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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Neely

  1. In the bottle: Froot Loops, somone else said that, and it is. :P


    Wet: kumquat sherbert, rather than tea. No pepper, come on pepper stop being shy!


    Dry down: kumquats, not candy sweet, just right. Still no pepper, and no tea.


    30 minutes: kumquats, lovely unadulterated kumquats.


    Conclusion: I like this, it is a nice summer fragrance. Maybe aging will bring out the pepper, which I love. I will definitely hang on to my imp.


    Rating 1-5: on my skin this is a 4.

  2. In the bottle: PEZ candy. The Palmarosa maybe?


    Wet: sweet, but sultry. Not PEZ anymore thank goodness. I likes me the PEZ, but I don't want to smell like it. :P


    Dry down: sexy sultry floral. This isn't your grandmother's floral. Now if it just stays this way, I could wear this quite well.


    30 minutes: sweet and sultry, a little more sweet than it was. If it gets much sweeter it will go back to PEZ. :D


    Conclusion: This is very nice. Walks a little close to the PEZ candy side. I will definitely keep my imp and see if I need a big bottle. I really like it.


    Rating 1-5: 3.5-4.

  3. In the bottle: I don't know if I got a mislabled imp, or what, but I smell salty spicey bay rum! :D I don't get currants, nor myrrh, nor mandrake. Just lovley spiced bay rum.


    Wet: salty spicey bay rum with a hint of citrus. I love this phase!


    Dry down: Wow, I need more of this, provided I am indeed wearing Masabakes and not one of the pirate ones mislabled. I will have to get another imp from the lab to be sure before gettting a bottle.


    30 minutes: clean, spicey, salty bay rum. I am in love! :P


    Conclusion: if this is indeed Masabakes. I need more of this. Big bottle will be needed.


    Rating 1-5: on my skin this is a 4.5.

  4. In the bottle: hippy head shop sweet incense.


    Wet: hippy head showe sweet incense, and someone is dusting the shelves with lemon Pledge. :D Ok why is my chemistry giving me lemon? There is no lemon listed in the notes!


    Dry down: I smell like lemony fresh dishsoap. Not Pledge, more soapy (rose is the culprit I suspect).


    30 minutes: lemon fresh dishsoap. I can almost see bubbles coming off my wrist. Where is the patchouli, the amber? DOH!!! Stoopid chemistry. :P


    Conclusion: this should have smelled good on me, but my chemistry messed it up. *sigh*


    Rating 1-5: on me this is a 2.

  5. In the bottle: clean fresh aquatic. I love Beth's aquatics! :P


    Wet: clean fresh aquatic. Reminds me of HoM or BoN without the amber mirror frames, or wooden base for the nails.


    Dry down: still clean fresh aquatic. Though something funky is trying to peep through, almost like rotten plants. :D


    30 minutes: the funk goes away with reapplication.


    Conclusion: I love Beth's aquatics, so this was a no brainer. Even with the funk, I am not daunted. I love this and reapplying is no problem.


    Rating 1-5: 4

  6. In the bottle: patchouli, orange incense.


    Wet: patchouli, orange incense. I likey so far! :D I could be completely wrong about the notes, I am terrible at identifying individual notes.


    Dry down: orange, rose, and incense. The patchouli has gone the back of the bus while orange rose and incense chat and giggle. This reminds me of Gypsy Queen without the candle wax and smoke. Might be a sub for my lovely GQ when I have used up the bottles I have. :D


    30 minutes: patchouli and nothing else??? I hope this is just an old imp, because if this is what Masquerade turns into in half an hour, not good. I mean, it smells like straight patchouli oil, which I could apply from the single bottle of the stuff I have on my bathroom shelf. :)


    Conclusion: I have to order a new one from the lab to test again. But if it is my chemistry, Masqerade is going to break my heart. :P


    Rating 1-5: inconclusive.

  7. The deepest, darkest point in a shadow; the area contained within the shadow of an eclipse. East African black patchouli, cedarwood, vetiver and a dribble of cinnamon.

    In the bottle: patchouli, woodsy, smokey, lovely.

    Wet: patchouli, I love patchouli so this suits me just fine so far.

    Dry down: patchouli with a creamy base perhaps from the cedar? I am loving this! :P

    30 minutes: still beautiful, smokey patchouli with a sweet, creamy base. I smell any cinnamon, which I love but does tend to bully other notes on me. But it seems to be behaving itself in fact too much. It is positively shy.

    Conclusion: I like this very much. I wish the cinnamon would show up more, maybe I have an old imp. May have to order one fresh from the lab to do further testing. But regardless I see myself wearing this.

