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Everything posted by Gothabillywench
Site update in progress. Good & bad news.
Gothabillywench replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
I'm with lorajc, how soon can we order the new scents. There are some other scents, (ie Old Amsterdam, Old Dublin, Perversion) that I would love to try and are not listed on the site. Is there a scent description for Beltane? Uh oh I hear that little girl from Willy Wonka singing "i want it all" in my head. Hmm, maybe I had better go to work. Hey- I'm all for a "Veruca Salt" scent! Too perfect for this bossy little Daddy's girl! -
Since I seem to need to reiterate it...
Gothabillywench replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
s'ok doll- I figured my package was being open & tested at customs anyway- should've see what I had to go through on the weekend just going to Sydney & back! They're getting really tight here so am just keeping everything crossed that the last package you sent is just being held up at customs rather than going to that random man in Ghana! *lol* Your package from em will be sent out this week- may make it today as I've been bed ridden all yesterday with this bug I brought back from Sydeny ick. -
Site update in progress. Good & bad news.
Gothabillywench replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
Had to rush off before so didn't get to write my "woo hoos" about new scents. * Beth- the M.O's on it's way soon as I just pm'd you to let you know that I got the thing stopped & the cash has been sent back to me so I'll cash it & get it out to you again Here's hoping it's 2nd time lucky for your cash & my package this time!! & next time I'll have a credit card so will use that for next order to save this hassle, I really mistrust the USPS big time now. A package from Redwitche gets here in 5 days, another parcel from an online compant 2 weeks, & yours takes a few attempts & still to arrive?! Good to see they're consistent....consitently bad!! to quote Eddie "I'm chanting as we speak" *we will both get our goods, we will both de stress & be happy little vegemites* ruff u -
Site update in progress. Good & bad news.
Gothabillywench replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
Oh p-shaw! What's a few extra bucks?! For heaven's sake you could charge double & I'd still buy a shitload!! The UPS/Fed ex sounds good- I'm happy to go with that as I actually think they work out cheaper for international (I think- been a while since i got something via UPS) & it's less stress for you guys so rock on! I am soooooooooooo PUMPED about the new smellies!! Yay! -
czerznobog- cher (like chair)- no- bog that's about all I can think of right now.
I think Beth just re-sent mine for the 2nd or third time & I've not got anything yet so fingers crossed- you're not alone, the USPS seems to dislike anything outside the states! I'm hoping like hell it gets here as a) It's stressing Beth out & It's got me a bit despondant too as I'm starting to wonder if it'll ever get here (I originally ordered late Jan/early Feb) it's frustrating as once it leaves Beth's hands it's really at the mercy of the USPS & they seem to have a fit about anything marked "perfume" or "oil" on customs forms of late.. like we're really going to make bombs from this stuff?? Stink-bombs maybe (but the good kind you let off after a normal stink bomb to cover the fart smell with pretty flowers
Does that include internationals? I have no credit card so cc now doesn't apply to me (yet- have just bit the bullet & applied for a visa) -
I know this may not be helpful to anyone outside Melbourne, but this was described by a friend of mine as a "Brunswick St" scent. & She's right, it was Brunnie St in a bottle- bohemian yet chic, melting pot of cultures, edgy & in your face but not in a flashy way. Smell wise on me this seems to be the same "family" as haunted, Loviatar & Spellbound in how it reacts on me & makes me feel. It's sexy, but whereas the others are 'come hither" sexy, this is more an everyday sexy smell. The kind of sexy you are when you're not trying to be. It's self assuredness in a bottle. This is the smell to wear when you want to march to the beat of your own drum.
long lasters on me are Spellbound, Haunted. Loviatar, Strength & Saturnalia
Y'see I'm all about Saturnalia here. Love my violet but love my smokey spicy as well so this one's perfect. Le Serpent qui Danse is good also for something lighter. Mum has Marie & if memory serves I wasn't overly fond of it. Wings of Azrael was a little too sweetly violet per moi. Like mine with a bit of bite- Mum has Ultraviolet so will have to try that out as I know she loves it Getting Old Sybaris & Veil in current order so jury's still out on the best violet smell. Curious to try Raven
My mother's hooked- She's an Old Venice & Les Fleurs du Mal girl...But now we've gone & got Nonna hooked. She's where we all get our perfume addiction from- It all starts with Nonna- lifelong Chanel 19 girl & She's been converted to Hakkotsu & Belladonna!
Woo-Hoo!!! My friends are going to all be converted & then they'll covert ther friends etc... *plotplotplot* Already got one obsessed with Haunted & Snake Oil & another who ordered with me lives for Jezebel, Red wants "BIIIIIG bottles of Villain & Czernobog.. & so it begins..slowly slowly catchee monkey
OOOHH!!! Egg-citment plus!! Beth- if I was one of the pesky ones that went astray causing a second package to be shipped you are aware what I'll do with the duplicates?? *ding dong* "Hello, Friendly neighbourhood BPAL lady calling" ... I'm having a Tuppaware party in April too- can you picture me spruiking? "Buy $100 worth of Tuppaware so I get my hostess gift & I'll give you X # of BPAL vials of your choice- sniff away ladies & spend up. Pay off the credit card then hit this website & spend again!" Yep- doubles= Inga goes Christian missionary like & converts the masses I'd feel guilty keeping doubles when I can spread the joy & send business your way!!
Getting sick of orders showing up as delivered...
