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Posts posted by lyri

  1. When wet, it smells quite a bit like rum and something else. However, once it went on, it went to near pure clove. Not a bad thing, all told, but rather unexpected when I did not read the description before trying. Probably going to keep this imp for random urges.

  2. My first yule blend ordered, and glad I did.


    Bottle: Sandlewood and smoke? And a faint tang, possibly metallic.


    Wet: Exactly like burning incense on charcoal, including the whole 'smoke' smell. Copperish scent as well.


    Dry: Incense, incense, and copper. It stays true to original application while softening and mixing very nicely to a good subtle scent.

  3. I got this imp at a meet n sniff and now wish that I had ordered a bottle when I had the chance!


    In Bottle: Smells exactly like the chocolate oranges to me. Delish.


    On Skin: It starts off as it was in the bottle, but slowly changes into a less-foody version, with what might be a floral scent changing it. Very slight coffee-tang, but the over-all scent is very sweet and unique. I don't think it has much throw, but then I had my nose near my wrist for a few hours after applying.


    Great scent!
