea. I miss Tennessee, so I'd probably haunt there occasionally, wherever my family is. That would be a good haunt. I'm currently haunted by family members that have passed away - I can occasionally smell my grandfather's cigars, my grandmother's potato soup or banana pudding. I would only NOT want to be haunted by someone who would want to harm me. What question do you hate to answer? "How are you?" What is the best compliment you have/could receive? That someone genuinely likes who I am. Would you like anything from an European country? Any particular food or goodies, magazines, books, whatever would be available to your witch in his/her country. YES. I love Europe, even though I've never been. Anything from Germany, as my great-grandfather immigrated from Kiel and I love Germany. I've always been interested in Sweden, Finland, and Norway, so anything from there would also be loved. Do you like bags? If so, what type (rucksack, clutch, shopping bag) colour and would you like/need a new one? Yes, I do. I definitely need a new one. A purse - something small, maybe colourful. Black or white is always good. I also need a new backpack because my cat peed on mine a while back. Colourful, fun, or just black. Any kind of bag that can be used for a picnic. What's your favourite comfort food(snack or candy etc) and/or drink? Banana pudding, potato soup, Korean food, and wine. (Not all at the same time!) Would you be interested in someone writing out for you a favourite recipe, or finding or devising one which they think you'd like? If so, please provide your favourite ingredients, info on how you like to cook/store and use food, and any intolerances - unless all of these are in your questionnaire, or you don't like the idea. (I'm not saying I'd definitely do this, unless someone is keen, and it wouldn't be the only gift). I guess for other witches this might include something like a knitting pattern - not my thing but would you like that? Or indeed would you like a picture created for you (if so what kind) or a story written? (sorry if this feels a bit Spanish Inquisition!) YES. I would love recipes that my witch thinks I'd like, or that Witch has tried and loved and wants to pass on. My only intolerance is avocado - I'm allergic and get horribly ill from eating even a small amount. I love Asian food of all kinds, German, Italian.. Some Mexican. I'm always into trying new things. I don't knit, so a knitting pattern wouldn't be used - but maybe you can teach me to crochet. Paintings and stories are also welcome! If you knew you were going to live comfortably for say 800 years, what profession, calling or project might you pursue with some of your extra years, which you imagine you may not do in the life that you have? Learn more languages and brush up on the ones I know. Finally get a degree in Computer Science. I'd love a job doing translation work, maybe something like for the military but without the worry of being drafted/deployed into war. Or just build computers for people, all day every day. Is there any thing - an object, a donation on your behalf, some research done for you, whatever - that your witch could do about this that you would like? And if you can't think of a present, would you rather she/he (I!) didn't either and confined themselves to things you are already involved in? If they can find out how I can make a career out of building computers for people, that would be amazing. Or if they speak another language, helping me learn it. Finding an open position that will offer training for languages and/or computer science. OR helping me to get my A+ certification.
If you happen to find out who yours is, how much would it bother you? It wouldn't bother me at all! This is my first SW, so I don't currently have a preference on finding out. It might drive me crazy wondering who it is if I don't ever know, but I wouldn't mind if I got a witch who prefers to stay seekret. Is there someone on the forums (within SW or not) who knows you really well and might be able to help with stalking? Not that I am aware of. I don't really know anyone on the forums. Put your mp3 player/online music/itunes/etc on random and list the next 10 songs here: (Please take no offense at any songs that may show up!) As Blood Runs Black - My Fears Have Become Phobias Job for a Cowboy - Suspended by the Throat Apocalyptica - I Don't Care Rucka Rucka Ali - I'm Afraid (of Black People) Delta Rae - Bottom of the River (Gives me chills every time I hear it!) Within the Ruins - Tractor Pull Delta Rae - The Chain Dethklok - Murmaider Winds of Plague - They Don't Shine Like Us Impending Doom - Walking Through Fire Hooray for random power outages! I had to restart Pandora after the 3rd song because the power in our apartment randomly went out. Wow, missed a few questions while answering some! I've gotta speed up to even remotely have a chance at keeping up. Do you use waxmelts or tarts? If so, which ones do you prefer? Yes, I recently got a wax warmer! The ones I have are from Scentsy. I'd like something that will make my home smell awesome, but isn't too strong (I get headaches easily). Anything that smells like autumn woods/autumn is awesome. Do you enjoy