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Everything posted by edenssixthday

  1. edenssixthday

    White Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Coconut

    This smells just like the name states. It's a strong white chocolate scent, with an even stronger coconut note, and the marshmallow is the most subtle of the three. It's extremely sweet, verging on "artificial" smelling, but I love it. I don't tend to like sweet, foody scents, but this one has me on the fence. I'm intrigued by the scent, but am not sure I want to smell like this. I think it might be better if it were a room spray or a bath oil.
  2. edenssixthday

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    Lovers with Rutting Cats - I sniffed this in the decant vial and didn't care for it, so I didn't try it on for a long time. What a shame, because on my skin, it's lovely! It's vanilla-sweet, and the date is really strong and gives it a fruity feel. The oakmoss is strong, but not overwhelming. It's a gorgeous base for the date and vanilla. Red ginger is usually strong, spicy, and unbearable on me, but I don't smell it at all in this blend! There must just be a small amount that keeps the other notes interesting. I really enjoy this one and am so glad I finally tested my decant!
  3. edenssixthday

    Pediophobia v1

    Pediophobia v1 - Back in 2005, I encountered a low-end body lotion by Mark called "Hollywood Pink". I absolutely loved it. This smells *exactly* like it (to me). The dominant note is freesia, but it's blended really well with bright, fruity scents -- not citrusy, but more "fuzzy" -- definitely not peach...perhaps apricot? Perhaps nectarine? I think there may be some calla lily in this, too, and maybe a bit of spun sugar. There's also something slightly dark underneath the bright, fruity and floral notes -- maybe a drop or two of dark musk? It's impossible for me to figure out what the notes in this are! Overall, it's a whimsical fruity-floral that's really different from any other BPAL I've ever smelled, and I adore it.
  4. edenssixthday


    PEXO - This smells like clove and sassafras, plus sweet, spicy woods. It has a "western" feeling, like Tombstone or Dead Man's Hand. I really love it, but it doesn't last long at all on my skin. If I had more, I'd wear it in a scent locket.
  5. edenssixthday


    Coxcomb - This is a light scent, that's predominantly a soft, velvety musk with a background of husky frankincense. I don't smell the red currant at all. It's very strong and lasts a good, long while.
  6. edenssixthday


    Leipreachan - This is a clean, green scent that's earthy without having a "dirt" note. It's slightly soapy, and although I have no idea what clover smells like, I'm just positive there's clover in here -- could be the scent name association doing that for me. It's not a scent that I'm particularly drawn to, but those who like green, grassy scents would love it.
  7. edenssixthday


    P013 - Mmmm.... lemony buttercream and white cake! I don't usually go for foody scents, but this one's really yummy and it doesn't turn to plastic on my skin!
  8. edenssixthday


    PX4 - This is a heavy, heady ginger scent with a heavy musk right beside it. I don't at all smell the booze or sugar other reviewers have noted, although it is sweet, but it seems that mostly comes from the musk. ETA: I read myth's review and had to go back and try it again. Sure enough --that note I ID'd as musk is actually just a really unpleasant, stinky honey. This means it's some sort of honey other than white honey, since white honey is the only honey I can wear.
  9. edenssixthday


    Marotte - This is a lovely, woody pear scent with a hint of patchouli and an even slighter hint of musk. This is a keeper!
  10. edenssixthday

    Eau de Ghoul

    Eau de Ghoul - What an odd combination of scents! The first note I smell is extremely sweet, followed almost instantly by the scent of dust and dirt. It's oozing sweetness, a sweetness that is quite unpleasant in combination with that dust/dirt scent. The only specific notes I can identify are dirt and clove, and the clove is subtle. This is an extremely well-blended perfume oil, but it's definitely not for me.
  11. edenssixthday

    Aphrodite v7

    Aphrodite v7 - Green, green, green greenery...and white lilies. And soap. It's also got a really strong rose scent that amps up after the rest of the notes have softened a bit. The rose is what wafts all around me, and although it's got a hint of soapiness about it, it's not unpleasant.
  12. edenssixthday

    Aswang v1

    Aswang v1 - Sniffing this in the bottle, it smells like ripe, mashed-up bananas with the tiniest hint of something sharp and tangy in the background. It doesn't have that fake banana-candy scent to it -- it smells like real bananas! However, once it touches my skin, the banana scent recedes into the background, and the dominant note becomes a wet, heavy, dark green, banana leaf. Right behind the banana leaf is a soft, sweet musky scent...and some sort of white (?) floral...frangipani perhaps?
  13. edenssixthday

    Invasion of the Flesh-Eating Reindeer from Uranus

    Trampled gingerbread cookies, scattered rum balls, and indestructible, rock-hard fruitcake and a gargantuan squirt of musk. Invasion of the Flesh-Eating Reindeers from Uranus - This smells like spicy gingerbread cookies with a bit of musk. It's the perfect Yule scent. However, I don't like wearing cookie scents on my skin, so this is one for the oil burner. I didn't test it last year in time for the Yule season, but I'm saving it now to use later on this year so my home smells amazing during the cold, Yule season.
  14. edenssixthday