    Rating 1-5: on my skin this is a 4.

  8. The Coiled Serpent

    A potent yogic oil that stimulates the kundalini, provokes spiritual awakening, and releases the energy seated in your root chakra.


    In the bottle: creamy wood. Not patchouli, but cedar or maybe sandalwood. This is lovely in the bottle.


    Wet: peppery wood. No creaminess remains. I get wood sprinkled with black pepper. Hmmmm.


    Dry down: pencil shavings! :P It smells just like a pencil sharpener does when you open it to clean it out. Magus did this to me too. I don't know which wood it is, but I need to avoid it.


    30 minutes: pencil shavings.


    Conclusion: pencil shavings. Damn. I really really wanted this to work. I need some help opening up my root chakra. :D


    Rating on my skin, this is a 2.

  9. Ok ok, I have really been slacking on my reviews, I am soooo backed up in posting. But Priala gave me a hot foot and a kick in the ass to start up my reviews again.


    Lovely, lovely Priala. My sweet smokey firey girl, how do I love thee? Oh with the passion of cinnamon and the smokiness of myrrrh. Priala is a multi bottle hording purchase and I wish she would be a permanent scent.


    In the bottle: cinnamon and a slightly foody/not foody aroma. It is disturbing in a way, but it is the Parliment of Monsters after all. I didn't come to the carnival to be comfortable. :D


    Wet: Same.


    Dry: creamy yummy smokey cinnamon


    30 minutes: Smokey, and creamy, and cinnamon. as if you are smelling the air after Priala fire has ceased, the ashes have stopped smoldering and grown cold. As if the fire and her perfume are just a memory wafting over the stage.


    Conclusion: MUST HAVE MORE!!!! I have been looking for a "firey perfume" and this is it. :D


    Rating 1-5, on my skin this is a 5.


    edited due to my computer crashing at work. :P

  10. In the bottle: it smells just like my well aged bottle of Samhain '05, which I absolutely adore. It smells like tobacco, smoke, and and apples. When I opened this I had a nosegasm! :P


    Wet: like Samhain '05. Oh yes, this is the stuff!


    Dry down: like Samhain '05 but it gets darker, grittier, richer. This is so nummy and luscious, not in a foody sort of way, but almost good enough to eat, but don't! BPAL isn't for consumption. :D


    30 minutes: dark, gritty, Samhain '05. Like tobacco and apples and cider, that are not just smokey next to the fire, they started to singe a little (vetiver I am guessing is the note for this).


    Conclusion: while about 5 hours later it turns into a sour smell and all the burnt yummy goodness is gone. I still adore this! Reapplying five hours later, not a problem. I will be getting a second bottle and hordng this, and hoping that Beth brings this back next Hallowe'en. This is even better than aged Samhain on me.


    Rating 1-5, on my skin, this is a 5.

  11. In the bottle: spicey, creamy, woody, with a hint of rootbeer. I am a little worried about the sassafrass, will my chemistry amp it so I smell like a rootbeer float? Inquiring minds want to know. :P


    Wet: creamy, woody, spicey rootbeer.


    Dry down: creamy, spicey wood with a faint hint of sassafrass. This is really well blended and my chemistry likes it.


    30 minutes: creamy, spicey wood with a fain hint of sassafrass. Eventually this just becomes vanilla and cedar. This is very lovely. I would say a masculine scent. The sassafrass really blends well in this scent and almost makes it smell cool and crisp.


    Conclusion: this was a total surprise. I expected to smell like a rootbeer float. Instead I smelled sexah. This would smell great on a man, and on women like myself who like more "masculine" scents. It reminds me of being in Colorado high in the rockies visiting a mining town when the snow only in patches and the earth is visible as brown against white. Nice.


    Rating 1-5, on my skin, this is a 4.

  12. In the bottle: cranberry Jolly Rancher, with something musty underneath.


    Wet: cranberries, apples in an orchard with moldy, musty rotting woods under the trees. :P


    Dry down: a lovely cranberry apple scent. No more musty woods. Slight spice. This becomes perfumey, but not in a perfume counter or Bath & Bodyworks, or candles way. This is crisp.


    30 minutes: crisp, perfumey cran/apple, with a hint of spice and slight cider feel. This is really lovely, it sparkles.


    Conclusion: I am seriously contemplating a large bottle before the Hallowe'enies go away. This would make a great room scent. It is straight forward, nothing complex on me. Just cran apple sparkling cider. I wish it was a little more boozy. But it is clean and crisp and fresh. Just lovely.'


    Rating 1-5, on my skin, this is a 4.

