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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Furnival

  1. Oh holy f***, I've found it! After years of searching BPAL for the perfect dark, mysterious scent, I gambled on a bottle of this and I am so glad I did- I've used about a quarter of it already and I've only had it a couple of weeks. It's perfect; every ingredient blends so well to create this deep, rich scent- I couldn't put my finger on the patchouli but I know it's there, same with the amber and sandalwood, and the cinnamon takes a back seat but is enough to swerve the scent in a direction it wouldn't have taken without it.

    I had a bottle of beautiful random Amber perfume oil as a teenager and I've searched for years to find a likeness, and this is not only the best likeness I've ever found but better, x 1000. This smells of cavernous, darkly upholstered rooms, mystery and intrigue. It has instantly become my signature scent. Must hoard... :)