    PPG28 - When it's wet on my skin, it's a woody scent with heavy, green leaves. It smells like pineapple leaf and wood. As it dries down, the heavy, green leafy scent disappears, and what's left is wood and creamy pineapple -- sweet, tangy pineapple. It's the perfect pineapple scent. It smells like *real* pineapple as opposed to an artificially produced pineapple scent. I love it. I really love it!
  15. edenssixthday


    PPGC92 - Sniffing it in the decant vial, it smells like spicy cinnamon oatmeal raisin cookies. It smells amazing! But the instant it touches my skin, it looses all of it's yummy goodness and turns into a terribly "flat" artificial-smelling spicy-dusty-buttery-plastic scent. If I had it in bottle form, I'd totally wear it in a scent locket. As I only have an imp, it's sadly off to the swap pile.
  16. edenssixthday

    Lust v7

    Lust v7 - Oh my, this smells GOOOOOOD! It's a strong red musk and vanilla scent, and is very reminiscent of Snake Oil. The other reviewers have both noted patchouli in this scent, but it's so subtle on me that I wouldn't have recognized it if they hadn't have put that thought into my head. This is a very sexy scent, and is going to age gorgeously. I love it!
  17. edenssixthday

    Astraphobia v1

    Astraphobia v1 - In the bottle and wet on my skin, this smells like lavender and eucalyptus. It's quite strong and pungent. However, both notes burn off very quickly on my skin, and five minutes after I apply, all I smell is a very light, clean scent -- so clean it's almost soapy...but not. It's slightly floral, but I can't pinpoint what type of flower -- definitely something very subtle and soft around the edges. It's a nice scent, and perfect (after the initial blast of scent fades) for those who love soft, light, clean scents.
  18. Thanks for all your input. I'm definitely going to pass Embalming Fluid along to her and check out my imp stash to see if I have any of these others around for her to try, and even if I don't, I can let her know people recommend them. Also, if you haven't tried the Starbucks Green Tea Latte, I can't recommend it enough. It's full of so much yum!!!
  19. edenssixthday

    Aqua Vitae v2

    Aqua Vitae v2 - Wow, this is loaded with champagne! Lots and lots of dry, sparkling champagne. There's also a bright note that reminds me of one of the notes in Spiked Punch and Swank -- it's kind of like lime, kind of like gin, but not fully like either. It's also got a hint of fruit -- not bright and crisp fruits, but something a little more subtle and dry. It's a great boozy scent -- kind of on the overpowering side of things, and I'd have to be careful where I wear this so people don't assume I've been boozing it up! It's a GREAT party scent!
  20. edenssixthday

    Capela Dos Ossos v5

    Capela dos ossos v5 - This is a lovely incense scent. I find most incense blends to be too dry for my taste, but this one is warm, golden, and semi-sweet. It's both subtle and regal at the same time. Others reviewers have noted bone and stone notes -- I wouldn't have come up with that on my own, but now that I read their reviews and think about it, they may be right. There's definitely something else besides the incense. Either way, this is predominantly an incense scent on me and it's quite beautiful.
  21. edenssixthday

    Set v3

    Set v3 - This scent is absolutely amazing on my skin. It's loaded with heavy, sweet, juicy red musk followed closely by florals. I can't pin down the floral note. At times it smells like lilac or wisteria...but it's not. I think there may be a bit of sandalwood and myrrh in the scent, and other dark, resinous notes...perhaps a drop or two of vetiver and maybe a hint of incense? So hard to tell what the various notes are, but it's predominantly a heavy, red musk and floral scent on me. It lasts for a very long time and the throw is quite strong -- this is one to definitely wear in moderation. I love it and will cherish my bottle!
  22. I have a friend who is hoping to find a BPAL scent that will sort of mimic the scent of Starbucks Green Tea Latte's -- earthy, grassy, raw, slightly bitter. I'm not a big fan of green tea scents, so I don't have much in my stash to draw upon. I am planning to give her an imp of Embalming Fluid, but I think with the aloe in it, it might be a little too sweet for her taste. Can anyone recommend any other non-sweet green tea scents that my friend might enjoy? Thanks!
  23. edenssixthday

    Bat of Longevity

    Bat of Longevity - This opens up with a strong lavender and sage scent, but as it warms up on my skin, the lavender recedes into the background and the verbena becomes the dominant note, backed up by the sage, cypress, and a hint of peach. A couple of hours into the wear time, the amber and verbena are the prominant notes, although the overall scent is very faint at this point. It's a light, fresh, summery scent on me. It's not really my type of scent, but I imagine that people who enjoy light, fresh scents would really enjoy this one.
  24. edenssixthday

    Bat of Virtue

    Bat of Virtue - I've been crossing my fingers for a huckleberry scent for years and the only other one (that I'm aware of) was wonderful, but just a bit too green for me. THIS is the huckleberry scent I've been waiting for! It's gorgeous! The top note is definitely the huckleberry, and it's fruity-sweet and absolutely delicious. The frankincense backs up the fruitiness with a nice layer of husky smokiness that deepens and darkens the huckleberry, keeping it from being over-the-top sweet. The other notes are very subtle, and while I catch the occasional fleeting waft of rose and violet, I can't pin them down. I love this blend and will be cherishing my bottle of it.
  25. edenssixthday

    The Zieba Tree

    The Zieba Tree - This doesn't work for me at all. It's mostly a white sandalwood and soap scent on me, with a hint of sweet florals and light musks, but mostly, it's a soapy scent.