  13. In the bottle: sugared oranges with butter. Unlike Jack who is "I can't believe it isn't butter in a bottle, this is subtle in the butter arena. So those of you who feared Jack and his stick o' butter, this is a much tamer butter.


    Wet: the butter disappears right away. It becomes a lovely creamy, citrusy, spicey perfume.


    Dry down: more of the same. Oranges in a bowl of cream infused with ginger, cinnamon, alspice on a table that would make Martha Stewart green with envy. This is a sophisticated real elegant lady perfume. Which my friends would argue that I am not, but they were too busy plastering their noses to my wrist to be heard. :P This is a Hallowe'en party with elegent china, crystal, and candlelight.


    30 minutes: Doesn't change, still the same elegant perfume.


    Conclusion: A must have. I must horde bottles. Her Highness and I get along very, very well. When a good looking co-worker of mine sniffed me twice, you know it is a keeper. If you were afraid of Jack and his stick o'butter up the nose, don't be afraid of this one. Give it a try. I am working on getting more bottles as we speak. My favorite of all the new Hallowe'enies.


    Rating 1-5, on my skin, this is a 5.

  14. In the bottle: lemon Pledge. :P


    Wet: lemon with a light floral. The lilac apparently aren't bullies, but refined and sweet.


    Dry down: Lemon Pledge with a soft floral.


    30 minutes: the Lemon Pledge tones down and thsi becomes a clean crisp, almost Victorian Man's cologne on white linen.


    Conclusion: this became a clean crisp Victorian gentleman's cologne, and while I loved the end result, the LEMON PLEDGE, portion of the show, just is not my thing. I don't like lemons. I don't like them in lemonade, cakes, cookies, or even in tea. Limes and orange yes. But the citron in this just overwhelms everything else, and encourages lime to misbehave as well. Stoopid skin chemistry. So this is not for me.


    Rating 1-5, on my skin, this is a 3. For the scent itself it is a 4.5.

  15. I thought I had reviewed this already, but apparently not. So, here goes. :P


    In the bottle: creamy and spicey.


    Wet: creamy and spicey, really lovely, but very light.


    Dry down: creamy, spicey, lovely and exotic.


    30 minutes: a spicey, creamy, lovely exotic scent. Still very light, and no throw.


    Conclusion: beautiful. This is really nice, my only complaint is it is a close to the skin scent, and my skin rather than amping the spice, seems to eat this one like it was a snickerdoodle cookie. But I think I might need more of this one.


    Rating 1-5, on my skin this is a 4.5.

  16. In the bottle: today's secret word is jasmine. Now, whenever you hear that word, scream real loud. Let's try it. New Orleans smells just like jasmine, AGGGHHHHHHHH! :P


    Wet: jasmine, AGGGHHHHHH.


    Dry down: jasmine, and something rotten. I mean this is very evocative. But I tend to amp that funk smell florals get on me.


    30 minutes: the moss is gone from the room, but he left his bitter stinky body odor behind in the room with jasmine and magnolia competeing to see whose perfume is the strongest. Honeysuckle is sitting demurly with hands in lap watching the cat fight.


    Conclusion: I suspect that jasmine and magnolia(maybe) have that "funk" smell and so it is really strong on me. Or the jasmine and the spanish moss are creating a rotten vegatation in dark water vibe. To me it smells like a body that was dumped in the biayou has been just pulled up by the police after some poor fisherman accidentally hooked it. The dead bloated floater, is up on the bank with the wet soil, and blooming flowers on the shore. Neat imagery it conjures for me, but not something I want to smell like. :D


    Rating 1-5, on my skin this is a 1.

  17. In the bottle: an aquatic floral, light on the aquatic, heavy on the floral.


    Wet: citrus? I don't remember anything in the description saying this has any lemon, oh yeah, and floral.


    Dry down: florals with a hint of citrus. Maybe aquatic water blossom is registering as citrus.


    30 minutes: a bright, sparkling lightly citrus floral. This is very lovely as floral scents go. None of that stanky funk I sometimes get with florals.


    Conclusion: this is a very lovely, clean, beautiful floral. I am not a floral gal though, so I will never reach for it. There are very few floral exceptions where I do, and all of them are BPAL. But this isn't one of them. I think this must go to my imp pimp Mandragora.


    Rating 1-5, on my skin and for the scent itself, this is a 4, but a 2 for me personally.

  18. In the bottle: clean, limey, herbal. Yummy! :P


    Wet: clean fresh herbal, with a hint of lime.


    Dry down: clean herbal, slightly sweet.


    30 minutes: clean herbal still, but now it has a slight medicinal edge. Not unpleasant, very nice in fact. I love this.


