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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by lorajc

  1. I'm having a great deal of pain this week. I have a bulging disc in my neck (3 of them) and my condition has worsened considerably over the past few months, and substantially over the past 3 days. Being on the computer all day at my job (and at home) is actually aggravating it also. Does anyone have experience with a certain blend helping deal with pain and does anyone have any good pain rub advice. Currently, I'm using Biofreeze that I get from a Chiropractic office, as they don't sell it in the store. Has anyone ever tried Carla's Concoctions Pain Relief Massage Oil? I saw this advertised in my fitness magazine and I'm curious.


    Also, if you guys (I mean ladies) see me start to disappear a bit over the next couple of weeks, it's because my hand and arm have been tingling and starting to go numb and the computer is aggravating it, so I may have to try to stay off of the computer at home.........UGH....the thought of that just kills me!

  2. I have placed $300 orders before and shipping was only $12.50, which is what the site says it should be, but the site charged me $20 for shipping. Anyone know about this?


    Then, stupid me, thought that the King and Queen of Diamonds would not be available UNTIL November 15th. After I realized it was available until the 15th, I had to place a second order. Ugh $28 in shipping charges sucks. Thats a couple bottles!!

  3. That's really weird that you had that happen. I just got a rash on my left inner elbow from BPAL. I have sensitive skin and do have occasional redness, burning and irritation from some of the oils, but that doesn't stop me from wearing them. However a few days ago, I developed a bunch of whitish looking bumps in the crook of my elbow and when I scratched it, it became a lot worse. That is the one spot that gets a lot of oil. I always touch up there during the day also. I've been using cortisone ointment on it for 3 days now and it is much bettter but still not gone. I have not touched the spot with oil lately. When it heals, I will start reapplying there again, but maybe not to the degree I was before.

  4. I had to wear this again before I could review it, as it is such a complex scent and I wanted to give it a fair review (being a Libra). I liked this more the second time I wore it. I am not really familiar with any of the notes in it other than the blackberry wine, apple cider and myrrh. I do also know sage a bit, but only from a few other blends and I've never smelled it on its own. I think I'm still warming up to this one and need to wear it a few more times. It is a wonderful autumn blend and would be perfect to wear on a beautiful autumn outing when the air is crisp and the leaves are falling. That's the sort of visual association I got from this (and I never get visualizations from scent). It's like a pumpkin festival scent. It would make a very nice room scent if you couldn't wear it, however, all of the notes agreed with me. It turned to a blackberry wine, appley scent with the myrrh grounding it. Lovely autumn scent and well blended. This is very complex and unique.

  5. I wore this for the 2nd time yesterday and I'm still not sure quite what I think of it. It defintely goes on buttery and creamy with the pumpkin and then it turns to a strong floral and then about an hour into wear, it severely fades into a very soft floral with a very slight hint of wine/apple. I'll have to try applying in my lotion first to give it more staying power.

  6. I have the same problem with work. Basically, I find anything I really love, like the cinnamon blends, especially my cinnamon Chaos Theory, Eclipse, Chimera, etc. Dana Oshee is extremely comforting, as is Sudha Segara. Voodoo blends Joy Mojo and Water of Notre Dame are the best for a fucked up working environment, as well as Crucible of Courage. Sometimes I wear Crucible of Courage and Water of Notre Dame.


    Good luck with your job and if you have any words of wisdom for a fellow BPALer, please feel free to advise me!! I can't deal with the pressure of my job and the assholes in my department! Sorry, don't mean to sound like a bitch, but I've never been treated so shitty from a group of RN's who think the are Queen Shit!


    I'm done now.....sorry for the brief hijack and vent :P

  7. Generally, any scent that I love will usually do the trick, however, I find Dana Oshee and Sudha Segara to be extremely comforting scents. They make me feel better when I'm having the worst of days and I feel like nothing can help me.

  8. Another perfect example of Beth's abilitiy to create a truly gorgeous, unique and perfectly blended scent. I should have known better than to doubt her, however, I have a problem with some vetiver and oakmoss blends and these were listed in the description.


    This goes on deep and creamy fruity. The opponax grounds it (I believe opponax is a resin like myrrh) and gives it depth and the oakmoss blends with the woods and gives it just a slightly green, woody depth to it. The plum and blackberrry are the same fuzzy kinda fruit that I smelled in The Queen of Spades, not a thick, syrupy, sweet fruit, but a luscious tart, fresh fruit that just gives a touch of fruitiness and mystery to the scent. After the scent dries down a bit, the coconut and vanilla blend to make it creamy and they blend with the white musk lightening the scent to a fruity, creamy, cloud of goodness. Yum.....glad I bought more than 1 bottle. I'm very happy with this. I love the Queen equally and they do compliment each other very nicely. Very nicely done by Beth.

  9. I knew I'd like this, as I'm a huge fan of deep fruity florals and this does not disappoint. Amber wears very well on me, as do fruits, especially berries. This went on smelling like a deep berry, slight floral blend. I can't really pull out any particular notes. I didn't think it was quite as strong as others do. I tend to like the stronger scents though. I actually thought this was well blended and fairly light wearing on me. Every time I sniffed my arm, I smelled a "fuzzy plum or blackberry" if there were such a thing. To explain better, it smelled more like a ripe fresh piece of fruit versus a fruity syrup. I did not think it was sweet, but rather tart. The amber and myrrh just gave this depth were so well blended that I couldn't pick them out. I don't think they were very prominent in the scent. Sometimes myrrh leaves a funny drydown on me -- kinda like a burnt smell and this blend didn't do this at all. I thought this was a very uplifting scent. I loved the way the fruit smelled so fresh, like a bursting blackberry and plum. mmmmmmm. I'll wear this often.

