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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by undream

  1. out of the imp, it is a combination, for me, of lime & lemon pledge. on the skin, it is all lemon. surprisingly nice & mood-lifting! (surprisingly because lemon/lime scents do not generally appeal to me.)


    also; oddly, this oil makes me thirsty. :)!


    the throw is a soft, warm powder. the oil overall is lovely & sweet-natured. gentle. i don't know that i like this enough on me to keep it, but it would definitely make me sing praises were i to smell it on someone else!

  2. mmmmm. damp, chilly midnight. sweet & light & cool. something in this reminds me of The Ghost. :P


    wearing, a citrusy note comes out on my skin turning it sweet and citrusy and warm, somehow. i detect the wine, also, which i adore. overall, it is just a clean, damp, beautiful scent. almost like wet oranges in the evening, or a wet spring rain.


    yum & yum & yum.

  3. Strong, sweet jasmine! A very heady, sweet, feminine scent. I'm also getting an enormously interesting note up close to my skin on drydown, something with a sweeter bite to it, but I've no idea what it is that I am smelling, only that it seems to be keeping the jasmine from turning into hairspray on me, as it is wont to do!


    Overall, a beautiful oil with lovely throw, and if the jasmine behaves, I will definitely be using up my imp. :)

  4. Aglaea remains consistent for me, from imp to skin through drydown; it is a very golden, warm peach! Peach peach peach, a deep golden, peach wine, intermingled with amber to give it a full, rich feel. It is a lovely scent, delicious, mature - but I think the amber combined with peach is having a negative effect on my tummy. I had the same problem with O and March Hare; some fruity/foody+amber oils are just too rich & heavy for me. :P


    I will give it another try, but I suspect it will be off to swaps with this one. :D

  5. i looove new orleans, so i was very excited to be gifted with this oil from quickslvr!


    &ohmygod, beautiful. very floral and warm and humid. the jasmine is immediately apparent to me, but it is softened and tamed by the honeysuckle. there is a gorgeous spice to this also that is simply making the overall experience like nnnngghh; eye-rollingly delicious.


    i have been trying SO many BPAL jasmine oils recently, seeking that one in which the jasmine sings rather than cries on me. &i think new orleans may be it! :P

  6. i generally love and am always excited to try the ozone/aquatic oils, and lightning is no exception. thank you so much, quickslvr!! :P


    out of the imp, it takes me a moment to realize that this smells almost exactly like lysol cling toilet bowl cleaner, in country scent. and i know how awful that must sound, but it really is not, i actually love the smell of that particular cleaner. (although to be honest, i am not certain that i would wish to smell like it.)


    once on, however, it quickly loses the "cleaner" feel and settles into a bright, tangy scent. very crisp and citrusy and certainly invigorating.

  7. ohmygood god, yum. lush and fruity, sweet, light, juicy, delicious. florals come out more on the drydown.


    chilled, like cool morning dew. refreshing & sensual. absolutely divine. :P

  8. having had problems with jasmine - namely that i love it but find it turns in a bad way on my skin - i was hopeful that this blend would be the one jasmine oil that works on me. &it kind of is. in a way.


    in the imp, it is a soft, pretty perfume. i can detect no one single note, but it does remind me of any lovely feminine perfume one might find at the store. on, the jasmine comes out! &it is warmed by something, but i am not sure what? it gives off a warm, sweet throw, and there is another flower in there, faint, behind the jasmine, tempering it - but i am not sure which floral it is!


    the jasmine does go a little like hairspray for me, as per usual, for a bit, but it is transient; the other notes ground it somehow and keep it from getting out of hand, creating a scent that is simply beautiful.


    i do not know that i would invest in a bottle had someone not sent me one, but i will enjoy it while i have it. :)

  9. this was another oil i had no online access to when i tried it, and so i simply took notes; &my experience with it was very different from the description or, it seems, from anyone else!


    in the imp; cherry kool-aid! very sweet, syrupy. on my skin it is a light, subtle cherry - or, at least, a light, subtle fruity scent. sweet. knowing now the notes in this one, i know that it must be the apricot that is dominating, for me.