    Conclusion: I love this. It reminds me of the acutal apothecary in Old Town Williamsburg VA that I loved to visit when I was a kid.


    Rating 1-5, on my skin, this is a 4.5.

  19. In the bottle: jasmine? :D


    Wet: jasmine and sweetness. Where is the carnation, the incense, the moss?


    Dry down: apples and jasmine? WTH? I am so disappointed. No smoke, no carnation, no moss. I thought sure this would be my fav of all the Mad Tea Party. :P


    30 minutes: smokey jasmine.


    Conclusion: too floral for me. I will keep it because I am collecting all the Tea Party set in imps. :D


    Rating 1-5,on my skin this is a 1.5.

  20. In the bottle: cherry flavored sweet tarts.


    Wet: Wow, instead of raspberry or orange I get CHERRY. This smells like those cherry sour candies rolled in crushed sweet tarts and pixie stix. I think I am getting cavities. :P


    Dry down: still cherry sours in crushed sweet tarts.


    30 minutes: cherry sours in crushed sweet tarts. Most BPAL scents morph, even if a little. Not this one, stubborn one this.


    Conclusion: cherry sours rolled in crushed sweet tarts all the way, with a little OJ at the end to wash it down. :D Not for me, skin chem did not like this one at all.


    Rating 1-5, on my skin this is a 1.

  21. This is a lovely frimp from nightbabies, who made me a custom imp box. Buy boxes from her, she is a true artist! So, this shout out is for her! :D


    In the bottle: for some reason all the lovely musk, rosewood, sandlewood are registering as dragon's blood. with wood. :P


    Wet: still smells like dragon's blood instead of red musk and assorted woods. This isn't a bad thing, as I like this. Dragon's blood works on me sometimes, and others it doesn't. This smells like db that does. :D


    Dry down: smells like dragon's blood and pine. This is so wonderful! I don't really get masculine, so much as woodsy. But then again, I like both types of scents on me. I get masculine from "cologne scents" like Dee.


    30 minutes: pine and pepper? Still love it. I think I need a bigger bottle. I am one of those women that pull of "masculine" scents. This is wonderful.


    Conclusion: eventually the rosewood and sandalwood are all that remain, and they still regitster as dragon's blood. :D In fact it lasted until the next morning.


    Rating 1-5, on my skin this is a 4.

  22. In the bottle: appley sweet.


    Wet: apples.


    Dry down: apples and booze? I think the violets, myrrh, and roses are making my nose think apples.


    30 minutes: smells like candy. Not what I was expecting a Mistress of S & M to smell like.


    Conclusion: I wound up smelling like sweet tarts. Not what I want to smell like. Not for me. For my S & M days I will wear Loviatar or Spanked. :P


    Rating 1-5, on my skin this is a 2.

  23. In the bottle: FLORAL!!! Heady, dark, heavy floral, with that funk smell I associate with jasmine and paperwhites. That underlying ode d' pew that flowers like that have for me.


    Wet: heady, dark super florals. This isn't some demure southern belle, this is a punch you in the nose floral. Funk, funk, funk. I am being chased by ode d' pew.


    Dry down: surprisingly the funk just up and disappeared. This is turning into a very lovely floral. But it is still a floral, and there are very few exceptions for me.


    30 minutes: a lovely little floral. Very femme, very nice.


    Conclusion: Not for me. My mum might love this though, she is a floral gal, or my imp pimp Mandragora.


    Rating 1-5, on my skin 1. As a perfume itself, this is a 4.

  24. In the bottle: soft vanilla.


    Wet:: vanilla powder, like you would add to a glass of milk.


    Dry down: same, soft vanilla powder.


    30 minutes: the same powdery soft vanilla. I am guessing the linen is registering on my skin as powder. I am not really getting florals, which for me is a bonus. I am not much for florals.


    Conclusion: this is lovely. It is very soft and sticks close to the skin, very much like its name. I like this, but it is not me.


    Rating 1-5 on my skin, this is a 3.5. For just being a lovely perfume I give it a 4.

  25. In the bottle: yummy scrumptous vanilla and a figgy pudding, dribbled with rum.


    Wet: vanill cream covered figgy pudding with rum. I am salivating wearing this. :P


    Dry down: vanilla, fig, cream and booze.


    30 minutes: same, doesn't change much. This is lovely.


    Conclusion: vanilla ceream, fig, and booze. his doesn't have a lot of throw and sticks close to my skin. Despite it reminding me of food, it really isn't foody so much as sophisticated. This is what I thought Snake Charmer would smell like on me. I think more of this is in order. :D


    Rating 1-5 on my skin, this is a 4.5.
