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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by babykitty

  1. babykitty

    Scent for Halloween?

    Without the Halloween LEs in the running, what BPAL will you wear on Halloween? Got one in mind or whatever appeals to your whim? I've decided on ZOMBI. Mmm..."Zom-bee" (use your best creepy zombi voice)
  2. babykitty

    Scents to help quit vices

    BPAL Detox? High John?
  3. babykitty

    People of the Labyrinth - Luctor et Emergo

    B&I created a version of it called "The Lost", I think. That way you wouldn't waste any of the preccccccious!
  4. babykitty

    Scents for pregnancy? Not recommended by the Lab

    I was wearing Alice the day I went into labor with my baby. Alice. It's good one.
  5. Scarecrow is a pretty good scorched scent.
  6. babykitty

    BPAL and pregnancy

    Yea! More BPAL babies!!! I thought it was the pennyroyal in Pain that should be avoided, not the mint. Peppermint, spearmint should be okay, unless they make your stomach lurch! Yea! I'm so excited for you guys!
  7. babykitty

    Why do all BPAL scents smell the same to me??

    It could be the tags that smell incense-y...Someone--you or the lab--got some on the tags while putting your order together, while testing or some leaked a bit during transit.
  8. babykitty

    Sweet Clove

    I must concur! This is the best clove around! It's great for layering & amping up other wimpier scents.
  9. babykitty

    The Hesperides

  10. babykitty

    Black Forest

    If baby powder grew on trees, they would thrive in Bavaria.....I'll take my Black Forest in cake form
  11. babykitty

    The Lion

    Meh. Chai playdoh. Best smelling playdoh though...
  12. babykitty


    Wanda, Lady Macbeth & Centzon T... BTW--you can get white grape juice!
  13. babykitty


    Does anyone know what an actual vanilla orchid smells like--the actual flower--not just the bean...just curious if it smells vanilla-y or what... Anyway, this shit is awesome. --another helpful review by babykitty
  14. babykitty

    Forbidden Fruit

    Ugh. Rotting fruit. Damn.
  15. babykitty


    Fall under the spell of our Green Fairy! An intoxicating blend containing wormwood essence, light mints, cardamom, anise, hyssop, and the barest hint of lemon. I wanted to love this, I did, I did. But the anise was just too much. I had secretly hoped the oil would be green too, but alas...
  16. babykitty

    Juke Joint

    Powdermint. I do get a burst of alcohol initially. I love the way it wafts around me. Mmm...good stuff.
  17. babykitty

    Motivation help needed!

    I've found that scents that stimulate the senses help get me energized, thereby getting me going a bit. Aizen-Myoo & Bliss are my favorite get me going fragrances. Some scents are too distracting since I spend my time CWS (covert wrist sniffing)...simply because they smell so good!
  18. Well, it's not aromatherapy, but I've learned a lot from Beth's website--just reading the descriptions & then running to read more off google! Really, lots of potential with setting up some lessons (selectively chosen!!!)...history, mythology, religon, reading, art, different cultures...
  19. babykitty


    Eek. I smell dead people.
  20. babykitty

    La Belle au Bois Dormant

    Yea, baby. Pear. Is good.
  21. babykitty


    I cannot freakin' believe I'm the first one to use this! This turns me into Wanda's punk li'l sister! (I likey! )
  22. babykitty


    O. M. G. If you like carnation, just buy this, dammit.
  23. babykitty

    Black Rose vs. Spellbound?

    BR is better than Spellbound, which I found unwearable! Ha! I'm sure that's really helpful--they smell nothing alike to me.
  24. babykitty

    Olfactory caffeine: Wake up, Stay Awake with BPAL

    Oh, I meant to add that if I wear Bliss to bed it keeps me awake...so maybe it'll work in the morning too! mmm...Bliss!
  25. babykitty

    Olfactory caffeine: Wake up, Stay Awake with BPAL

    Aizen-Myoo is one of my all time favorite morning scents.