    i'm thinking i like this one, but i will need to try it again, just to be sure. :)

  10. i took notes on this one when i tried it, not having access to the forums or the lab's website, nor to the description:


    light & citrusy, and something like eucalyptus? (ohmygoodness, everything smells like eucalyptus to me. i think i simply associate the BPAL herbal notes with eucalyptus; cool and sharp.)


    wearing, libertine morphs into a warm, soft, sweet baby powder.


    very pleasant. i like this one. :)



    ETA almost a month later; my god, i have fallen so in love with this oil! it has become the perfect scent for me to wear to bed, i crave it every night of late. i simply cannot get enough of it. big bottle covet list, for sure. <3 <3 <3!!!

  11. this was very herbaly & sharp in the imp, for me. as soon as i put it on, it warmed a bit and i immediately smelled the jasmine; my skin, i am learning, really amps the BPAL jasmine note! this is a wonderful thing, as i loooooove jasmine, but that jasmine does not loooooove me and will eventually turn a bit acrid/hairspray-like up close on my skin. :P


    so; jasmine and an herbal, green bite! nice, but not really me, and the jasmine hating my face means dreamy oneiroi is fated for swaps. boo. :D

  12. Miss isyche recently gifted me with Euphrosyne, &I am so glad I got the chance to try it!


    Wet, it is light, warm & sweet, floral and slightly creamy. On, it becomes creamier, warmer, more lush and, after reading the description, I know that it is the jasmine and vanilla that I am smelling. YUM.


    I absolutely LOVE jasmine, but jasmine seems to have a love/hate thing going on for me in that it sings like an angel in the throw, but I cannot seem to find a jasmine oil that does not turn into an unappealing hairspray note against my skin, and Euphrosyne is no exception. :D


    I absolutely love vanilla as well (although did mistakenly think for a while that BPAL vanilla did not work on me - am now suspecting the culprit is amber!), and the throw of this oil, for me, seems to be almost all a delicious warm & dusty vanilla, with a subtle peek-a-boo jasmine haunting in the background. It is simply divine, but right up against my skin? Hairspray. :P


    Alas, the search continues. As well as the promise to find Euphrosyne a good home. Sighsigh.

  13. This one is complicated for me.


    Phantom Queen was very elusive in the imp, I had a hard time picking up any sort of scent at all. Wearing, however, it quickly became very sharp, strong, and masculine on me. It smells to my nose like I am wearing men's cologne.


    Given some time, a sweetness emerges, mostly in the throw, but the men's cologne is still there on me. Disappointing; I do not want to smell like a boy. :(


    Given more time, I can detect a definite feminine quality around this masculine thing going on - a beautiful, sweet berry/dusty-powder equal alongside the cologne smell - like yin & yang - and it is overall a deeply appealing scent. That bite of cologne, however . . . SIGH, I just don't know . . .


    I think I may need to keep this one around for a while and try it again. Perhaps we just need some time to get to know one another. ;)

  14. Ohmygod, I love this one.


    Sweet fruit, clean, &I swear I detect faint citrus in there somewhere? There is a playful, elusive creamy note as well, & something tart. A very juicy YUM.


    About 30 mins in, a brief cinnamon/spice note pleasantly surprises me, but it is there & gone in just a scant few breaths.


    This oil is COMPLICATED to my little nose. Once it calms down, however, it reminds me almost exactly of Blood Countess! All plum. And I. Am IN LOVE. :P

  15. This oil was a gift imp from isyche; thank you, Tahlia!! :P


    Silk Road to me smells clean, very sharp & green, a pleasant bite with very little throw. It has a fresh-cut grass quality about it, it reminds me of bamboo, things atmospherically & botanically oriental; I had the distinct image of walking down a road paved with light sand, tall bamboo stalks on either side.


    I also detected an elusive creamy note in there somewhere? Mmmm.


    Overall a very unique & interesting, lovely scent. I wasn't terribly certain about this one upon my first try? But after a second go-around, I admit, I'm hopelessly smitten. :D

  16. To my surprise, Asphodel is at first a beautiful Honeysuckle! Wearing, it turns slightly more musky on me, but refreshing & green green green!, i.e. musky but herbal. Like a cool spring rain. And, for a moment, am I getting something citrusy? Mmm.


