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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Northernminx

  1. Strawberry bubblegum, mingled with red licorice and lollypops. Holy smokes... there's a faint wispy floral under there somewhere but the bubblegum hated me and my wrists smelled like a candy store gone wrong. Jailbait? Definitly. PERFECTLY captured.

    Just oh so not me :P

  2. Vertiver and patchouli to start, this is the only Dragon's Blood blend that hasn't gone somewhat fruity on me thus far. Musky, heady, dangerous and sinister. The cinnamon creeps in with some spice after a while, making this a little more exotic. This is coming off really masculine on me so I'm going to add it to swaps despite the intoxication.

  3. Almost astringent and sharply herbal at first (I'm noting lots of herbal in the voo doo blends) this quickly mellows into a light, soothing floral with an herbal undertone. It was barely detectable on after a bit, but was light and calming and subtley soothing. Pretty, but off to swaps as a perfume blend at least.

  4. Herbal, light, incensey. I didn't get a lot of strength or anything incredibly different from this one, although it was not unpleasant. It was a very "voo doo" scent, reminiscent of smokey, dark places that sell mysterious things. Nice but not going to miss this one. Off to swaps.

  5. Bright and fruity in the bottle, blackberry and currant on me. This is a rich, fruity scent, reminiscent of the last bushel of ripe summer berries. Mischeivous, fun, and oh so beautifully berry. It reminded me of those little sugar pellet coated red and black jelly berry candies, evanescant and fun and juuust dark enough to not be too little-kid.


    Definite keeper.

  6. I really dislike the orifice reducers, I emailed Nella to ask her to leave them out of the 5mls I have on order. They either dispense way too much oil or nothing comes out and I end up shaking the bottle. Then of course, a whole bunch comes out all over the place. When you take the reducers out, you end up wasting a whole bunch of oils. So it will be nice to get the bottles from the lab without them. I just got some caps with glass wands here, they fit the lab's 5mls perfectly.


    There's no problem with spillage Chupa? These look great and I'm thinking of ordering some, I just want to make sure they'll fit the bottles okay both in the box and when I travel on occasion :P

  7. Smokey and woodsy to start, this turned fruity and tart with the fig while still wet. As the oil dried down, myrrh crept in, softening and sweetening it. Unfortunately after about ten minutes of glorious interplay, the notes sort of all fell in on eachother on me and became that lovely but not really stand-out "generic fruityish BPAL" on me. Pretty but my chemistry didn't like it as much as I wanted it to. Off to swaps.

  8. Curry and saffron in the wet phase, this smelled like going to an Indian grocer, sharp and spicey and interesting. I didn't think I'd like smelling like saffron and curry but it was a decidedly yummy smell. Anise started to peek in as the saffron calmed down, sweetening this. The blend was almost floral for a while and then was very licorice.


    I love this one, unusual and spicey and exotic. Of course it's been discontinued. Keeping the imp!

  9. A strong floral in the imp, this one was almost overwhelming for the first twenty minutes of wear. There's a strong note of lotus and some other flowers I can't identify, but the curious part of this is that the aquatic notes don't fade on me as they do on some of the aquatic blends. This one stays strong and almost salty, like a grove of flowers dipped in cold, deep sea water. It's lovely and mysterious and cooling. Figures I'd fall in love with this one and it's no longer available :P

  10. oh purr purr purr...


    Lots of cinnamon and clove in the bottle, on me the clove is predominant (Happy happy yay!) with an undernote of cinnamon and the pepper keeping this from being too sweet. It does sweeten a bit as it mellows but it's less a baking scent and more of a spicey one. Absolutely gorgeous and strong - a little goes a long way. I'll be sending my spare imp of this to the beloved as he also loves clove.


    mmm yumyum definite keeper.

  11. Sharp, minty, and herbal in the vial and for the first half hour or so. This dries down into a dusty, light floral with a touch of mint. It's pleasing, it's definitly soothing, very much a cat curled up with a good book scent. I can't quite speak on its abilities at work just yet but it is nice enough that I'll keep the imp around

  12. just had a mild epiphany, but I could be wrong...does anyone know if the intervocalic consonant in Samhain is a voiced bilabial fricative? That would make SO much sense, in my mind...