drinking hot chocolate, and would you like stuff to make it with, or to add to it? I love hot chocolate. Anything to make it with/add to it is welcome! Do you have any problems with swearing or particularly off-color humor? HA no, I would die living with my boyfriend if I had a problem with anything like that. That pretty much IS my sense of humor. What would you like from the most recent BPAL update? What are you planning on buying for yourself and what would you like to try? Hungry Ghost Moon sounds interesting. I'd like to try any of the others, especially Desmonema and Elaphospyris. Opinions on table top games, from cards and board games, to dice and rpgs. What do you like? I LOVE playing board games. Any games that can be played by two people so that Dom and I can play together. We only have Monopoly and Jenga right now, but we love Clue, Risk, chess, all kinds of games. As for card games, I've only really played Apples to Apples but really like it. I've never tried any table-top RPGs or dice games but I'd be open to them! What style is your sense of humour? Inappropriate sometimes. Dirty, "off-colored" as another question described it. I also enjoy really silly things. Is there anything from Australia you would like? Regional spices/flavoring blends/sauces? I've never really had anything from Australia, but apparently Tim Tams are good? I haven't tried them. Send me anything! (Except Vegemite. None of that, please.) Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Right now, gift cards are probably the best thing. I just lost my job. Gift cards for etsy, amazon.com, grocery stores (Kroger, Meijer, Walmart, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's), and some clothing stores would be nice. A gift certificate to a yoga center in the area (for example, Hamsa Yoga or Updog Yoga) would be a nice treat. How big is too big...for something to hang on your walls? If I'm painting you a pretty picture, are there maximum dimensions that you have/prefer? Nothing giant - the largest would probably be the same size as a 32" TV. But feel free to send me pretty pictures! What is your favourite object, that you own, ignoring sentimental reasons for attachment? So I guess something you find beautiful, or fun, or incredibly useful. My boyfriend's desktop PC. We built it close to a year ago and recently upgraded the graphics card in it. I play games on my laptop, but using his desktop is so much more fun. Plus he loves it. Are there any BPALs that you loved the idea of, the imagery - whether artwork or description - but which didn't work out for you? (I'm asking because if they did, you might mention them elsewhere, but if not, the imagery might be helpful)
Do you read literature/culture blogs or websites of any kind? I'm thinking about anything that would help a putative witch to get a sense of what your current tastes in books, movies, games, genres, approaches to culture and literature and so forth are Not often. I'm occasionally active on the /v/, /tv/, and /g/ boards of 4chan, but it's not for anyone easily offended if you want to check there. I am pretty active on Pinterest and sometimes on etsy. How do you feel about traditional picnics (namely the intimate table for two variety)? Old-fashioned basket or something more utilitarian (cooler/insulated bag)? BF and I haven't been on any, but I'd really enjoy it. Both the old-fashioned basket and more modern versions (cooler, bento boxes, etc). If you were put in a room with 100 random other people the same age and sex as you, from your country, in what way do you think you would be different from the average? I listen to mostly metal and I'm not very skinny. I would rather learn a new language than a lot of other things. Haus of Gloi did a Reverie update! Do any of them interest you? (Or anything else up currently?) I've never checked it out. I'll have to take a look and let you know. Witchee, do you cook? Do you do all the cooking? Is it a chore or a pleasure? My boyfriend and I both cook (most often together). We both enjoy it! Which reading level do you prefer to read in YA or Adult? Or even both? I enjoy both, but it must be well-written. Fantasy is my favorite genre. What colors/style is your kitchen decor? And do you entertain in your home? We don't entertain much because honestly we don't keep our apartment as clean as we'd like. I would be embarrassed to have someone over with the current state of the apartment. As for kitchen decor, it's bland apartment-style, but I'd love some cat decorations! Are your ears pierced? Yes Do you like stuffies/stuffed animals/art doll type thingies? If so, any particular type you'd love to get? I love stuffed animals. I also like asian ball-jointed dolls, but I don't expect to get something of that nature. Switch Witch is, of course, all about you.....but if your Witch was so inclined, are there wee little ones in your home that will get jealous and are just too young to understand why you won't share the love, who maybe need a touch of Witchee love all their own, to distract them while you hide all your lovelies?!? My kitties. And my boyfriend doesn't get to spoil himself often - I would be happy if there was anything for him!