    This is just gorgeous, a beautiful floral. After a few hours' wear, it fades into a peculiar almost-hairspray after-scent that some of the BPAL florals are wont to do on me (&I am beginning to think I am alone in this!), but it is not nearly as strong with this one as it is with some of the others, so I am hoping with a few more tries I can get over it; I really like this oil.


    Final verdict? :P!!

  17. BEAUTIFUL. Having not been able to check the description or any reviews for this oil beforehand, I had no idea what I was smelling when I tried this on, but I was falling in love the minute I opened my little imp! :D


    Light, fruity & floral - and somehow clean - were the only descriptive words I could think to use, at first. Now, it is clear that the plum in this scent was avidly courting me (&I absolutely love plum in BPAL oils!), but I also did get the slight muskiness as well, &just: mmmmmmmmmmm.


    Overall, a gorgeous, gorgeous scent, and I am seriously considering a bigger bottle of this one. :D


    Edit nearly two years later! :P

    With my more experienced nose I'm now better able to tell that this oil is mostly all plum for me at first, with the warmer florals coming out after a bit of wear. It is still so gorgeous it almost breaks my heart (oh, plum, how I love thee!), but I think the jasmine does not so nice things after a while. I adore Jasmine so so so much, but BPAL jasmine sadly does not adore me. At all. EVER. :D


    I think I am reluctantly and with great heartache giving this one up for swaps. :D

  18. Mygod, I love this oil. It reminded me almost exactly of Niflheim (mygod, I love that oil) - a lighter version, perhaps - but unfortunately, I did not get the chance to compare them side by side, so I could be way off.


    A wet, ozoney scent, exactly the kind of scent I adore. I did not get any sort of rotting wood smell that others here have gotten, simply a clear, airy water scent; like a cool early morning after a night of steady, light rain.


    Love it. LOVE IT. :P

  19. Mmm, wine & leather. On my skin, it becomes mostly wine, which is lovely; I absolutely love the BPAL wine (&leather!) notes. Overall, The Black Tower is definitely a more masculine scent, I think, but I love it for myself as well and cannot wait to get my hands on an imp or bottle of my own. I simply could not stop sniffing at it when I tried it! :P

  20. I bought Mad Hatter for a friend, but of course, I had to sneak a sample before handing it over. :)


    Light & cool, minty chocolate! Both in the imp & on my skin. It immediately reminds me of Andies Candies. A yummy, invigorating oil, but not especially "me." Still, am glad I had the chance to try it! :)

  21. Muse was a lab freebie for me (&thank you!!) which actually came with an order of imps I had bought solely for a friend. So, yay, bonus for me!


    My first impression of this one, without being able to read up on the description or any of the reviews before trying it, was that it was sweet & herbally. On my skin, it morphed into a soft, sweet, almost powdery floral. It really is an extremely sweet & lovely scent (clearly, as I cannot stop calling it "sweet!"), and a perfect namesake. :)


    This imp is a keeper.

  22. I've been desperately wishing to try The Queen of Hearts from the moment I read her description for the very first time, &I finally got the chance due to all the awesome of miss quikslvr. :P


    This one smells at first like delicate maraschino cherry & soft, white flowers. On, the cherry quickly fades, &the scent morphs into a clean, almost soapy scent, but sweet & floral as well. And almost wet? Mmmm, the longer it is on, the more luscious & lovely it becomes.


    It is not at all how I would imagine the Queen of Hearts, &it is different from what I expected, but it is absolutely beautiful for me! Haven't quite made up my mind on if I'd like a big bottle just yet (I'm thinking yes!), but I'm definitely - &happily! - using up my imp. :D!

  23. Dark, chilly & smoky, a very black oil. Charred. Unfortunately, Darkness does not sit well on me at all and becomes an almost acrid smoke on me. :D


    (With a hint of hairspray? Again with the hairspray! My wonky chemistry turns many lovely BPAL scents to hairspray. :P )



    Fated for the swap pile. /sigh