    I never thought I would hear that outside of class, nevermind understand it....linguist? Or like me are they making you learn this for teaching and/or voice?


    Although I believe defining the consonant would depend on the context. If we go with the "proper" pronunications given isn't it a different type of sound? voiced bilabial glide? Something? Moo.

  13. Dear lord I thought the imp was going to attack me when I opened it. Definitly Gardenia, lots of it in there, but there's vanilla as well which mellows this out, and a faint cinnamon spice to something in there. Nutmeg maybe as well.


    Seductive, floral, but not wimpy. This is feminine without the pretty lace and frills. Kama Sutra sort of feminine, slinky, and striking. This is STRONG. one small dab on my wrists lasted half the day (a record for me)


    I'm still deciphering if I will keep this: I can, after all, only wear so many heavy florals and I'm actually quite inclined to give this one to my mother. The imp shall remain however.

  14. It took me about fifteen minutes to stop giggling at Dark Mother's review before I could write my own.

    Incensey and strong in the bottle, the rose didn't appear in this until I put it on. I also have to say this is one assertive rose. Less floral, the patchouli and sandalwood keep a very incense and herb base under a dry, rose scent. It's not wet flowers, but preserved or dried ones and with the patchouli it keeps this from being a light sweet floral.


    Definitly an "I can still curb stomp you" kinda floral.

  15. Strong and a little scary in the bottle. This was very smokey for the first ten minutes, smokey and yet wet, like the scent of a fire burning on a cold autumn morning when you first go outside. This has dried into something a little spicier, but that smokey undertone remains making this just a little too masculine for me. Sophisticated but somehow dangerous and a bit sinister. I like it, but it's not something I'd wear a great deal so off to swaps.

  16. Very fruity and plum and blackberry are predominant. There is a smoothness to this however, vanilla smoothing things out a bit? Not exactly a masculine scent - though it could be. This one goes either way and smells lovely on me as well. Another imp from the Tygher for testing, while I adored it, someone who needed cheering up adored it more so I passed it to her for swaps.

  17. A gifted precious imp from the lovely Tygher let me try this one out.


    Cherry and smoke are the predominant notes on me and the blend starts off sticky sweet and fruity before the smoke comes through, almost like smoke sticking to your skin. I didn't get much clove in this which was quite sad as I adore clove. This was a very night club smell, dark and a little grungy and sinfully decadant. Alas, not me so much so I'll swap it off for someone else to try.

  18. Chocolatey and smooth in the vial, this ends up being chocolatey but with a more earthy, vanilla twist to it than some of the other chocolate scents. This isn't a hershy bar chocolate, more the faint smell outside of a Godiva store, more smooth and creamy than anything else. The myrrh keeps a nice undertone but this ends up a bit similar to O on me so I'll send it off to swaps.

  19. Love is too weak a word for this scent. It started off very much like snake oil, the vanilla of the tonka bean predominant and I was very kinda "eh generic bpal scent" on it for the first half hour. It's a lovely smell, but nothing that in and of itself would make me buy more.


    But then oh then... helloooo clove and spice. A gorgeous clove goodness under the tonka bean starts to emerge and blends beautifully. This is exotic, decadent, rich, and spicey and golden. A DEFINITE keeper.

  20. Lots of vanilla in this, and despite the sweetness of the floral, this remains a lot like snake oil on me. Musky, golden, glowing and with a faint floral violet tone that seems to last and last and last. Lovely but in the end it's not so much different on me as Snake oil for it to be added to the keeper list.

  21. Bubblegum fruitness for a while that fades into a soft delicate floral. Very feminine, very youthful, very innocent. This is sunlight and joy and sweetness, but almost too much so. I'd love this on my nieces, but on me it's almost just too youthful and makes me feel less silly and more naive. Cute but off to swaps.

  22. "Oooohh, Pink goes good with green!"


    Yes, yes Galinda .. we know. And while I'm on the 'Wicked' kick, I may as well say it .. -this- is the scent Galinda would wear. I've not yet picked out Elphaba's, but this is definitely a scent with Galinda.


    What Tygher said. Very galinda, bright, up-beat, and herbal at first in the bottle. This goes sweet and minty on me, pretty and feminine and light. Not much lasting power on me as the mint fades into a sweet pea-ish and lavender mix. Lovely but going to send it to someone who adores it.