If you could have one rare bpal which one would you choose? Hexennacht 2008 (Feel free not to answer, I know it's not a standard one!) Are you kinky? Sometimes. Do you enjoy scented candles? Certain sizes that you like? What kind of scents or brands? Yes, I love them! Scents that will fill my house but that aren't too strong. Similar scents to what is on my BPAL wishlist, nothing really foody. Thoughts about South Africa? Have you been here, would you like to go? Would you like to receive anything South African? Never been, would like to visit sometime. I don't know of anything specifically South African, but yes, I'd love something! Do you like Sockdreams? If so, what styles would you prefer? (You can also link your wishlist.) I adore Sockdreams. I like tights and kneehighs, but I'm really in need of ankle socks and tights right now. Do you need hair accessories? If so, what kind or color? Yes, anything that will be good for short hair. I like wide headbands, any colors are fine! What is your favorite shade of blue? All of them. Sky blue, teal/turquoise shades, and true blue. Do you have any kitchen gadgets (a SodaStream, a Kuerig/Tassimo) that you want mix things for? We've got a Keurig. If you were to start learning something new (intellectual or craft or hobby), what would it be? Re-learn German and Japanese. Learn sign-language, Norwegian and old Norse, crocheting. Get my Cisco CCNA certification (learn everything needed). Learn everything needed to become a Veterinary tech. What about candy? Do you have a sweet tooth? Yes, but nothing too sweet. In moderation. Do you have an e-reader? What kind? Would you like to get ebooks? I have my phone and a program on my Linux partition. e-books would be nice, but I prefer actual books. If your witch is an extremely crafty sort, and she were to send all kinds of homemade foody goodies and handmade crafty stuff - what are items you would NOT LOVE to receive. Please dont hedge on this one...some of us are serious crafters and will be making most of what we send! As long as it is something that I can use/functional I'd love it! Also foody goodies are always welcome. Blankets, soaps, candles, etc... Witchee dear, do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? I LOVE video games. The BF and I have a fairly small library, but it's because we've been trying to save and not spend too much on video games. We have a 3DS, Xbox360, Wii, and computer we built specifically for gaming. We also have an SNES, Gamecube, and Nintendo 64. Old systems/games are awesome. Do you have something you do, without fail, as a personal daily habit/ritual? (Examples: pen-and-paper journal keeping, tea/coffee drinking, morning yoga, nightly bedtime reading. I'm kind of thinking on things that would be dear to you and might need small supplies or could use certain extras. ) I'd like to start a morning/evening light exercise/yoga routine with my boyfriend. We have one yoga mat, but that's it. I do drink coffee/tea a LOT. Do you wear nailpolish? What colors do you tend to go for? What are your favorite brands? Are you open to trying indie brands? Definitely open to indie brands. I don't wear it often, but I don't have much to wear either. I'll try any colors. Name three BPAL scents you hav tried, but are dying to get more of. Frumious Bandersnatch, Samhainophobia 2011, Hexennacht 2008. (Tied with Spider.) Do you still write real letters on nice stationary to people you like/love? Occasionally... my boyfriend and I are always together, but I leave him notes in the morning before I leave for work (he doesn't wake up until later in the day). I don't currently have any nice stationary/sticky notes to send letters and leave him notes. Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? Never tried it. Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? Love to garden. We don't have a yard (2nd floor apartment), but we garden in containers on our balcony. Currently growing: Mint (out of control!), parsley, shallots, cucumber, bell pepper, jalapeno, habanero, cayenne pepper, hot portugal pepper, ghost pepper, scotch bonnet pepper, hungarian yellow pepper. (Can you tell we like hot peppers?) Do you like sample sized things? Think lipgloss, mascara, bodylotion, scrubs, mini candles, and so forth. Definitely! Have you tried Fortune Cookie Soap? What products or scents would you like? Never tried it. Do you use solid soaps at all? If so, what kind do or don't you like? I do. Nothing that will dry my skin out too much, exfoliating soaps are great. Have you ever tried Cocoa Pink? If you are curious about it, what looks interesting to you? Never tried. Do you like Lush? If so, what is your favorite product that is currently available, also, what is a product that you love but has been discontinued? I haven't tried it but I'd like to. Do witches prefer the answers posted here, but a more cherry-picked number of questions answered, or a more exhaustive list posted in the blog, which means posting here much less? I'd prefer the blog - it would give me a deeper look into who they are and what they like, so I could be more certain they would like what I pick. Anyone a fan of Shiro Cosmetics? Any particular products? Eye shadow pigments in general? I love it! Their eyeshadows are great. I haven't tried any of the other products yet but I'd love to. Are there any companies, products, or items you boycott? None currently. As I am in Japan, what sort of things would you like from there? Oh god. Everything. Kimono/geta, lolita clothes, ball-jointed dolls (and related items), anything cat related, KitKats, anything Buddhist/Shinto related (including photos of temples). Since FB and the FB Gusp group (and the BPAL Sorority which is quiet) have become gathering places...what are some of your favorite Facebook pages you like?