Gothabillywench replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
Hmm, sounds like what Australia post are now doing. Not so long ago if no one answered we got the little yellow slip in the letterbox to say "come & pick it up" as they'd take it back to the delivery centre. If that's still the case it's cool. But if what they are doing now is like what the USPS are doing then I'd rather sign for it as I may be moving into a block where there is a security entrance & the idea of parcels being left out for everyone in my apartment block & street to pass by doesn't thrill me. -
Getting sick of orders showing up as delivered...
Gothabillywench replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
I'm for it! Normally someone (mum or my sister) is home so the postie hand delivers parcels to them, if noone was home they should leave a note saying "you weren't in please pick up parcel from blah office" Now, lately Oz Post have been leaving parcels at the door instead if we're not in. Now I don't know if they do this 'cause we live in a safe area & out doorstep is far from the road or if it's standard procedure now. So I'm all for signing for it as, given I'm moving into an apartment block soon, I'd rather the mild inconvenience of having to pick something up from the P.O than having some theiving bugger help themself to my stuff! -
*bounces* Yay!!!! That answers my question
*giggle* caffine...I should have sent your b'day pressie earlier! : So happy to hear you're perking up a bit sweetheart! *hugs* One crisis ends another may begin...but I'll wait another week before I panic.... edited to say: poi poi!! don't want to jinx anything!! No crisis yet *manra mode on:all is well all is well* & also I originally typed this post at work & was rushed so can now add lotsa these for ya!
don't be so confused! as you probably know there's been so many problems with the mail lately, i'm still waiting on an order from feb 7th - i expect it to come next week now since beth informed us that the mail police are being extremely cautious about things going across the borders lately don't worry - it'll show up! I haven't had word about mine so seeing as I ordered around same time as you I'd imagine it'll arrive a week or so after yours arrives as a) other side of planet here so actually logistically takes more time & we have quite possibly the strictest customs etc.. in the world- we can't even take fruit on planes going interstate!! So I'm not stressed. I know Beth will find my e-mails among the mess & let me know it's on it's way- from that point on I'll count the days with muchos egg-citement, but til then, I'm happy to hang back. I told my friend who ordered with me about all the shite happening & she was the same- in fact she said beth must be an extraordianry woman to have not just ripped her hair out & yelled "F**k it all!" & run off to join a circus! *lol* As that is how we would react..but obviously our girl in L.A's made of tougher stuff
Wonder if that's why mine hasn't rocked up yet as Aussie customs are so anal they can't sit down for fear of sucking up the seat... Had one of my imp's swaps opened by customs last week... buggers!
Well that about does it! If I win the lottery I am now definitly buying a plane & setting up the BPAL express- Stopping in LA twice a week & hand delivering orders to everyone! No customs, no nothing, I'll be like John Travolta with his plane which Qantas just threw at him if he became a good will ambassador for the company. So I reckon I'll have a big purple plane (I don';t know why purple- prolly as noone else has used that colout yet) & I'll fly around the world doing this & have the back section for orders & front section a plush area where teh boy & other friends from the corners of the globe can chill out in til next touch down. I always wanted to be a pilot...a fighter pilot or bomber admittedly, not domestic- RAAF all the way, but that was back in the days where the chance of being in actual real combat was small...changed my mind of late! All I ask is a cup of tea or coffee & time for a little chit chat when I drop off a package to keep me going til my next stop
*uber massive hugs* If you need to talk you know where to find me doll (after you've had your rest of course!! & You will rest & sleep til your name changes to Rip Van Beth, Dr Inga's orders there) All the best for the procedure & may it be quick & painless
Email. Well, I knew I'd f*ck it up, and I did.
Gothabillywench replied to kebechet's topic in Announcements
I just forwarded the sent mails so they should be there now -
Ingrid no url I think that pic of me drunk at 17 should be appropriate but sure I have even more embarrasing ones you could use Sin- can I have a hybrid Lust/anger??? as the two go hand in hand with me- I lust after men who aggravate me, I love a good fight! One sin triggers off the other & vice versa Virtue? Vampishness- or sassiness, not sure though if my brand of Vamp is more sassy or saucy or a bit of both. Aries sun Scorp moon & rising - Found out about BPAL through chatting to Beth on the Goth auctions forums & seeing auctions there also through fetish kitten as I updated her detials on the site when the lab last had a big change. comments? Obsessed with the lab & all the gorgeous smells & adore Beth & am proud to call her friend I'm very picky with onlne friends as I find the net can be a cold forum but when I started chatting with Beth it's like I can visualise her there yakking away ciggie in hand - she's so animated in her writing that I got a visual & could tell she's the sort of person that if I met in the street we'd have made friends right there & then as she reminds me of what my non-online friends are like- the coomon threads my friends all have- uber intelligent & educated, rapier wits, natural born cynics, artsists, comedians & all round crazy people.
ooh crapulence, I sent paypal too & didn't even thnk about that. *slaps forehead* Hope the paypal funds got there ok!! Eep! The $ hasn't bounced back (far as I know) so I guess it must be getting through?
I have a new favourite!!! This is the BUSINESS This perfume makes me think of the phrase "slap & tickle" the slap is the sharp undercurrent of leather I get wafting the whole day through with the "tickle" of the ambery spice & softness lingering & teasing along with it. Think the boy will go ga-ga for this one! Wear it with a leather corset! This is sooooo me it's uncanny. I want a vat of it to bathe in!! best news- while most BPAL smells have great longevity on me, this is as strong now at nearly 11p.m as it was 12 hours ago when I grabbed the swap package from seirona out of my letterbox & dabbed it on before heading to work! Uber potent is Loviatar! Has not faded one iota!