  10. This goes on with a tangy bite. Sort of reminds me of Tintagel, but a rose version of Tintagel. It is very unique and definitely a "trademark" BPAL scent. I'm not a huge rose lover, but I do like it occasionally blended with certain other notes. This seems to be one that works for me. I like the tang when first applied. I've had it on for about an hour now and the drydown is making the tang soften a bit. The rose is very much in the background just sort of floating under the juniper berry which is most prominent on me. The dragon's blood adds it's depth and sweet fruitiness (for those of you that are familiar with this resin) and the orris blends ever so softly with the backdrop of the rose. Right now, this seems like it will be a pretty long lasting scent, but we'll see. I do like this a lot mostly for its uniqueness. You couldn't touch anything like this by any other company. That's what I love about BPAL.

  11. I'm wearing my Chaos Theory LXXIII today and I'm absolutely in love with it. I am very disappointed that I can't reorder this. It is a real gem in my eyes. It is cinnamon/candy type of scent. I don't know how else to describe it. It doesn't really smell floral, just sweet and cinnamony. The air conditioning is blasting here at work and I have my space heater and it's heating the oil on me and making this beautiful cloud of Chaos Theory around my work area. It really makes me happy. I am in LOVE with this stuff. I wish I could explain it better, but I can't. I think I own every cinnamon scent Beth makes and this is unlike any of them. It is in a category all it's own.


    I ended up selling my other 2 bottles of Chaos Theory, as they were eucalyptusy, and one was mint/chocolate with a creamy coconut undertone and they weren't me.

  12. This is the first time I'm reviewing a scent I didn't care for. I much prefer Snake Oil or O. I thought I'd love this but sadly the myrrh and ylang ylang don't smell right on my skin. I just tried Erato and I had the same thing happen and I think it had myrrh and ylang ylang in it also.

  13. Imp




    I haven't been near a commercial perfume blend for 10 years or so and have no idea what the VS scent smells like, but the above blends are to die for. They are all favorites of mine and I love amber. You can't go wrong with any of them.


    ETA: Old Morroco is also a very lovely blend. I'm not sure if it has Amber in it though.

  14. I really like this one, but there is an unfamiliar note to my nose. It must be the thyme, as I don't cook and I never know my herbs. Upon applying, the mint and lavender are most prominent. It is sweet but as it dries, the thyme comes through more. I guess that's what it is cuz it reminds me of sage. Also when I first put this on, I thought I smelled something spicy but that faded (almost would have guessed a touch of cinnamon - but maybe I just hope for every scent to have cinnamon in them cuz I love it so much). This initial spicy phase dried down into an herbal stage with the bergamot, lavender very much in the background. I can't pick out the almond note. I love almond........so I wish I could smell it more, but I think it more or less just wraps itself lightly around the lavender, thyme and bergamot. I cannot detect the mint on the drydown. I've only had this on for an hour and it is really starting to fade and I slathered it on. I think that makes this a very light herbal fragrance that will need serious reapplication. It is a very calming sort of blend though and I do agree with the idea of a hug.


    ETA: I can see my 5 ml being gone in a flash with this, as I love, no LOVE the initial scent so much more than the dry down.


    After I wore this for a few hours, I got used to the thyme and I could smell the orange and almond on the drydown. It was very soft, comforting and it is absolutely gorgeous at this stage. Sort of reminds me of orange Dana Oshee....just a bit reminiscent of it. I love this stuff and can't get enough of it!! Another fave! Good job Beth. This is another unique and beautiful fragrance.

  15. Oh my, I just sampled this one and it is divine. It sort of reminded me of Phantasm or Embalming Fluid, but better. It smells slightly fruity and sweet at first. I just tested this on my wrist, but I must slather this one on for the full effect...soon. Perfect for warmer weather. It is heavenly. I think this could possibly end up being one of my new favorites and I usually go for the deeper, spicy, resinous scents, but this is so uplifting and absolutely the best light scent I've smelled recently. I think this will appeal to many different people.....just my opinion. Upon sniffing it again from the vial, It is a bit sweet, so maybe it won't appeal to as many as I thought. I like sweet, so I really shouldn't judge the intensity of sweetness. I can't say enough about this one though. I'm really glad Beth included a sample, as the notes aren't listed and I wasn't sure I'd like it. This is a pleasant surprise.

  16. I just sampled this on my wrist. I haven't yet slathered it on and worn it all day, but I just wanted to say how lovely this is. It is coffee and jasmine wet (mostly coffee) but it dries to a gorgeous soft rose/jasmine floral with the warmth of vanilla and tonka. I cannot detect the fig. The coffee stays ever so slightly hanging in the background. It is truly unique and lovely!

  17. I got a sample of this with my last order and I loved it as I thought I would. I am a big fan of most of the dragon's blood scents and love aquatic, so I was pretty sure I'd like this. It is aquatic and grounded with the dragon's blood which really gives it staying power. I only tested this a bit from the imp....I didn't slather like I usually do, so I can't really give it an accurate review yet. It's gorgeous though.


    EDIT: Merged this post and the next into the existing topic. --Shollin

  18. I'm not a huge fan of florals, but I do like some of them. This was one that definitely got my attention. I liked the strength of it and it had good throw. The chamomile added softness to it and calmed me a bit. The lilac and rose blend so well, you can barely differentiate them. The lemon just gave it a little fruity kick and was not the unbearable type of lemon you get with some fruit blends. This was very lovely. I put this on at lunch at work after wearing a scent to work that I didn't particularly care for. This really cheered me up.