Dr Who? No, I've only seen a few episodes but never really got into it. How much do you like lipbalm? Flavored or unflavored? What are your favorite brands and flavors? Lipbalm is nice. Lightly flavored is best. Any flavors except chocolate or weird flavors like pickles. Do you like and wear lipgloss? If yes, what colours? Yes, if it's not sticky. Lighter colors, berry colors, and pinks. For those of you whose wishlists contain only BPALs, are there any other perfume companies you like or would like to try out? I haven't tried any other perfume companies. I'd be happy to, though! Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. And if you had them and dislike them, can you name a few *other* tea companies you're into? Never had Adagio, but I'd be more than willing to try. I love teas, especially earl grey. Decaf teas are good because of the stress level at work. What about coffee? I love love LOVE coffee. Who is your favourite female of all time? Historical, literary, ANYTHING, and why? If you were a Disney princess you would be?: Jasmine. She's got a tiger. That's pretty cool. What craft project do you currently have on your docket or that you want to start? And that craft goodies would be welcome? All kinds of things. Anything for our apartment. We recently bought some wood crates from Joann and we're painting them blue, then putting them on the wall in our bathroom. I'd love to have things for crafts for home, and ideas too! Would you like a seashell from Florida? If it's a decent sized one, yes. Small ones get lost and broken easily, but larger ones I can use for decorating.
Switch Witch Questionnaire ==================== Basic Info Birthday: 06 Feb 1991 Pets: 3 Cats – Seht (female), Sirius (male), Porchlight (male) Children: N/A Religious orientation: None, but drawn to Asatru and Kemetism (Norse and Egyptian Revivalist movements) Favorite Holiday: Halloween Occupation/Major in school: IT Help Desk Technician Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): With boyfriend Livejournal/Blog/Website: None used anymore. Facebook! Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in): LGBT rights, conservation of nature, BPAL Favorite BPAL oils: Samhainophobia, Hexennacht 2005 Favorite notes: Soft florals, autumn scents, but open to try anything Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Juara Candlenut perfume oil Least favorite notes: Honey – doesn’t work well with my skin. Anything too sweet. Anything “industrial” (think Smokestack, from the Steamworks line) – this will actually make me sick. Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Haven’t tried many things non-BPAL. If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like? Autumn leaves, cats, and smoky woods – just a hint of vetiver. Label art would definitely have a cat. Clothing & Jewelry Hair type: Fine, thick, easily gets oily Skin Type: Fair, prone to breakouts, combination Allergies (specifically B&B related): Avocado Other things to avoid: N/A Tub, shower or both? Both! Favorite bath & beauty products: Bath bombs Clothing Style/Fave garments: Jeans, yoga pants, t-shirts, v-neck shirts, and mostly band shirts Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: Blue, red, teal, black Type(s) of jewelry worn: Necklaces, rings, earrings. Bracelets are nice but I’ve never really worn any Ring/wrist/collar size: Ring – 7 or 7.5 US? Can get exact measurements for each if Witch would like Jewelry - gold or silver? Silver or rose gold Do you have any allergies to metal? None, but copper turns my skin green super easy. Copper items are fine as long as they are treated (i.e. clear nail polish) Favorite gemstones: Amethyst, ruby, sapphire, pearl Sock/Shoe Size: Shoe: 9/9.5 US (41 EU) Lifestyle Style/home decoration style: Favorite decorating colors: Bright blues/teals, reds, black Things you collect: Money from foreign countries, candles, anything cat related Favorite music: Metal – The Black Dahlia Murder, The Faceless, Within The Ruins, Lamb of God, Job for a Cowboy, Suicide Silence, Rings of Saturn, We Butter The Bread With Butter. Least favorite music: Rap, but Eminem is alright. Anything parody is fine too (ie Rucka Rucka Ali, The Lonely Island, etc). Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!) Nope Other food restrictions: No avocado! Favorite flavors: Coffee, tea, peach, strawberry, grapefruit, orange Favorite foods/drinks: Coffee, tea, peach, strawberry, grapefruit, orange Favorite authors/genres: JRR Tolkien, JK Rowling, Hunger Games Trilogy. Anything in the same genres. Least favorite authors/genres: Mystery, suspense. Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: Game of Thrones, World War Z How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? That would be great! Favorite stores (including clothing stores): Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): IndieMerchStore (band merchandise), Third Degree Merch, Magazines you subscribe to: Bon Apetit Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: Cooking magazines! Southern Home. Favorite movies: Cabin in the Woods!!, the new Evil Dead, Django Unchained, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Hobbit, Inception, Pirates of the Caribbean series, The Avengers, Thor, The Amazing Spiderman, Iron Man series. Favorite TV show(s): The Big Bang Theory, My Cat From Hell, Say Yes to the Dress, Game of Thrones, True Blood, Breaking Bad. Hobbies/crafts done: Cats. Cats are my hobby. Reading, listening to music, building computers, playing video games. Recently gotten into soap making, but using premade bases. Love DIY projects (but don’t have any power tools yet). Wishlists BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): Hexennacht 2005 OR 2008, Samhain (any year), Samhainophobia, anything autumn-related. Open to pretty much anything though. Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc): None currently. Random Questions: Random Questions: - On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you? 3.5 – but it’s organized chaos. - Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? (if you're international, this can be anywhere) Germany, Japan, China, S. Korea, Norway, Austria. - Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? My boyfriend might say younger/my age, coworkers might say older/my age. -If I gave you a toy gun with flashing lights, would you hide and start shooting people from around corners OR would you thank me on the IGI thread and then quietly donate it (a niece, Oxfam, Goodwill, wherever)? (there are no wrong answers for this, so don't be afraid to answer honestly): I would definitely hide around corners and jump out shooting people with it. - What animal do you feel like the most? Cat. - Your favorite feature about yourself: Language ability - Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere? Neighborhood -Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10. Yes. Under $10: Can't think of anything currently Over $10: Tattoo. - How do you feel about boi witches? - Do you like garage sales (boot sales)? Yes, sometimes. Can be great for home furnishings and older video games! - I like to slather my food in …: Depends what it is. Steak = zip sauce/Mario sauce. Pizza = garlic butter. Almost everything I cook has garlic and/or butter in it, though. - State fairs or carnivals? State fairs. Carnivals have clowns and I really hate clowns. - You throw caution to the wind and runaway to join a traveling circus. What job would you want ( a main performer, a side show, a behind the scenes spot, etc) and why? Behind the scenes, but away from any clowns. - What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with? Elves and dragons. - Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. What do you choose? Pictures of my cats and my boyfriend, imps of Samhainophobia and Hexennacht, netbook. - Do you need storage boxes? Yes. - The world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Fly to Tennessee and spend the day with my family. Alternatively, spend the day with my boyfriend watching movies, going to parks, going to concerts, and playing with the cats. - Do you like steampunk & if so what kind of steampunk item would you most like to receive? Yes, I love it! What I would most like to receive? Corset, an outfit, something for the house, or a piece of jewelry (example: Steampunk scent locket). - Do you have an etsy shop? No - Would you like to receive baked goods, if so what kind? Yes. Brownies, muffins, cookies, cakes, anything really. - What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? IKEA gift card. Corset. Work clothing (business attire, mostly tops). Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!): My boyfriend and I are saving to build a new computer, and also trying to save for a house. Home furnishings are nice